SteadiStand Installation Manual
For part numbers: STNDI2 (i2 stand), STNDX2 (x2 stand)
Version 1.3 – August 2008
Table of contents
Letter to our customers ................................................................... 1
Preface............................................................................................. 2
Cautions and warnings.................................................................... 3
Recommended tools........................................................................ 4
Overview......................................................................................... 5
Installation Procedure ..................................................................... 6
Troubleshooting ............................................................................ 13
Warranty information.................................................................... 13
© SteadiStand, LLC 2009, all rights reserved.
This material may be freely copied and distributed subject to inclusion of this
copyright notice and our World Wide Web URL http://www.SteadiStand.com
Page 1
Dear valued customer,
It is our hope that the SteadiStand will serve your needs for
years to come. We’ve worked hard to design and manufacture
the best product we can.
We invite you to let us know how the SteadiStand has worked
for you. We encourage our customers to send us their
thoughts, suggestions, and ideas so that we may continue to
improve our products and create new ones. Feel free to
include a picture and send it to us as an e-mail attachment to:
Thank you again for choosing SteadiStand.
Aaron Gauger
SteadiStand, LLC
Page 2
I love my new toy but…
One of the first things we hear new Segway® owners
comment about regarding their new PTs is the instability of
the parking stand. $54.00 seems like a small price to pay to
be able to leave their PT parked upright almost anywhere
but people are afraid to use it. Using the stock parking stand,
a Segway® cannot be parked on a sloped or uneven surface.
Owners have to be watchful not to lean against it for fear of
knocking it over. They are constantly looking back over their
shoulders to be sure a gust of wind is not about to send their
Segway® crashing to the ground.
After doing some research on some popular Segway®
internet forums, we found that the displeasure with the
Segway® brand parking stand has become an epidemic.
Something has to be done…
Owners have few aftermarket parking stand options. Some
stands require modification to the Segway®, some are too
costly, and some are unsightly. We believe there is a
genuine sense of pride that comes with owning a Segway®
and most owners are not about to make extensive
alterations to what we would consider to be an otherwise
perfect machine.
After much research, several prototypes, and a month of use
on a Segway® tour fleet, we can now offer a parking stand
solution which offers superior performance, superb
aesthetics, and minimal cost. We call it the ‘SteadiStand’.
Let’s share it with the world…
At the suggestion of our local Segway® dealer, we decided
to make the SteadiStand available to Segway® owners
throughout the world through direct sales on our website as
well as through participating Segway
dealers. The
SteadiStand is so simple, easy to install and use, and works
so well- it seemed unfair to keep it to ourselves.
Page 3
Cautions and Warnings:
Never stand on your Segway® PT while the parking
stand is deployed. Doing so may damage the stand
or your Segway® PT and/or result in personal injury.
Never attempt to move your Segway® PT while the
parking stand is deployed. Doing so may damage
the stand or your Segway® PT.
Never attempt to use the parking stand if your
Segway® PT is heavily loaded with cargo,
particularly if placed in the handlebar bag. Doing so
may damage the stand or your Segway® PT.
While very sturdy, the ‘SteadiStand’ parking stand is
designed to support only the weight of your
Segway® PT.
Periodically check the tension of your stand. If the
stand moves from position to position too freely, the
spring tension may need to be increased.
It is imperative that the spring tension be maintained
to reduce the chances of the stand deploying while
your Segway® is in motion, as injury may result.
Periodically check that the SteadiStand is
completely threaded into the stock Segway® parking
stand swivel mount. In the unlikely event that the
SteadiStand becomes unthreaded, the length of the
stand may increase, causing the rubber base to
move dangerously close to the Segway® tire.
Periodically check to see that the rubber base is
securely fastened to the aluminum rod. It has been
glued on but is imperative that it does not come
loose because of its proximity to the Segway