STMicroelectronics AVAS User Manual

User manual
AVAS architecture based on AutoDevKit
The AutoDevKit Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) consists of an AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 Discovery board, an AEK-AUD-
D903V1 evaluation board, and appropriate speakers. The AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 board MCU monitors and controls the FDA903D
power amplifier on the AEK-AUD-D903V1 board via I²C and I²S serial interfaces and GPIOs.
The MCU board and the audio board can be wired together directly or via a connector board designed to simplify the process.
The AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 board is supplied 5 V through its mini-USB connector, while the AEK-AUD-D903V1 can either be supplied low voltage (from 3.3 V to 18 V) or standard voltage (from 5 V to 18 V).
Figure 1. AVAS system AutoDevKit control board and audio board
UDESTK-SW software for debugging and STSW-AUTODEVKIT Eclipse plugin containing AEK-AUD-D903V1 driver and sample
application codes.
UM2719 - Rev 3 - April 2021 For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.
1 AVAS system hardware
Figure 2. AVAS demo hardware and connections
AVAS system hardware
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AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 Discovery board audio support
2 AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 Discovery board audio support
The AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 Discovery evaluation board features the SPC582B60E1 automotive microcontroller with high performance e200z2 single core 32-bit CPU with 80MHz clock, 1088 KB Flash and 96 KB SRAM in an eTQFP64 package. The I²S (simulated by an SPI port), I²C port and GPIOs provide the necessary signal and communication lines to control a class D power amplifier.
The board also integrates a programmer/debugger interface based on the UDE PLS software, allowing the user to program the microcontroller and debug software applications. The integrated debugger software is available through ST's free integrated development environment, SPC5-STUDIO. To download the debugger software and to activate the license, refer to the PLS website.
Note: Arduino connectors are not mounted on this board and are not required for the audio application.
Figure 3. AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 Discovery board components
1. PLS programmer/debugger
2. USB power connector to supply 5V and load firmware
3. User interface with three LEDs and two buttons
4. 32-bit SPC582B60E1 MCU
5. CN10 19x2 connector for access to I²C and I²S ports and GPIOs
6. CN7 11x2 connector for access to I²S ports and GPIOs
7. CN6 connector allows supplying the board with different external voltage (3.3 V, 5 V or 12 V)
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The SPC582B60E1 microcontroller includes the following additional features:
1088 KB (1024 KB code flash + 64 KB data flash) on-chip flash memory: supports read during program and erase operations, and multiple blocks allowing EEPROM emulation
Comprehensive new generation ASIL-B safety concept:
ASIL-B of ISO 26262 – FCCU for collection and reaction to failure notifications
Memory Error Management Unit (MEMU) for collection and reporting of error events in memories.
1 enhanced 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital converter:
Up to 27 channels (two channels are used in the AVAS application for sound volume and acceleration)
enhanced diagnostic feature.
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I²S bus interface on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller
I²C interface
4 serial peripheral interface (DSPI) modules (a DSPI is used in the AVAS Demo to simulate the I²S bus
• interface).
2.1 I²S bus interface on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller
The FDA903D audio amp receives the audio signal from the flash blocks of the SPC582B60E1 via the I²S bus. This interface can transmit two different audio channels on the same data line. As SPC5 microcontrollers do not have a native I²S interface, an emulation through the DSPI protocol is implemented.
2.1.1 I²S protocol details
The I²S bus consists of the following lines:
I2S SCL The clock signal frequency is the product of the sampling frequency and the number of bits
I2S DATA The transmitted data are coded in two's complement, and the MSB (Most Significant Bit) is
therefore in the first position of each word. The data word is composed of 32 bits.
Note: The device only processes the first 24 most significant bits and disregards the least significant 8 bits.
I2S WS The Word Select signal is synchronized with the sampling frequency. Its digital value identifies
the transmission channel (0 = right channel, 1 = left channel).
2.1.2 I²S emulation on DSPI for SPC5 MCU control of FDA903D amplifier
The FDA903D power amplifier allows audio playback at the following sampling frequencies:
44.1 kHz
48 kHz
96 kHz
192 kHz
The maximum DSPI clock limit can only support the lowest frequency (fs = 44.1 kHz).
DSPI is a synchronous serial communication interface primarily used for short-distance communication in embedded systems. This interface is based on four signals:
SCLK: the serial clock signal from the master (the microcontroller in our application)
MOSI: the serial data from the master to the slave (the FDA903D in our case)
MISO: the serial data from the slave to the master
CS: selects which slave chip receives the message from the master
DSPI emulation of the I²S interface is therefore obtained through the following associations and parameter values:
32-bit data word
varies the channel (right or left) according to the fs (sampling frequency).
Frequency = n
= 2.822MHz .
This additional signal allows the FDA903D to send real-time current sensing information to the
microcontroller and to a DSP for sound processing.
umberofcannels × numberofbitsinaword × samplingfrequency = 2x32x44.1kHz
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Figure 4. Standard I²S data format
1 / (64 x fs)
I2SdataLeft channel Right channel
1 / fs
1 / (2 x fs) 1 / (2 x fs)
MCU DSPI0 port access via four CN10 connector pins
MCU has four DSPI ports
Figure 5. Connector CN10 pins for DSPI0
I²S bus interface on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller
Refer to TN1296: "I²S emulation on DSPI" for more information about emulating the I²S protocol
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SubaddressAS A
I²C bus interface on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller
2.2 I²C bus interface on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller
The I²C interface is used to control, program and request information from the audio amp. Data transmission from
SPC582B60E1 to the FDA903D
and SCL lines.
Note: According to the I²C protocol, it is mandatory to insert pull-up resistors to positive supply voltage on the SDA and
SCL lines.
[S] Start bit Chip address byte Sub-address byte [data] n-byte + Acknowledge bit [P] Stop bit
and vice versa takes place through the two-wire I²C bus interface for the SDA
Figure 6. I²C typical data format
The AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 provides I²C port access through two pins on the CN10 connector shown in the figure
The discovery board has a single dedicated I²C port. Additional ports can be added by emulating the I²C protocol via software to configure a GPIO pin for I²C SCL and another pin for I²C SDA.
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I²C bus interface on the SPC582B60E1 microcontroller
Figure 7. Connector CN10 pins dedicated to I²C
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AEK-AUD-D903V1 evaluation board for automotive power amplifier
3 AEK-AUD-D903V1 evaluation board for automotive power amplifier
The AEK-AUD-D903V1 is designed to allow evaluation and application development based on the embedded
FDA903D automotive digital class D power amplifier in a PowerSSO-36 slug-down package.
Figure 8. AEK-AUD-D903V1 main components and interfaces
1. Output channel; 2. FDA903D power amplifier; 3. Power supply connector
4. Enable and HW mute pins: [EN1 to EN4]: 4 pins can be configured to switch on the amplifier and assign it on of 7 possible an
I²C addresses, [MUTE]: allows MUTE setting control of the power amplifier through a GPIO
5. I²C interface: [I2C SCL]: I2C clock line, [I2C SDA]: I2C data line
6. I²S interface: [I2S SCL]: I2S clock line, [I2S WS]: I2S Word select line, [I2S SDA]: digital input, [I2S CR]: I2S Output test
current, [GND]
4 5 6
The FDA903D power amplifier can be configured through its I²C bus interface and the device includes the following diagnostics suite designed for automotive applications:
open load in play detection
DC diagnostic in MUTE to monitor the load status
short to V
digital Input Offset detection
output Voltage Offset detection
output Current Offset detection
thermal protection
The FDA903D features a configurable power limiting function and can be optionally operated in legacy mode without I²C communication.
/ GND diagnostic
3.1 FDA903D finite state machine
The FDA903D finite state machine (FSM) describes how the device reacts to system and user inputs.
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Figure 9. FDA903D state machine
Stand By
Diag Vcc/Gnd
Diag DC
Enables set
I2C programmed for the first
No short to Vcc/Gnd
condition STABLE for at least
I2C cmd:
“Diag DC start”
Diagnostic DC end
I2C cmd:
Vcc over Overvoltage
shutdown limit
Enables = "0000"
Vcc for system reset
90ms Short to Vcc/Gnd check
Short to Vcc/Gnd present
(even for one instant)
I2C cmd:
I2C cmd:
I2C cmd: "MUTE"
Automatic mute
condition present
Vcc under
shutdown limit
Overcurrent protection
UVLO present
Thermal shutdown
FDA903D finite state machine
The initial standby state of the device cannot be exited until the I²C interface has been correctly enabled by providing the correct supply voltage, the I²S clock, the I²S data and a valid combination of enable pins in order to determine the I²C device address.
Amplifier ON address 1 = ‘1110000’ 0 1 0 0
Amplifier ON address 2 = ‘1110001’ 1 1 0 0
Amplifier ON address 3 = ‘1110010’ 0 0 1 0
Amplifier ON address 4 = ‘1110011’ 0 1 1 0
Amplifier ON address 5 = ‘1110100’ 0 1 0 1
Amplifier ON address 6 = ‘1110101’ 1 1 0 1
Amplifier ON address 7 = ‘1110110’ 0 0 1 1
Amplifier ON address 8 = ‘1110111’ 0 1 1 1
Table 1. I²C device address combinations
Enable 1 Enable 2 Enable 3 Enable 4
0 0 0 0
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FDA903D I²S protocol
When a valid combination of Enable 1/2/3/4 is recognized, the device turns on all the internal supply voltages and outputs are biased to VCC
instruction. A return to the Standby condition (all the enable pins set to 0) resets of the amplifier. The finite state machine shows that a reset is also triggered if PLL is not locked, I²S is missing or not correct, or VCC is removed.
There are also four possible legacy mode combinations for device operation without using the I²C interface.
/ 2. The internal I²C registers are preset in the default condition until the I²C next
Table 2. Legacy mode Enable configurations
Legacy mode: low voltage mode; in-phase
Legacy mode: low voltage mode; out-phase 1 1 1 1
Legacy mode: standard voltage mode; in-phase 1 0 0 0
Legacy mode: standard voltage mode; out-phase 1 0 0 1
Enable 1 Enable 2 Enable 3 Enable 4
1 1 1 0
Note: FDA903D can only work in I²C slave mode; any combination other than those indicated are invalid.
3.1.1 FDA903D FSM state descriptions
Standby The ENABLEx pins set the I²C addresses and start up the system; if ENABLE1/2/3/4 are all
low ("0000"), then the FDA903D is of consumption is limited.
Diagnostic Vcc-Gnd This state checks the device is in a safe operating condition, with no short to ground (Gnd),
short to VCC, overcurrent, undervoltage (UVLO to the next Eco-mode if none of these faults occur for at least 90 ms. A stable fault is
communicated to the user via I²C messages after 90 ms. While in Diagnostic Vcc-Gnd state, FDA903D can receive all the I²C commands but will not turn the PWM on.
ECO-mode The amplifier is fully operational and can receive and execute any valid command. Output
switching is disabled for low power consumption. The device can move from ECO-mode to the MUTE state in order to activate switching within about 1 ms and without experiencing POP-noise. This facilitates fast transition from ECO-mode to PLA
MUTE The FSM transitions from ECO-mode to the MUTE state through the I²C command to turn on
PWM. The MUTE state allows quick transition to PLA
PLAY The FSM transitions to this state from MUTE via the I²C “PLAY” command, and the same status
register bit governs the return from PLA low battery mute, high battery mute, hardware mute pin and thermal mute automatically return the amplifier to the MUTE state.
Diag DC This state starts the DC diagnostic routine to detect the load connection status and returns to
the MUTE state when the routine has finished.
Note: I²C commands performed by the user are executed via the I²C protocol by modifying the device register settings.
f, the outputs remain biased to ground and the current
), or thermal shutdown. The FDA903D
Y and diagnostic states.
Y back to MUTE. Certain external conditions such as
Refer to the FAD903 datasheet for more information regarding its state machine
3.2 FDA903D I²S protocol
Audio data is transmitted to the power amplifier via the I²S protocol. The 32-bit data word is in two's complement representation starting from the MSB. The device only processes the first 24 most significant bits and disregards the 8 least significant bits.
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Besides the standard I²S used in our demo, the FDA903D device also supports Time Division Multiplexing mode (TDM).
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FDA903D I²C protocol
The FDA903D internal PLL locks on the I²S clock line signal frequency, which is why it is important to configure the I²S bus appropriately. When the I²S clock is missing or corrupted, the PLL unlocks and the device is forced into a standby state.
Figure 10. I²S (DSPI) connection in AEK-AUD-D903V1
3.3 FDA903D I²C protocol
The DATA and SCLK wires for the I²C protocol are used to communicate, control and manage the FDA903D. Connection between the I²C microcontroller port and I²C power amplifier pins on the AEK-AUD-D903V1 is provided by the pins on the connector shown below.
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Figure 11. I²C connection in AEK-AUD-D903V1
FDA903D I²C protocol
The power amplifier FDA903D is controlled with appropriate read and write operations on Instruction Bytes registers (from IB0 to IB14) performed with the I2C protocol. Additional Data Bytes registers (from DB0 to DB6) in the device record the state of the amplifier.
Writing to the instruction registers and reading from the device status registers are the fundamental elements of device management.
3.3.1 I²C protocol writing procedure
Communication through the I²C protocol takes place via a well-defined sequence of bit packages: start bit → recipient address → acknowledge bit → sub-address → acknowledge bit → actual data → stop bit.
The amplifier address is chosen from eight possible enable pins combinations that represent eight corresponding addresses. For example, to assign I²C address1 = “1110000” to the device, enable pin 2 is set high (Enable 2 = “1”) and enable pins 1,3 and 4 are set low (Enable1 = “0”, Enable3 = “0”, Enable4 = “0”).
Amplifier ON address 1 = ‘1110000’ 0 1 0 0
Amplifier ON address 2 = ‘1110001’ 1 1 0 0
Amplifier ON address 3 = ‘1110010’ 0 0 1 0
Amplifier ON address 4 = ‘1110011’ 0 1 1 0
Table 3. I²C address 1 selection
Enable 1 Enable 2 Enable 3 Enable 4
0 0 0 0
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FDA903D I²C protocol
Amplifier ON address 5 = ‘1110100’
Amplifier ON address 6 = ‘1110101’ 1 1 0 1
Amplifier ON address 7 = ‘1110110’ 0 0 1 1
Amplifier ON address 8 = ‘1110111’ 0 1 1 1
The connector on the AEK-AUD-D903V1 provide access to the four enable pins by four corresponding GPIO pins on the microcontroller.
Important: Close J2 connector pins with jumpers.
Figure 12. ENABLE pin locations on the connector
Enable 1 Enable 2 Enable 3 Enable 4
0 1 0 1
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The subaddress is assigned according to the IB register to be written, as shown in the following table.
Table 4. Subaddress association
Register name Corresponding Subaddress
IB0 I0000001
IB1 I0000010
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FDA903D I²C protocol
Register name Corresponding Subaddress
IB2 I0000011
IB3 I0000100
IB4 I0000101
IB5 I0000110
IB6 I0000111
IB7 I0001000
IB8 I0001001
IB9 I0001010
IB10 I0001011
IB11 I0001100
IB12 I0001101
IB13 I0001110
IB14 I0001111
In the above table, bit 7 of the subaddress is the letter “I” to represent the possibility of having an incremental writing procedure. If the “I” bit is set to 1, the write operation is performed from the corresponding register and all consecutive ones with a unique flow of data from I²C. The process can involve all registers or can be interrupted by a stop bit received from I²C.
The data bits carry the actual information required to control the power amplifier.
3.3.2 I²C protocol: reading procedure
The reading procedure consists of the device address (sent by master) and the data (sent by slave).
When a reading procedure is performed, the first register read is the last addressed in a previous access to I²C peripheral. Hence, the reading of a register is enabled by a write action (a write interrupted after the sub-address is sent) to specify which register must be read. The following figure shows the complete procedure to read a specific register where:
1. The master performs a write action by sending only the device address and the subaddress; the transmission must be interrupted with the stop condition after the subaddress.
2. The master starts a new communication by sending the device address and the FDA903D slave responds by sending the data bits.
3. The read communication is ended by the master which sends a stop condition preceded by a not­acknowledge.
Figure 14. Read operation required data
Alternatively, performing a start immediately after the stop condition can be used to generate the repeated start condition (Sr), which also keeps busy the I²C bus until the stop is reached.
Figure 13. Read operation packet
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Figure 15. Read operation with repeated start condition
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3.3.3 IB registers in I²C
The microcontroller accesses all amplifier functionality through the IB registers.
able 5. IB register map
IB register map
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
IB0 D7: enable/disable writing on IB registers
D6-D5: enable/disable the I²S standard protocol for transmitting the digital input
D4-D1: choose between right or left channel
DO: select between low voltage and standard voltage modes
IB1 D7-D6: select the I²S WS
D4-D3: select the PWM switching frequency based on the I²S WS value
D2: select between PWM amplifier dithered or not dithered
DO: select between PWM in phase or out of phase
IB2 D7-D6: establish the short to supply diagnostic timing
D4: activate/deactivate the low radiation function
D3-D0: enable and configure the amplifier power limiter
IB3 D5: enable/disable output voltage offset detector
D4: enable/disable input of
D3: enable/disable output current offset detector
D2: enable/disable high pass filter in DAC amplifier DAC
D1: enable/disable noise gating
D0: enable/disable open load in play detection
IB4 D7: enable CDDIAG to report presence of output voltage offset
D6-D4: enable CDDIAG to report temperature warnings
D3: enable CDDIAG to report overcurrent faults
D2: enable CDDIAG to report input of
D1: enable CDDIAG to report short to VCC or to Gnd fault
fset detector
FDA903D I²C protocol
D0: enable CDDIAG to report high voltage Mute fault
IB5 D7: enable CDDIAG to report undervoltage fault
D6: enable CDDIAG to report thermal shutdown fault
D5-4: enable CDDIAG to report PWM pulse skipping
IB6 D7-D6: establish MUTE timing setup
D5: select audio signal gain control
D4: choose between standard gain or low gain
IB7 D7-D6: select the diagnostic ramp time
D5-D4: select the diagnostic hold time
D1: choose between data generated on I²S clock falling edge or rising edge
D0: select the current sensing protocol configuration
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FDA903D I²C protocol
IB8 D7-D6: set the full current sensing scale
D5: turn on/of
D4: enable the DC Diagnostic
D3-D1: configure the I²S CR pin
D0: put the amplifier in MUTE/PLAY
IB9 D4: enable/disable the watchdog for word select management
IB10 D7: set short load impedance threshold for DC diagnostic
D6: set open load impedance threshold for DC diagnostic and open load in play
D4-D3: configure the output current of
IB11 D5-D4: select the overcurrent protection level
D3: select between default PWM or PWM Slow slope
IB12 D7: select between standard thermal warning or thermal warning shift - 15 °C
IB13 D6: select whether digital mute is enabled or disabled in PLAY when Start Analog Mute without
thermal warnings occurs
IB14: D4: set feedback on LC filter/Out
D3-D1: configure the LC filter setup
D0: select whether or not setup is programmed via 1²C
f the PWM
fset detector threshold
3.3.4 DB registers in I²C
DB registers allow the microcontroller to monitor the status and operation of the power amplifier.
able 6. DB register map
DB register map
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
DB0 D7: indicates whether an offset at input is present
D6: indicates whether the current of
D5: indicates whether an offset at current offset is present
D3: indicates whether an offset at voltage offset is present
D2: indicates whether the open load in play test has ended
D1: indicates whether the open load in play test is valid
Do: indicates whether an open load is present or not
DB1 D7-D4: indicates whether the thermal warning is active
D3: indicates whether the PLL is locked
D2: indicates whether an undervoltage UVLOALL has been detected
D1: indicates whether an overvoltage shutdown has been detected
D0: indicates whether PWM pulse skipping has been detected
fset test has ended and if it is valid
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DB2 D7: indicates whether the DC diagnostic pulse has ended
D6: indicates whether the DC diagnostic is valid
D5: indicates whether the overcurrent protection has been activated
D4: indicates when a short load on channel occurs
D3: indicates when a short to V
on channel occurs
D2: indicates when a short to Gnd on channel occurs
D1: indicates when an open load on channel occurs
D0: indicates whether the channel is in MUTE or in PLAY
DB3 Reserved for DC Diagnostic Error codes
DB4 Register is reserved for Channel Current Sensing (1O - 8)
DB5 Register is reserved for Channel Current Sensing (7 - 0)
DB6 D7: indicates whether the high voltage mute has started
D6: indicates whether an undervoltage UVLOV
has been detected
D5: indicates whether a thermal shutdown has been detected
D4: indicates whether the analog mute is started
D2: indicates whether the watchdog for word select occurs
D1: indicates whether an error frame occurs
3.3.5 Driver
A driver has been developed to allow the user to monitor and control the amplifier without engaging in tedious IB and DB register read and write operations associated with a task.
3.4 Potentiometers
The AVAS system includes two potentiometers to help simulate the sound of a car engine: one to simulate the accelerator pedal and another to adjust the sound volume. The potentiometers are powered through two supply voltages (5V and 3.3V) from the AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 control board via female connector CN6 or male connector CN7.
Our system uses the potentiometer as a voltage divider to obtain a manually adjustable output voltage from a fixed input voltage applied across the two ends of the potentiometer. It is formed by an insulating cylinder on which a metal wire is wound, and the two ends are connected to two terminals. One of these terminals is connected to a sliding contact that runs the length of the cylinder. The operation is equivalent to a pair of resistors in series whose total value is constant, but individually variable according to the position of the sliding contact.
Figure 16. Linear potentiometer circuit
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Considering RL an open, we have the voltage on RT2 equal to the power supply voltage of the potentiometer
multiplied by
, and since this ratio is equal to that of LT2 (R
resistor length) on LT (total resistor length), we
see that the output voltage of the potentiometer is a function of the cursor position.
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Successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (SARADC)
It is possible to implement speed and volume control by directly relating these variables to the output voltage of a potentiometer
. The analog output of the potentiometers are converted into discrete values by the SPC582B60E1
microcontroller ADCs.
3.5 Successive approximation analog-to-digital converter (SARADC)
Two of the 27 SARADC channels on the AEK-MCU-C1MLIT1 control board microcontroller are used to convert the potentiometer speed and volume signals into digital quantities through the connector CN7.
These signals can also be routed through CN11.
Figure 17. Potentiometer connections
3.6 Stereo mode
In order to produce stereo audio, the system requires a second AEK-AUD-D903V1 board to occupy both the left and right channels available on the I²S DA
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TA line.
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