Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
Important Safety Information Inside
Read, Understand and Follow all instructions and safety rules
inside this Manual before handling any STI series firearm. Improperly handled firearms of any kind represent a hazard to persons and
Model and Serial Number Information ................................................. 2
Safe Ownership
The Need For Instruction ......................................................... 3
General Precautions .................................................................. 3
Children And Firearms ............................................................. 4
The Basic Rules of Safety ........................................................ 5
Your New STI Handgun
General Description .................................................................. 6
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
Firearms have been determined by the United States Government to
be dangerous and potentially lethal weapons subject to restrictions.
• Possession of this or any firearm indicates your acceptance of responsibility to comply with the law and prevent consequences of danger which
can result from improper handling.
• STI International strongly recommends that every person receive
complete and thorough instruction on the safe and proper use of firearms
from a competent instructor before handling this or any other firearm.
• Those unfamiliar with firearms should not remove this STI product
from its packaging until successfully completing a full course of instruction by a competent instructor on the safe use and handling of firearms
with an emphasis on semi-automatic type handgun safety.
• Information on qualified instructors in your area may be obtained by
consulting your local law enforcement authorities, a firearms retailer or
through local gun clubs.
• Additional sources on firearms safety and instruction can be obtained
by writing to national organizations, such as the United States Practical
Shooting Association (USPSA - 903-A Metcalf Street, Sedro Woolley,
WA 98284, or the National Rifle Association (NRA - 11250 Waples Mill
Road, Washington, DC 22030, (703) 267-1430).
• Be prepared - Firearm safety depends on proper preparation. Always
have the right gear and accessories available for handling a firearm. The
key to safe firearm handling is to protect yourself against distractions and
adverse conditions. Proper planning and equipment will allow you to
handle your firearm in a comfortable manner. And give you the ability to
focus on safety.
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
• Protect your hearing - Firearms produce high noise levels when
discharged. Protect your hearing from potentially harmful exposure with
an adequate sound attenuation product, such as ear plugs and/or ear
muffs. Unprotected exposure to loud noises can cause a loss of hearing
known to have a cumulative effect and can cause permanent hearing loss.
• Protect your eyes - Firearms as well as environmental conditions can
affect your eyes if not properly protected. Always protect your eyes with
impact-resistant glasses. Use corrective lenses if necessary to clearly see
your firearm and your target. Tinted lenses should only be used under
proper lighting conditions. Eye protection should provide adequate
protection against airborne debris, hot gases, powder blow-back, ejected
shell cartridges, dust, wind, sun glare, low limbs or any other condition
that could endanger yourself or others nearby.
• Protect your body - Wear adequate clothing to help protect your body
from injury. Your body should be protected from firearm discharge and
ejected shell cartridges, which are hot and could cause burns. Be certain
to wear comfortable, well-fit clothing appropriate to the season. Do not
wear clothing which causes discomfort or could impair the safe handling
of a firearm.
• Be responsible - Firearm safety depends on you. A responsible owner
respects the right and privilege of gun ownership. A responsible firearms
owner learns and obeys all firearm safety practices, and always considers
every firearm to be loaded. Stay aware of the fact that you have a responsibility for your own safety and the safety of others around the firearm.
Keep firearms away from children. Avoid conditions which could
allow a firearm to be unexpectedly discovered by a child. Keep
firearms and ammunition under lock, out of sight of, and beyond the
reach of children.
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
Children should be made aware of the danger presented by improperly handled and stored firearms and must be given instructions to
report any unexpected discovery of a firearm to a responsible adult.
Minors and adolescents SHOULD NOT have access to firearms without
proper adult supervision. Keep firearms and ammunition locked away in
a safe place, inaccessible to any minor or adolescent. The parent, guardian, or legal adult supervisor should be aware of the laws and restrictions
regarding the use of a handgun by a minor or adolescent, and should use
proper judgment regarding such use. The legal adult supervisor should
realize the additional responsibility of a minor with a firearm and be
certain to provide close, competent instruction prior to using this or any
other firearm. Be sure to remind minors and adolescents that firearms
differ from toys and are not to be used in play.
1. Do not rely on your firearm’s safety mechanism. Treat every firearm
as if it were loaded, and ready to fire, at all times.
2. Never point your firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.
Always keep the muzzle pointed away from other people, and in a
safe direction.
3. Always check the barrel for obstructions. Use only ammunition of
the proper type for the firearm you are using.
4. Do not shoot unless you are absolutely sure of your target and what
exists beyond it.
5. Never shoot at a hard surface or the surface of the water. Make sure
you have a safe backstop.
6. Never drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs before or during
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
7. Never leave your firearm unattended until you have unloaded it and
secured it from unauthorized handling and use.
8. Never carry a loaded firearm when you climb a tree, cross a fence,
jump over an obstacle, or go across area where you are likely to trip,
slip, stumble or fall.
9. Carry only empty firearms when traveling between destinations.
10. Store firearms and ammunition separately, out of sight of and beyond
the reach of children, minors, and adolescents.
An STI handgun functions as a single-action, blow-back recoil , automatic loading firearm - more commonly referred to as ‘semi-automatic.’
A semi-automatic firearm will fire a single ammunition round and
automatically reload another round into the chamber with each pull of
the trigger. All STI model handguns will continue this reloading operation until all ammunition rounds have been emptied from the magazine
and there is no remaining supply from which to chamber a new round.
The slide will remain open after the last round has been fired from the
Components for safety…
STI handguns have a mechanical Grip Safety and a Thumb Safety device
to assist you in the safe handling of the firearm. These features, when
engaged, provide additional protection against Accidental Discharge by
preventing the trigger from releasing the hammer and striking the firing
The Grip Safety assists in preventing the handgun from firing without the
Grip Safety being depressed.
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
The thumb Safety locks the slide and restricts movement. The thumb
safety also prevents the sear from disengaging the hammer allowing the
hammer to strike the firing pin. On some STI models, the Thumb Safety
can be operated from both sides of the handgun, and is referred to as an
ambi-safety. The Thumb Safety can only be engaged with the hammer in
the cocked position ready to fire.
Note: Safety systems provide only a limited amount of protection, and –
like any mechanical system – can malfunction unexpectedly.
Do not load the STI “1911” model handguns with ammunition before
reading all the Safety Instructions and Basic Rules of Firearm Safety
(page 5 of this owner’s manual).
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
STI International produces a number of different models of semi-automatic handguns in various calibers. To identify an STI handgun model,
look at the engraving on the left side of the firearm. It includes the
model’s name and, sometimes, a number, which represents the barrel
length. The caliber and type of ammunition to be used with an STI
handgun is engraved on the barrel. (Some barrels may have the barrel
supplied with generic caliber markings of .355 or .400. The .355 includes
9mm Luger, 9x21, 9x25, and 38 Super while .400 includes .40 S&W,
.40Super, and 10mm. Please refer to page 2 of this manual, consult a
qualified gunsmith or contact STI International to confirm the specific
caliber of any barrel. Do not attempt to load or fire a firearm until you
have confirmed specific caliber.)
Safe and proper use of this handgun requires full knowledge and understanding of each component and mechanical feature. Refer to the view at
the left.
Before Loading this Firearm…
• Learn to recognize and identify each of the functional components of
this STI firearm.
• Understand how to safely operate this firearm by carefully reading the
instructions on the following pages.
• Follow each step for operating this STI firearm as described in this
manual with the chamber empty, the magazine removed, and the muzzle
pointed in a safe direction.
•Practice operating the firearm with it unloaded. Continue your practice
until you have become familiar with the firearm functions and can
comfortably handle the firearm in a safe manner.
• Repeat these steps frequently to assure safe shooting conditions.
• Review this manual of operation and safety instructions periodically. If
you have not handled this or any other firearm recently, be certain to
review this manual before you load this firearm with live ammunition.
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
Always keep firearms and ammunition out of the sight of and beyond the reach of children. Do not load this or any other firearm
with live ammunition while learning the firearm’s operation.
Before Loading Any Firearm With Ammunition…
• Check your ammunition to be certain that the caliber matches the
caliber of your firearm. Commercially-manufactured ammunition has the
caliber number clearly stamped around the rim at each end of the cartridge. Every STI handgun has the firearm’s caliber (or a generic marking, in the case of the .355 and .400 barrels – see page 9) engraved on the
• Do not shoot this firearm if you question the compatibility of the
ammunition you are using. Do not use unmarked or hand-loaded rounds
of unknown origin. Use only clean, dry, original high-quality commercially-manufactured ammunition in good condition.
• Do not use ammunition with split, crushed, or dented casings or bullets
which show sign of damage.
• Remove unfired ammunition from firearms immediately after use and
return to proper storage containers.
• Always keep ammunition away from heat and flame.
STI handguns can be safely fired using factory specification standard
velocity ammunition. STI accepts no responsibility for claims brought
against the company due to any other loads or any loads which do not
meet the safety tolerances endorsed by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI).
Safety Reference • Owner’s Manual • All Model 1911 Firearms
Do not rely on your firearm’s safety mechanism. Treat every firearm
as if it were loaded, and ready to fire, at all times.
When Reaching for any Firearm…
• Do not reach for any firearm by the muzzle end.
• Never accept anyone’s word that a firearm is unloaded when receiving
it from them - always check for an empty chamber.
• Always check for an empty chamber by opening a firearm’s action.
Note: STI model handguns must be checked by first removing the
ammunition magazine from the firearm to prevent a round from entering
the chamber.
Before Shooting any Firearm…
• Check the condition of the firearm. Check the firearm for cleanliness
and smooth operation. Do not use a dirty or wet firearm, or one that has
been excessively oiled or greased. An unclean firearm can become
dangerous hazard when fired.
• Consult a physician when taking medications to be certain that your
senses will not be impaired, and that your judgment will not be affected,
so that you will be able to safely handle and shoot a firearm.
• Check your backstop.
Never drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs before or during
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