• In this high energy rock and roll • In this high energy rock and roll
pinball concert experience, pinball concert experience,
pinball and music are fused pinball and music are fused
together. Players are transported together. Players are transported
back to Led Zeppelin’s early back to Led Zeppelin’s early
days and tour the world from days and tour the world from
1968-1980. As if players were 1968-1980. As if players were
members of the band playing its members of the band playing its
music, their play updates game music, their play updates game
features at the start of each features at the start of each
verse and chorus of ten iconic verse and chorus of ten iconic
Led Zeppelin songs Led Zeppelin songs
including: including:
• Good Times Bad Times, Whole • Good Times Bad Times, Whole
Lotta Love, The Song Remains Lotta Love, The Song Remains
the Same, Rock and Roll, the Same, Rock and Roll,
Trampled Under Foot, Ramble Trampled Under Foot, Ramble
On, Kashmir, Immigrant Song, On, Kashmir, Immigrant Song,
Black Dog, and Communication Black Dog, and Communication
Breakdown Breakdown
• Premium models feature an • Premium models feature an
innovative interactive toy called innovative interactive toy called
the Electric Magic device. This the Electric Magic device. This
unique device rises up from the unique device rises up from the
playfield to become a physical playfield to become a physical
spinner, magnetic physical ball spinner, magnetic physical ball
lock and ball capture with lock and ball capture with
features including Multiball, features including Multiball,
Frenzy, and Rock Out. Frenzy, and Rock Out.
• • Expression Lighting System™ Expression Lighting System™
- 96 intelligent RGB - 96 intelligent RGB LEDsLEDs
enables full color spectrum enables full color spectrum
control; synchronized and control; synchronized and
adjustable, responsive to adjustable, responsive to
game events game events
• • 68 RGB software controlled LEDs68 RGB software controlled LEDs
• • Hot Shot reversing combo Hot Shot reversing combo
custom metal chrome wire custom metal chrome wire
ramp, connecting to the right ramp, connecting to the right
flipper return via wire ramp for flipper return via wire ramp for
constant pinball action constant pinball action
• 4 all stainless steel and • 4 all stainless steel and
chrome wire rampschrome wire ramps
• 4 Spell out rules for racking up • 4 Spell out rules for racking up
scores and opening scores and opening
opportunities of game opportunities of game
advancement: L-E-D, Z-E-P, advancement: L-E-D, Z-E-P,
R-O-C-K and R-O-L-L R-O-C-K and R-O-L-L
• 4 R-O-C-K Stand-up Targets • 4 R-O-C-K Stand-up Targets
light Zeppelin Speed light Zeppelin Speed
Locks Locks
• 3 L-E-D Stand-up Targets• 3 L-E-D Stand-up Targets
• Left orbit Icarus spinning target • Left orbit Icarus spinning target
with RGB LED lighting with RGB LED lighting
• 3 bank Z-E-P drop targets add • 3 bank Z-E-P drop targets add
action and rebound shots to action and rebound shots to
help complete L-E-D & Z-E-P. help complete L-E-D & Z-E-P.
Drop Targets can be swept with Drop Targets can be swept with
the upper right flipper. the upper right flipper.
• • 3 Main Multiballs: Zeppelin, 3 Main Multiballs: Zeppelin,
Tour and Electric Magic Tour and Electric Magic
Multiball ranging from 2 to 6 Multiball ranging from 2 to 6
balls balls
• All-new software controlled 10 • All-new software controlled 10
band graphic equalizer. Tune band graphic equalizer. Tune
the sound to your liking! the sound to your liking!
• Exclusive Brendon Small • Exclusive Brendon Small
character speech character speech
•• LED Light-Up Song List on LED Light-Up Song List on
back panel informs player of back panel informs player of
songs completed and songs completed and
remaining songs to play remaining songs to play
• Premium model features Led • Premium model features Led
Zeppelin I album cover themed Zeppelin I album cover themed
full color translite and iconic full color translite and iconic
side cabinet artwork designed side cabinet artwork designed
by Stephen Jensen by Stephen Jensen
• • 6 pinballs6 pinballs
• Stereo sound system with • Stereo sound system with
3-channel amplifier 3-channel amplifier
• 10-band Graphic Equalizer with • 10-band Graphic Equalizer with
separate control for backbox separate control for backbox
and cabinet speakers and cabinet speakers
• CPU mounted line-out audio • CPU mounted line-out audio
connector for external connector for external
amplification amplification
• Fade adjustment to control • Fade adjustment to control
front and bottom speaker front and bottom speaker
outputs outputs