The 32L4R9IDISCOVERY kit is a complete demonstration and development platform for the
STMicroelectronics Arm
Leveraging the innovative ultra-low power oriented features, 640
graphics performance (Chrom-ART Accelerator™) and DSI controller offered by the
STM32L4R9AI, the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY kit enables users to easily prototype applications
with state-of-the-art energy efficiency, as well as providing stunning audio and graphics
rendering with direct support for an AMOLED DSI round display. For even more userfriendliness, the on-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger provides out-of-the-box programming
and debugging capabilities.
The STM32L4R9AI microcontroller features four I2Cs, five USARTs, one ULP UART, three
SPIs, two SAIs, one SDIO, one USB 2.0 full-speed OTG, two CANs, one FMC parallel
synchronous interface, one 12-bit ADC, one 12-bit DAC, two ULP analog comparators, two
op amps, one 2 data-lane DSI display, one digital filter for sigma delta modulator and SWP
interface, two Octo-SPI interfaces, 8- to 14-bit camera interface, one touch sensing
controller interface, JTAG and SWD debugging support.
This Discovery board offers everything required for users to get started quickly and develop
applications easily.The hardware features on the board help to evaluate the following
peripherals: USB OTG FS, microSD™ card, 8-bit camera interface, 16-Mbit PSRAM, PMOD
and STMod+ connectors, IDD measurement, full-duplex I2S with an audio codec and stereo
headset jack including an analog microphone, DFSDM with a pair of MEMS digital
microphones on board, 512-Mbit Octo-SPI Flash memory device, I2C extension connector,
1.2" AMOLED display using a one data-lane DSI interface with a capacitive touch panel.
The Arduino™ compatible connectors expand the functionality with a wide choice of
specialized shields. The integrated ST-LINK/V2-1 provides an embedded in-circuit
debugger and programmer for the STM32 MCU.
Figure 1. 32L4R9IDISCOVERY top viewFigure 2. 32L4R9IDISCOVERY bottom view
•On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer with USB
re-enumeration capability: mass storage, virtual COM port and debug port
•Comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube
•Support of a wide choice of integrated development environments (IDEs), including
IAR™, Keil
and GCC-based IDEs
or external sources
2 Product marking
Evaluation tools marked as “ES” or “E” are not yet qualified and are therefore not ready to
be used as reference design or in production. Any consequences arising from such usage
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System requirementsUM2271
will not be at ST’s charge. In no event will ST be liable for any customer usage of these
engineering sample tools as reference designs or in production.
‘E’ or ‘ES’ marking examples of location:
•on the targeted STM32 that is soldered on the board (for illustration of STM32 marking,
refer to the section ‘Package information’ of the STM32 datasheet at
•next to the evaluation tool ordering part number, that is stuck or silkscreen printed on
the board
This board features a specific STM32 device version which allows the operation of any
stack or library. This STM32 device shows a "U" marking option at the end of the standard
part number and is not available for sales.
3 System requirements
•Windows® OS (7, 8 and 10), Linux® 64-bit or macOS
•USB Type-A to Micro-B cable
4 Development toolchains
•GCC-based IDEs including free SW4STM32 from AC6
5 Demonstration software
The demonstration software, included in the STM32Cube package corresponding to the onboard MCU, is preloaded in the STM32 Flash memory for easy demonstration of the device
peripherals in standalone mode. The latest versions of the demonstration source code and
associated documentation can be downloaded from the web
6 Ordering information
To order the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY kit, refer to Table 1.
a. On Windows only
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UM2271Technology partners
Order codeTarget STM32
Table 1. Ordering information
7 Technology partners
512-Mbit Octo-SPI NOR Flash memory device, part number MX25LM51245GXDI00
1.2 inch 390x390 AMOLED display, part number G1120TB103GF-001
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Bootloader limitationsUM2271
8 Bootloader limitations
Boot from system Flash memory results in executing bootloader code stored in the system
Flash memory protected against writing and erasing. This allows in-system programming
(ISP), that is, flashing the STM32 user Flash memory. It also allows writing data into RAM.
The data come in via one of communication interfaces such as USART, SPI, I2C bus, USB
or CAN.
Bootloader version is identified by reading the bootloader ID at the address 0x1FFF6FFE.
Its value is 0x91 for bootloader V9.1 and 0x92 for V9.2.
The STM32L4R9AII6 part soldered on the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY main board is marked with
a date code corresponding to its date of manufacturing. STM32L4R9AII6 parts with a date
code prior or equal to week 37 of 2017 are fitted with bootloader V9.1 affected by the
limitations to be worked around, as described hereunder. Parts with the date code starting
from week 38 of 2017 contain bootloader V9.2 in which the limitations no longer exist.
To locate the visual date code information on the STM32L4R9II6 package, refer to its
datasheet (DS12023) available at, section Package Information. Date code
related portion of the package marking takes Y WW format, where Y is the last digit of the
year and WW is the week. For example, a part manufactured in week 38 of 2017 bares the
date code 7 38.
There is also another mean to identify the need for workaround: before opening the blister of
the Discovery Kit, just check the back side of the blister. At the bottom left side, if the
reference number is equal or higher than 32L4R9IDISCO/ 02-0, it means the bootloader
version is V9.2 and there is no need to apply workaround. Any other inferior number like 010 will need the workaround.
Bootloader ID for the bootloader V9.1 is 0x91.
The following limitation exists in the bootloader V9.1:
Some user Flash memory data get corrupted when written via SPI interface
During bootloader SPI Write Flash operation, some random 64-bits (2 double-words) may
be left blank at 0xFF
WA1: add a delay between sending Write command and its ACK request. Its duration
should be the duration of the 256-Byte Flash write time.
WA2: read back after each write operation (256 bytes or at end of user code flashing) and in
case of error start write again.
WA3: Using bootloader, load a patch code in RAM to write in Flash memory through same
Write Memory write protocol as bootloader (code provided by ST). The patch code is
available for download from website with a readme.txt file containing usage
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UM2271AMOLED display limitation
9 AMOLED display limitation
Warning:Permanent image sticking may occur if AMOLED displays
same image for an extended period of time.
10 Hardware layout and configuration
32L4R9IDISCOVERY board is designed around the STM32L4R9AI (169 ball UFBGA
package DSI version). The hardware block diagram
between STM32L4R9AI and peripherals (PSRAM, Octo-SPI Flash, DSI color display, USB
OTG connector, USART, audio, camera connector, STMod+ and PMOD connectors, IDD
measurement, joystick, microSD card, I
embedded ST-LINK).
board. Mechanical drawing for 32L4R9IDISCOVERY and round DSI display boards is
described in
Figure 6.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 help the user to locate these features on the
Figure 6. 32L4R9IDISCOVERY mechanical drawing (top view, in mm)
= Indicates the mounting hole between the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY board (at the top of Figure 6) and
the round DSI display board (at the bottom of Figure 6)
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Hardware layout and configurationUM2271
Figure 7. 32L4R9IDISCOVERY mechanical drawing (bottom view, in mm)
Plastic spacer height = 13 mm, overall height = 26 mm ± 1 mm
10.3 Embedded ST_LINK/V2-1
The ST-LINK/V2-1 programming and debugging tool is integrated on the
32L4R9IDISCOVERY board. Compared to ST-LINK/V2, the changes are listed below:
•new features supported on ST-LINK/V2-1:
–USB software re-enumeration
–Virtual Com port interface on USB
–Mass storage interface on USB
–USB power management request for more than 100 mA power on USB
•features no more supported on ST-LINK/V2-1:
–SWIM interface
–Application voltage lower than 3 V
For general information concerning the debugging and programming features that are
common to both versions V2 and V2-1, refer to ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit
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UM2271Hardware layout and configuration
10.3.1 Drivers
Before connecting the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY to a Windows (7, 8, 10) PC via USB, a driver
for ST-LINK/V2-1 must be installed. It is available on the website.
If 32L4R9IDISCOVERY is connected to the PC before the driver is installed, some
interfaces of the board may be declared as ‘Unknown’ in the PC device manager. In this
case the user must install the driver files, and update the driver of the connected device
from the device manager as shown on
Note:Prefer using the ‘USB Composite Device’ handle for a full recovery.
Figure 8. How to update driver software
Figure 8: How to update driver software
10.3.2 ST-LINK/V2-1 firmware upgrade
The ST-LINK/V2-1 embeds a firmware upgrade mechanism for in-situ upgrade through the
USB port. As the firmware may evolve during the life time of the ST-LINK/V2-1 product
(such as new functionality, bug fixes or support for new microcontroller families), it is
recommended to visit before starting to use the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY and
periodically, in order to stay up-to-date with the latest firmware version.
10.4 Low-power consumption status
There is a way to make the board get into very low power consumption status in which the
current on +5
1.The connections between ST-LINK/V2-1 and MCU must be disconnected by micro
switch SW1 manually (see
ARD-5V IN position. Remove JP10. Then, connect an external 5 V power supply on
CN16 pin 5 5V and on GND.
2. Peripherals (including display, CTP and PSRAM) are powered off by MOSFET which is
controlled by MFX_GPIO8 / MFX_aGPIO2 (put them as input floating), and by setting
V can be below 20 uA. How to get into the low power mode:
Tabl e 3 below). Set JP4 on (7) ARD position, and put JP5 in
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Hardware layout and configurationUM2271
all peripherals related I/Os to inactive level (input pull-down or input is good option
according to I/Os).
3. Disconnect JP9 to remove +5 V from LD8 power LED, disconnect JP10 (or put it in 2-3
position), power off OCTOSPI (remove SB23/SB24) and configure related I/Os as input
pull down.
4. Peripherals can be setup by FW to reach power down mode. All I/Os must be
configured in non-consuming states. Set MFX_V3 to sleep mode, get SD card out of its
socket slot. Set the Audio Codec in power down.
10.5 TAG and SWD
One TAG interface footprint CN8 is reserved on 32L4R9IDISCOVERY and is usable to
debug and program the on-board MCU.
Note:Micro switch SW1 must be put in Off position. R24 and R31 must be disconnected.
The SWD 6-pin header CN5 added on 32L4R9IDISCOVERY, connected to on board STLINK MCU, is usable to debug and program an external MCU.
VDD from the external board is 1.8 V or 3.3 V, thanks to the on board voltage converter.
Table 2. JP10: VDD_STL setting
Default setting.
VDD_STL gets power from 32L4R9IDISCOVERY. ST-LINK is
then usable to program the on-board MCU.
VDD_STL gets power from external through CN5. ST-LINK is
then usable to program an external MCU.
SW1 is accessible on bottom side of 32L4R9IDISCOVERY. By default, SW1 is in On
position. To put micro switch in Off position, just push away the switch from ON position as
shown in
Tabl e 3.
Table 3. SW1 switch setting
Default setting.
SW1 switch is On.
SW1 is Off.
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10.6 Power supply
10.6.1 Power supply sources
32L4R9IDISCOVERY is designed to be powered by +5 V DC power supply. It is possible to
configure the 32L4R9IDISCOVERY to use any of the sources listed in
By default, the JP4 header must have a jumper on (1) STLK and SW1 is placed in ON
position. Any JP4 position different from (1) STLK requires SW1 to be placed in OFF
position (see
Tabl e 3).
Table 4. 32L4R9IDISCOVERY power sources configuration
Tabl e 4.
JP4 configuration
(3) E5V (ARDUINO)CN16 (VIN)6 V - 9 V => 5 V
(5) U5V (USB_OTG_FS)CN8 (VBUS)5 V500 mA
1. ARD-5V is a power output pin to Arduino connector CN16 (default) or a power input pin from Arduino
connector CN16, according to JP5 setting. See Table 6 below.
Power source
connector (pin name)
VoltageAvailable current
Arduino Uno V3 shield
5 V
Arduino Uno V3 shield
Power supply
Note:32L4R9IDISCOVERY must be powered by a power-supply unit or by an auxiliary equipment
complying with the standard EN-60950-1: 2006+A11/2009, and must be safety extra low
voltage (SELV) with limited power capability.
Figure 9 shows a physical description of the 10-pin header JP4 default configuration.
Figure 9. JP4 default configuration
Detailed description of all JP4 possible configurations are listed below and in Ta b le 5:
•STLK: 5 V from the ST-LINK/V2-1 USB connector CN13 with 500 mA current limitation.
Power mechanism of supplying the board by STLINK/V2-1 is explained Section 10.6.3.
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Hardware layout and configurationUM2271
89 $5' &+*5
89 $5' &+*5
89 $5' &+*5
89 $5' &+*5
89 $5' &+*5
A jumper must be placed in location STLK of JP4, connecting pins 1 and 2. The green
LED LD8 is lit on to confirm presence of 5 V voltage.
•E5V: 5 V from the 6 V to 9 V DC from VIN pin of Arduino compatible connector CN16
(the U15 regulator is converting VIN into a 5 V voltage). The VIN input voltage is limited
to 9 V to keep temperature of the regulator U15 within its thermal safe area. A jumper
must be placed connecting pins 3 and 4 of JP4. The green LED LD8 is lit on to confirm
presence of 5 V voltage. SW1 must be placed in OFF position.
•U5V: 5 V from the 5 V DC of USB OTG FS user connector CN9. A jumper must be
placed in location USB of JP4, connecting pins 5 and 6.The green LED LD8 is lit on to
confirm presence of 5 V voltage. SW1 must be placed in OFF position.
•ARD: 5 V from the 5 V of Arduino compatible connector CN16. A jumper must be
placed in location ARD of JP4, connecting pins 7 and 8. The green LED LD8 is lit on to
confirm presence of 5 V voltage and at t the same time, pins 2 and 3 of JP5 must be
connected to get 5 V power from Arduino. SW1 must be placed in OFF position. In
case the main board provides 5 V to Arduino compatible connector CN16, which is the
default configuration, pins 1 and 2 of JP5 must be connected (see Tabl e 6 ).
•CHGR: 5 V from 5 V DC power charger connected to USB STLINK (CN13). In this
case, if 32L4R9IDISCOVERY is powered by an external USB charger, then the debug
on CN13 is not available. When CHGR input is chosen, it is not recommended to
connect a PC on USB STLINK, because the 500 mA limitation is no more effective and
this may damage the PC. A jumper must be placed in location CHGR of JP4,
connecting pins 9 and 10. The green LED LD8 is lit on to confirm presence of 5 V
voltage. SW1 must be placed in OFF position.
Table 5. JP4: power source selector setting
Default setting.
32L4R9IDISCOVERY is supplied though CN13 Micro-B
ST-LINK/V2-1 connector.
32L4R9IDISCOVERY is supplied though Arduino connector
CN16 (VIN).
32L4R9IDISCOVERY is supplied though USB OTG FS
connector CN9.
32L4R9IDISCOVERY powers ARDUINO or is supplied by
ARDUINO, according to JP5 setting in Tab l e 6 below.
32L4R9IDISCOVERY is supplied though CN13 Micro-B STLINK/V2-1 connector. In that case, the SB36 solder bridge must
be soldered.
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UM2271Hardware layout and configuration
Table 6. JP5: ARD 5 V input/output voltage selection setting
Default setting.
32L4R9IDISCOVERY supplies 5 V to Arduino connector CN16.
32L4R9IDISCOVERY is supplied by 5 V from Arduino connector
10.6.2 MCU power supply options
32L4R9IDISCOVERY offers possibility to supply the MCU under 1.8 V or 3.3 V. The JP7
jumper must be placed on +3V3 to supply the MCU with 3.3
jumper can be placed on +1V8 of JP7 to supply the MCU with 1.8
2 and 3 (see Table 7).
Functions listed below are not compatible with the +1V8 setting of JP7:
•ARDUINO Uno Revision 3
•microSD card
•ADC measurements (except if JP3 is set at +3V3, or except if VREF+ configuration is
•USB OTG FS (except if JP3 is set at +3V3)
Table 7. JP7: VDD setting
SW1 must be placed in OFF position.
V, connecting pins 1 and 2. The
V, connecting
Default setting.
VDD is powered from +3V3 regulator.
VDD is powered from +1V8 regulator.
10.6.3 Supplying 32L4R9IDISCOVERY through ST-LINK/V2-1 USB
To power the board through ST-LINK/V2-1, the USB host (a PC) must be connected with the
32L4R9IDISCOVERY standard Micro-B USB receptacle, via a USB cable. This event starts
the USB enumeration procedure. In its initial phase, the current supply capability of the USB
host port is limited to 100
32L4R9IDISCOVERY draws power at that time. If the solder bridge SB36 is open (default
setting), the U11 ST890 power switch is set to Off position, which isolates the remainder of
the board from the power source. In the next phase of the enumeration procedure, the host
PC informs the ST-LINK/V2-1 facility of its capability to supply up to 500
answer is positive, the ST-LINK/V2-1 sets the U11 ST890 switch to On position to supply
power to the remainder of the board. If the PC USB port is not capable of supplying up to
mA, another power source must be used like VIN pin of connector CN16.
mA. It is enough because only ST-LINK/V2-1 part of
mA current. If the
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Hardware layout and configurationUM2271
The ST890 power switch protects the host USB port against current demand exceeding
mA, in case a short circuit occurs on the board (the red LED fault LD5 lights on).
32L4R9IDISCOVERY can also be supplied by STLINK USB power source with no
enumeration, such as a USB charger. In this particular case, the SB36 solder bridge must
be closed. ST-LINK/V2-1 turns the ST890 power switch On regardless of enumeration
procedure result and passes the power unconditionally to the board. The green LED LD8
lights on whenever the whole board is powered.
10.6.4 Measurement of MCU current consumption
Jumper JP1 allows the consumption of STM32L4R9AI to be measured directly by a built-in
MCU current ammeter circuit (MFX_V3, able to measure from 60
removing the jumper and replace it by an external ammeter (see
To measure the MCU consumption in standby or shutdown modes, MFX_V3 needs to run
software. To wake up MCU from these modes, it is necessary to press the Reset button B1,
or to wait a few seconds.
Table 8. JP1: IDD_MCU measurement setting
Default setting.
A module on the board is designed to measure from 60 nA to
50 mA by using several MOSFET, and switching automatically
depending on the read value.
STM32L4R9AI is powered by VDD. MCU current measurement
is not possible
No jumper on JP1: an ammeter can be connected on
pins 2 and 3 to measure STM32L4R9AI current (if there is no
ammeter, STM32L4R9AI is not powered).
nA to 50 mA) or by
Table 8).
VDDA and VDDUSB power inputs from STM32L4R9AI can be connected to two different
power sources, +3V3 or VDD_MCU. These power inputs may be included or not in the IDD
current measurement of VDD_MCU, depending on the JP3 jumper configurations described
Tabl e 9.
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Table 9. JP3: VDDA and VDDUSB, settings
Default setting.
VDDA and VDDUSB power pins of STM32L4R9AI are supplied
with +3V3. the IDD measurement does not include their current
consumption. USB OTG FS is functional even if JP7 is set on
VDDA and VDDUSB power pins of STM32L4R9AI are supplied
with VDD_MCU. The IDD measurement includes their current
UM2271Hardware layout and configuration
10.6.5 Program or debug when power supply not from ST-LINK/V2-1
Before connecting the USB cable from ST-LINK/V2-1 CN13 to the PC, it is mandatory to
power the board using the user USB OTG FS connector CN9 or the VIN pin of Arduino
connector CN16. Proceeding this way ensures that the enumeration succeeds thanks to the
external power source.
The following power-sequence procedure must be respected:
1.Put a jumper in JP4 at location U5V to use power from user USB CN9 or at location
E5V to use power from VIN of Arduino connector CN16.
2. Connect the corresponding external power source.
3. Check the green LED LD8 is turned On.
4. Connect the PC to ST-LINK/V2-1 USB connector CN13.
If this order is not respected, the board may be powered by VBUS first from ST-LINK, and
the following risks may be encountered:
•If more than 500 mA current is needed by the board, PC may be damaged or current is
limited by PC. As a consequence the board is not powered correctly.
•500 mA is requested at the enumeration, so there is a risk that the request is rejected
and enumeration does not succeed if PC cannot provide such current.
10.7 Clock sources
Two clock sources are used by STM32L4R9AI: one on LSE input and another on HSE input.
LSE clock source
The available clock source is X1, 32 kHz crystal for the STM32L4R9AI embedded RTC.
HSE clock source
The second clock source available by default is X2, 16 MHz crystal for the STM32L4R9AI
HSE system clock.
Note that another HSE clocking option is available on PCB: MCO output from STLINK MCU
to STM32L4R9AI HSE input. Please refer to
10.8 Reset Source
The general reset of 32L4R9IDISCOVERY is active low. The reset sources are listed below:
•Reset button B1
•Embedded ST-LINK/V2-1, SW1 micro-switch set to On (default setting)
•Arduino compatible connector CN16 pin 3
The general reset is connected to following peripheral reset functions:
•STM32L4R9AI MCU reset
•Octo-SPI Flash reset
•MFX_V3 reset
•Camera reset
Appendix B: Solder bridges.
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Hardware layout and configurationUM2271
10.9 Boot configuration
After reset, STM32L4R9AI boots from one of the three different embedded memory
locations, depending on BOOT0 and BOOT1 bits:
•Boot from the main Flash memory (MCU internal Flash). This is the default
•Boot from the system memory ISP (in-system programming).
•Boot from the SRAM1.
On 32L4R9IDISCOVERY board, the boot configuration of the MCU is controlled by the
BOOT0 signal on PH3 pin.
BOOT0 is by default grounded through the R15 pull-down resistor.
It is possible to set BOOT0 high by removing resistor R15 and populating resistor R16 with
a 10K resistor.
Please check below Tab l e 10 for other boot modes.
Table 10. Boot modes
10.10 Audio codec
A Cirrus codec CS42L51-CNZ U26 connected to the SAI1 interface of STM32L4R9AI offers
possibility to connect a stereo headphone or headset with a mono analog microphone.
BOOT0 pin
Boot Memory Space Alias
Main Flash memory is selected
as boot area
System memory is selected as
boot area
Main Flash memory is selected
as boot area
Embedded SRAM1 is selected
as boot area
Embedded SRAM1 is selected
as boot area
System memory is selected as
boot area
System memory is selected as
boot area
The I²C-bus addresses of CS42L51-CNZ are 0x95 and 0x94.
10.11 DFSDM
Two ST-MEMS MP34DT01TR digital microphones U1 and U2 are available on
32L4R9IDISCOVERY. The two microphones are located at a distance of 21
other. They are connected to the STM32 DFSDM by the PC2 port, generating the clock, and
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mm from each
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