6.0.4 Version History
Known issues and solutions
September 2011
Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

Congratulations and thank you for using Cubase Elements!
This document lists all update changes, fixes and improvements
as well as known issues and solutions for Cubase Elements 6.
Please note that the Known issues and solutions section
contains issues that might concern specific Cubase versions
only. Please make sure to read thru this section before
contacting Steinberg support.
We wish you creativity and success using Cubase!
Your Steinberg team
Cubase 6 / Cubase Artist 6: Version History - Known issues and
solutions 2

Version History 6.0.4 pre-release
Issues resolved in 6.0.4
Septembe r 2011
This pre-release version offers improvements which we would
like to make available to our customers as soon as possible.
While preliminary testing carried out for this version indicates
that it is stable and reliable, it has not gone through our full QA
testing cycle. Therefore, please note that this pre-release version
is not officially supported.
Cubase Elements 6.0.4 contains the following corrections as
well as all improvements of the 6.0.1, 6.0.2 and 6.0.3
maintenance updates.
The following table lists all issues that have been resolved in this
ID #
When using the new-in-6.0.3 “Gridlines in front of parts/events” function, the performance of
the User Interface does not diminish anymore.
When using audio samples as metronome click, toggling the metronome on/off doesn’t lead to
interruption of audio recordings.
Steinberg CI series audio hardware and Yamaha MOX synthesizer specific VST Connection
port naming issues under Mac OS X Lion (10.7) systems is resolved.
Using the Altiverb plug-in or Yamaha MOTIF Editors in a Project together with video material
does not render the application unreliable anymore.
Cubase 6 / Cubase Artist 6: Version History - Known issues and
solutions 3