Owner's Manual
I_ WARNING! To Reduce The Risk Of Injury, User 1

This manual will instruct you inthe proper operation and service of your diesel
generator. Please read this manual prior to using the generatore to ensure safe and
proper operation. At all times, follow the instructions to keep the generator in the
best working condition and to extend its life. Should you have any comments or
problems, please visit your nearest Steele® location or call 1-888-896-6881.
Please pay particular attention to the warning and caution indicators both within this
manual and on the unit itself.
WARNING) A warning label indicates that severe personal injury or even
.--__ cAUTION ) A caution label indicates that either serious
This diesel generator will perform safely and to specification if operated according to
the following instructions. Failure to do so may result in serious personal injury
and/or equipment damage.
may occur if you do not follow the instructions
personal injury
equipment damage may result if instructions are not followed.

1. Preventthe threat of fire
o Never add fuel while the engine is running,
o Wipe off any spilled fuel with a clean cloth before starting,
o Keep all explosive and flammable items safely away from the generator.
o Maintain adequate ventilation with at least three feet of clear space
on all sides of the generator from buildings and other pieces of
o NEVER operate this unit in a closed room or garage.
o Only operate the generator on a level surface
o Do not store the generator indoors while the engine is still hot.
2. Prevent Inhalation of Exhaust Fumes
o Carbon Monoxide isan odorless gas that can kill you!
o Do not operate this generator in a confined space where the exhaust
cannot escape. This means:
• Do not use this unit indoors.
• Do not use this unit in a closed garage.
• Do not attempt to vent the exhaust of this unit outdoors while using
the unit indoors.
o Should you experience a headache, ringing in your ears or begin to feel
drowsy, immediately get some fresh air away from the generator.
Prevent being burned
o The muffler and engine body of this generator get very hot when the
engine is operating or shortly thereafter. Do Not Touch these parts or
you may be severely burned.
Prevent Electrical Shocks and Short Circuits
o To avoid electrical shocks or short circuits, do not:
• Touch the unit with wet hands
• Stand in water
• Operate in the rain or place the unit in standing water

oNote: This generator is not waterproof and therefore should not be
placed in rain, snow, standing water or any area where there could be
water spray. Operating a unit in these environments may cause
electrical short circuits that can cause electrical shocks.
o This generator should also be grounded to prevent electrical shocks
from faulty appliances. To ground this unit, simply connect a length of
heavy copper wire between the unit and a ground source.
o Do Not plug in any power cord until after the unit is operating. If
equipment is attached when starting the generator, it may cause the
unit to move resulting in potential injury.
• Most appliances require more power to start than their rated wattage.
Therefore make certain that you do not overload the generator with too
many appliances.
• Do not exceed the current limit of any of the electrical outlets on the generator.
• Do not connect the generator to a household circuit. This may cause
damage to the generator and also to the wiring in your house, as well as
the electrical appliances.
5. Batteries:
• Batteries contain sulfuric acid which can burn your eyes and skin.
Whenever working with a battery, protect your eyes and skin from
exposure to the acid. In case of contact with any acid, act immediately by
thoroughly flushing the affected area with clean cold water and seek
prompt medical attention.
• Batteries also generate hydrogen gas which can be extremely explosive.
Do not smoke or allow flames near a battery, especially while in a
charging mode. Always charge batteries in a fully ventilated area.

Using a generator indoors WILL KILL YOU IN MINUTES.
Generator exhaust contains high levels of carbon monoxide (CO), a
poisonous gas you cannot see or smell• tf you can smell the generator
exhaust, you are breathing CO. But even Ifyou cannot smell the exhaust,
you could be breathing CO.
• NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawtspaces, or other
partly enclosed areas. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can build up in
these areas. Using a fan or opening windows and doors does NOT supply
enough fresh air.
•ONLY use a generator outdoors and far away from open windows, doors,
and vents. These openings can pull in generator exhaust•
Even when you use a generator correctly, CO may leak into the home.
AUv'VAYSuse a battery-powered or batten/-backup CO alarm in the home.
tf you start to feel sick_ dizzy, or weak after the generator has been running,
move to fresh air RIGHT AVVAktSee a doctor• You could have carbon
monoxide poisoning

2.Configurations 2
10 Troubleshooting& Solutions................................................20
11, Parts Diagram .................................................................................21
12. LimitedV'_nty .................................................................................32

1.Techcial Specifications and Data
Model SP-GD650E
Rated frequency 60 Hz
Rated voltage 240V / 120V
Rated current 21A / 42A
Rated output power 5,000 watts
Max output power 6,500 watts
Rated rotation speed 3,600 RPM
Phase number Single
Pole number 1
Excitation transistorized Self-excitation constant voltage (AVR)
Panel type T: General panel TA: Digital control panel
Structure type Silent type
Fuel tank capacity 4 Gal
Fuel consumption 360 g/kw.h
Continuous running time 9 1/2 hours at 1/2 load
Starter system Electric starter
Fuel type Diesel
Engine model TD186
Engine type Single cylinder, 4-stroke, air-cooled, vertical,
Borexstroke 86 mm x 72 mm
Displacement 0.418cm 3
Compression ratio 19:1
Rotation direction (from the flywheel) clockwise
The lowest fuel consumption(g/kw.h) 3,600 RPM:281
diesel engine

2. Configurations
2.1 Parts name
Engine starter swffch
AC output
Fue! filler _p indicator _amp
Circuit breaker(AC SW)
DC output
Low oii pressure
Outlet for
c_ling air

2_2 Control panel

3. Before Starting Your Generator
3.1 Selection and handling of diesel fuel
• Only use light diesel fuel
• Keep dust and water out of the fuel. Failure to do so will create problems
with the injection pump and nozzles.
• Do not overfill the tank beyond the red plug inside the fuel oil filter. Doing
so can be very dangerous.
• Refuel in a well-ventilated area with the engine off.
• Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks near where you are
refueling or where the fuel is stored.
• Do not overfill the tank. Make sure that the fuel cap is securely tightened
after refueling.
• Do not spill any fuel. If fuel is spilled, make certain that the spilled fuel is
removed before starting the engine.
3.2 Check and refill engine oil
• Before every start, make sure that your generator is on a leveled surface
and then check the oil level.
• The engine may be damaged if it is operated with insufficient oil.
• Too much oil may cause a sudden increase in engine speed also
damaging your generator.
Caution: Your diesel generator is equipped with a "low oil" warning system. This
system automatically stops the engine when the oil level becomes dangerously
low, preventing major damage to your generator. Do not rely totally on this
system for maintaining proper oil levels, as it only represents an emergency
situation and not a method for checking your generator's oil level.

• Oil Selection
it is very important that you seiect the prope_ engine oi_ to maintain the life and
performance of your generator, if inferior or the wrong weight oil isused, or if your
engine oil is not replaced periodically, there is a risk of major damage to your
engine due to overheating.
Choose the applicable viscosity according to your local temperature.
When adding oil for the first time add no more than one to one and a haft quarts
of oil If the iow oit tight comes on, add about another quaR of oil to the unff,
3,3 Sewicing the air filter
1 Remove the wing nut from the air
filter _p and then the cover itself,
This wilt allow you to remove the filter.
• Do not wash the filter with
Replace the air fi_ter when it
impedes the flow of air and cannot
be completely cleaned. One
indicator is when the engine
exhaust changes color.
• Never operate the generator
without the air filter,

2, Reattachtheairfi_tercoverand
tighten the wing nut.
3.4 Checking the Gene_tor
1. Make sure that you turn off the
main switch and any other e{ectrical
load before inspecting the generator.
• Turn off the main switch
before starting
• The generator must _ grounded to prevent etectric shock
2, O_rating dual voltage generators,
• Make sure that you use the correct outlet for the rated voltage
device being powered,
d the
• The main switch must be in the "on_ position during operation.
Before sta_ing the engine unplug the devices to be powered or
make sure that aii d the devices are turned "off", If the switches for the
devices are le# in the "on" position and the generator is started the sudden
surge in power can be very dangerous.