Sterling Plumbing Pivot Shower Doors SP1500D Series Installation Manual

Installation Guide
Pivot Shower Doors
SP1500D Series
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Tools and Materials
Tape Measure
Phillips Screwdriver
Silicone Sealant
Safety Glasses
Center Punch
Masking Tape
Miter Saw or Hack Saw with 32-teeth Per Inch Blade
Claw Hammer
Caulk Gun
Miter Box
• Drop Cloth
• Petroleum Jelly
CAUTION: Risk of personal injury. Always wear safety glasses when cutting materials.
IMPORTANT! Pay special attention to the section titled Very Important Instructions.Failure to follow
the directions could result in product damage.
IMPORTANT! This shower door is designed to be specifically paired with a Sterling shower module. Do not install this shower door if you do not have a Sterling shower module installed.
IMPORTANT! Record the model number on the Homeowners Guide if you intend to save it, or in your records for later use. The proper model number will enable our customer service representatives to quickly help you if needed.
NOTE: When using a retractable case tape measure, add the length of the case to the measurement or measure in a manner that excludes the case.
Your new Sterling door can be installed with the door opening to either the right or left. Install the door with the pivot side away from the showerhead for best results.
Before starting the installation, lay out and identify all of the parts. Inspect them for damage.
Closely follow the instructions pertaining to the sealant application on the door. Sealing areas other than those shown may cause leaking.
Two people should perform this installation.
Sterling reserves the right to make revisions to the design of products without notice, as specified in the Price Book.
1034026-2-D 2 Sterling
Pivot Block
Top Pivot Bushing
1-1/4" Hex Bolt
#8-18 x 3/8" Screw
#8-32 x 1-1/8" Screw
1/4" Hex Nut
Pivot Jamb
Top Track
Lock Nut
Door Panel
#8-18 x 3/8" Screw
#8-18 x 1-1/2" Screw
#10-16 x 3/8" Screw
Plastic Anchor
Expander Jamb
Strike Jamb
Plastic Anchor
Fixed Glass Panel
#8-18 x 1-1/2" Screw
1/4" Hex Nut
7/8" Hex Bolt
Plastic Bumper Plug
Pivot Bushing
Plastic Plug
Bottom Track
Hollow Gasket
Parts Identification
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Most Common Installation Mistake
Do not cut the top and bottom track the same
length for this installation.
Please read these installation instructions
carefully before cutting the top and bottom
If uncertain about cutting tracks, please contact
a customer service representative.
Very Important Instructions
1034026-2-D 4 Sterling
Install the pivot side opposite the showerhead.
Strike Side
Pivot Side
Left Pivot
Strike Side
Pivot Side
Right Pivot
1. Determine the Door Configuration
IMPORTANT! Install the pivot side of the door on the side opposite the showerhead.
Determine whether the door will pivot on the right or left side.
Make sure the door can swing freely in the chosen configuration.
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Do not cut on the pivot side.
Measure here.
Measure distance
Measure here.
"D" above curves in the corners.
Angled Base
Measure carefully. If your walls
Curved Base
are curved or angled, measure above the curve or angle. Failure to do so can result in an improperly cut bottom track and can void the warranty.
2. Measure and Cut the Bottom Track
9/16" (1.4 cm)
For Right Pivots
Pivot End
Pivot End
Front Side of Bottom Track
For Left Pivots
9/16" (1.4 cm)
IMPORTANT! Risk of product damage. If your shower has a curve in the corners where they meet the sidewalls, be sure to measure from wall to wall above the curves. Failure to measure above the curve or angle could result in the bottom track being cut too short.
Determine the pivot end of the bottom track. If you are not sure which end is the pivot end, position the bottom track on the ledge with the front side of the track toward the outside of the shower.
Measure from wall to wall at the flattest part of the shower ledge (Distance D).
Subtract 9/16(1.4 cm) from dimension D.The resulting dimension is the bottom track cut length.
IMPORTANT! Measure from the pivot side of the bottom track. Mark and cut the strike side.
Mark the strike side at the determined distance (see the previous section to determine the strike side).
NOTE: For best results use a miter box and 32-teeth per inch hacksaw to make the cut.
Cut the bottom track at the mark. Do not cut the pivot end.
File the rough edges smooth where the bottom track was cut, taking care to avoid damaging finished surfaces.
1034026-2-D 6 Sterling
Install the U-Channel
Bottom Track
5" (12.7 cm)
Hollow Seal
Locate the Bottom Track
Front Side of Bottom Track
Shower Floor Ledge (Outside)
Strike Side
Hollow Seal
1" (2.5 cm)
Pivot Side
Masking Tape
3. Install the UChannel
NOTE: Apply petroleum jelly to the hollow seal if needed to help it slide easier.
On the pivot side of the bottom track, pull the hollow seal 5(12.7 cm) beyond the edge of the bottom track.
Slide the hollow seal through the base of the U-Channel until it is 1(2.5 cm) beyond the other end. Slide the Uchannel onto the pivot end of the bottom track.
Adjust the Uchannel so the end is 1(2.5 cm) from the pivot end of the bottom track.
Trim the excess hollow seal off each end of the bottom track.
4. Locate the Bottom Track
Locate the bottom track on the flattest section of the shower ledge.
Position the bottom track so the gaps between the track and the wall are identical at both ends.
Make sure the front edge of the bottom track is an equal distance from the front edge of the shower ledge at all points.
Temporarily secure the bottom track to the ledge with masking tape, taking care to keep it in the desired position.
Mark the location of the bottom track with a soft pencil.
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Prepare the Wall Jamb Locations
Strike Side Wall Jamb
Position this side of the pivot side wall jamb toward the inside of the shower.
Position the slots on the strike jamb toward the inside of the shower.
Inside of Shower
5. Mark the Wall Jamb Locations
Place the strike jamb against the showerhead side of the shower stall wall and fit over the bottom track. The slots must face the inside of the shower.
Use a level to plumb the strike jamb.
Mark the four hole locations on the wall.
NOTE: When installing on ceramic tile, use a center punch to nick the surface of the glaze. Tap the center punch lightly with a hammer to avoid cracking the tile.
Lightly center punch the hole locations.
Drill a 3/16hole at each mark. Use a masonry bit for ceramic tile.
Insert plastic anchors in each hole.
Place the pivot jamb against the wall opposite the strike jamb and fit it over the bottom track. Make sure the wide side is toward the outside of the shower.
Repeat the strike jamb procedures with the pivot jamb.
Thoroughly clean the shower floor ledge and wall.
1034026-2-D 8 Sterling
Seal the Bottom Track
Apply silicone sealant here.
Install the Bottom Track
Strike Side
Underside of Bottom Track
Pivot Bushing
Bottom Track
Pivot Side
Plastic Plug
6. Caulk and Install the Bottom Track
Remove the bottom track.
Apply silicone sealant to the underside of the bottom track, as shown.
Make sure the ledge is clean and install the bottom track at the location marked on the shower ledge.
Use masking tape to hold the bottom track in place.
Masking Tape
IMPORTANT! Illustration shows a left side pivot. Reverse the pivot bushing and plastic plug for a right side pivot.
Insert the plastic plug into the hole on the strike side of the bottom track.
Insert the pivot bushing into the hole on the pivot side of the bottom track.
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Strike Side Wall Jamb
#8-18 x 1-1/2" Panhead Screw
Install the Wall Jambs
Pivot Jamb
#8-18 x 1-1/2" Panhead Screw
Pivot Jamb
Strike Jamb
Bottom Track
Seal the Bottom Track
Apply silicone sealant here.
Bottom Track
Inside of Shower
Apply silicone sealant here.
Inside of Shower
Inside of Shower
7. Install the Wall Jambs
Insert the pivot jamb over the bottom track on the pivot side of the door.
Secure the pivot jamb with four #8-18 x 1-1/2panhead screws.
Repeat the procedure with the strike jamb on the other wall.
8. Caulk the Bottom Track and Wall Jambs
Apply silicone sealant where the pivot and strike jambs meet the bottom track, as shown.
1034026-2-D 10 Sterling
Front side of top track
Pivot End for Left Side Pivot
Front side of top track
Cut the Top Track
Important: Do not cut on
the pivot end.
Mark and cut on strike end of top track.
Pivot End for Right Side Pivot
Install the Pivot Block
Pivot Block
Insert block into the pivot side.
Pivot Block
9. Measure and Cut the Top Track
Position the top track near the shower opening with the front side of the track toward the outside of the shower.
Measure the distance above the jambs from wall to wall.
IMPORTANT! It is very important that you measure from the pivot end to the strike end of the top track.
Measure from the pivot side of the top track to the strike jamb side, then mark the strike jamb side at the determined distance.
NOTE: For best results, use a 32-teeth per inch hacksaw blade and miter box. Make the cut on the inside of the mark with the blade as close as possible to the mark.
Cut the top track at the mark on the strike end.
File the rough edges smooth where the bottom track was cut, taking care to avoid damaging finished areas.
10. Install the Blocks
Insert the smaller end of the pivot block in the pivot side of the top track.
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Install the Top Track
To be drilled
Inside of Shower
Top Track
Strike Jamb
Pivot Jamb
#8-18 x 3/8" Panhead Screw
11. Install the Top Track
Position the top track over the strike jamb and pivot jamb ends and gently push down.
From inside the shower, secure the top track to the pivot jamb with a #8-18 x 3/8panhead screw.
Drill a 1/8diameter hole through the groove in the top track and the strike jamb.
Secure the top track and the strike jamb with a #8-18 x 3/8panhead screw.
1034026-2-D 12 Sterling
Install the Strike Expander Jamb
Install the Fixed Glass
Strike Jamb
Expander Jamb
Wall Jamb
#10-16 x 3/8" Panhead Screw
View from Inside Shower
Fixed Panel
Inside of Shower
12. Install the Strike Expander Jamb
Position the expander jamb in the strike jamb.
Align the holes in the expander jamb with the slots in the strike jamb.
Plumb the expander jamb with a level.
Secure with three #10-16 x 3/8panhead screws.
13. Install the Fixed Panel
Slide the U-Channel approximately 3/16(5 mm) into the pivot jamb.
Apply a bead of caulk into the entire length of the groove in the pivot jamb.
Apply a bead of caulk in the U-Channel.
NOTE: The fixed glass panel is the narrow panel.
IMPORTANT! The textured side of the glass should be positioned to the outside of the shower.
Carefully lift the narrow fixed glass panel into the outer channel in the top track and the U-Channel at the bottom.
Press the fixed panel gently into the groove in the pivot jamb.
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Install the Bottom Pivot Install the Top Pivot
1/4" Nut
Bottom Track
Locate bolt 1/8" (3 mm) less than distance "A".
7/8" Bolt
1/4" Nut
14. Install the Bottom Pivot
1-1/4" Bolt
Door Handle (Strike Side)
"A" Minus 1/8" (3 mm)
NOTE: Two hex bolts are supplied. Make sure you use the correct size bolt for this step.
Measure the distance (A) from the base of the expander jamb to the center of the bushing in the bottom track. Write down the dimension.
Partially thread a 1/4hex nut onto the 7/8hex bolt.
Insert the head of the bolt and nut assembly into the slot in the bottom frame of the door panel.
Measure distance Afrom the edge of the door (on the handle side). Subtract 1/8(3 mm) from Aand locate the hex bolt and nut assembly between the expander jamb and the center of the bushing in the bottom track at the determined distance.
Securely tighten the nut with the provided open end wrench.
15. Install the Top Pivot on the Door Panel
Insert the top pivot bushing over the 1-1/4hex bolt and partially thread the 1/4hex nut onto the bolt.
Insert this assembly into the track on the top frame of the door panel.
Measure distance Afrom the edge of the door (on the handle side). Subtract 1/8(3 mm) from Aand locate the hex bolt and nut assembly at the determined distance.
Securely tighten the 1/4hex nut with the open end wrench provided.
1034026-2-D 14 Sterling
Top Track (Front Side)
Pivot Block
Install the Door Panel
#8-32 x 1-1/8" Bolt
Top Track (Front Side)
#8 Locknut
16. Install the Door Panel
Lift the door panel and insert the projecting bolt into the bushing in the bottom track.
Slide the pivot block into the top track.
Tilt the door panel and slide the pivot block until the projecting bolt at the top of the door slides into the larger hole in the pivot block.
Slide the pivot block and door panel so that the door panel closes with approximately 1/8(3 mm) clearance from the face of the expander jamb.
From above, insert a #8-32 x 1-1/8bolt through the center hole in the top track, and through the small hole in the pivot block.
NOTE: Thread the larger, all metal side of the locknut onto the bolt first.
Thread the lock nut onto the #8-32 x 1-1/8bolt and tighten with 1/4and 11/32wrenches.
Make sure the bottom of the door does not rub on the hollow seal in the bottom track. If necessary loosen the top pivot bolt with the provided open-end wrench.
Reposition the door and tighten the bolt.
If the door does not align with the expander jamb, loosen the screws holding the expander jamb and align it with the door.
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17. Install the Bumper Plug
Place a small amount of silicone sealant in the U-channel.
Insert the plastic bumper into the U-channel.
Apply silicone sealant here.
Plastic Bumper
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