Application note
L9963 14 Cells BMC IC Evaluation Board Quick Guide
This document is intended as quick guide to help the user in the startup phase of EVAL-L9963-MCU combining and
summarizing the information contained in EVAL-L9963-MCU and STSW-L9963 user manuals.
AN5560 - Rev 2 - November 2020
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

What you need
1 What you need
• EVAL-L9963-MCU
• USB cable
• Power supply (at least 3 output 0 – 30 V (if possible 60V):
– 1 output to power L9963 (0:60 V)
– 1 output to simulate Cells common mode voltage (0:60 V)
– 1 output to simulate Cell voltage (0:5 V)
• L9963 evaluation GUI STSW-L9963
• NI Labview-runtime 2014
Note: Before using the UART/USB bridge FT2232H, the Virtual Com Port (VCP D2XX) driver needs to be installed. It
can be downloaded by the FTDI Chip website.
Figure 1. EVAL-L9963-MCU board
Figure 2. EVAL-L9963-NDS board
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2 Board description
Board description
Figure 3. Main components and connectors
Note: 1. EVAL-L9963-MCU can be considered the only stage or the first stage of several stages. The port is the
isolated vertical interface to the next stage (EVAL-L9963-NDS);
2. A second L9963T (optional) may be needed to create a direct loop with the last stage (dual ring access);
3. MCU can be supplied either by USB or by L9001 (PMIC);
4. On board MCU can be bypassed in case a different MCU is needed for the user trials; these pins allow
an SPI connection with an external MCU (upon a specific board configuration). Anyway a specific board
derivative of EVAL-L9963-MCU has been designed for this purpose (same form factor/layout with MCU not
mounted: EVAL- L9963).
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3 Block diagram
Block diagram
Figure 4. EVAL-L9963-MCU block diagram
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4 Microcontroller Power supply
Figure 5. Microcontroller Power supply
Microcontroller Power supply
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L9963 external connection and power supply
5 L9963 external connection and power supply
Figure 6. L9963 external connection and power supply
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6 Transceiver settings
Transceiver settings
Figure 7. Transceiver settings
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7 Possible connection for battery simulation
Figure 8. Battery simulation 1
Possible connection for battery simulation
Figure 9. Battery simulation 2
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