STI FKA270V, FKA240V, FKA 200V, FKA 200H, FKA240H Assembly Instructions Manual

Assembly Instructions Solar collectors FKA 200/240/270
console installation
Table of contents
Contents Page
Observe the warnings indicated by this sign. They warn of dangers or possibly erroneous actions, which may result in the invalidation of the warranty.
The collectors FKA 200, FKA 240 and FKA 270 are monitored according to the CEN-Keymark program rules Solarthermal Products and are certified with the registration numbers 011-7S1910 ... 1915 F.
The copyright of this instruction incl. graphical material remains in the property of the STI GmbH. The instruction can only be duplicated completely or in parts with written authorisation of the STI GmbH. Subject to technical changes and misprints.
The STI GmbH is obliged to take back with the environmental label RAL-UZ-73 for solar collectors ( „Blauer Engel“) labeled products, and to consign it to recycling.
Safety regulations, instructions and guidelines 3 Product description 5 Hydraulic connections 7 Collector field dimensions 8 bottom support dimensions 9 Assembly bottom support on concrete block 11 Assembly bottom support with fixed dowel pin 12 Assembly collectors 13 Temperature sensor 15 Spacing roof hooks 16 Assembly base console on roof profile 17 Assembly roof-tile clamps 18 Assembly roof-tile clamps with lead 20 Assembly plain tile clamps without lead 22 Assembly plain tile clamps with lead 23 Assembly roof-tile clamp corrugated 25 Assembly mounting profiles/console 26 Wall console dimensions 27 Assembly wall console 28 Temperature sensor 31 Arrangement hydraulic connections 32 Hydraulic connection with manifold 33 Overview hydraulic connections / accessories 34 Assembly distance metal sheets 35 Pipe dimensions of the connecting pipe 36 Initial operation 38 Appendix 43
Safety regulations, instructions and guidelines
Engineer standards and guidelines
• VBG 4 Unfallverhütungsvorschriften Elektrische Anlagen und Betriebsmittel
• VBG 37 Unfallverhütungsvorschrift Bauarbeiten
• VBG 74 Leitern und Tritte
• ZVDH, Regelwerk (Stand Juni 2001)
• LBO’s Landesbauordnungen der Bundesländer
• DIN 18299 Allgemeine Regelung für Bauarbeiten jeder Art
• DIN 18334 Zimmer- und Holzbauarbeiten
• DIN 18338 Dachdeckungs- und Dachabdichtungsarbeiten
• DIN 18339 Klempnerarbeiten
• DIN 18351 Fassadenarbeiten
• DIN 18360 Metallbauarbeiten, Schlosserarbeiten
• DIN 18381 Gas-, Wasser- und Abwasser­ installationsanlagen
• DIN 18451 Gerüstarbeiten
• DIN 1055 Lastenannahme für Bauten Teil 1-5
• DIN 1988 Teil 1-8 Technische Regeln für die Trinkwasserinstallation
• DIN 4708 Teil 3 Zentrale Brauchwasser- erwärmungsanlagen
• DIN 4102 Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen
• DIN 4109 Schallschutz im Hochbau
• HeizAnlVO Heizungsanlagenverordnung
• ZVH - Richtlinie 11.01 Einbindung solartechnischer Anlagen in die Hauswärmeversorgung
• TRD 802 Dampfkessel der Gruppe III
• TRD 402 Ausrüstung von Dampfkesselanlagen mit Heißwassererzeugern der Gruppe IV
• ENV 1991-2-3- 4 Grundlagen der Tragwerksplanung und Einwirkung auf Tragwerke – Schneelasten und Windlasten
• DIN EN 516 Einrichtungen zum Betreten des Daches
• EN 517 Sicherheitsdachhaken
• DIN 4751 Teil 1: Wasserheizungsanlagen: Offene und geschlossene physikalisch abgesichterte Wäremeerzeugungsanlagen bis 120°C
- Sicherheitstechnische Ausrüstung Teil 2: Wasserheizungsanlagen: Geschlossene, thermostatisch abgesicherte Wärmeerzeugungs­ anlagen mit Vorlauftemperaturen bis 120°C ­ Sicherheitstechnische Ausrüstung Teil 3: Wasserheizungsanlagen: Geschlossene, thermostatisch abgesichter te Wärmeerzeugungsanlagen mit 50 kW Nennwärmeleistung mit Zwangumlauf­ Wärmeerzeugern und Vorlauftemperaturen bis 95°C
- Sicherheitstechnische Ausrüstung
• DIN 4753 Teil 1 Wassererwärmer und Wassererwärmungsanlagen für Trink- und Betriebswasser;Anforderungen, Kennzeichnung, Ausrüstung und Prüfung
• DIN 4757 Teil 1: Sonnenheizungsanlagen mit Wasser und Wassergemischen als Wärmeträger; Anforderungen an die Sicherheitstechnische Ausrüstung
Teil 2: Sonnenheizungsanlagen mit organischen Wärmeträgern; Anforderungen an die sicherheitstechnische Ausrüstung
• DIN VDE 0100-510 Errichten von Starkstromanlagen mit Nennspannungen bis 1000 V; Allgemeine Bestimmungen
• DIN VDE 0100-725 Errichten von Starkstromanlagen mit Nennspannungen bis 1000 V; Hilfsstromkreise
• DIN VDE 0100-737 Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen - Feuchte und nasse Bereiche und Räume und Anlagen im Freien
• DIN VDE 0105-100 Betrieb von elektrischen Anlagen
• DIN VDE 0185-1, DIN 57185-1 Blitzschutzanlage, Allgemeines für das Errichten
• DIN VDE 0190 Einbeziehung von Gas- und Wasserleitungen in den Hauptpotentialausgleich
• VDE 0855-1, DIN 57855-1 Errichtung und Betrieb (Erdung) von Antennenanlagen
Connection of solar thermal systems
• DIN EN 12976: Thermische Solaranlagen und ihre Bauteile (vorgefertigte Anlagen)
• DIN EN 12977: Thermische Solaranlagen und ihre Bauteile (kundenspezifisch gefertigte Anlagen)
• DIN 1988: Technische Regeln für Trinkwasser-Installation
Notes before starting assembly
The installation and initial operation must be carried out by an expert who is responsible for the correct installation and operation. Before installing and putting the collectors into service, please inform yourself about the local engineer standards and regulations. Components of the collectors can reach temperatures over 200 °C, there is a danger of burning and scalding! Please check whether there are any load sources in the area of the collector field that may produce chemically aggressive medium. In condensate dissolved acids and bases can cause permanent damage to the collector components.
Throughout the installation of a solar collector you directly intervene into an existing roof cladding. Different roof coverings such as tile, shingles or slate require as security against the ingress of moisture due to rain or snow additional measures (eg sarkings) - especially in case of extended and occupied top floors or in case of too less roof pitch (concerning the covering).
Safety regulations, instructions and guidelines
The substructure as well as its connections to the building have to be checked on site according to the local regulations.
The collectors have to be mounted in an angle of at least 20° to max. 70°.
Recommended heat transfer medium is a mixture of glycol and water, e.g. Tyfocor L or similar The collectors may never be operated or tested under pressure with water.
To protect the system of overheating during standstill and accelerated glycole-aging a self-draining system (e.g. STI Drain Master or Drain Box) is recommended.
It is absolutely necessary to pay attention, that the back flow temperature is never lower than the ambient temperature. If necessary, take appropriate action (e.g. increase back flow temperature to at least 30°C).
Lightning protection
Note country-specific legislation! Throughout the installation of metal fastening, a check is needed by an authorized qualified electrician.
The metallic pipes of the solar circle are connected via a copper pipe of at least 16 mm² with the earth circuit
Please ensure sufficient ventilation for each assembly method. Do not close the ventilation openings. Especially in case of roof-integrated assembly, the ventilation of the collector is definitely necessary. Appropriate ventilation hoods are available from the supplier. Pay attention to the regulations of the ZVDH (Germany), SVDW (Switzerland) as well as different local regulations concerning the ventila­tion. If necessary, consult an expert.
The constructor of the installation is responsible for the in­tegration of the installation according to regulations and for compliance with the safety regualtions.
The operator of the installation is responsible for an ope­ration of the installation according to regulations and for consultation of experts in case of problems.
This instruction is not subjected to the control of a service of modi­fications. It does not absolve the manufacturer and operator of the installation of his responsibilities to install and operate all parts of the installation according to utmost professional knowledge. The manufacturer of the installation is responsible to observe and keep all appropriate regulations and instructions.
Before beginning the assembly it is vital to test the roof or substructure on site to sufficient load-carrying capacity.
Pay increased attention to the possible durability of the screw fittings to fasten the collectors as well as to the quality of the sub­structure.
According to DIN 1055 part 4 and 5 or rather according to the local engineer standards it is necessary to check on site the whole sys­tem construction, especially in snowy regions (note: 1 m² powder snow ~ 60 kg / 1 m² wet snow ~ 200 kg) as well as in regions with high wind speed. Before starting the assembly all aspects that may lead to incorrect load of the whole construction have to be considered!
Install the collectors the way that backlog of snow (e.g. due to snow guards or other obstacles) is not possible.
In case of correct assembly snow loads (pressure loads) up to 2 kN/m² and wind loads (suction loads) up to 1 kN/m² acting on the collector are permitted.
For transport and stocking
Never abandon the delivered collectors unprotected at the building site. Never lay down the collectors onto a rough surface with over­hanging pieces like stones, timbers, etc. Stock the collectors always upright leaning against a solid sur­face. The rigidity of the collectors is limited. During transport to the buil­ding site always ensure a torsion-free transport type. In case of an elevated intermediate storage make sure that the collectors are protected against sliding down.
Product description
Solar collector FKA
The solar thermal collector FKA uses the radiant energy of the sun to heat the heat transfer medium. This glycol-water mixture gives off the stored heat via a heat exchanger to a storage. The obtained energy can be used for water heating and heating support.
Sectional model
1 Aluminium frame 2 Insulation 3 Insulation 4 Stucco back panel 5 Highly selective mono-material copper absorber 6 Glass 7 EPDM sealing 8 EPDM sealing
Product description
FKA 240 V FKA 270 V
FKA 200 H
FKA 270 H
FKA 200 V
FKA 240 H
The FKA collector has a pure copper absorber with meander shaped tubes as well as integrated manifolds. The hydraulic system enables to connect 15 collectors in one series and up to six collectors on one side. In one collector field up to 45 collectors can be connected in three rows.
Hydraulic system of the absorber
Model FKA 200 V 240 V 270 V 200 H 240 H 270 H
Gross surface 2.13 m² 2.52 m
2.88 m² 2.13 m² 2.52 m² 2.88 m²
Net surface 1.80 m² 2.15 m
2.52 m² 1.80 m² 2.15 m² 2.52 m²
Length 1,777 mm 2,100 mm 2,400 mm 1,200 mm 1,200 mm 1,200 mm
Width 1,200 mm 1,200 mm 1,200 mm 1,777 mm 2,100 mm 2,400 mm
Height 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm 115 mm
Test pressure 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar 10 bar
Operating pressure 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar 6 bar
Fluid volume Co-Co / Al-Co 2.1 l 2.2 l 2.4 l 2.7 l 2.7 l 3.1 l
Fluid volume Al-Al 1.8 l 1.9 l 2.1 l 2.4 l 2.4 l 2.7 l
Flow per m
15 - 40 l/h 15 - 40 l/h 15 - 40 l/h 15 - 40 l/h 15 - 40 l/h 15 - 40 l/h
Weight Co-Co 38 kg 41 kg 44 kg 38 kg 41 kg 44 kg
Weight Al-Co 37 kg 40 kg 43 kg 37 kg 40 kg 43 kg
Weight Al-Al 36 kg 38 kg 41 kg 36 kg 38 kg 41 kg
Loss of pressure (T=20°C / 30l/h) 6,141 Pa 8,522 Pa 11,217 Pa 4,082 Pa 6,297 Pa 7,988 Pa
Hydraulic connections
Temperature sensor
Each collector has a sleeve for inserting a temperature sensor. The sleeve is directly connected with the absorber. If the collectors are installed correctly, the sleeve is always located on the top of the collector on the left. The temperature sensor can be inserted in any collector. Please pay attention to the maximum inserting depth of 4 cm and secure it against slipping out. Due to the measuring point on the absorber the temperature measured by the sensor may differ from the fluid temperature.
Installations with one up to six collectors in one row
Connection F red Connection BF blue,
A or B C or D
Close unused connections with caps.
Installations with seven up to 15 collectors in one row
Connection bottom left / at the top of the right BF = C / F = B Connection at the top of the left / bottom right BF = D / F = A
Multi-row installations
F=Flow (collector to storage) red grommet BF=Backflow (storage to collector) blue grommet In case of installation of an air eliminator, install it at the opposite end of the top flow connection!
Pipe rounting by Tichelmann
Connection F A + E / BF H + D Connection F B + F / BF G + C Close unused connections with caps.
In case of multi-row installations the connection pipe must always be connected to the diagonal line to the external
manifold (Tichelmann), e.g. from botton left to the top right.
Collector field dimensions
Horizontal section across a collector field
Collectors that are mounted side by side in one row are always connected by means of stainless steel expansion joints on the manifolds. (view photo)
1300001 Collector connection set hydraulical 1910001 Tool set
Tighten the screw on the clamp only manually. The usage of cordless screwdrivers or the like may lead to damages of the thread of the clamp. Tighten the clamp until the two lugs are superimposed in the whole length.
Field width
It is possible to assemble metal sheets between the collectors to achieve a homogeneous appearance of the installation. The distance metal sheets are assembled exclusively for optical aspects and do not have any influence on the installation. Therefore the distance metal sheets can be ordered optionally and are not necessarily included in delivery.
Collector type
When mounting solar collectors on supports it is important to ensure that the panels are anchored either on a solid surface or on the concrete blocks shown in this instruction. The available concrete elements are recommended as a weight for locations up to 700 meters above sea level with leeward situation. With expected higher loads, the weights must be increased. For higher loads a calculation must be provided, and optionally a reinforcing of the system with additional components. When attaching the consoles on buildings please ensure that the water tightness is maintained in each case. The mounting of the consoles and collectors is described on the following pages.
240 H Number of collectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Field width in mm 2.067 4.187 6.307 8.427 10.547 12.667 14.787 16.907
per each additional collector
+ 2.120
270 H Anzahl Kollektoren 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Field width in mm 2.340 4.733 7.126 9.519 11.912 14.305 16.698 19.091
per each additional collector
+ 2.393
200 V 240 V 270 V
Number of collectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Field width in mm 1.167 2.387 3.607 4.827 6.047 7.267 8.487 9.707
+ 1.220
per each additional collector
200 H Number of collectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Field width in mm 1.713 3.479 5.245 7.011 8.777 10.543 12.309 14.075
per each additional collector
+ 1.766
bottom support dimensions
bottom support
additional block
concrete block
row spacing of collectors
collector type
distance A
20 ° 30 ° 45 ° 60 °
FKA 200 H 220 cm 265 cm 315 cm 340 cm
FKA 240 H 220 cm 265 cm 315 cm 340 cm
FKA 270 H 220 cm 265 cm 315 cm 340 cm
FKA 200 V 328 cm 391 cm 462 cm 503 cm
FKA 240 V 439 cm 513 cm 598 cm 646 cm
FKA 270 V 460 cm 550 cm 640 cm 700 cm
building height of collectors
collector type
height H
20 ° 30 ° 45 ° 60 °
FKA 200 H 53 cm 71 cm 93 cm 110 cm
FKA 240 H 53 cm 71 cm 93 cm 110 cm
FKA 270 H 53 cm 71 cm 93 cm 110 cm
FKA 200 V 73 cm 91 cm 132 cm 156 cm
FKA 240 V 71 cm 104 cm 147 cm 180 cm
FKA 270 V 95 cm 130 cm 176 cm 211 cm
The specified levels are reported without concrete blocks. To determine the total height the height of the concrete block
(15 cm) must be added.
Block distance center - center Dimensional chain, bottom bracket UK mounting
collector type
Bottom support Bottom support attachment points (+ / - 30 cm)
α δ ε
FKA 200 H 176,6 cm 1000 mm 100 mm 860 mm -
FKA 240 H 212,0 cm 1000 mm 100 mm 860 mm -
FKA 270 H 239,3 cm 1000 mm 100 mm 860 mm -
FKA 200 V 122,0 cm 1600 mm 100 mm 700 mm 1.460 mm
FKA 240 V 122,0 cm 1600 mm 100 mm 700 mm 1.460 mm
FKA 270 V 122,0 cm 1800 mm 100 mm 900 mm 1.660 mm
All values given are recommendations for an effective angle of incidence of 20 °.
Please note the wind loads according to DIN 1055-4 in the edge region of the roof. The resulting base load is necessary in each case to the requirement of wind loads on the spot!
bottom support dimensions
distance of superstructures
parapet height B 30 cm 40 cm 50 cm 60 cm 70 cm 80 cm 90 cm 100 cm 110 cm
distance C 20 cm 40 cm 70 cm 100 cm 125 cm 150 cm 180 cm 205 cm 230 cm
1420100 concrete block 65 kg 1420101 additional block 45 kg concrete block 65 kg additional block 45 kg console 8 kg collector filled (240) 46 kg
travers position
angle 20° 30° 45° 60°
position P1 - P2 P3 - P2 P1 - P2 P3 - P2
200/240/270 H 487 mm 487 mm 861 mm 861 mm
200 V 675 mm 675 mm 1.224 mm 1.224 mm
240 V 832 mm 832 mm 1.490 mm 1.490 mm
position P1 - P2 P1 - P2 P1 - P2 P1 - P2
270 V 659 mm 962 mm 1.405 mm 1.820 mm
additional block
concrete block
Assembly bottom support on concrete block
First install the base console in accordance with the requirements to the dimensions of bottom support.
1420014 bottom support 20°/30° 200 V 1420024 bottom support 45°/60° 200 V 1420018 bottom support 20°/30° 240 V 1420022 bottom support 45°/60° 240 V 1420060 bottom support 20° 270 V 1420061 bottom support 30° 270 V 1420062 bottom support 45° 270 V 1420063 bottom support 60° 270 V 1420011 bottom support 20°/30° 200/240/270 H 1420020 bottom support 45°/60° 200/240/270 H
Next place the concrete block. Pay attention to the exact observance of the specified clearances between the concrete blocks. The short distance between the threaded sleeve and block edge (10 cm) shows the front of the block. Make sure that every concrete block is on the same mounting position and aligned in a row (e.g. by a line mark).
1420100 concrete block 65 kg
Now remove from all concrete blocks, the protective caps for the integrated threaded sleeves.
Then place the base consoles on the concrete blocks and secure them with the screws M10. All other consoles have to be oriented exactly in a row (e.g. by a line mark).
1420003 Fastening set for bottom support
Now weight down the concrete block with the additional block. Prepare for installing the collectors all consoles as above described.
1420101 additional block 45 kg
Assembly bottom support with fixed dowel pin
First install the base console in accordance with the requirements (see page 11).
1420014 bottom support 20°/30° 200 V 1420024 bottom support 45°/60° 200 V 1420018 bottom support 20°/30° 240 V 1420022 bottom support 45°/60° 240 V 1420060 bottom support 20° 270 V 1420061 bottom support 30° 270 V 1420062 bottom support 45° 270 V 1420063 bottom support 60° 270 V 1420011 bottom support 20°/30° 200/240/270 H 1420020 bottom support 45°/60° 200/240/270 H
Drill two holes per base console in the existing surface to fix the fixed dowel pin M10. Pay attention to precise alignment of the two holes. In addition, all other holes hare to be oriented in exactly one row (e.g. by a line mark)
1420004 Fastening set for concrete blocks (with fixed dowel pin)
Then place the base consoles on the ground and secure it with the added fixed dowel pins M10. All other consoles have to be oriented
exactly in a row (e.g. by a line mark)
Fully assembled fixed dowel pin and console (see figure 1 and 2)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Reliable anchoring of the bottom support with the fixed dowelpin is possible in concrete <c25/25 as well as in natural stone that is resistant to pressure.
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