Sizing Guide
This publication has been prepared as a general guide for how to
properly size a closed loop residential solar hot water system. This
guide does not replace or supersede the Instruction Manual that ships
with the product. For complete installation instructions, always refer to
the Instruction Manual that came with the solar water heating system.
Solar water heatingrequires two
things: Access to the sun’s energy and an
efficient solar water heating system. With
Solar Energy Factor (SEF) ratings of up to 10.1,
State Premier®solar water heating systems
can provide up to 70% of the domestic hot
water demand directly from the sun.
Harnessing The Sun’s Energy
requires proper orientation and location of
the solar collectors to maximize system
performance, efficiency and ease of
A site analysis should be performed before
purchasing equipment to ensure there is
access to the southern sky without excessive
shading and available space for the
installation of the solar collectors, solar
booster tank, integrated pump station and
associated piping.
Steps For An Effective
Site Analysis
1. The proposed location must accommodate the
2. A southfacing location for the collectors is ideal.
3. The best horizontal orientation is achieved when
4. Thebest vertical orientation is achieved when the
installation ofthe solar collectorsand be
acceptable tothe customer. You musttake into
account any Home Owner Association (HOA)
covenants thatmay restrict the installation of
solar collectors on a customer’sproperty. We
recommend youcontact the neighborhood
association’s representative toensure the
installation ofa solar water heating system is
permissible within the guidelines of any covenants
in effect.
North facing locations will not provide adequate
accessto the sun’s energy and are not suitable for
locatingthe solar collectors. Eastand west facing
locations may beused but will require tiltkits to
orient the collectors towards the southern sky.
Web sites with satellite imagery (such as Google
Maps) can often be used to survey the orientation
of the roofbefore a site visit.
the collectorsare facing due south plus or minus
45°, this is often referredto as the azimuth angle.
collectorsare tilted atan angle equal to the
geographiclatitude of the location plus15°. Tilt kits
are available to achieve the optimal verticalangle.
Often, customers will preferto have
the solar collectors flush mounted to
the roof for aesthetic reasons. The
customer’s preferences should
alwaysbe considered when these
determinations are made.
NOTE: the solar collectorsused in our
solar water heating systemsare so
efficient theycan beoriented within
the horizontal and vertical
tolerances listed above andstill
achieve excellent performance.
5. Placing the collectors as close as
possible to thepeak of theroof will
make installation easier by providing
increased attic access. Placing the
collectors near the edge of theroof
will make installation difficult since
attic access is more restricted at this
point. The attic space must be
examined during the site analysis to
confirm adequate spaceis available
for installingthe solar collectorsin
the proposed location.
6. The solar collectors should be located as closeto
the solar storage tank as possible tominimize heat
loss inthe piping runs.
7. The proposed location must haveaccess to the
southernskywith aminimum amountof shading
between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM each day
throughout the year.
8. The Solar Pathfinder
measure shadinglevels for an entire year
at any givenlocation. By combining the sitespecificshading data from theSolarPathfinder
with published global weather data, an accurate
contribution ofsolarenergy (solar fraction)
can be determined. The Solar Pathfinder
Assistant software provides a detailed report
showingthe estimated annual percentage of solar
contribution towardsthe total hot water demand
of the home.
NOTE: that federaltax credits may be available for
the installed costs ofa solar hot water system that
contributes a minimumof 50% to the total
domestic hot water demand in the home.In
addition, some states and utility companies
offering tax credits, rebates and incentives may
require a detailed report validating the solar
contribution at the proposed location.
unit may be usedto
9. When the site analysis is complete and it has been
determined that the proposed installation
location is suitable, the sizing information on the
back can be used to choose the system that will
best match the domestic hot water demand of
the home.
Additional Information
Visit www.statewaterheaters.com for
Specification Sheets, Instruction Manualsand
installation videos.
Visit www.solarpathfinder.com for more
information on the Solar Pathfinder
Sizing Guide
United States Solar Map
People in Household
UP TO 3 4 5 6
80 1 80 1 80 1 120 2
80 1 80 2 120 2 120 2
80 2 80 2 120 2 120 2
80 2 80 2 120 3 120 3
80 3 80 3 120 3 120 3
Sizing Instructions:
1. Use the map and sizing table above to determine the number of solar collectors
(panels) and solar tank size (gallons) needed.
2. Sizing based on number of people should take future changes into consideration such
as additions to the family to avoid undersizing.
3. If your location is on the border of a zone, a larger system should be selected to
avoid undersizing.
4. These solar hot water systems use a mixture of distilled water and Dowfrost
propylene glycol as a heat transfer fluid in a closed loop. Order double wall heat
exchanger systems if required by local codes. See the table below.
5. Sizing is based on an azimuth of 180° (due south), a vertical orientation equal to
the geographic latitude +15° and hot water temperature of 120°F (48°C) supplied
to the fixtures.
6. The sizing table above is based on standard water fixtures and bathtubs in a
home and a per-person hot water usage of 20 gallons per day. If the home has
multiple head showers, large garden/Jacuzzi tubs or more than 4 bathrooms, a
backup water heater capable of meeting 100% of demand may be required to
ensure there is an adequate supply of hot water.
State Premier®Solar Systems
**SSoollaarr SSyysstteemm
MMooddeell NNuummbbeerrss
SSX01-ACI-501 One - 4' x 10' Single Wall Internal Coil SB6-80-SOTX or SB6-120-SOTX 2.2 1.9
SSX02-ACI-202 Two - 3.5' x 7' Single Wall Internal Coil SB6-80-SOTX or SB6-120-SOTX 3.0 2.3
SSX02-ACI-402 Two - 4' x 8' Single Wall Internal Coil SB6-80-SOTX or SB6-120-SOTX 5.3 3.3
SSX03-ACI-203 Three - 3.5' x 7' Single Wall Internal Coil SB6-80-SOTX or SB6-120-SOTX 10.1 4.9
SSX01-ACE-501 One - 4' x 10' Double Wall External Plate SBV-82-10TS or SBV-120-1OTS 1.8 1.7
SSX02-ACE-202 Two - 3.5' x 7' Double Wall External Plate SBV-82-10TS or SBV-120-1OTS 2.2 2.1
SSX02-ACE-402 Two - 4' x 8' Double Wall External Plate SBV-82-10TS or SBV-120-1OTS 3.0 2.8
SSX03-ACE-203 Three - 3.5' x 7' Double Wall External Plate SBV-82-10TS or SBV-120-1OTS 4.3 3.5
* These models are Deluxe systems. Solar systems are available in Standard and Deluxe package kits, see specification sheet # SRVSS00110 for more information.
** Check local building codes for single wall or double wall heat exchanger requirements for closed loop systems using a mixture of Dowfrost™ propylene glycol and water.
*** Solar booster tanks are ordered separately. SB6-80-SOTX and SB6-120-SOTX models utilize an internal single wall heat exchanger, see specification sheet # SRQSS00109. SBV-82-10TS and SBV-120-1OTS models utilize
an external double wall heat exchanger, see specification sheet # SRESS00306.
NNuummbbeerr ooff SSoollaarr
CCoolllleeccttoorrss --
SSiizzee ((fftt))
****SSoollaarr HHeeaatt
EExxcchhaannggeerr TTyyppee
******SSoollaarr BBoooosstteerr TTaannkk MMooddeell NNuummbbeerrss
8800 oorr 112200--GGaalllloonn
((oorrddeerreedd sseeppaarraatteellyy))
SSoollaarr EEnneerrggyy FFaaccttoorrss
((iinnccrreeaasseess wwiitthh ttaannkk ssiizzee))
8800--GGaalllloonn TTaannkk 112200--GGaalllloonn TTaannkk
Copyright 2011 State Water Heaters. Solar PathFinder is a trademark of Solar Pathfinder. DowFrost is a trademark of the Dow Chemical Company. All other trademarks are trademarks and registered trademarks of State Water Heaters.