Owner's Menue!
Ij_ WARNING!ToReduceTheRiskOfInjury,User 1
_d hstructio_Maoual.

Owner's Manual
24 Vd.c.
20 in. (508 mm)
1-3/4-3-1/4 in. ( 45mm - 82.55mm)
7 in. (front)/9-1/2 in. (rear)
97 Ib (44 kg) with battery
641b(29kg) without battery
_ Servingoftoesorfingers-rotary _ Thrownobjectsfrom mowerdeCk.mowerblade.
Slip on slope.
/_ PleaseReadAnd Understand This entire manual before attempting to assemble,operateor install the
product. Thesesafety instructions are not meantto cover every possible condition that could occur.

Owner's Hanua!
_, WARNING:Readallinstructions when usingelectric gardening appliances.Basicsafety
precautions should always befollowed to reducethe risk of fire, electricshock, and personal injury.
a) Avoid DangerousEnvironment
Don't useappliances in dampor wet locations.
b) Don't UseinRain.
c) KeepChildren Away
All bystanders (visitors) should be keptat asafe distancefrom work area.
d) DressProperly
Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. Theycan becaught in moving parts. Useof rubber glovesand
substantial footwear is recommendedwhen working outdoors.
Wear protective hair coveringto contain long hair.
e) Usesafetyglasses
Always usefaceor dust mask if operation is dusty.
f) Use right appliance
Do not use appliancefor anyjob exceptthat for which it is intended.
g) Don'tforce appliance
Itwill dothe job better and safer atthe rate for which it was designed.
h) Don't overreach
Keepproper footing and balanceat all times.
i) Stay alert
Watch what you are doing. Use common sense.Do not operateappliancewhen you aretired.
j) Store idle appliances indoors
When not in use, appliancesshould bestored indoors in dry, and high or locked-up place-out of reach
of children.
k) Maintain appliancewith care
Keepcutting edgesharp and clean for bestand safest performance and to reduce the risk of injury.
Follow instructions for lubricating and changingaccessories. Keephandlesdry, clean, and free from
oil and grease.
J)Checkdamaged parts
Beforefurther useof the appliance, a guard or other part that is damagedshould be carefully checked
to determine that it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Checkfor alignment of
moving parts, binding of moving parts, breakageof parts, mounting, and anyother condition that may
affect its operation.A guard or other part that is damaged should be properly repaired or replaced by
an authorized service center unless indicated elsewherein this manual.
m) Keepguards in place and in workingorder.
n) Keep blades sharp.
o) Keep handsandfeet away from cuttingarea.
p) Objects struckby the lawn mower blade can cause severe injuries to persons.
The lawn shouldalways he carefully examined and clearedof aJJobjectspriorto each mowing.
q) if lawn mower strikes a foreign object, follow thesesteps:
i) Stop lawn mower. Removethe safety key.
ii) Inspectfor damage.
iii) Repairany damage before restarting and operating the lawn mower
r) Use identical replacementblades only.

Owner's Manual
a) Do not charge lawn mower in rain, or in wet locations.
b) Do not use battery-operated lawn mower in rain.
c) Removeor disconnectsafetykey beforeservicing,cleaning,or removingmaterialfrom the lawn mower.
d) Useonly the following type and size battery: type A22DD1,A22D02 leadacid battery
e) Do not dispose of the batteryin a fire. The cell may explode. Checkwith local codesfor possible
special disposal instructions.
f) Do not open or mutilate the battery. Releasedelectrolyteis corrosive and may cause damageto the
eyesor skin. It may betoxic if swallowed.
g) Exercisecare in handling batteries in order not to short the battery with conducting materials such
as rings, bracelets,and keys.The battery or conductor may overheat and cause burns.
Theelectrolyte isa dilute sulfuric acidthat is harmfulto the skin and eyes. It is electrically conductive
andcorrosive. Thefollowing procedures should be observed:
a) Wearfull eye protection and protective clothing.
b) If electrolyte contacts the skin, wash it off immediatelywith water.
c) If electrolyte contactsthe eyes,flush thoroughly and immediatelywith water. Seekmedicalattention.
1. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine and in the manual (s) before starting.
2. Do not put hands or feet near or underthe machine.Keepclear ofthe dischargeopeningat all times.
3. Only allow responsible adults, who arefamiliar with the instructions,to operatethis machine.
4. Clearthe area of objects such as rocks, wire, toys, etc., which could bethrown bythe blade.
Stay behind the handlewhenthe motor isrunning.
5. Besure the area is clear of bystanders before operating. Stop machine ifanyoneentersthe area.
6. Do not operate machine barefooted or while wearing sandals. Always wear substantial footwear.
7. Do not pull machine backward unless absolutely necessary.Always look down and behind before
andwhile moving backward.
8. Neverdirectdischargedmaterialtowardanyone.Avoiddischargingmaterialagainsta wall or obstruction.
Material may ricochet backtoward the operator. Stop the blade when crossing gravel surfaces.
9. Do not operatemachinewithout the entire grasscatcher, discharge guard, rearguard,or other safety
protective devicesin placeand working.
10. Never leavea running machine unattended.
11. Stop the motor, remove the safetykey and wait until the bladecomes to a completestop before
cleaning the machine, removing grass catcher, or unclogging the discharge guard.
12. Operatemachine only in daylight or good artificial light.
13. Do not operate machine while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
14. Neveroperatemower in wet grass. Always besure of your footing; walk; never run.
15. Disengagethedrive system, if so equipped, before starting the motor.
16. If the machineshould start to vibrate abnormally, stop the engine (motor) and checkfor the cause
immediately.Vibration is generallya warning of trouble.
17. Always wear eye protection when operating machine.
18. Seemanufacturer's instructions for proper operation and installation of accessories.
Only useaccessories approved by the manufacturer.

Owner's Manual
Slopesare a major factor relatedto slip and fall accidents, which can result in severeinjury.
Operation on aii slopes requires extra caution, if you feel uneasyon a slope, do not mow it.
1. Mow acrossthe face of slopes; neverup and down. Exerciseextreme caution when changing
direction on slopes.
2. Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hidden objects. Uneventerrain could causea slip and
fail accident. Tall grasscan hide obstacles.
3. Do not mow on wet grass or excessivelysteepslopes.Poorfooting could causea slipandfall accident.
4. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches, or embankments. You could loseyour footing or balance.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presenceof children.
Children areoften attracted to the machine and the mowing activity.
Neverassumethat children will remainwhere you last saw them.
1. Keepchildren out of the mowing area andunder the watchful care of aresponsible adult other than
the operator.
2. Bealert and turn mower off if a child enters the area.
3. Never allow children to operatethe machine.
4. Use extra care when approaching blind corners, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may blockyour
view ofa child.
1. Keepall nuts and bolts tight to be sure the equipment is in safeworking condition.
2. Nevertamper with safety devices. Checktheir proper operation regularly.
3. Keepmachinefree of grass, leaves,or other debris build-up.
4. If you strike a foreign object, stop, remove the safetykey and inspect the machine.
Repair,if necessary,beforestarting.
5. Never makeanyadjustments or repairs with the motor running.
6. Checkgrass catcher components and the discharge guardfrequently and replacewith
manufacturer's recommended parts, when necessary.
7. Mower blades are sharp. Wrap the bladeor wear gloves, and useextracautionwhen servicing them.
8. Maintain or replacesafetyand instruction labels, as necessary.

Owner's Manual
The batterythat is supplied with this mower is a maintenance-free,sealed,24 Vstorage battery, it can
betipped without dangerof acid spillage.Thechargerwill requireapproximately 12 hours to recharge
afully discharged battery.
1. Allow at least 12 hours of battery charging before using the mower for the first time.
2. For optimal performance, chargethe battery every two months, evenwhen it is not in use.
3. Chargethe battery in a cool, dry place.
4. The battery does not haveto befully discharged beforerecharging. This battery will not developa
5.2 to 3 initial charging/discharging cycles may be required in order to reachthe maximum run time
6. Do not store battery intemperatures lower than 32° F(0° C)
In orderto ensure optimal performance, it is recommendedthat the battery becharged every two
months when not in use.
Ifall of the following conditions are met, the mower can be stored with the charger disconnected.
1. The mower is fully charged before storing.
2. Theaveragetemperature of the storage location is below 50° F (10° C).
3. The battery should not be stored for more than 6 months.
Chargethe mower battery inadry areathat isprotected from the weather. Do not exposethe mower
or the charger to rain. Do not chargethe battery in a wet location.
Operatethe battery charger in temperatures between 23 o and104 ° F(-5 oand 40 ° C). In order to
reducethe risk of electric shock, useonly the chargerthat is provided by the manufacturer to charge
the battery.
Nevercarry the charger by the cord. Do not disconnect the charger from
the outlet or from the mower by pulling the charger cord.
Do not service the mower with the charger connected or with the safety keyinstalled.
Do not use a damagedcharger. Replacethe charger cords or the chargerimmediately. Keepthe mower
andthe chargerawayfrom water, heatsources(radiators, heaters,stoves, etc.), flames, and chemicals.
Do not dispose of this product in fire, batteries inside this product may explode or leak

Owner's Manual
Readthis owner's manual and safety rules carefully before operating the mower.
Comparethe illustration belowto the mower in order to become familiar yourself with the location of
the various controls and adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
Powerbutton Handlegrip
Micro switch
Heightadjustment lever
Lower handle
Motor housing