Changes Cubase SL 2.0.0 to Cubase SL 2.1.0
New features:
Remote controllers (Yamaha DM2000v2/01x, Mackie HUI/Control, Radikal SAC-2k, CM Motormix):
- Unused motor faders are moved to lowest position
- Added "Hold" mode for buttons: Shortly pressing a button toggles it, holding it down longer will turn off
the parameter when releasing the button
- Some macros do not work as expected - fixed
- Under certain circumstances it is possible that on "empty trash" (pool) the application crashes - fixed
- Crash in List Editor if Length and Data2 values are altered using the [Alt]-Click method - fixed
- Problem when multiple Plugin windows are open and some of them have "Always on Top" status.
Status is altered after saving the project. Can also cause a lockup (freeze) - fixed
- Program does not launch (crashes on startup) when more than one internet IP connections were added
in the Network / Shared Projects panel. - fixed
- Crash if a PC-made project containing frozen VST Instruments is loaded on a Mac and vice versa. -
- Link/unlink faders does not work when mixer is set to “always on top” - fixed
- Switching between different Stereo Pan modes does not work correctly. One side of the stereo channel
may get muted - fixed
- When several sample editors are open and you edit at one a sample it may happen that all sample
editors show the same sample - fixed
- Use the range selection tool in the part editor when multiple lanes are available It does not highlight the
selection correctly, instead all lanes are highlighted. - fixed
- Part editor: Copy a marked selection to new lane is not possible - fixed
- Using track delay feature causes actual audio events to be shifted on the arrange window - fixed
- The undo history may get messed up if you use macros - fixed
- Under certain circumstances it may happen that removing DC offsets with lots of events selected
crashes the application - fixed
- In some cases it may happen that importing a marker track crashes application - fixed
- Under certain circumstances it may happen that automation is not followed correctly when cycling - fixed
- DirectX plugins memory issues have been improved by better memory managing
- A crash may occur when multiple projects are open and you are closing a project with opened plugin
editor - fixed
- Remote DM 2000: several bugs have been fixed
- Remote Roland MCR-8: Crash when Roland MCR-8 remote is active in device setup - fixed
- When a large latency buffer size is selected it may happen that samples are dropped in audio export
which are located at position 00:00:00:00 - fixed
- WMA - Export with lossless Mode has been fixed
- Only Mac: Improved USB Audio device support
- Only MacOS Panther: Some graphical artifacts have been fixed
- Remote Device: Adding JL Cooper MCS 3800 as device may have result in crash. Fixed.
- Mixer: Channel Inserts are PreFader now