SteelSeries QcK Prism Cloth XL User Manual

Amerik a:
Teile 1
Gewic ht 990g / 2.178lbs
Breite 120mm / 4.724in
Tief e 120mm / 4. 724in
EAN 5707119036818
UPC 813682025649
SteelSeries QcK Prism Cloth - XL
Pro duktbezeichn un g SteelSeries Qc K Pris m Cloth - XL
Besch reibung The QcK Prism gaming mousepad combines t he legendary Qc K m icro-w oven cloth found in t he w orld’s best-selling
mous epad w ith dynamic 2-zone R GB illum ination and real-time event light ing not ifications. St eelSeries Engine s oft ware unlock s an impressive ars enal of Engine Apps that make c ust omiz ation easy and intuitiv e.
Beso nderheiten Legendary Mic ro-Wov en C loth: With ov er 10 million sold, the SteelSeries QcK is t he pinnac le of surface performance and
innovat ion. The QcK Prism feat ures the same legendary surface, now w ith 2-Zone RGB lighting. Rev U p the Engine: SteelSeries Engine sof tware unlocks an im press ive arsenal of Engine Apps that m ake cus tomization easy and intuit ive. Unleas h the full power of dynam ic 2-zone RGB backlighting to c reate com plex lighting effects in seconds. Dis cord Chat Integration: Light up your m ouse pad w ith customiz able D isc ord c hat notifications t hat indicate new messages , mute status and m ore. Prism Sync Engine App: Sync dynamic mult i-color lighting eff ects bet ween all y our St eelSeries Prism ­enabled gear. F rom one-clic k lighting effec ts to complex light show s, PrismSync giv es you power to level-up the s ty le of your setup. Pinpoint Mouse Acc uracy : Tested by t he top mouse s ensor manuf act urer, the high thread count and sm ooth surf ace optimizes mous e t racking accuracy f or bot h opt ical and laser sensors. N ever-Slip Base: The durable, non-slip rubber bas e is designed to eliminate unwanted mov ement and provide a s olid plat form for com petit ive gaming. Legendary Esport s Status: For the past 15 y ears Esport s stars hav e pic ked the SteelSeries QcK as their mous e pad of choice. Esport s athletes hav e w on m ore priz e m oney using SteelSeries products than any other brand.
Verfü gbar ab
Bestel lnummer 63826
Lieferumfang N/A
Tech nische Detail s Abmes sungen: 900m m x 4m m x 300mm / 35.433in x 0.157in x 11.811in
Systemanfo rd eru ngen N/A
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Taiw an: N/A
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Her kunftsland Designed von SteelSeries in Dänem ark, produziert in China.