1 Evaluation board objectives
1.1 What does this evaluation board aim to demonstrate?
This board offers an efficient solution, balancing the following requirements:
Inrush current limitation without inrush current resistor
Standby losses in line with ECO European directive
Low cost and reliable solution to drive AC loads using a single MCU and referenced to
the DC bus ground
The STEVAL-IHT008V1 board is designed to demonstrate these criteria independently;
you only need to connect the AC loads to check this part.
The STEVAL-IHT008V1 board is also intended as a development tool for designers who
want to design a whole system (appliance, air conditioning system, telecom power supply,
For this purpose, connectors are available to add an external Power Factor Corrector, an
Intelligent Power Module (IPM) or to use an external microcontroller (see Section 2.5:
"Possible board adaptations").
1.2 Principal board blocks
Section 5: "STEVAL-IHT008V1 power supplies and typical consumption" details the
STEVAL-IHT008V1 schematics.
Figure 2: "Board synopsis" summarizes the STEVAL-IHT008V1 board with the following
main components:
The Triac (T_ICL) in series with the diode bridge
The AC switches (T1 to T5) connected on AC side to control AC loads. It should be
noted that their drive reference (A1) is also connected to the A1 terminal of T_ICL. All
A1 terminals are connected to the VCC_AC terminal, allowing this power supply to
provide a trigger current to all AC switches gates.
The MCU, which drives all the AC switches (through opto-transistors, refer to ) and
can also control any supply or motor inverter referenced to the DC bus ground
(GND_DC) in a final application.
The flyback power converter providing:
VCC_AC: 5 V output connected to the Line L1 to implement a negative power
supply. This supply is used for the Triac and AC switches control. Maximum
output current: 200 mA.
5V_DC: 5 V positive output, referenced to the DC bus Ground (GND_DC). This
output supplies the MCU and all the control circuit. Maximum output current: 90
15V_DC: 15 V positive output, referenced to the DC bus Ground (GND_DC). This
output can be used to supply an IPM to control a three-phase motor in a final
application. Maximum output current: 500 mA (together with 5V_DC
VCC_INS: 5 V insulated output. This supply can be used if certain components,
like sensors, must be insulated from the mains voltage. This output is not used in
the demo board. Maximum output current: 90 mA.
For further information on the SMPS outputs, please refer to Section 5: "STEVAL-
IHT008V1 power supplies and typical consumption".