0w r s Manual
24" 208cc Snow Blower
WARNING! ToReduce The Risk Of Injury, User n
Must Read And Understand Instruction Manual.
SP-SB2421 ,...,...,,,o,.,....:-----------.

Owner's Msnus!

Owner's Manual
ASSEMBLY ........................................... e
OPERATION .......................................... 9
MAINTENANCE CHART ............................... 11
MAINTENANCE ...................................... 11
TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART ......................... 15
Figures(Example:Figure1)arelocatedonthe insidefront and back
pagesof thismanuallocatedbeforethepartslist.
A signalword (DANGER,WARNING,or CAUTION)isused with the alert
symbolto indicatethe likelihoodand the potentialseverity of injury,in
addition, a hazardsymbol may be usedto representthe type of hazard.
,_ DANGER indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided,will result in
death orserious injury.
WARNINGindicatesa hazardwhich,ifnotavoided,couldresult
indeathor seriousinjury.
CAUTIONindicatesa hazardwhich,ifnotavoided,mightresult
inminoror moderateinjury.
situationthatcouldresultindamageto the equipment.
General information
This instructionbook iswrittenfor a person with somemechanicalability.
Likemost servicebooks,notall the steps aredescribed.Steps on howto
loosenortighten fastenersaresteps anyone canfollow with some
mechanicalability. Readand follow theseinstructions beforeyou use the
Know your product: Ifyou understandthe unitand howthe unit
operates,you willget the bestperformance.As you readthis manual,
comparethe illustrationsto the unit. Learn the location and thefunction of
the controls.To helppreventan accident,followthe operatinginstructions
andthe safety rules.Keepthis manualfor future reference.
iMPORTANT:Many unitsarenot assembled and are soldin cartons, it is
the responsibilityof the ownerto makesure the assemblyinstructionsin
this manualare exactlyfollowed.Otherunits arepurchasedin an
assembledcondition.On assembled units,it is the responsibilityof the
ownerto make sure the unitis correctly assembled.The ownermust
carefullycheckthe unitaccordingto the instructionsin this manualbefore
it is first used.
Need Assistance?
Ifyou needadditional informationon assembling,operating,or servicing
yourequipmentcontact your local Dealer.
_lL_ Thismanualcontainssafety informationto make you
throwers,and how to avoid them.The snowthroweris designedand
intendedfor removalof snow,and should not beused forany other
purpose. It is importantthat you readand understandthese
instructions,and anyoneoperatingthe equipmentread and
awareof the hazards andrisksassociatedwith snow
Controls & EquipmentFeatures(see Figure1)
TractionDrive Lever (t) = Selectthe forwardor reverse directionof
CrankAssembly {2)= Changesthe directionof the dischargechute.
Chute Deflector (3)= Changesthe distancethe snowis thrown.
DischargeChute (4)- Changesthe directionthe snow is thrown.
Auger Drive Lever (5)- Startsand stopsthe auger (snow gatheringand
throwing)which also propelsthe snowthrower.
Speed Shift Lever (6) - Selects the speedofthe snow thrower.
HeightAdjust Skid (7) - Adjuststhe ground clearanceof the auger
DriftCutters (18) - (ifequipped)Cuts a path through snow higherthan
the auger housing.
ShearBolts (19) - To protectthe machine,special shear boltsare
designedto breakis an object becomeslodged inthe auger housing.The
useof a harder boltwill destroy the protectionprovidedbythe shear bolt.
Engine Features
SafetyKey (8) - Must beinserted to startthe engine.
Primer Button (9)- injectsfuel directlyinto the carburetorfor fast starts
in coldweather.
Electric Start Button (10) =On electricstart models,usedto start the
SwitchBox (11)= Onelectric startmodels,used to attacha 220volt
RecoilStarter Handle(12) = Useto manuallystart the engine.
Stop Switch (13)- Useto stop the engine.
ChokeControl (14) - Useto start a coldengine.

Owner's Mariu!!
HazardSymbolsandtheir meanings
Thesesymbolsareused on yourequipmentanddefined inyour operating
manual.Reviewand understandthe meanings,The use ofone of these
symbolscombined with asignalword will alertyou to potentialhazards
andhowto avoidthem.
,_ Safety Alert Identifies safety information about
hazards that can result in personal injury.
Operator's Manual Read and understand
before performing any activity or running
Rotating auger
Rotating impeller __
Toxic fumes
_$ Shock
Rotating gears
_ Hot Surface
Thrown objects
Operating Symbols andtheir meanings
These symbols are used onyour equipmentand defined inyour operating
manual.It is importantthat you reviewand understandthe meanings.
Failureto understandthe symbols mightresult inharmto you.
._ Fuel Neutral
_ Primer bulb _ Ignition On
_,\_ @ Ignition Off
Oil _ Forward
On Off
Ignition Key
l+( c.o oo.
Push to engage
I _(l_,l Choke on
._ Slow
electric start
Keep a safe distance
from the equipment.
Never reach into
rotating parts.
Shut off engine and
remove spark plug
connector before
performing maintenance
or repair work,
iiiiiiiii ii
O Traction
Auger Clutch
_ Drive Clutch
Discharge Chute
Chute Deflector
Engine Run
Engine Off

Owner's Manual
Neverattempt to clear auger of debris orclogged snow whileequipment is
engaged or engine is running. Cloggedor blockedaugers store energy
andcan rotateunexpectedly, EVENWITH ENGINE OFE
• Stop engine and remove keys when performing maintenance on
• Never leavethe equipment unattendedwhile engine is running. Always
disengage the augerand traction controls, stop engine,and remove keys.
• Keep children, pets, and others out of the areaduring operation.Children
are often attracted to the equipment. Be mindful of all persons present.
o Keep all looseclothing far away from front of snow thrower and auger.
Scarves, mittens, dangling drawstrings, loose clothes and pants can
quickly become caught in the rotatingdevice and dismemberment wilt
occur.Tie uptong hairand removejewelry.
• The snow thrower is intended to removesnow only. Do notuse for
purposesother than what is intended.
• Do not clear snowacross the face of slopes. Exerciseextreme cautionwhen
changingdirectionon slopes.Do not attemptto clear steepslopes.
• Do not usethe snow thrower on surfaces above ground level such as roofs
of residences, garages, porches or other such structures or buildings.
• Unclogging the discharge chute is a hazardous activity. Clogged or
blocked augers store energy and can rotate unexpectedly,even with
engine off.
• Never placehands inor near discharge chute.
• With engine OFF,wait for all moving parts to cease movement, then with a
stick, clearthe chute. Even with engine off, partsmay rotateand
dismemberment can occur.
• Clogged snow can hide other obstructionsinthe chute and cause damage
tothe equipment, impeller orauger. Take precautionswhen restating the
equipmentafter snow removal.
• Be aware of your environment while operating equipment. Runningover
itemssuchas gravel, doormats, newspapers, toys, and rocks hidden
undersnow, can all be thrown from chute or jam in the auger.
• Always be aware of the direction the snow is beingthrown. Nearby
pedestrians, pets or property may be harmed by objects beingthrown.
• Familiarize yourself with the area you planto work. Mark off boundaries of
walkways and driveways to prevent propertydamage from thrown objects.
• Take caution when snow throwing inunfamiliar areas. Stay alertfor hidden
hazards and traffic.
• After strikinga foreign object, turn engineOFF, wait for moving parts to
cease movement,andcheck immediatelyfor damage. Ifdamaged, repair
before starting and operating snow thrower.
• With engine OFF,wait for moving partsto stop and always use a stick to
clear discharge chute.
• If unit vibratesabnormally,turn engine OFE Vibration is generally a
warning of trouble. See an authorizeddealer if necessaryfor repairs.
• Start and run engine outdoors.
• Do not start or run engine inenclosedarea, even ifdoors or
windowsare open.
• Turnengine OFF and let enginecool at least2 minutes before
removinggas cap.
• Fill fuel tank outdoors or inwell-ventilated area.
, Donot overfillfuel tank.
• Keep gasolineaway from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignition sources.
• Check fuel lines, tank, cap, andfittings frequently for cracks or leaks.
• Makesure spark plug, muffler,fuel cap and air cleaner are in place.
• Do not crank engine with spark plug removed.
° iffuel spills, wait untilit evaporates before startingengine.
• Ifengine floods, set choke to OPEN/RUNposition, place throttle in
FASTand crank until engine starts.
• Do not choke carburetorto stop engine.
° Transportwith fuel tank EMPTY.
o Store away fromfurnaces, stoves, water heaters or other appliances
that have pilot light or other ignitionsource becausethey can ignite
gasoline vapors.

WARNING: This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Read these safety
Owner's Manual
,_ rules and follow them closely. Failure to obey these rules could result in loss of control of unit, severe
personal injury or death to you, or bystanders, or damage to property or equipment. The triangle'S, in text
signifies important cautions or warnings which must be followed.
Safe Operation Practices for Snowthrowers
iMPORTANT: Safety standards require operator presence controls
to minimize the risk of injury. Your snowthrower is equipped with
such controls. Do not attempt to defeat the function of the operator
presence control under any circumstances.
1. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine and in the
manuals before operating this unit. Be thoroughly familiar with the
controls and the proper use of the equipment. Know how to stop the unit
and disengage the controls quickly.
2. Never allow children to operate the equipment. Never allow adults to
operate the equipment without proper instruction.
3. Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small
children and pets.
4. Exercise caution to avoid slipping or falling especially when operating in
1. Thoroughly inspect the area where the equipment is to be used and
remove all doormats, sleds, boards, wires, and other foreign objects.
2. Disengage all clutches and shift into neutral before starting the engine
3. Do not operate the equipment without wearing adequate winter outer
garments. Wear footwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
Avoid loose fitting clothing that can get caught in moving parts.
4. Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable.
a. Use an approved fuel container.
b. Never add fuel to a running engine or hot engine.
c. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme care. Never fill fuel tank
indoors. Replace fuel cap securely and wipe up spilled fuel.
d. Never fill containers inside a vehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with
a plastic liner. Always place containers on the ground, away from
your vehicle, before filling.
e. When practical, remove gas-powered equipment from the truck or
trailer and refuel it on the ground. If this is not possible, then refuel
such on a trailer with a portable container, rather than from a
gasoline dispenser nozzle.
f. Keep nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container
opening at all times, until refueling is complete. Do not use a nozzle
lock-open device.
g. Replace gasoline cap securely and wipe up spilled fuel.
h. If fuel is spilled on clothing, change clothing immediately.
5. Use extension cords and receptacles as specified by the manufacturer
for all units with electric drive motors or electric starting motors.
6. Adjust the collector housing height to clear gravel or crushed rock
7. Never attempt to make any adjustments while the engine (motor) is
running (except when specifically recommended by manufacturer).
8. Let engine (motor) and snowthrower adjust to outdoor temperatures
before starting to clear snow.
9. Always wear safety glasses or eye shields during operation or while
performing an adjustment or repair to protect eyes from foreign objects
that may be thrown from the machine.
10. Never operate the snowthrower without proper guards, plates or other
safety protective devices in place.
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts. Keep clear of the
discharge opening at all times.
2. Exercise extreme caution when operating on or crossing gravel drives,
walks or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine (motor), disconnect the cord
on electric motors, thoroughly inspect snowthrower for any damage, and
repair the damage before restarting and operating the snowthrower.
4. If the unit should start to vibrate abnormally, stop the engine (motor) and
check immediately for the cause. Vibration is generally a warning of
5. Stop the engine (motor) whenever you leave the operating position,
before unclogging the collector/impeller housing or discharge chute and
when making any repairs, adjustments, or inspections.
6. When cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain the
collector/impeller and all moving parts have stopped. Disconnect the
spark plug wire and keep the wire away from the spark plug to prevent
accidental starting.
7. Do not run the engine indoors, except when starting the engine and for
transporting the snowthrower in or out of the building. Open the outside
doors; exhaust fumes are dangerous (containing CARBON
8. Exercise extreme caution when operating on slopes. Do not attempt to
clear steep slopes.
9. Never operate the snowthrower without proper guards, plates, or other
safety protective devices in place and working.
10. Never direct the discharge toward people or areas where property
damage can occur. Keep children and others away.
11. Do not overload the machine capacity by attempting to clear snow at too
fast a rate.
12. Never operate the machine at high transport speeds on slippery
surfaces. Look behind and use care when operating in reverse.
13. Disengage power to the collector/impeller when snowthrower is
transported or not in use.
14. Use only attachments and accessories approved by the manufacturer of
the snowthrower (such as cabs, tire chains, etc.).
15. Never operate the snowthrower without good visibility or light. Always be
sure of your footing and keep a firm hold on the handles. Walk, never
16. Never touch a hot engine or muffler.
17. Never operate the snowthrower near glass enclosures, automobiles,
window wells, drop-off, and the like without proper adjustment of the
snow discharge angle.

Owner's Manual
18. Never direct discharge at bystanders or allow anyone in front of the unit.
19. Never leave a running unit unattended. Always disengage the auger and
traction controls, stop engine, and remove keys.
20. Do not operate the unit while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
21. Keep in mind the operator is responsible for accidents occurring to other
people or property.
22. Data indicates that operators, age 60 years and above, are involved in a
large percentage of power equipment related injuries. These operators
should evaluate their ability to operate the unit safely enough to protect
themselves and others from injury.
23. DO NOT wear long scarves or loose clothing that could become
entangled in moving parts.
24. Snow can hide obstacles. Make sure to remove all obstacles from the
area to be cleared.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of
children. Children are often attracted to the unit and the operating activity.
Never assume that children will remain where you last saw them.
1. Keep children out of the area and under the watchful care of another
responsible adult.
2. Be alert and turn off if children enter the area.
3. Never allow children to operate the unit.
4. Use extra care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other
objects that may obscure vision.
Clearing A Clogged Discharge Chute
Hand contact with the rotating impeller inside the discharge chute is the
most common cause of injury associated with snowthrowers. Never use
your hand to clean out the discharge chute.
To clear the chute:
2. Wait 10 seconds to be sure the impeller blades have stopped rotating.
3. Always use a clean out tool, not your hands.
2. Never store the machine with fuel in the tank inside a building where
ignition sources are present such as hot water and space heaters, or
clothes dryers. Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure.
3. Always refer to operator's manual for important details if the
snowthrower is to be stored for an extended period.
4. Maintain or replace safety and instruction labels as necessary.
5. Run the machine a few minutes after throwing snow to prevent
freeze up of the collector/impeller.
6. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine but move the machine
away from the area of spillage and avoid creating any source of ignition
until fuel vapors have dissipated.
7. Always observe safe refueling and fuel handling practices when
refueling the unit after transportation or storage.
8. Always follow the engine's manual instructions for storage preparations
before storing the unit for both short and long term periods.
9. Always follow the engine manual instructions for proper start-up
procedures when returning the unit to service.
10.Keep nuts and bolts tight and keep equipment in good condition.
11. Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation
regularly and make necessary repairs if they are not functioning
12. Components are subject to wear, damage, and deterioration. Frequently
check components and replace with manufacturer's recommended
parts, when necessary.
13. Check control operation frequently. Adjust and service as required.
14. Use only factory authorized replacement parts when making repairs.
15.Always comply with factory specifications on all settings and
16. Only authorized service locations should be utilized for major service
and repair requirements.
17. Never attempt to make major repairs on this unit unless you have been
properly trained. Improper service procedures can result in hazardous
operation, equipment damage and voiding of manufacturer's warranty.
1. Engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known, in certain
quantities, to cause cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm.
2. If available, look for the relevant Emissions Durability Period and Air
Index information on the engine emissions label.
Service, Maintenance And Storage
1. Check shear bolts (pins) and other bolts at frequent intervals for proper
tightness to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.

Owner's Manual
Read and follow the assembly and adjustment
instructions for your snow thrower. All fasteners
are in the parts bag. Do not discard any parts or
material until the unit is assembled.
assembly or maintenance to the
,_ WARNING: Before doing any
snow thrower, remove the wire
from the spark plug.
NOTE: In this instruction book, left and right
describe the location of a part from the
operator's position behind the unit.
NOTE: Torque is measured in foot pounds
(metric N.m). This measurement describes
how tight a nut or bolt must be. The torque is
measured with a torque wrench.
NOTE: Fasteners and loose parts are shown
at full size in Figure 2 on page 32.
NOTE: Illustrations are located on page 2
and on pages 33 through 38.
Tools Required
1/2 inch open end wrenches
9/16 inch open end wrenches
3/4 inch open end wrenches
Measuring tape or ruler
3/8 inch open end wrench
7/16 inch open end wrench
How To Remove The Snow Thrower
From The Carton
1. (Figure 3) The snow thrower is shown in the
shipping position.
2. Remove packing material from wheels,
handle, and auger housing.
3. Locate and remove the parts bag (some
models do not have a parts bag).
4. Cut open the end of the carton next to the
5. To roll the snowthrower off of the carton, pull
on the handle.
CAUTION: DO NOT back over cables.
6. Remove any packing material that remains
from handle and auger housing.
7. Cut black plastic shipping ties that may
secure the control cables to the LOWER
8. if the control cables have become
disconnected from the control levers, then
attach the cable to the levers (see Owner's
Manual for illustration of cable and lever).
How To Assemble The Handle And
Crank Assembly
1. (Figure 4) Loosen, but do not remove, the
fasteners (1) in the upper holes of the lower
2. Remove the fasteners and the crank
assembly eyebolt (11)from the lower holes
of the lower handle.
3. (Figure 1) Put the shift lever (6) into first
forward position.
4. (Figure 4) Raise the upper handle (2) to the
operating position.
NOTE: Make sure the cables are not
caught between the upper and lower
5. Install the fasteners and the crank assembly
eyebolt (11) that were removed in step 2.
DO NOT tighten until all fasteners are in place.
6. (Figure 5) Attach the crank rod (15) to the
universal joint assembly (16) with the hair
pin (12).
7. (Figure 4) Tighten nut on eye bolt (11).
Make sure eye bolt (11) is properly aligned
and the crank (18) can freely rotate.
8. Tighten all handle fasteners.
How To Install The Knob(s) (Figure 6)
NOTE: If knob(s) are already installed, go to
the next selection.
1. Attach the knob (3) onto the speed shift
lever (2). On some models, the knob (3)
is attached. To lock in position, tighten the
hex jam nut (1) against the bottom of the
knob (3).
2. Make sure the speed shift lever (2)
functions correctly. Move the speed shift
lever (2) through all speeds.
How To Assemble The Chute Deflector
NOTE: The chute ring assembly (1) comes
installed on the unit from the factory (see
Figure 7).
1. Turn crank assembly (18, Figure 4) until
the arrow on outer ring (2, Figure 7) of
chute ring assembly points forward.
2. Place chute ring (3) onto outer ring (2)
so the slot in the chute ring aligns with
the arrow on the outer ring.
3. Install chute deflector (4) using four screws
(5) and nuts (6) in holes as shown. The chute
deflector must point forward for proper
4. Tighten screws snugly but be careful not to
Check The Cables
1. (Figure 8) Check the traction drive cable
(1) and the auger drive cable (2). if the
bottom of the cables have become
disconnected, reinstall the cables.
2. (Figure 10) if the top of the cables (5) have
become disconnected from the drive
levers (6), attach the cables (5) to the "Z"
fitting (7).
How To Set The Skid Height (Figure 1)
The snow thrower is equipped with height
adjustable skids (7) mounted on the outside of
the auger housing (4). To adjust the height of
the skids, see "How To Adjust The Height Of
The Skids" in the Maintenance section.
How To Set The Length Of The Cables
The cables were adjusted at the factory and no
adjustments should be necessary. However,
after the handles are put in the operating
position, the cables can be too tight or too loose.
if an adjustment is necessary, see "How To
Check And Adjust The Cables" in the Service
And Adjustment section.
How To Assemble The Drift Cutter
(if equipped)
Drift cutters are used to cut a path through snow
deeper than the auger housing.
1. (Figure 11) Loosen the fasteners (2) that
secure the drift cutters (1) to the auger
2. Raise the drift cutters (1) to the desired
3. Tighten the fasteners (2).
How To Prepare The Engine
NOTE: The engine was shipped from the
factory filled with oil. Check the level of the
oil. Add oil as needed.
manufacturer's instructions for the
,_ WARNING: Follow the engine
type of fuel and oi! to use. Always
use a safety fuel container. Do not smoke
when adding gasoline to the engine. When
inside an enclosure, do not fill with
gasoline. Before you add fuel, stop the
engine. Let the engine cool for several
Check the oil. See the engine manufacturer's
instructions for the type of fuel and oil to use.
Before you use the unit, read the information on
safety, operation, maintenance, and storage.
important! Before You Start Operating
Check the fasteners. Make sure all
fasteners are tight.
13 On electric start models, the unit was
shipped with the starter cord plugged
into the engine. Before operating,
unplug the starter cord from the engine.
NOTE: Illustrations are located on page 2
and on pages 33 through 38.
CAUTION: Use only attachments and
accessories approved by the manufacturer
of the snow thrower (such as tire chains,
electric start kits, etc.).
Know Your Snow Thrower (Figure 1)
Read this Instruction Book and safety rules
before operation the snow thrower. Compare the
illustration with your snow thrower to familiarize
yourself with the location of various controls and
How To Control The Discharge Of
The Snow
discharge of snow toward
WARNING: Never direct the
before unclogging the discharge
WARNING: Always stop the engine
chute or the auger housing and
before leaving the snow thrower.
1. (Figure 1) Turn the crank assembly (2) to
change the discharge direction of the snow.
2. (Figure 12) Loosen the wing knob (1) on
the chute deflector (2) and move the chute
deflector (2) to set the distance. Move the
chute deflector (2) UP for more distance,
DOWN for less distance. Then tighten the
wing knob (1).

Owner's Manual
How To Stop The Snow Thrower
(Figure 1)
1. To stop discharging snow, release the auger
drive lever (5).
2. To stop the wheels, release the traction
drive lever (1).
3. To stop the engine, move the stop switch
(13) to the OFF position.
CAUTION: To stop the engine, do not move
the choke control to CHOKE position.
Backfire or engine damage can occur.
How To Go Forward or Backward
(Figure 1)
1. To change the ground speed, first release the
traction drive lever (1) and then move the
speed shift lever (6) to the desired speed.
2. Ground speed is determined by snow
conditions. Select the speed by moving the
speed shift lever (6) into the appropriate
notch on the shift lever plate.
Speed 1,2 Wet, Heavy
Speed 3 Light
Speed 4 Very Light
Speed 5, 6 Transport only
3. To go forward, engage the traction drive
lever (1). Maintain a firm hold on the handle
as the snow thrower starts to move forward.
Guide the snow thrower by moving the
handle either left or right. Do not attempt to
push the snow thrower.
4. To go backward, release the tractor drive
lever (1).
5. Move the speed shift lever (6) into either
first or second reverse.
6. Engage the traction drive lever (1).
IMPORTANT: Do not move the speed shift
lever (8) while the traction drive lever (1) is
How To Throw Snow (Figure 1)
1. Engage the auger drive lever (5).
2. To stop throwing snow, release the auger
drive lever (5).
snow thrower can result in foreign
,_ WARNING: The operation of any
objects being thrown into the eyes,
which can result in severe eye damage.
Always wear safety glasses or eye shields
while operating the snow thrower. We
recommend standard safety glasses or use
a wide vision safety mask over your
How To Use The Wheel Lockout Pin
(Figure 13)
1. The right hand wheel is secured to the axle
with a klick pin (1). This unit was shipped
with this klick pin (1) through the wheel hole
in the locked position (2).
2. For ease of maneuverability in light snow
conditions, change the klick pin (1) to an
unlocked position (3).
3. Disconnect the klick pin (1) from the wheel
locked position (2). Push the klick pin (1)
through the unlocked axle hole only. The unit
is now in the single wheel drive unlocked
position (3).
Before Starting The Engine
1. Before you service or start the engine,
familiarize yourself with the snow thrower. Be
sure you understand the function and
location of all controls.
2. Check the tension of the clutch cable before
starting the engine. See "How To Adjust The
Clutch Cable" in the Maintenance section of
this manual.
3. Make sure that all fasteners are tight.
4. Make sure the height adjust skids are
properly adjusted. See "How To Adjust The
Height Of The Skids" in the Maintenance
section of this manual.
5. Check the air pressure in the tires. The
correct air pressure is 14 PSi (1 BAR) to 17
PSi (1.25 BAR). Do not exceed the
maximum amount of air pressure shown on
the side of the tire.
How To Stop The Engine (Figure 1)
1. Push the stop switch (13) to the OFF
2. Pull out the safety key (8).
CAUTION: To stop the engine, do not move
the choke control to CHOKE position.
Backfire or engine damage can occur.
How To Start The Engine (Figure 1)
Models equipped with an Electric Starter
NOTE: An electric starter kit can be added to
recoil start engines. Electric starter kits are
available from your nearest authorized
service center.
with a three=wire power cord and
,_ WARNING: The starter is equipped
plug and is designed to operate on
A.C. household current. The power cord
must be properly grounded at all times to
avoid the possibility of electrical shock
which can injure the operator. Carefully
follow all instructions in the "How To Start
The Engine" section. Make sure that your
house wiring is a three-wire grounded
system. If you are not sure, ask a licensed
electrician. If your house wire system is not
a three-wire grounded system, do not use
this electric starter under any conditions, if
your system is grounded but a three=hole
grounded receptacle is not available to start
the engine, have a three-hole grounded
receptacle installed by a licensed
electrician. To connect an A.C. power cord,
always connect the power cord to the
switch box (11) on the engine first. Then,
plug the other end into the three=hole
grounded receptacle. When disconnecting
the power cord, always unplug the end from
the three-hole grounded receptacle first.
How To Start A Cold Engine (Figure 1)
1. Check the engine oil.
2. Fill the fuel tank with regular unleaded petrol.
See "How To Prepare The Engine".
3. Make sure the traction drive lever (1) and
the auger drive lever (5) are in the
disengaged (released) position.
4. Push the stop switch (13) to the ON
5. Push in the safety key (8).
6. Rotate the choke knob (14) to the CHOKE
7. (Electric Start) Connect the power cord to
the starter motor located on the engine.
8. (Electric Start) Plug the other end of the
power cord into a three-hole, grounded
A.C. receptacle. (See the WARNING in
this section).
9. Push the primer button (9). Every time you
push the primer button (9), wait two
seconds. For the number of times required to
push the primer button (9), see the engine
manufacturer's instructions.
10. (Electric Start) Push on the electric start
button (10) until the engine starts. De not
crank for more than 5 seconds at a time.
Wait one minute between starts to allow the
starter to cool.
11. (Recoil Start) Slowly pull the recoi! starter
handle (12) until resistance is felt and then
pull rapidly to start the engine. Do not allow
the recoil starter handle (12) to snap back.
Slowly return the recoil starter handle (12).
12. if the engine does not start in 5 or 6 tries,
See the "Trouble Shooting Chart"
13.Allow the engine to warm up for several
minutes. As the engine warms up, adjust the
choke knob (14) toward the RUN position.
Wait until the engine runs smoothly before
each choke adjustment.
14. (Electric Start) First disconnect the power
cord from the three-hole receptacle. Then,
disconnect the power cord from the starter
NOTE: In temperatures below 0°F (=18°C),
allow the engine to warm up for several
minutes before blowing snow.
indoors or in enclosed, poorly
,_ WARNING: Never run the engine
ventilated areas. Engine exhaust
contains carbon monoxide, an odorless
and deadly gas. Keep hands, feet, hair and
loose clothing away from any moving parts
located on the engine or the snow thrower.
The temperature of muffler and nearby
areas may exceed 150°F (68°C). Avoid
these areas.
How To Start A Warm Engine (Figure 1)
If an engine has been running and is still warm,
leave the choke control (14) in the off position
and do not push the primer button (9). If the
engine fails to start, follow the instructions "How
To Start A Cold Engine".
NOTE: Do not use the primer button (9) to
start a warm engine.
How To Start An Engine With A Frozen Electric
Starter (Figure 1)
If the electric starter is frozen and will not turn
the engine, follow the instructions below.
1. Pull as much starter rope as possible out of
the starter.
2. Release the starter handle and let it snap
back against the starter. Repeat until the
engine starts.

Owner's Manual
Warm engines will cause condensation in cold
weather. To prevent possible freeze up of recoil
starter and engine controls, proceed as follows
after each snow removal job.
1. Run the snow thrower a few minutes after
throwing snow to prevent freeze up of the
2. With engine off, allow engine to cool for
several minutes.
3. Pull starter rope very slowly until resistance
is felt, then stop. Allow the starter rope to
recoil. Repeat three times.
4. With the engine not running, wipe all snow
and moisture from the carburetor cover in
area of controls and levers. Also, move the
choke control and starter handle several
How To Remove Snow or Debris From
The Auger Housing
_ ARNING: Do not attempt to
remove snow or debris that may
become lodged in auger housing
with your hands. Use the clean out tool or
a pry bar to remove snow or debris.
Fill in dates as you complete
regular service.
(Figure 21) On some models, a clean out tool
(1) is attached to the top of the auger housing.
Use the clean out tool (1)to remove snow
from the auger housing.
1. (Figure 1) Release the auger drive lever
2. Pull out the safety key (8).
3. Do not place your hands in the auger
housing (4) or the discharge chute (3).
4. (Figure 21) Use the clean out tool (1)or a
pry bar to remove any snow or debris.
Snow Throwing Tips
1. For maximum snow thrower efficiency in
removing snow, adjust ground speed. Go
slower in deep, freezing or wet snow. If the
wheels slips, reduce forward speed.
2. Most efficient snow throwing is accomplished
when the snow is removed immediately after
if falls.
CAUTION: Do not overload the machine
capacity by attempting to clear snow at
too fast a rate.
Before Every Every Every
Each First 2 5 10 25
Use Hours Hours Hours Hours
3. For complete snow removal, slightly overlap
each previous path.
4. Whenever possible, discharge the snow
down wind.
5. For normal usage, set the skids so that the
scraper bar is 118" (3 mm) above the skids.
For extremely hard packed snow surfaces,
adjust the skids upward so that the scraper
bar touches the ground.
6. Rocks and gravel must not be picked up and
thrown by the machine. On gravel or crushed
rock surfaces, set the skids at 1 1/4 inch
(32 mm) below the scraper bar. See "How To
Adjust The Height Of The Skids" in the
Maintenance section.
7. After each snow throwing job, allow the
engine to idle for a few minutes. The snow
and accumulated ice will melt off the engine.
8. Clean the snow thrower after each use.
9. Remove ice, snow and debris from the entire
snow thrower. Flush with water to remove all
salt or other chemicals. Wipe snow thrower
Change Engine Oil
Check Spark Plug
Check Fuel
Check Auger Clutch Cable Adjustment
(See Cable Adjustment)
Lubricate All Pivot Points
Lubricate Drive Chains and Sprockets
NOTE: l!lustrations are located on page 2
and on pages 33 through 38.
Use the following maintenance section to keep
your unit in good operating condition. All the
maintenance information for the engine is in the
engine manufacturer's instructions. Before you
start the engine, read this book.
inspection, adjustment (except
_ ARNING: Before you make an
carburetor), or repair, disconnect
the wire from the spark plug,
General Recommendations
The warranty on this snow thrower does not
cover items that have been subjected to
operator abuse or negligence. To receive full
value from the warranty, the operator must
maintain the snow thrower as instructed in this
Some adjustments must be made periodically to
properly maintain the snow thrower.
After Each Use
[] Check for any loose or damaged parts.
[] Tighten any loose fasteners.
[] Check and maintain the auger.
[] Check controls to make sure they are
functioning properly.
[] If any parts are worn or damaged, replace
[] Check all safety and instruction decals and
labels. Replace any decals or labels that are
missing or cannot be clearly read.
All adjustments in the Maintenance section of
this manual should be checked at least once
each season.

Owner's Manual
As Required
The following adjustment should be preformed
more than once each season.
1. Adjust the auger drive belt after the first 2 to
4 hours, again at mid season, and twice
each season thereafter. See "How To Adjust
The Auger Drive Belt" in the Maintenance
Every 10 Hours (Figure 14)
1. Lubricate the Zerk fittings (1) every ten
hours with a grease gun.
2. Each time a shear bolt is replaced, the auger
shaft must also be greased.
3. Lubricate all pivot points.
Every 25 Hours
Chute Rotation Gear
(Figure 5) Lubricate the chute rotation gear (1)
with automotive type oil.
1. (Figure 1) Move the speed shift lever (6) to
first gear.
2. Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand
the snow thrower up on the front end of the
auger housing (4).
outdoors, away from fire or flame.
_ WARNING: Drain the gasoline
3. (Figure 23) Loosen the bolts (3) on each
side of the bottom panel (2).
4. Remove the bottom panel (2).
5. (Figure 15) Lubricate the chains (5) with a
chain type lubricant.
6. Wipe the hexshaft and sprockets (6) with
5W30 motor oil.
NOTE: If grease or oil come in contact
with the disc drive plate (1) or the friction
wheel (3), damage can result. Clean off
any oil or grease with a alcohol base
7. (Figure 23) install the bottom panel (2).
8. Tighten the bolts (3) on each side of the
bottom panel (2).
items Not To Lubricate (Figure 15)
1. Do not lubricate the hex shaft and
sprockets (6). All bearings and bushings are
lifetime lubricated. For storage, put a slight
amount of 5W 30 motor oil on a cloth and
wipe the hex shaft and sprockets (6) to
prevent rust.
2. If grease or oil comes in contact with the
disc drive plate (1) or the friction wheel
(3), the friction wheel (3) can be damaged.
Make sure to thoroughly clean the disc drive
plate (1) and the friction wheel (3).
CAUTION: Any greasing or oiling of the
above components can cause
contamination of the friction wheel (3). If
the disc drive plate (1) or the friction
wheel (3) become contaminated with
grease or oil, damage to the friction wheel
will result.
3. The auger gear case is lubricated at the
factory and does not require additional
How To Adjust The Height Of The Skids
(Figure 1)
This snow thrower is equipped with two height
adjustable skids (7). These skids elevate the
front of the snow thrower. For normal hard
surfaces, such as a paved driveway or walk,
adjust the skids as follows.
1. Put the snow thrower on a level surface.
2. Make sure both tires are equally inflated. The
correct air pressure is 14 PSi (1 BAR) to 17
PSI (1.25 BAR). Do not exceed the
maximum amount of air pressure shown on
the side of the tire.
3. Put the extra shear bolts (found in the parts
bag) under each end of the scraper bar (15)
next to the adjustable skids (7).
4. Loosen the mounting nuts (16) that hold the
adjustable skids (7). To bring the front of the
snow thrower down, raise each adjustable
skids (7). Tighten the mounting nuts (16).
NOTE: For rocky or uneven surfaces, raise
the front of the snow thrower by moving the
adjustable skids (7) down.
proper ground clearance for the
_lb ARNING: Be certain to maintain
area to be cleared. Objects such as
gravel, rocks or other debris, if struck by
the impeller, can be thrown with sufficient
force to cause personal injury, property
damage or damage to the snow thrower.
How To Adjust The Scraper Bar
(Figure 1)
After considerable use, the scraper bar (15) will
become worn. The scraper bar (15), in
conjunction with the skids, must be adjusted to
allow 1/8 inch clearance between the scraper
bar (15) and the sidewalk or area to be cleared.
1. Put the snow thrower on a level surface.
2. Make sure both tires are equally inflated. The
correct air pressure is 14 PSi (1 BAR) to 17
PSI (1.25 BAR). Do not exceed the
maximum amount of air pressure shown on
the side of the tire.
3. Loosen the carriage bolts and nuts that
hold the scraper bar (15) to the auger
housing (4).
4. Adjust the scraper bar (15) to allow 1/8 inch
clearance between the scraper bar (15) and
the sidewalk or area to be cleared.
5. Tighten the carriage bolts and nuts. Make
sure that the scraper bar (15) is parallel with
the sidewalk or area to be cleared.
6. To extended the life of the scraper bar (15),
remove and reverse the mounting of the
scraper bar (15).
How To Check And Adjust The Cables
The traction drive cable and the auger drive
cable are adjusted at the factory. During normal
use, a cable can become stretched and must be
checked and adjusted as follows.
How To Check The Cables (Figure 16)
1. To check for correct adjustment, disconnect
the "Z" fitting (1) from the drive lever (2).
2. Move the drive lever (2) forward until the
drive lever (2) is contacting the plastic
bumper (3).
3. The control cable is correctly adjusted if the
center of the "Z" fitting (1)is aligned (4)
with the hole in the drive lever (2) and there
in no droop in the cable.
How To Adjust The Auger Drive Cable
1. Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand
the snow thrower up on the front end of the
auger housing.
outdoors, away from fire or flame.
,_ WARNING: Drain the gasoline
2. (Figure 16) Disconnect the "Z" fitting (1)
from the drive lever (2).
3. (Figure 17) Pull the spring cover up to
expose the spring (5). Push the cable (6)
through the spring (5) to expose the square
end (7) on the cable (6).
4. Hold the square end (7) with pliers and
adjust the Iocknut (8) in or out until the
excess slack is removed.
5. Pull the cable (6) back through the spring
6. (Figure 16) Connect the "Z" fitting (1) to the
drive lever (2).
NOTE: When the auger drive belt is adjusted
or replaced, check and adjust the cable.
How To Adjust The Traction Drive Cable
1. Remove the gas from the gas tank. Stand
the snow thrower up on the front end of the
auger housing.
outdoors, away from fire or flame.
_ WARNING: Drain the gasoline
2. (Figure 23) Loosen the bolts (3) on each
side of the bottom panel (2).
3. Remove the bottom panel (2).
4. (Figure 16) Disconnect the "Z" fitting (1)
from the traction drive lever (2).
5. (Figure 28) Slide the cable boot (3) off the
cable adjustment bracket (4).
6. Push the bottom of the traction control
cable (5) through the cable adjustment
bracket (4) until the "Z" hook (6) can be
7. Remove the "Z" hook (6) from the cable
adjustment bracket (4). Move the "Z" hook
(6) down to the next adjustment hole.
8. Pull the traction control cable (5) up
through the cable adjustment bracket (4).
9. Put the cable boot (3) over the cable
adjustment bracket (4).
10. (Figure 16) Install the "Z" fitting (1) to the
traction drive lever (2).

8wner's Manual
11. (Figure 15) To check the adjustment,
depress the drive lever and check the length
"A" of the drive spring (7). In correct
adjustment, the length "A" of the drive
spring (7) is as follows:
minimum 3 inches (76 mm)
maximum 3-3/8 inches (85 mm).
12. (Figure 23) install the bottom panel (2).
13. Tighten the bolts (3) on each side of the
bottom panel (2).
How To Adjust The Belts
The belts will stretch during normal use. if you
need to adjust the belts due to wear or stretch,
proceed as follows.
How To Adjust The Auger Drive Belt
If the snow thrower will not discharge snow,
check the adjustment of the auger drive cable.
See "How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in
the Maintenance section. If the adjustment is
correct, then check the condition of the auger
drive belt. If the auger drive belt is damaged,
replace the auger drive belt. See "How To
Replace The Belts" in the Maintenance section.
If the auger drive belt is loose, adjust as follows.
1. Disconnect the spark plug wire.
2. (Figure 18) Remove screw (2) from belt
cover (1). Remove the belt cover (1).
3. (Figure 19) Loosen the nut (2) on the idler
pulley (3) Move the idler pulley (3) 1/8 inch
(3 mm) toward the auger drive belt (4).
4. Tighten the nut (2).
5. (Figure 22) Depress the auger drive lever.
Check the tension on the auger drive belt
(4). In correct adjustment, the auger drive
belt (4) will deflect 1/2 inch (12.5 ram) (5)
with moderate pressure. Ifthe adjustment is
not correct, repeat the adjustment.
6. (Figure 18) Install the belt cover (1). Tighten
screw (2).
7. Check the adjustment of the auger drive
cable. See "How To Check And Adjust The
Cables" in the Maintenance section.
8. Attach the spark plug wire.
Traction Drive Belt
The traction drive belt has constant spring
pressure and does not require an adjustment. If
the traction drive belt is slipping, replace the
belt. See "How To Replace The Belts" in the
Maintenance section.
How To Replace The Belts
The drive belts are of special construction and
must be replaced with original factory
replacement belts
Some steps require the assistance of a second
How To Remove the Auger Drive Belt
If the auger drive belt is damaged, the snow
thrower will not discharge snow. Replace the
damaged belt as follows.
1. Disconnect the spark plug wire.
2. (Figure 23) Loosen the bolts (3) on each
side of the bottom panel (2).
3. Remove the bottom panel (2).
4. (Figure 18) Remove screw (2) from belt
cover (1). Remove the belt cover (1).
5. (Figure 19) Loosen the belt guide (9). Pull
the belt guide (9) away from the auger
drive pulley (10).
6. Pull the idler pulley (3) away from the auger
drive belt (4) and slip the auger drive belt
(4) off of the idler pulley (3).
7. Remove the auger drive belt (4) from the
engine pulley (11). To remove the auger
drive belt (4), the engine pulley (11) may
have to be partially rotated.
8. (Figure 20) Remove the top four bolts (21)
that hold together the auger housing (22)
and the motor box (23). Loosen the bottom
two bolts (24). The auger housing (22) and
the motor box (23) can now be split apart for
removal of the belt.
9. (Figure 19) Remove the old auger drive
belt (4) from the auger drive pulley (10).
Replace the auger drive belt (4) with an
original factory replacement belt
10. install the new auger drive belt (4) onto the
auger drive pulley (10).
11. Assemble the auger housing (22) to the
motor box (23) with the four bolts (21) that
were removed in step 8. Tighten the bottom
two bolts (24).
12. Install the auger drive belt (4) onto the
engine pulley (11).
13.Slip the auger drive belt (4) under the idler
pulley (3).
14.Adjust the auger drive belt (4). See "How To
Adjust The Auger Drive Belt" in the
Maintenance section.
15.Adjust the belt guide (9). See "How To
Adjust The Belt Guide" in the Maintenance
16. (Figure 18) install the belt cover (1). Tighten
screw (2).
17. Check the adjustment of the cables. See
"How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in
the Maintenance section.
18. Connect the spark plug wire.
How To Remove the Traction Drive Belt
If the snow thrower will not move forward, check
the traction drive belt for wear or damage. If the
traction drive belt is worn or damaged, replace
the belt as follows.
1. Disconnect the spark plug wire.
2. Remove the auger drive belt. See "How To
Remove The Auger Drive Belt" in the
Maintenance section.
3. (Figure 19) Remove the e=ring (17) from
one end of the swing plate axle rod (18).
Remove the swing plate axle rod (18) to
allow the the swing plate to pivot forward.
4. Remove the traction drive spring (16).
5. Remove the old traction drive belt (13) from
the traction drive pulley (14) and from the
engine pulley (15). Replace the traction
drive belt (13) with an original factory
replacement belt available from an
authorized service center.
6. install the new traction drive belt (13) onto
the traction drive pulley (14) and onto
engine pulley (15).
7. Make sure the traction drive idler pulley
(12) is properly aligned with the traction
drive belt (13).
8. Attach the traction drive spring (16).
9. install the swing plate axle rod (18) and
secure with the e-ring (17) removed earlier.
10. (Figure 31) The bottom of the swing plate
(20) must be positioned between the
alignment tabs (19). Make sure the swing
plate (20) is properly secured.
NOTE: If the drive wil! not engage after
the traction drive belt has been replaced,
then check to make sure that the swing
plate is positioned between the alignment
tabs (19).
11. (Figure 19) install and adjust the auger
drive belt (4). See "How To Remove The
Auger Drive Belt" in the Maintenance section.
12.Adjust the belt guide (9). See "How To
Adjust The Belt Guide" in the Maintenance
13. (Figure 23) install the bottom panel (2).
14.Tighten the bolts (3) on each side of the
bottom panel (2).
15.(Figure 18) install the belt cover (1). Tighten
screw (2).
16. Check the adjustment of the cables. See
"How To Check And Adjust The Cables" in
the Maintenance section.
17. Connect the spark plug wire.
How To Adjust The Belt Guide
1. Disconnect spark plug wire.
2. (Figure 18) Remove screw (2). Remove the
belt cover (1).
3. (Figure 1) Engage the auger drive lever (5).
4. (Figure 24) Measure the distance between
the belt guide (2) and auger drive belt (3).
The correct distance (4) is 1/8 inch (3 ram).
5. if an adjustment is necessary, loosen the
mounting bolt for the belt guide (2). Move
the belt guide (2) to the correct position
(4). Tighten the mounting bolt for the belt
guide (2).
6. (Figure 18) install the belt cover (1). Tighten
screw (2).
7. Connect the spark plug wire.
How To Adjust Or Replace The Friction
How To Check The Friction Wheel
If the snow thrower will not move forward, check
the traction drive belt, the traction drive cable or
the friction wheel. If the friction wheel is worn or
damaged, it must be replaced. See "How To
Replace the Friction Wheel" in this section. If the
friction wheel is not worn or damaged, check as
1. (Figure 1) Remove the gas from the gas
tank. Stand the snow thrower up on the front
end of the auger housing (4).
outdoors, away from fire or flame.
,_ WARNING: Drain the gasoline
2. Disconnect the spark plug wire.
3. (Figure 23) Loosen the bolts (3) on each
side of the bottom panel (2).
4. Remove the bottom panel (2).
5. (Figure 1) Position the shift speed lever (6)
in the lowest forward speed.