Steam Planet 6KW, 12KW, 9KW Operation & Instruction Manual

(3kW – 12kW Steam Generator & Control Panel)
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Rev 4/2015
Table of Contents
***Ces instructions sont à conserver soigneusement!
Safety Warnings ………………………………………………………………… 2 Safety Warnings in French ………………………………………………………… 3
Part 1: Steam Generator
Installation Update Bulletin ……………………………………………………………. 4 Users Instructions ……………………………………………………………. 5 Choose your type of machine ……………………………………………………………. 5 Choosing a proper location ……………………………………………………………. 5 Steam equipment installation diagram…………………………………………………………. 6 Installation of the pipeline ……………………………………………………………. 7 Steam Generator blueprint ……………………………………………………………. 9 Electric requirements ………………………………………………………... 11 Power line assemble illustration ………………………………………………… 12 Wiring Diagram 380-415V (3PH) ………………………………………………… 13 Wiring Diagram 208V (3PH) ……………………………………………….. 14 Wiring Diagram 220-240V (1PH/2PH) …………….…………………………. 15 Installation of the top light ………………………………………………………….. 16 Steam generator configuration ……….………………………………………… 17 Troubleshooting guide …………………..……………………………………… 18 Specification ……………………………………………………………………….. 19
Part 2: Control Panel
Control Panel blueprint ……..…………………………………………...……… 20 Controller Installation instruction ……………………………………..…… 21 Temperature detector installation …………………………………………..……… 22 Controller Panel Illustration ………………………………………………… 22 Operating instructions ……………………………………………………….…… 23
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To reduce the risk of injury, do not permit children to use this product unless they are closely supervised at all times.
To reduce the risk of injury:
a. The wet surfaces of steam enclosures may be slippery. Use care when entering or leaving. b. The steam head is hot. Do not touch the steam head and avoid the steam near the steam head. c. Prolonged use of the steam system can raise excessively the internal human body temperature and impair
the body’s ability to regulate its internal temperature (hyperthermia).
WARNING! Hyperthermia occurs when the internal temperature of the body reaches a level several degrees above the normal body temperature of 98.6° F. The symptoms of hyperthermia include an increase in the internal temperature of the body, dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, and fainting. The effects of hyperthermia include:
a) Failure to perceive heat; b) Failure to recognize the need to exit the steam bath; c) Unawareness of impending risk; d) Fetal damage in pregnant women; e) Physical inability to exit the steam bath; and f) Unconsciousness.
The use of alcohol, drugs, or medication can greatly increase the risk of hyperthermia.
Limit your use of steam to 10 – 15 minutes until you are certain of your body’s reaction.
Excessive temperatures have a high potential for causing fetal damage during the early months of pregnancy. Pregnant or possibly pregnant women should consult a physician regarding correct exposure.
Caution: Do not place wire in close proximity to hot water or steam pipes.
Attention: If the installation and operation instruction are not read or understood, do not install. Install the controller
based on the installation instruction. If the controller is installed outside the steam room, the temperature sensor must be installed in the steam room. To prevent overheating, operate the controller as described in this manual only.
**Not for Space Heating Purposes
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Afin de réduire les risque de blessures, ne jamais autoriser des enfants à utiliser ce appariel, sauf s’ils sont étroitement surveillés, à tout moment
a) Les cabines où de la vapeur est introduite peuvent comporter des surfaces humides et donc glissantes. La plus grande
prudence est de rigueur au moment où l’utilisateur pénêtre, ou quitte la cabine
b) La tête d’injection de la vapeur est à haute temperature; il faut veiller à ne pas entrer en contact avec cette tête
d’injection. De plus, il faudra éviter le contact avec le jet de vapeur à proximité de la tête d’injection.
c) Soumis, d’une maniére prolongée aux températures occasionnées par un jet de vapeur, la température interne du corps
humain est susceptible de dépasser le seuil où celui-ci s’auto-régule, provoquant l’hyperthermie.
Le corps humain enter en hyperthermie quand sa température interne dépasse de plusieurs degrés sa temperature normale de 98.6º Fahrenheit, soit 37°Celsius.
La personne en état d’ hyperthermie souffre d’étourdissements, est léthargique, assoupie et susceptible d’évanouissement. Les effets de l’hyperthermie comportent:
a) Insensibilation à la chaleur b) L’absence de volonté de quitter le local sous temperature élevée c) Inconscience du danger imminent d) En ce qui concerne les femmes enceintes, la possibilté de réactions nocives au niveau du fétus. Les femmes enceintes,
ou potentiellement enceintes, doivent préalablement consulter un médecin
e) Engourdissement physique menant à l’incapacité de quitter le local f) Perte de connaissance
L’usage de drogues, d’alcool, de médicamments est susceptible d’augmentrer les risques d’hyperthermie dans de larges proportions.
Avant utilization, il y a lieu de limiter votre usage de la vapeur à 10-15 minutes pour tester les réactions de votre corps.
Pendant les premiers mois de grosses, des températures excessives sont susceptibles d'engendrer des dommages, à issue fatale, au fétus. Les personnes enceintes, ou probablement enceintes, doivent obtenir un avis médical en ce qui concerne les conditions auxquelles elles peuvent se soumettre.
Ne pas installer de fils à proximité d’eau chaude ou de conduits de vapeur La tête d’injection de vapeur ainsi que l’orifice de débit de vapeur sont à hautes températures – Eviter le contact de ces appareils
sous peine de brulûres.
Cet appareil ne doit pas être utilisé à de fins de chauffage ambiant Avant toutes opérations de maintenance et de nettoyage, déconnecter la source de courant
Installer la tête d’injection de vapeur enter 15 et 30 cm au-dessus du sol. Si le bain de vapeur se trouve dans la baignoire ou la salle
de bains, installer la tête d’injection de vapeur à 15 cm au-dessus de la baignoire
Le jet de vapeur doit être dirigé vers le bas. Entourer le filet du tuyau de vapeur de quelques couches de Teflon, visser la tête d’injection de vapeur et visser manuellement.
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Installation update Bulletin
Installation of 9KW and 12KW steam generators.
When connecting the power supply for the 9KW and 12KW steam generators, there may be some difficulty connecting the 8 & 6 gauge wires into the terminal block. In order to make these connections as easy as possible, you can remove steam generators wires from the terminal block and wire nut the wires directly to your power source. This will make the electrical connections easier.
Installation of 6KW
When using the connection terminal block, the connection can become loose due to expansion and contraction from the heat and the small vibrations caused when the unit is running. After the initial installation the connection must be checked after 30 days to make sure the connection is still tight (tighten if necessary), then the connection should be checked about every 6 months after that.
If desired connections may be made directly not using the terminal block. Follow the instructions above for the 9KW and 12KW steam generators.
. Terminal block connected Terminal block by-passed using wire nuts
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Rev 4/2015
Part 1: Steam Generator
User instructions
Attention: We are not responsible for the malfunction and damage from improper installation that does not comply with the user’s manual.
1. Make sure the model and the accessories are correct, including the voltage input.
2. Make sure the steam power is matched with the dimensions of the sauna room. Pay attention to the steam room's cubic feet
measurements and construction materials. If you have any problems, please refer to the Page 11 to get the correct information.
3. Make sure to read this manual carefully for correct and effective use.
4. We shall not be responsible for the product damage or malfunction caused by self-installation or the operation procedures which is
not in compliance with the Operation and Instruction Manual.
5. Please check the contents when the package arrives to assure it is in good condition. If you find any damage in the package,
please contact the transportation company or the supplier to claim any damage.
6. This product must be used indoors.
Choose your type of machine
Measure the length, width and height (foot) of the current steam shower or bathtub room. Example; L:7 x W:5 x H:8 = 280 Cubic Feet x 2 to get complete cubic measurement.
Important: The calculation formula for selecting the type of steam engine is for reference only. Due to the variability of the building, the specifications and size illustration are used as guidelines only. If you have complete information, including actual blueprint, project instruction and building details, you can select the type of steam unit required. Otherwise, the manufacturer will not be responsible for the selection of the type of steam unit.
Maintenance of the steam engine
Important: Perform water discharge operation after each use.
1. Wait for the completion of automatic water discharge after each time of using the steam engine to make sure the water in the tank
is discharged completely before cutting off power supply.
2. There should not be any leakage or damage among the steam engine, steam nozzle, components and pipes. They should be
checked monthly.
3. Clean the water supply pipes of the steam engine once a year.
4. Check all the connections, faucets and connection terminal to see whether they become loose or are damaged due to overheating.
5. Check the furring/scaling accumulated in the water tank and electric heating tube. If the furring is thick, clean it (use diluted lemon
acid to soak for 15-30 minutes).
6. Remove the water level sensory needle four times per year to clean the furring/scaling in the needle.
Choosing proper location
Recommended locations for proper installation:
1. The steam box should not be located further than 16 feet away from the steam room.
2. The steam generator should not be installed in the steam room.
3. The steam generator should not installed outdoor or in any places that will influence the security of the machine.
4. Do not install it in any places where the water might freeze.
5. Do not install near flammable objects or chemicals (coal, gas, etc.)
6. The steam generator should be installed in a dry and ventilated place.
7. Make sure the steam generator is secured on the wall and is in horizontally positioned.
8. On the other three sides, there has to be minimum of 12inces of space left between steam generator and any other object.
9. The place where the machine is installed must be accessible for cleaning and possible service work.
10. The steam generator should be in a close proximity to a drain for convenient Water Drain Valve hook-up.
11. After use, the steam pipe, safety valve, drain valve, water pipe, steam outlet is still very hot.
12. Place steam outlet away from bathers.
Attention: install an exhaust fan outside of the steam room so that it can expel any excess steam for proper ventilation.
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Attention: The steam generator (including the controller) are UL approved.
S te a m g ener ato r
Water D ra in Va lv e
Water In l et P ip e
S te a m outle t pip e
C o n tr o l p an e l
S u p p ly
S t e a m O u tlet
P res sure re lief valve
A t t e n t i o n :
T h e d r a w i n g i s o n l y f o r e x p la n a t i o n . F o r p r a c ti c a l d e s ig n o f s t e a m r o o m , p l e a s e c o n s u l t w i t h q u a l i f i e d d e s ig n e r , a r c h i t e ct o r b u i l d e r .
Installation drawing of the steam generator
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Installation of pipeline
The steam nozzle and steam outlet are very hot! Avoid installing the steam nozzle near steam bathers.
1. Install the steam nozzle 6-12 inches above the ground. If the steam bath is in the bathtub or
bathroom, install the steam nozzle 6 inches above the bathtub.
2. The steam spray outlet should be installed face down. Wrap a few circles Teflon tape around the
threads of the steam pipe, install the steam nozzle and tighten with hands.
1. Installer la tête d’injection de vapeur enter 15 et 30 cm au-dessus du sol. Si le bain de vapeur se
trouve dans la baignoire ou la salle de bains, installer la tête d’injection de vapeur à 15 cm au-
dessus de la baignoire
2. Le jet de vapeur doit être dirigé vers le bas. Entourer le filet du tuyau de vapeur de quelques
couches de Teflon, visser la tête d’injection de vapeur et visser manuellement
Attention: The installation of all the pipes should be completed by qualified plumbers or technicians.
1. Use brass or copper pipes only.
2. Do not use black, galvanized or PVC pipes.
Water supply pipe (1/2'')
1. Connect cold water pipe to water inlet.
2. Install shutoff valve in the water supply pipe. The shutoff valve should be installed in a place where it is easily operated in case of
3. Clean the water supply pipe completely before connecting it to the steam engine.
4. It is suggested that a water filter should be installed in the water supply pipe.
5. The water pressure should be no less than 20 pounds/square inch (psi), and no more than 75 (psi). If necessary, decrease or
increase the pressure accordingly.
Steam pipe (3kW/4.5kW pipe size: 1/2''£6kw & above:3/4'')
1. Do not install any valves in the steam pipes. The steam can never be obstructed.
2. Install a brass or copper steam pipe(3kW/4.5kW pipe size: 1/2''£6kw & above:3/4'') as connector between the steam outlet and the
steam nozzle.
3. The heat insulation material used to insulate the steam pipe should be resistant to temperature as high as 248oF or higher.
4. Do not bend the pipe so that the cooled water will not stay in the curve of the steam pipe.
5. The shorter the steam pipe, the better. Try to decrease the number of elbows and avoid abrupt turns.
6. Have no valleys or dips in the output steam line.
7. Do not install a valve in the steam line.
8. Do not connect the drain valve into the steam line.
9. Do not connect the over-pressure device output into the steam line.
Steam nozzle (3kW/4.5kW pipe size: 1/2''£6kw & above:3/4'')
Attention: In order to protect the steam nozzle, do not use any tools to tighten that will scratch finish, use a little soap water and soft sponge to wipe, and do not use erosive chemical solutions or abrasive cleaning tools.
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