Addendum for STI-6406 with Dual Access Control
This system contains a STI-6400 with a DPDT key switch
to be mounted on one side of a door or wall; and a
similar looking housing, also with a DPDT key switch,
but without an alarm for the opposite side of the door.
An authorized person with a key can disable the alarm
on either side of the door. When disabled, and LED will
illuminate, and the door can be opened without setting
off the alarm. After passing through the door, the
alarm can be armed again from the opposite side.
1. Follow STI-6400 mounting instructions and set
switches to the desired positions for alarm timing
and volume.
2. For straight through door or wall installation, mark
the center of the 5/16 inch hole in the mounted
base, then remove the base from the door or wall.
3. Drill a 5/16 inch diameter hole through the door or
wall at the marked location.
4. Align the same diameter hole in the secondary unit
base to the back side of the door or wall and
5. Route the wire from the STI-6400 unit through the
hole and into the secondary unit.
6. Attach the 6 wires to the terminal block pins 2 thru
7 matching wire colors on the terminal block label.
7. Seal the hole around the wires with an effective
fire stop material, if required.
8. Attach the battery in the secondary unit and install
the cover.
9. Cycle the key switch to be sure the LED’s turn “ON”
and “OFF”. Leave the LED’s “ON” until ready to test
the alarm.
10. Attach the battery to the STI-6400 and install the
11. Close the door and test.
1. With the door closed, turn either key switch to arm
the alarm. The LED’s on both sides of the door
should turn “OFF”.
2. If the door is opened while the LED’s are “OFF”,
then the alarm will sound according to the switch
settings of the STI-6400.
3. To reset the alarm, turn either key to the opposite
position (the LED’s will turn “ON”), close the door
and turn either key switch again (the LED’s will turn
4. When the system is armed, authorized passage can
be accomplished by turning either key switch until
the LED’s turn “ON”, and remove key. The door can
now be opened without sounding the alarm. When
passage is complete, close the door, turn the key
switch (the LED’s will turn “OFF”). The door alarm
is once again armed.
Schematic Diagram:
13 February 2017

Exit Stopper
STI-6400 Series
· Alarm helps prevent unauthorized exits/entries through doors.
· Easy to install.
· Select volume, duration and immediate or 15 second delay for arming and trip.
· May be mounted on top, right, left or next to almost any door.
· User can select on-site whether to use an alarm or annunciator.
· Less expensive than heavy horizontal bar type units and practical for all
emergency doors.
· Contact STI for custom applications.
We Protect the Things that Protect You.
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Table of Contents
· Warnings and Cautions ........................................................................................... Page 2
· Warranty Information ............................................................................................... Page 2
· Specifications ......................................................................................................... Page 3
1. Dimensions ......................................................................................................... Page 3
2. Polycarbonate ..................................................................................................... Page 3
3. Electronics .......................................................................................................... Page 3
4. Remote Horn ...................................................................................................... Page 3
· Circuit Board Set-Up ............................................................................................... Page 4
· Terminal Strip Layout ............................................................................................... Page 4
· Switch Settings ....................................................................................................... Page 4
· Alarm Feature Description ....................................................................................... Page 5
· Installation Instructions All Units / STI-6400 ............................................................. Page 5
· Mounting Options ................................................................................................... Page 6
· STI-6402 Double Door additional install notes ....................................................... Page 7
· STI-6403 Remote Horn additional install notes ...................................................... Page 7
· STI-6404 Double Door with Remote Horn additional install notes .......................... Page 7
· STI-6405 Exit Stopper with Momentary Reset ....................................................... Page 7
All units are recommended for indoor use, not for outdoor use. Unit must be tested periodically
to verify the life of battery. STI recommends you change the 9 Volt battery twice a year.
Installer may need to purchase a simple audio-meter, typically available at your local electronics
store, to measure the sound in areas where the alarm is expected to be heard during normal
noise environment. Results from this test may prove it beneficial to purchase additional exit
stopper units. When purchasing a remote unit (STI-6403) you will need to periodically test the
connections to make sure audibles function at a sound level to alert staff. Maximum of three
STI-6403 may be used in parallel.
All specifications and information shown are current as of publication and subject to change
without notice.
Warranty Information
· Three year guarantee against breakage of polycarbonate in normal use (one year on electro
mechanical and electronic components).
· Electronic warranty form at www.sti-usa.com/wc14
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