Version History
New Features
¾ OSX version available
¾ Ability to create master keyboard layers and splits by
defining Lo/Hi keys and MIDI channel for each VSTi
(see manual p.62)
¾ Each VSTi can be transposed by octaves and
semitones (see manual p.62)
¾ Ability to set the tempo and signature for plugins and
instruments (see manual p.54)
¾ New transport panel with general transport functions
for VST System Link and Rewire (manual p.54)
¾ Mouse mode can now be switched between linear and
circular (see manual p.147)
¾ Rewire2 support
¾ When removing a VSTi from the instrument rack the
MIDI settings (input-port+channel, zone range,
transpose) are stored now
For further information please visit http://www.steinberg.net
V-STack 1.2 – Changes and Version History Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH – March 2004