STMicroelectronics STEVAL-IDB005V1 Quick Start Manual

The STEVAL-IDB005V1 is an evaluation board based on BlueNRG-MS, a low power Bluetooth®
Smart IC compliant with the
Bluetooth® specification, and supports both master and slave roles.
microcontroller and interfacing with the BlueNRG-MS network coprocessor.
Figure 1. STEVAL-IDB005V1 Bluetooth® low energy evaluation board
STEVAL-IDB005V1 evaluation board quick start guide
User manual
UM1887 - Rev 3 - October 2018 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 List of acronyms
Table 1. List of acronyms used in the document
Term Meaning
BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
DK Development kit
SW Software
USB Universal serial bus
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2 Getting started
evaluation board is preprogrammed with sensor profile firmware (BlueNRG­MS_SensorDemo.hex) which allows to set and establish a connection with a smartphone (iOS 7 or Android 4.3) running a BlueNRG sensor application which works with the sensor profile firmware running on the STEVAL­IDB005V1 evaluation board.
The sensor profile firmware implements a proprietary Bluetooth profile which exposes two services: acceleration and environmental service.
The acceleration service contains the following characteristics:
Acceleration: it gives the current value of the acceleration detected by the LIS3DH MEMS sensor on the
STEVAL-IDB005V1 board.
Free fall characteristic: it allows detection of free-fall condition by the LIS3DH MEMS sensor on the STEVAL-
IDB005V1 board (the condition is detected if the acceleration on the 3 axes is near zero for a certain amount of time).
The environmental service contains characteristics that expose data from some environmental sensors, such as temperature sensors.
Note: Pressure and humidity characteristics are also defined to potentially support pressure and humidity
environmental sensors. These sensors can been added through an expansion board connected to the STEVAL­IDB005V1 expansion connector J1 (Figure 1. STEVAL-IDB005V1 Bluetooth® low energy evaluation board
STEVAL-IDB005V1 Bluetooth low energy evaluation board). The expansion board is not included with the STEVAL-IDB005V1.
For more information about the STEVAL-IDB005V1 components, refer to BlueNRG-MS development kits user manual (UM1870) available on STEVAL-IDB005V1 web page.
2.1 Powering up STEVAL-IDB005V1 evaluation board running the sensor profile
firmware (peripheral role)
Two power options are available:
- T
o power the STEVAL-IDB005V1 evaluation board using batteries, 2 AAA batteries must be inserted into the battery holder at the rear of the board, and jumper JP1 set to position 2-3 (Figure 2. STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options (B)).
USB - To power the STEVAL-IDB005V1 evaluation board through USB, jumper JP1 must be in position 1-2
(Figure 2. STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options (B)). Connect a USB cable to the mini-USB connector (Figure 2. STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options (A)) and to a PC USB port.
Once powered, the STEVAL-IDB005V1 sensor profile firmware will start advertising, waiting for a smartphone to connect to it.
Figure 2. STEVAL-IDB005V1 power options
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2.2 Install the BlueNRG app for smartphones (central role)
Two versions (Android 4.3 and iOS 7) of the smartphone sensor application are available for download on the specific web pages (Table 2. Reference information, Android 4.3 & iOS SensorApp).
Install the smartphone SensorApp application on the selected smartphone.
2.3 Run BlueNRG app for smartphones
Launch the BlueNRG SensorApp application on the smartphone
It will start scanning for the BlueNRG sensor peripheral. A device called “BlueNRG” will appear on the screen (this is the
STEVAL-IDB005V1 running the sensor profile firmware)
Tap on the BlueNRG name to connect to the STEVAL-IDB005V1 running the sensor profile firmware. The BlueNRG SensorApp application will enable notifications on the acceleration characteristic and displays the received value on the screen.
Figure 3. Smartphone BlueNRG SensorApp acceleration notification
Data from environmental sensors are also periodically read and displayed.
Install the BlueNRG app for smartphones (central role)
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