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It’s a dark time in the galaxy as the ev il Galactic Empire tightens i ts grip of power from w orld to
world. Imperial forces have occ upied a remote planet, Lo thal, ruling with an iron fist and ruining
the lives of its people. But th ere are a select few w ho are brave enough to stand up against t he
Empire: the clever and motley crew o f The Ghost.
This is a cooperative game. Work as a team to complete
missions, enter the four correct Codes, and stop the evil
Galactic Empire before time runs out!
1. Each player chooses one Rebel Profi le.
(Set the ext ras back in the box.)
2. Mix up the Resource Tokens and place
them face- down in a pile.
3. Shuffl e the Mission Placards and
place them face-down in a pile.
4. Flip over the top Mission
Placard and place i t in the
middle of the table.
5. Turn on the Imperial Timer
using the swit ch on the
bottom o f the device.
6. The oldest player t akes the
dice. They will go fi rst.
When an Inquisitor Mi ssion Placard is f lipped face- up, all players
must immediat ely discard al l the Resource Tokens they have
collected. Then pl ay continues as nor mal. You must complete
this mission like any o ther. However, a Chopper Resource Token
cannot be played again st an Inquisito r Mission Placard and t here
is no Code on an Inquisit or Mission Placard. Onc e an Inquisitor
Mission Placard has be en completed, a new Mis sion Placard is
flipped face -up and it’s the nex t player’s turn.
When the four th correc t Code is ent ered into t he Imperial Timer,
you will hear FAN FARE indica ting you have won t he game!
If time runs out be fore this happ ens, you lose!
CONTENTS: 1 Imperial Timer, 2 Dice,
44 Resource Tokens, 28 Mission
Placards, 5 Rebel Profi les, Instructions
© & TM Lucasfi lm Ltd.
Instructions: © 2014 Wonder Forge Inc. All rights reserved.
Imperial Timer
Rebel Profi le
• All players discard all
Resource Tokens.
• The Chopper Resource
Token cannot be played
against this Mission Placard.
The device uses 3 AA batteries (not included). Follow these steps to
install the batteries. Batteries must be installed and removed by an adult.
• Turn device over; use a screwdriver to remove the cover.
• Insert the batteries as indicated.
• Replace the battery cover and tighten the screw.
Battery Safety:
• Do not put the batteries in backwards.
• Positive (+) and negative (-) ends must be inserted in the correct
directions following the polarity (+/-) diagram in the battery
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable
(nickel-cadmium) batteries.
• Do not mix old and new batteries.
• Rechargeable batteries must be removed before recharging.
• Batteries must be installed and removed by an adult only.
• Rechargeable batteries must be recharged by an adult only.
• Remove exhausted batteries and dispose of properly.
• The supply terminals are not to be short-circuited.
• Do not try to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
Help the environment by disposing of batteries responsibly.
The wheelie bin symbol indicates that batteries must not
be disposed of in domestic waste as they contain substances
which can be damaging to the environment and health.
Please remove exhausted batteries from the product and
use designated collection points or recycling facilities
when disposing of batteries.
Modifi cations not approved by the party responsible for compliance could void user’s authority to operate
the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio frequency energy and, if not installed a used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
IMPORTANT: Please retain this information for future reference.
Battery Information
Please follow these battery
usage instructions. Failure
to follow these instructions
can result in battery acid
leakage that may cause
burns, personal injury, and
property damage.
The Imperial Timer r equires
3 AA batt eries (not included).
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The Imperial Timer runs th e entire game.
When you complet e a mission, enter t he
Code. Each Code may be cor rect or may
be a decoy!
Roll both dice and choose the one y ou will use. Follow the ac tion below bas ed on the one die you choos e:
To start the game, press the button.
If you complete a mission on your turn, see the COMPLETING A MISSION section on the next page.
Otherwise, quickly pass the dice to the player to your left — it’s now their turn.
Empire – Do n othing. If you roll t wo Empire sy mbols, your turn is o ver.
1. Play Resources
This mission requires
three res ources to
complet e. Two Resource
Tokens and a Special
Abilit y are used in th is
Once you’ve su ccessfully
completed the mission,
enter the t hree-symbol
Code found on t he bottom
of the Missio n Placard.
Single Token – Draw ONE Resource Token.
Then roll both d ice again (and choose another ac tion) or end your turn.
Double Token – Draw TWO Resource Tokens.
Then roll both d ice again (and choose another ac tion) or end you turn.
Play – Play any Resource Tokens you have c ollected again st the curre nt Mission Placar d,
and/or use your Special Ability. This ac tion ends your tu rn.
All Play – All players may pla y any Resource Tokens they have co llected agains t the curren t
Mission Placard, and/or use their Special Abili ties. This act ion ends your tur n.
Resource Tokens represent the
resources y ou will use to comp lete
the missions. You’ll collect them
by rolling the dice. But w atch out,
if the Inquisit or Mission Placard
appears, you will los e them all!
Mission Placards represent
the missions tha t must be
completed. Only one Mission
Placard is face -up at a
time. When you comple te a
mission, enter the C ode into
the Imperial Timer.
Rebel Profiles rep resent the
players in the game a nd their
Special Abilities.
2. Enter the Code
Once a mission is compl ete, CAREFULLY enter the Code
into the Imperi al Timer by press ing the butt ons with t he
matching sy mbols in the order t hey appear.
• You will hear a CHIME whe n you enter a cor rect Code.
• You will hear a BUZZ whe n you enter a dec oy.
Quickly pas s the dice to the pla yer to your le ft—
it’s now their turn.
• If you enter the four th corre ct Code, you will hear
FANFARE indicating you w on the game!
• If you haven’t won the game, discard t he Mission
Placard and any Resour ce Tokens used to complet e the
mission. Quickl y flip over a new Missi on Placard— it’s the
next player ’s turn.
If you begin ente ring a Code and reali ze you have made a
mistake, repea t the last but ton pushed un til you hear a BUZZ.
Then re-en ter the Code c orrect ly.
A mission is complete when you have played ALL
the resources requir ed by the Mission Placard.
• Play Resource Tokens by placing them next t o the
matching sy mbols on the Mission Plac ard where
they will remain un til the missio n is completed.
• Play a Chopper Resource Token
to immediately
complete any mis sion, regardless o f the number of
resources, exc ept for an Inquisit or Mission Placar d
on the next page).
• Play your Special Ability by announcing that you ar e using it. You may use
your Special Abili ty many times t hroughout t he game. However, you may
only use your Specia l Ability onc e per turn if i t helps complet e a mission
(since the Special Abilit y does not rema in in effec t for the nex t turn).
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