electrostatic audio products
New Product News
World’s First! Professional Monitor Model
Closed-Back Type Electrostatic Earspeaker
Manufactured at time of order
Closed–Back Type Electrostat ic Earspeakers
■Special Feature
STAX, the pioneers of the world’s first open-air electrostatic
type headphone combines over 40 years of experience and
new technology to create the 4070 ear speaker, the world’s first
enclosure electrostatic type headphone.
The 4070’s employ an original “bass-reflex like” ventilation air
structure, which results in open-air sound quality while eliminating outside noise, thus making a new type of ear speaker.
The high quality sound of electrostatic type music listening can
now be obtained even in loud environments. Before, monitoring
live recording was difficult. Now, monitoring with the highest
form of reproduction is possible without the interference of outside noise.
STAX electrostatic headphones use neither magnets nor coils
like ordinary (dynamic) headphones, instead an electrostatic
field reproduces sound.
Two parallel-arranged fixed electrodes, which receives the music signal and super thin diaphragms which receives 580V of
dc voltage create an electrostatic field that drives the diaphragm. By this principal, the nature of the sound is detailed,
sincere, and a reproduction of all nuances.
Body color : Dark Brown Metallic
Actual color of product may differ from photo
●Type :Push-pull Electrostatic Oval Shaped Units. Closed-Back Enclosure
●Frequency Response :7-41,000Hz
●Capacitance :110pF including cable provided respectively
●Impedance :145kΩ 10kHz
●Sensitivity :97dB/100Vrms Input/1KHz
●Maximum Output
Sound Level :118dB/400Hz
●Standard Bias Voltage: 580V/DC
●Left/Right Indication :L & R indicators are provided on the enclosure and the left channel cable
●Ear Pads :High quality synthetic leather
●Cable :6-core parallel special low capacitance wire/2.5 (98-inch)
●Cable Conductor :PC-OCC
●Weight :625g, (480g without cable)
Specifications and appearance due to Improvements are subject to change without notice.
STAX Limited
354-0041, 293-1 Fujikubo, Miyoshi-Cho, Iruma-Gun, Sai tama Prefecture
is marked with a solid line while the right channel cable is marked with a
dotted line.
Recommended Driver units
TEL:81-049-258-3988 FAX:81-4 9-258-2659
http://www.stax.co.jp E-mail: info@stax.co.jp