It is essential to read through this
instruction carefully prior to the
assembly and initial operation.
General safety instructions
Any installation activities have to be executed by
authorised professional staff. Please pay increased
attention to:
– the conditions on site
– the local regulations
– the recognized rules of engineering (especially
DIN 4757 Part 1 and 3)
– the proper state of the existing roof construction
– the safety rules concerning roof works
– the safety regulations for safety equipment
– the assembly instructions for components given
by your supplier
– the safety instructions of VDE and DVGW
Solely the constructor of the installation is resposible
for a proper assembly.
Functioning of the DrainMaster
The patented DrainMaster is an innovative solution
for draining solar systems. In doing so, only the
collector eld as well as the pipes above the
DrainMaster will be drained.
In a state of rest, the DrainMaster collects the heat
transfer medium. Thereby the installation is unable
to overheat and as a result, the heat transfer medium
and the system components will be protected. The
maintenance charges can be minised and running
the installation becomes safer.
The regulation of the DrainMaster is carried out by
the solar controller.
If there is a temperature measured at the collector
which differs by DeltaT from the temperature
measured in the tank, the circulating pump activates
automatically. The collectors will be lled with the
heat transfer medium which had been collected
in the DrainMaster and in the course of this, the
DrainMaster takes up the air pressed out. The
liquid which has been heated inside the collectors
circulates and heats the tank.
If DeltaT will be undershot or if a maximum
temperature will be reached in the collector, the
circulating pump deactivates, the collectors drain
and the liquid will be collected in the DrainMaster.
The covering of the DrainMaster is a particularly
manufactured aluminium prole for the assembly
with the collectors even outside of the roof cladding.
Any component which gets in contact with the heat
transfer medium is made of stainless steel. Please
make sure to not use material in the solar circuit
which might damage the stainless steel.
Construction of the DrainMaster
The collectors have to be self-draining. The piping
of the collectors has to enable an entire draining.
In the whole solar circuit (ow and backow), ap
valves must not be assembled. As the DrainMaster
enables a low system pressure, a safety valve of
3 bar is sufcient provided that the overall system
height permits it. Flow as well as backow should be
equipped with a syphon as closely as possible at the
heat exchanger so that a thermic pipe circulation can
be excluded.
System requirements
Operation Draining