Star Trac TR 4500 User Manual

Section 1: Introduction
Welcome to the world of STAR TRAC. In your hands is the STAR TRAC TR 4500 Service Manual. This manual is designed to be easy to use, providing detailed instructions on how to service and maintain the TR 4500.
We highly recommend that you read all the applicable sections of the service manual prior to serving the treadmill. The information on the following pages will enable you to begin easily, quickly, and safely.
1.2 Precautions
1.3 Product Support Assistance
1.4 Tools and Test Equipment
1.5 Treadmill Overview.
How To Use This Manual
This Service Manual has been written to assist and instruct the repair technician on key
components for quick and efficient diagnosis of service problems.
To assist in finding the applicable sections in the Service Manual. Each Section has a table of
contents to help locate specific symptoms and topics. Titles and major headings are located at the top of every page.
This manual is to be used strictly as a Maintenance manual for service and repair, not as an owner’s manual.
An illustrated Parts List is located at the back of this manual for identifying parts with part numbers.
Troubleshooting tables and Error Code Flowcharts are included for certain sections to help
diagnose the system problem and find the root cause.
1. Always make sure that the treadmill is turned off and unplugged before starting any work, unless
otherwise noted, or when necessary for voltage testing.
2. Read each section through for NOTES before starting any work.
3. To pull apart electrical connectors, pull on the connector itself, not the wires.
4. When replacing fuses, be sure the new fuses is the correct amperage rating. Do Not exceed the
fuse amp rating. If necessary use a fuse of lower rating until the proper fuse may be attained.
5. When checking continuity at the wire connector, insert the test probe carefully to prevent the
terminals from bending.
Product Support Asistance
STAR TRAC Product Support Department sets the industry standard in Customer Service and Technical Assistance World Wide. Providing superior product support and customer service is at the very heart of STAR TRAC’s business philosophy. This commitment to service has been a major contributor to STAR TRAC’s success and growth in the worldwide fitness equipment industry.
Technical Assistance
When purchasing a part or requesting technical assistance, please contact our Product Support
Department : CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-800-535-4634 or 800-503-1221 US and CANADA or
When placing the call, please have the following information available:
1. STAR TRAC model.
2. STAR TRAC serial number
3. Problem statement / symptom.
After Hours Voicemail Direct
CALL TOLL-FREE: 1-800-486-4736
When placing the call, please have the following information available:
1. STAR TRAC model.
2. STAR TRAC serial number
3. Problem statement / symptom.
4. Return phone number and contact name.
Fax Requests
Domestic and International: Fax 714-669-0739
When placing the fax, please supply the following information:
1. STAR TRAC model.
2. STAR TRAC serial number
3. Problem statement / symptom.
4. Return phone fax number and contact name.
5. Purchase order or reference number.
6. Part description and quantity.
7. Ship to/bill to.
Product Support Documentation Access
Web page
Docufacts CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-429-3228 ext. 640 US and Canada or 714-253-3878 for a list
Product Support Procedures and Bulletins.
Tools and Equipment
Equipment Function
Philips Head Screwdriver #2 Shroud Motor Control Board Assembly Side Bed Cover and End Caps Auto-Transformer
Small Slotted Screwdriver 3/32” Motor Control Potentiometers (MAX SPD) & (IRCOMP)
Bungee Cord 28” Suspend Motor Shroud on Display Rail
5/32” Hex Allen key Handrail assembly
5/64” Hex Allen key Display Board set screws
1/8” Hex Allen key Display Assembly
1/4” Hex Allen key Running Belt Head Roller Tail Roller
5/16” Wrench or Nut Driver Drive Motor Bolts
9/64” Allen Wrench Elevation Motor 17-mm Socket Wrench
Multi-meter Voltage Checks Continuity / OHM Checks
Treadmill Overview
The MCB provides power to the display assembly. Establishes a reference voltage and potentiameter position from the elevation motor
RUNNING BELT MOTOR DRIVE CONTROL Takes Alternating Current and converts it to Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to power the Drive Motor. Motor voltage feedback and control-speed-commands determine the level of PWM power delivered to the motor. Motor Control circuits include fault sensing and safety functions.
The signal from the RPM sensor is fed to signal conditioning circuits on the MCB, where the signal is
converted to a digital output that is utilized by the Display Assembly to indicate belt speed.
ELEVATION MOTOR CONTROL The elevation circuit on the MCB receives elevation direction and enable information from the Display Assembly, using these signals to provide control to the Elevation Motor. Elevation position information, in turn, is fed to the Display Assembly to indicate percent of incline.
Section 2:
Preventive Maintenance
Performing regular preventive maintenance on all Star Trac treadmills is strongly recommended. Without preventive maintenance, normal wear and tear may cause cumulative effects, such as misalignment and early replacement of parts. This may result in downtime. For this reason, we highly recommend following the manufacturer’s maintenance schedules.
2.1 Preventative Maintenace Chart
2.2 Waxing Procedure
Preventive Maintenance Chart
Maintenance Clean Inspect Lubricate Replace
Using a liquid non-abrasive cleaner, wipe down the following: display board handrails, shroud, heart rate grips. Note: Do not spray directly onto the display board or heart grips. Elevate the treadmill and vacuum under the unit. Note: Unplug the unit when vacuuming. Lift the motor shroud and vacuum around the motor and electronics. Clean and lub­ricate the elev­tion screws. Note: This must be done with the unit unplugged and turned off.
Inspect for wear and tear on ex­terior parts regularly, especially under the running belt. Inspect the line­cord plug and cord for possible damage or loose connection.
Verify running belt alignment and tension. Inspect the area under the treadmill for obstructions.
Inspect the display and handrail screws for loosening.
Inspect the display panel keys for wear.
Using a silicone spray lubricate the elevation screws, while the unit is elevated. Note: This must be done with the unit unplugged and turned off.
Wax the running belt and deck using Unisen powder wax.
Quarterly Waxing
The treadmill is designed with an automatic prompt, which will display RE WAX across the display screen every 2,000 miles or 3,000 kilometers. The procedure below explains step-by- step how to apply wax and clear the RE WAX prompt.
Note: Apply wax powder while belt and deck are still warm (from 5 to 15 minutes of use) for optimum benefit. The foll­owing steps are done with the treadmill off.
Time Required:
5 minutes
Tools Required:
1 Wax Powder Bag (Unisen) Teaspoon 1 Clean Towel Paint Stick or Yard Stick Diluted All-purpose Cleaner (409) Bristle Brush
PROCEDURE STEP 1: Cleaning the deck and belt:
Using the stick or ruler, slide a towel under the middle of the running belt from
one side of the frame to the other.
Hold the edges of the towel, pull from head-roller down to the tailroller, then pull
the belt down to wipe the remaining of the belt. TIP: Careful when removing the towel, it will be dirty. Fold the dirty towel and shake into trash.
STEP 2: Re-waxing the deck and belt:
Lift the left side (facing the display) of the belt, about 12 inches down from the
motor shroud (see above figure). Hold the belt up such that the width of the belt is elevated from the deck.
Gently place one level teaspoon of wax powder on the deck about two inches
from the edge, and blow the wax steadily under the belt, so that the wax powder is spread evenly across the deck (see above figure). Gently place a second level teaspoon of wax 18 inches down the belt.
Repeat the above step to the right side of the belt and deck.
Note: Blow away extra wax first from around the siderails and deck before wip­ing.
Note: The RE WAX prompt may be cleared either in “Settings or Configure Mode”.
STEP 3: Walking the wax in:
Start the treadmill at 1 mph and walk on all sections of the belt and deck for 1
minute to ensure the wax has been evenly distributed and worked-in properly.
STEP 4: Clean-up:
Remove any excess wax with diluted cleaner (409) and towel, or bristle brush.
STEP 5: Clear RE WAX prompt:
Engage Settings or Configure Modes. Press and hold the “0”, “1” or(2) &
START” keys down, release the “1” or (2) key only. Display will beep and
display SETTINGS or CONFIGURE momentarily (depending if the 1 or 2 key was released), then UNITS will be displayed.
Press the Incline Down Key (elevation) until LSTDCK is displayed. Press and
release the HEART Key, this will automatically transfer the accumulated miles/kilometers into the LSTDCK, press the ENTER Key to save.
Section 3: Diagnostics
The STAR TRAC 4500 Treadmill series contains diagnostic and customizing modes. In these modes you are able to check accumulated data about the past usage of the treadmill, test its motor and display controls, and investigate display code messages. For these reasons, your treadmill is equipped with a ;
Manager Mode (customize)
Maintenance Mode (diagnostics)
Motor Test Mode (diagnostics)
3.1 Engaging Manager Mode
3.2 Engaging Maintenance Mode
3.3 Description of parameters
Display Test Mode (diagnostics)
Heart Rate Test Mode (diagnostics)
3.8 Engaging Motor Test Mode
3.9 Calibration
3.10 Engaging Display Test Mode
Heart rate test
Manager Mode
After having used you Star Trac 4500 treadmill for several workouts, you may wish to specially customize your treadmill by changing some of its settings.
To engage Manager Mode:
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together. While holding the “ 0 ” &
“ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” key only.
2. The display will beep and display Manager Mode momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
Once the treadmill is in Manager Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Displays the next or previous parameter.
SPEED KEYS: Allows the variable to be changed within the parameter.
ENTER KEY: Saves the value if changed in the EPROM (software). Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, for each value changed.
STOP KEY: Exists Manager Mode and restarts the treadmill with a “warm start.”
0 – 9 KEYS: Enters new parameter values. If UNITS parameter is displayed, key 5 starts DISPLAY TEST and key 8 starts MOTOR TEST.
HEART HEART KEY: When pressed will automatically display manufactures default value.
Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, to save the default values if changed.
Manager Mode
The following parameters may be changed using the previous keys:
Parameters Lowest
--- --- English Metric English English= units of lbs.,
0.1 2.5 English=0.5 Metric=1.0 0.5 Minimum speed in
5.0 20.0 English=10.0 Metric=20.0 10.0 Maximum speed in
--- --- ON OFF ON Turns the elevation
5 99 99 Maximum time in
0 0 --- --- 6,553.5 Total operating hours
Option 1 Option 2 Default
miles, hours, minutes
Metric= units of kg., km, hours, minutes.
system ON or OFF.
minutes allowed for
program, including
0 0 --- --- 65,635 Total treadmill miles
or kilometers
0 399 --- --- 155 Defaults (to user),
typical weight in lbs/kg
depending on what
setting (UNITS=
English or Metric
0 0 --- --- 65,535 Treadmill serial
--- --- --- --- English Language in English, Dutch, German,
Portuguese, Spanish,
Swedish, or Italian.
--- --- Units Tenths Units This variable changes
the starting speed in
Units or Tenths
Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode includes all of the items of Manager Mode, plus additional data that is automatically saved to properly troubleshoot in case of a problem. To engage Maintenance Mode:
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 2 ” & “ START ” keys together. While holding the “ 0 ” &
“ START ” keys down, release the “ 2 ” key only.
2. The display will beep and display MAINTENANCE momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
Once the treadmill is in Maintenance Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Displays the next or previous parameter.
SPEED KEYS: Allows the variable to be changed within the parameter.
ENTER KEY: Saves the value if changed in the EPROM (software). Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, for each value changed.
STOP KEY: Exists Manager Mode and restarts the treadmill with a “warm start.”
0 – 9 KEYS: Enters new parameter values. If UNITS parameter is displayed, key 5 starts DISPLAY TEST and key 8 starts MOTOR TEST.
HEART HEART KEY: When pressed will automatically display manufactures default value.
Note: ENTER KEY must be pressed, to save the default values if changed.
Maintenance Mode
The following parameters may be changed using the previous keys:
Parameters Lowest
--- --- English Metric English English= units of lbs.,
0.1 2.5 English=0.5 Metric=1.0 0.5 Minimum speed in
5.0 20.0 English=10.0 Metric=20.0 10.0 Maximum speed in
--- --- ON OFF ON Turns the elevation
5 99 99 Maximum time in
0 0 --- --- 0 Total operating hours
Option 1 Option 2 Default
miles, hours, minutes
Metric= units of kg., km, hours, minutes.
system ON or OFF.
minutes allowed for
program, including
0 0 --- --- 0 Total treadmill miles
or kilometers
0 399 --- --- 155 Defaults (to user),
typical weight in lbs/kg
depending on what
setting (UNITS=
English or Metric
0 0 --- --- 0 Treadmill serial
--- --- --- --- English Language in English, Dutch, German,
Portuguese, Spanish,
Swedish, or Italian.
--- --- Units Tenths Units This variable changes
the starting speed in
Units or Tenths
Maintenance Mode
Parameters Lowest
10 REV
1/2 PWM
--- --- ON OFF OFF OFF= Heart Control
--- --- CNT DN
22.0 74.0 30.7 = For
1 255 31 =
2 50 --- --- 30 Minimum PWM to
25 170 --- --- 130 1/2 Maximum PWM to
86 255 --- --- 230 Maximum PWM to
1.00 12.99 --- --- 1.96 Treadmill
Option 1 Option 2 Default
110v units.
35.8 = For 220v units
29.1 Inches of running belt
125 =
RPM Sensor
Optical Sensor
ON= Heart Control
countdown heart rate
BOTH (Polar &
travel for 10 flywheel
revolutions, measured
in inches.
1.8” pulley:30.7 (110v)
31 Number of counts per
RPM Sensor
obtain minimum
speed, automatically
obtain 1/2 maximum
speed, automatically
obtain maximum
speed, automatically
manufacturing date.
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of times the
Stop Switch was down
or disconnected on
power-up since last
Maintenance Mode
Parameters Lowest
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of times the
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of times the
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of times a
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of times an
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of counts per
0 255 --- --- 0 Number of times no
0 255 --- --- 240 Represents the incline
0 255 --- --- 57 Represents the incline
0 25 --- --- 0 Indicates what display
Option 1 Option 2 Default
Stop Switch was down
or disconnected on
power-up since last
display did not detect
a RMP signal.
sudden change in
speed was detected
elevation stall was
RPM Sensor
elevation was
number for 0%.
number for 15%.
code appeared last. 18 = NO STO 19 = KEYDN 20 = NO RPM 21 = SP CNG 22 = EL STL 23 = EL RNG 24 = EL LOST
0 255 --- --- 0 Displays the target
elevation prior to the
display code.
0 255 --- --- 0 Displays the incline
number prior to the
display code.
Maintenance Mode
Parameters Lowest
0 2 --- --- 0 Displays
0 255 --- --- 0 Displays the speed
0 255 --- --- 0 Displays the PWM
0 255 --- --- 0 Display the actual
0 65355 --- --- 0 Displays the elapsed
0 65355 --- --- 0 Number of miles when
0 65355 --- --- --- Number of miles when
Option 1 Option 2 Default
1 = Unit was resetting
to 0%.
0 = Unit finished
resetting to 0% prior
to the display code.
prior to the display
number prior to the
display code.
measured speed prior
to the display code.
time, in seconds, prior
to the display code.
the deck was last
waxed. After a 2000
mile (or 3000 KM)
difference, “REWAX
BELT” will scroll in the
display until “LST
DCK” miles are
the last belt was
Motor Test Mode
Motor Test Mode allows the treadmill to calibrate both elevation and running belt speed. Verifies RPM Sensor feedback, Drive Motor and MCB response, and verifies Elevation Motor range (count). Also burns in the motor, by way of the controls and displays of the treadmill.
***Caution*** : Do not stand on the running belt while performing these test.
Engage Test Mode:
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ”
& “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key only. The display will beep and display
MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: 240 3 .0 if treadmill is at 0%.
Alternative mode to enter Motor Test Mode:
1. Turn the power switch on while pressing the “ 8” key simultaneously on the display.
240 3 .0
A. Elevation Motor Range. B. PWM Duty Cycle. C. RPM Sensor Feedback
Once the treadmill is in TEST Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEY: Adjust voltage to incline motor, inclines the treadmill in increments of 1%. When using the Incline Keys verify the elevation system is responding correctly by the following:
As the treadmill elevates up and down verify the corresponding LEDs light up on the MCB.
Verify that the Elevation Motor Range (see above A column) is changing in increments of
1% as the treadmill elevates up and down.
Caution:Do not elevate treadmill above 15% = 57 (110v units), 80 (220v units) or below
0% = 240 (110 & 220v units) mechanical damage may occur.
SPEED KEYS: Adjust the PWM duty cycle and motor speed up and down, respectively,
in increments of 0.1 mph (UNITS=English) or 0.1km/hr (UNITS = Metric). When using the Speed Keys verify the speed control system is responding correctly by the the following:
As the treadmill begins to increase speed, verify that the display registers RPM feedback
(see above C column) in increments of 0.1 mph/km.
START KEY: Starts burn-in mode. (continuous operation of running belt and incline using program 8 at maximum speed. Press STOP KEY to stop burn-in.
STOP KEY: Exists MOTOR TEST Mode and restarts the treadmill.
HEART KEY: Starts automatic calibration of minimum, 1/2 maximum, & maximum speed.
***Caution*** : Do not stand on the running belt while performing these test.
Automatic Speed Calibration:
In this mode minimum and maximum speed is automatically calibrated. Calibration lasts less than 3 minutes; belt will be in motion during this test.
Auto-calibration should be done every time MN, MX SPD & UNITS parameters have been changed in either SETTINGS or CONFIGURE Mode. Auto-calibration must be engaged when ever speed controlling components have been upgraded or replaced such as; MCB, Display Board, Drive Motor & RPM Sensor.
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ”
& “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key. The display will beep and display MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: XXX 3 .0 if treadmill is at 0% display will read:
240 3 .0
3. Press “HEART” key, display will read: CAL treadmill will go into an automatic speed calibration for
less than 3 minutes. Press “STOP” key to exit Motor Test.
NOTE: If Auto-calibration fails to give the correct response refer to Section 4.
Display Test Mode
Display Test Mode allows you to test the light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 15-segment displays, and the watchdog timer of the Display Control Panel by way of its own controls and displays. It also allows EPROM version to be displayed. To enter Display Test Mode:
***Caution*** : Do not stand on the running belt while performing these test.
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ”
& “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key.
2. The display will beep and display MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will
be displayed.
3. Press and release the “5 key. Observe all the LEDs light up.
4. Pressing any key once will display the EPROM version.
Alternative mode to enter Motor Test Mode:
1. Turn the power switch on while pressing the “5” key simultaneously on the display. Observe all the
LEDs light up.
Once the treadmill is in Display Test Mode, you may use the following keys:
INCLINE KEYS: Lights % grade LED’s one at a time, also segments of 15-segment screen one at a time.
PROGRAM SELECT KEY: Lights the six LEDs bordering the 15-segment display.
HEART KEY: Displays “HEART HEART” on the 15-segment display.
START KEY: Displays “START START” on the 15-segment display.
0 – 9 KEYS: Lights corresponding LEDs in the Number/Program Select Keys, (except for key 9), alongside the Pre-Designed Program profiles.
STOP KEY: Displays “WD TEST” on the 15-segment display. Activates the watchdog timer, resetting the processor and returning the program back to Start Mode.
Heart Rate Test
Heart Rate Test Mode tests the heart rate calculation and display capability of the treadmill if it is equipped with contact rings or Polar wireless heart rate chest strap reception capability. To enter Heart Rate Test Mode:
1. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ”
& “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” (or 2) key.
2. The display will beep and display MANAGER (or MAINTENANCE) momentarily, then UNITS will
be displayed.
3. Press and release the “5 key. Observe all the LEDs light up.
4. Press the key 3X’s, display will read SEEKING HR across the display.
5. Grasp the stainless steel contact rings or place the Polar wireless heart rate chest strap around
your chest (treadmill must be equiped with both contact and Polar).
6. In the far right display screen a blinking LED segement will flash then the average heart rate will be
NOTE: If the above Heart Rate Test fails to give the correct reading or response, refer to Section 4.
Section 4: Troubleshooting
Should the STAR TRAC 4500 Treadmill experience a problem or a display code appear, the following procedures will help determine the precise reason for the problem. Included are flow charts breaking down each individual display code with problem statements and solutions.
4.1 110v MCB Layout
4.24 Running Deck Symptoms
4.3 220v MCB Layout
4.5 Calibration Symptoms
4.7 Manual Calibration
4.8 No Display Power 110v
4.9 No Display Power 220v
4.10 Elevation Motor Symptoms
4.12 Elevation Symptoms
4.13 Heart Rate Symptoms
4.16 Polar Symptoms
4.17 Display Cable Symptoms
4.18 Drive Motor Symptoms
4.19 Head / Tail Roller Symptoms
4.26 Isolating Noise
4.27 Leveling
4.28 Static Symptoms
4.29 Vibration
4.30 Display Codes Chart
4.31 KEY DN Flowchart
4.32 NO STO Flowchart
4.33 No RPM Flowchart
4.37 SP CNG Flowchart
4.41 EL STL Flowchart
4.45 EL RNG Flowchart
4.49 EL LOST Flowchart
4.20 Drive Belt Symptoms
4.21 Running Belt Symptoms
4.53 EL NOZ Flowchart
110v MCB LED Layout
The Following LEDs will help diagnose if the MCB has failed or causing intermittent problems.
** CAUTION ** AC LED - Indicates that AC power has been applied to the MCB. It does
Several of the follow- not give indication of voltage level, if this LED is not lit and the tread­ ing troubleshooting mill does not power up, verify the following: require dealing with 1. The treadmill is plugged into a wall outlet. live voltage. Have the 2. The ON/OFF switch is turned to the “ON” position. treadmill turned off 3. Verify with a VOLT METER that 110VAC is present at the and unplugged when outlet. Units with step-down transformers need 220VAC. checking wire 4. Verify 110v (+/- 10%) AC voltage at AC1 & AC2 wires. connections. After the above have been verified and the AC LED is still “OFF”, the
MCB should be replaced.
NOTE: The display +18v LED - Indicates the presence of an acceptable level of voltage to console may still operate the MCB. If this LED is off or dim, the AC voltage level is power up with the AC not acceptable to properly power the MCB. Verify the following: LED off. 1. Verify with a VOLT METER that 110VAC is present on
on pins AC1 & AC2.
After the above step has been verified and the + 18V LED is still “OFF”,
and the display does not power up, replace the MCB.
+11v LED - Indicates there is +11 volts supplied to the display board. If this
LED is not lit verify the following:
1. The display cable is damaged or pinched, disconnect the display cable and verify if the LED lights up. If LED lights up replace the cable. After the above has been verified and the +11 LED is still “OFF”, the
MCB should be replaced.
110v MCB LED Layout
NOTE: Engage Motor MOTOR LED - Indicates the presence of acceptable voltage to the motor. Test Mode and If this LED is not lit one of the following conditions exists: manually push on 1. Verify AC voltage is being applied. the running belt to 2. Verify that MTR1/MTR2 wires are connected to the MCB. verify RPM feedback. (This should be done with the treadmill unplugged and turned off)
After the above have been verified and the MOTOR LED is still ‘OFF”, the MCB should be replaced.
PWM LED - Indicates that there is a valid control command from the
display to the MCB (this LED flashes only when the treadmill is operating) If this LED is not lit verify the following:
1. Verify if the display cable is connected.
2. Verify if the display cable is damaged or pinched. (see page 4.17 in this section for Display Cable symptoms) After the above have been verified and the PWM LED is still “OFF” , the
MCB should be replaced.
NOTE: If the current I-LIMIT LED - Indicates that an excessiveload is being placed on the limit is reached, the motor. Amp readings of 26 or higher will cause the LED to MCB will shut the light. If this LED is lit one of the following conditions exists: treadmill down and 1. Running belt is worn. the I-LIMIT LED will 2. Belt and deck require lubrication. remain on until it 3. Drive motor drawing over the 26 amp peak. resets. After the above has been verified and the I-LIMIT LED is still “ON”, the
MCB should be replaced.
UP LED - Indicates that the incline is being commanded up. If this LED is
not lit and the elevation motor will not respond, verify the following:
1. Display cable for possible pinch or tear (see page 4.17 in this section for Display Cable symptoms)
2. Replace MCB.
DOWN LED - Indicates that the incline is being commanded up. If this LED is not lit and the elevation motor will not respond, verify the following:
1. Display cable for possible pinch or tear (see page 4.17 in this section for Display Cable symptoms)
2. Replace MCB.
220v MCB LED Layout
The Following LEDs will help diagnose if the MCB has failed or causing intermittent problems.
** CAUTION ** AC PWR - Indicates that AC power has been applied to the MCB. It does
Several of the follow- not give indication of voltage level, if this LED is not lit and the ing troubleshooting treadmill does not power up, verify the following: steps require dealing 1. The treadmill is plugged into a wall outlet. with live voltage. 2. The ON/OFF switch is turned to the on position. Have the treadmill 3. Verify with a VOLT METER that 110VAC is present at the turned off and unplu- outlet. Units with step-down transformers need 220VAC. gged when checking 4. Verify 220v (+/- 10%) AC voltage at AC1 & AC2 wires. wire connections. After the above have been verified and the AC LED is still “OFF”, the
MCB should be replaced, if the treadmill is not operating.
NOTE: The display DISPLAY PWR- Indicates there is +11 volts supplied to the display console may still board. If this LED is not lit verify the following: power up with the AC 1. The display cable is damaged or pinched, disconnect the PWR LED off. display cable and verify if the DISPLAY PWR LED lights
up. If the LED lights up replace the cable.
After the above has been verified and the DISPLAY PWR LED is still “OFF”, the MCB should be replaced.
220v MCB LED Layout
NOTE: Engage Motor RPM SENSOR - Indicates input signal from the RPM Sensor to the MCB. Test Mode and If this LED is not flashing during operation, verify the following manually push on 1. RPM sensor disconnected from connector J3 at the MCB. the running belt to 2. RPM sesnor gap misaligned. verify RPM feedback. 3. RPM sensor faulty After the above have been verified and the RPM LED is still “OFF”, the
MCB should be replaced.
MOTOR CONTROL - Indicates that there is a valid control command
from the display to the MCB. If this LED is not lit verify the following:
1. Verify if the display cable is connected.
2. Verify if the display cable is damaged or pinched. After the above have been verified and the MOTOR CONTROL LED is still
“OFF”, the MCB should be replaced.
UP LED - Indicates that the incline is being commanded up. If this LED is
not lit and the elevation motor will not respond, verify the following:
1. Display cable for possible pinch or tear ( see page 4.17 in this section for Display Cable symptoms).
2. Replace MCB.
DOWN LED - Indicates that the incline is being commanded down. If this LED is not lit and the elevation motor will not respond, verify the following:
1. Display cable for possible pinch or tear ( see page 4.17 in this section for Display Cable symptoms).
2. Replace MCB.
The following steps help troubleshoot in case Auto-Calibration procedures fail to give the correct reading or response.
Auto-Calibration fluctuates.
1. Verify line voltage for sufficient voltage supply.
If wall voltage is less than 10% than what is required, this will cause speed fluctuation.
2. Verify unit is on a dedicated circuit breaker.
Treadmills sharing the same circuit line will cause
intermittent problems and variation in speed.
3. Verify the following parameters are set correctly
in the Configuration Mode: (Configuration Mode details in Section 3)
CNT/RV : 31 = Magnetic/Cherry RPM Sensors
10 REV: 29.1” for 1.7” dia. motor pulley (110v)
10 REV: 35.8 for 2.1” dia. motor pulley (220v)
NOTE: If not sure what your 10 REV settings should be, manually measure your drive motor pulley diameter. Above measurements are done in inches.
Diagram #1
4. Verify RPM Sensor alignment.
Hall Effect/Cherry RPM Sensor is being used, verify the gap is no more than 1/8 inch. NOTE: See Diagram # 1.
5. Adjust IR COMP potentiometer.
NOTE: See Diagram #2, adjustment.
REPLACE: MCB if symptom continues.
Calibration Troubleshooting
Will not Calibrate to MAX speed.
1. Verify line voltage for sufficient voltage supply.
If wall voltage is less than 10% than what is required, this will cause speed fluctuation.
2. Verify unit is on a dedicated circuit breaker.
Treadmills sharing the same circuit line will cause
intermittent problems and variation in speed.
3. Verify the following parameters are set correctly
in the Configuration Mode. (Configuration Mode details in Section 3)
MN SPD: 0.5 MPH or 1.0 KM/PH
MX SPD: 10.0 MPH (110v) or 20.0 KM/PH (220v)
CNT/RV : 31 = Magnetic/Cherry RPM Sensors
10 REV: 29.1” for 1.7” dia. motor pulley (110v)
10 REV: 35.8” for 2.1” dia. motor pulley (220v)
NOTE: To reach 20.0 KM/PH on 220v units, drive motor pulley must be 2.1”. If not sure what your 10 REV settings should be, manually measure the drive motor pulley diameter.
Diagram #1
Diagram #2
4. Verify RPM Sensor alignment.
Hall Effect/Cherry RPM Sensor is being used, verify the gap is approximately 3 business cards or 1 credit card. If adjustment is necessary loosen the flywheel to re-position. NOTE: See Diagram #1.
REPLACE: RPM Sensor if RPM reading is sensitive or feedback appears erratic.
5. Adjust the MAX SPEED potentiometer.
NOTE: See Diagram #2. (220v units only)
GO TO: Section 3.7 Manual Calibration if problem continues.
Manual Calibration
The following procedure allows the treadmill to manually calibrate Minimum and Maximum speeds, only in the case Auto-Calibration is not functioning correctly.
Will not calibrate to MN or MX speed, in the Auto-Calibration Mode.
**CAUTION** 1. Engage TEST MODE. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together
Do not stand on (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ” the running belt (or 2) key. The display will beep and display SETTINGS (or CONFIGURE) while perform- momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed. ing these steps.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: XXX 3 .0 XXX is a variable
NOTE: Alter- number depending on the elevation position the treadmill is at. 3 indicates Speed native mode to Command, 0 indicates RPM. If the treadmill is at 0% the display will read: 240 3 .0 enter Motor
Test Mode; turn the power down the corresponding Speed Command number displayed for each desired
switch “ON” setting. while pressing
the “8” key sim- ultaneously on STEP 1.
the display.
NOTE: The MN MN SPD Speed Command number by using the “+” or “-” keys, then press the SPD should not “START” (enter) key to save the new setting. Do this for the 1/2 MX and MX SPD. exceed .5 MPH
or 1KPH. The 1/2 MX SPD
should be exactly half of the desired MX SPD. The MX MX SPD must not exceed 10 MPH or 20 KPH (220 units).
3. Press the “+” key (speed) to the desired MN SPD,1/2 MX, and MX SPD. Write
4. Press the “STOP” key. Engage Configuration/Settings Mode as described in
5. Using the “UP ELEVATION” key go to MN PWM parameter and enter the new
6. Press the “STOP” key to exit.
NOTE:Speed Command 255 is the max­imum the tread-
mill will reach.
No Display Power
The following steps help troubleshoot in case the display board fails to power up, during or before regular operation.
110v UNIT
Diagram A Diagram B
1. Lift and suspend the motor shroud.
The following steps are performed with the MCB, does not indicate voltage level. If this LED is lit go to step 3.
the treadmill “ON”. If LED is not lit verify the following: (see diagram A)
less than 90v, check wall voltage, verify unit is on a dedicated line.
REPLACE: MCB if all the above check OK.
2. Verify if LED AC is lit. AC LED indicates that AC power is being applied to
The treadmill is plugged into the wall.
The ON/OFF Switch is turned to the “ON” position.
Verify wire connection AC1/AC2 on the MCB.
Verify the ON/OFF Switch Breaker wires are connected.
Verify 110v (+/- 10%) AC voltage at AC1/AC2. if the voltage is 0 or
If wall voltage is correct, verify linecord continuity. (see diagram B)
3. Verify if LED +18 is lit. LED +18 indicates the presence of an acceptable
level of voltage for MCB operation. REPLACE: MCB if +18 is not lit.
the display board. If the LED is lit go to step 5.
REPLACE: MCB if +11 is not lit.
4. Verify if LED + 11 is lit. LED +11 indicates 11v are being applied to power
5. Verify display cable connection.
Verify display cable for possible pinch or tear mark.
REPLACE: Display board if display cable checks OK.
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