STMicroelectronics B-UWB-MEK1 Quick Start Guide


User manual

B-UWB-MEK1 quick start guide


This document explains how to get started quickly with the B-UWB-MEK1 module evaluation kit. B-UWB-MEK1 includes Evaluation boards equipped with the STM32-based B-UWB-MOD1 UWB module designed to test advanced positioning and tracking technology in real conditions, or to be embedded directly into a ready-to-use indoor location system. The Evaluation boards can be used both as fixed or mobile devices for complete system evaluation.

The quick start guide covers such aspects as hardware content, system introduction, software tools, 1D and 3D measurements, device addition, system update, and support.

Figure 1. B-UWB-MEK1 module evaluation kit

Picture is not contractual.

UM2798 - Rev 1 - March 2021

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Unpack hardware

1Unpack hardware

Check the content

B-UWB-MEK1 boards(1), equipped with the B-UWB-MOD1 modules mounted on PERSPEX® panels

Omnidirectional antennas

USB Type-C® to USB Type-A cables

1.B-UWB-MEK1 is available in packs of two boards. The number of packs needed depends on the use case.

Figure 2. B-UWB-MEK1 board, antenna and cable

Assemble the boards

1.Screw the antenna carefully (maximum torque from 0.3 to 0.6 N.m)

2.Plug the USB cable

Figure 3. B-UWB-MEK1 antenna and cable connection



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Come to know the system

2Come to know the system

2.1Delivery pack


The software development kit (SDK) included in the delivery pack contains documentation and the related


software toolchain, to make the development process based on B-UWB-MEK1 and B-UWB-MOD1 easier.


Make sure to decompress the SDK folder received as a compressed archive into a path without any whitespace.


This quick start guide and its appendices are based on system version 3.x. For update or advanced system


features, refer to the comprehensive user documentation presented in Reference documentation.

2.2 Configurations

B-UWB-MEK1 is designed to test ultra-wideband (UWB) positioning and tracking independently, or to be used within an existing location system based on this technology.

This quick start guide provides an easy access to the main functionalities by presenting three basic modes for a setup composed of up to 6 boards:

Filtered 1D measurement

Raw 1D measurement

3D single self-positioning

Appendix Add devices explains the configuration steps to use more devices.


Board overview


B-UWB-MEK1 boards are built around the ultra-compact surface mounted B-UWB-MOD1 UWB module, which is


the kernel of various adjustable device-centric and server-centric location configurations.


B-UWB-MOD1 features the STM32L476JE 32-bit microcontroller based on the Arm® 32-bit Cortex® M4 CPU with




All B-UWB-MEK1 boards have the same pre-settings and functionalities, to be alternatively in master or


secondary mode, as a fixed or mobile device for measurement and positioning. The green LED indicates the


board synchronization status, the red LED shows the power supply.


Arm is a registered trademark of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and/or elsewhere.

Each board has two switches and one button to control roles and functions as shown in Figure 4:

ON / OFF - alternate the power switch

Master / Secondary - alternate the MODE switch

Reset - press the Reset button

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STMicroelectronics B-UWB-MEK1 Quick Start Guide


Board overview

Green LED power supply on/off



Screw terminal wired power supply

input calibration

5 V / 200 mA

USB Type-C® connector power supply & data

Figure 4. B-UWB-MEK1 board front view

Standard SMA female antenna connector

Red LED synchronization of secondary boards

slow blinking: not synchronized

quick blinking: synchronized

MODE switch

Reset button

Board configuration switches(1)

1.For advanced development.

Keep in INTERNAL upper position unless specified otherwise.

Zoom on device information labels

The labels on the front and back sides of the board provide the board specific identifiers.

Figure 5. B-UWB-MEK1 labels on the front side and back side


Front-side label


Back-side label






















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Software tools

2.4Software tools


Windows® systems require a Silicon Labs' CP210x driver to connect. For Ubuntu®, refer directly to MOD1/MEK1 programming tool.

Windows 10®

The system installs the driver itself within a few seconds when the board is plugged onto the USB port.

If the automatic installation does not happen, Windows® drivers are also provided in the delivery package in \mo d1_SDK_3.x.x-rxxxxx\tools\exe\

Older Windows® versions

CP210x drivers for older Windows® versions are available on Silicon Labs' website at developers/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers.

2.4.2MOD1/MEK1 programming tool

This application enables users to set their boards for different configurations by providing access to the module memory.


Path: \mod1_SDK_3.x.x-rxxxxx\tools\exe\bspmoduletoolsgui_3.x.x_amd64.exe

Installation: double-click on the file to open the application directly.


Path: \mod1_SDK_3.x.x-rxxxxx\tools\deb\bspmoduletoolsgui_3.x.x_amd64.deb


1.Open Terminal

2.Access the deb directory in the SDK by using Linux® command cd (change directory) and entering the corresponding path.

In the example below, the user is navigating from the home directory and the SDK directory is stored on the


cd Desktop/mod1_SDK_3.x.x_REVISION/tools/deb

3.Enter the following command:


4.Enter the password

The installation script starts to run. The installation script ends with Bespoon DKMS package correctly installed !

2.4.3Trace tool

Various terminal applications can be used as UART trace tools to read distances. On Windows®, use for instance Tera Term, an application provided by the Open Source Development Network at Ubuntu® systems already include the Minicom serial communication application.

Follow the steps below to configure the trace tool:

Step 1. Select the board used as the master in the upcoming procedures.

Step 2. Set its MODE switch accordingly.

Step 3. Connect the board to the computer via the USB.

Step 4. Turn on the board with the power switch and open the trace tool.

Step 5. Select [Serial] and the port of the corresponding USB connection.

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Software tools

Step 6. In [Setup]>[Serial port], enter the following settings:

Baud rate 921600 bauds

Data 8 bits

Parity none

Stop bit 1

Flow control none

Step 7. Go to [Setup]>[Save setup].

Step 8. Save the setup (*.ini file) in the suggested program directory.

Step 9. Press the Reset button to reset the board.

The terminal displays: MEK MASTER ANCHOR [ID] STARTED

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Filtered 1D measurement

3Filtered 1D measurement

The filtered 1D measurement mode improves the accuracy of 1D measurements by post-processing the collected data with a filter. It is the default mode on B-UWB-MEK1 boards.

Figure 6. Filtered 1D measurement

1 master board and up to 5 secondary boards











M = master, A, B, C, D, E = secondary distances = DMA, DMB, DMC, DMD, DME,

provided at M interface as filtered data (F)


















Step 1. Check that the trace tool is closed.

Step 2. On the master board, check that the MODE switch is in position Master.

Step 3. Connect the master board to the computer.

If no other B-UWB-MEK1 location mode was used before, skip steps 4 to 8 and jump to step 9 directly since filtered 1D measurement is the default setting.

Otherwise, proceed with step 4.

Step 4. Open the MOD1/MEK1 programming tool and use the power switch to turn on the board.

Step 5. In the menu on the right, select the serial port of the master board.

The programming tool displays a progress bar and device information.

Step 6. In [Localization]>[TYPE], select [1D_FILT].

Step 7. Click on [Apply Localization Parameters].

Step 8. Wait until the progress bar displays OK.

Step 9. On the secondary boards, set the MODE switch in the position opposite to Master

Step 10. Supply the secondary boards with 5 V power and use their power switches to turn them on.

Step 11. In the trace tool, open a new connection.

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Filtered 1D measurement

Step 12. Reset the master board.

The terminal displays filtered 1D measurement logs:

Figure 7. Filtered 1D measurement trace

DT (delta): time between measures in milliseconds (until decimal point)

ID: device ID of the master board

TAGID: device ID of the secondary board (each board on a separate line)

LQI (link quality indicator): signal strength in percent

DIST (distance): measurement between master and secondary in meters

F at line end: indicates a filtered value

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