Corner Monitor Stand
Quick-Start Guide
Product Diagram (MONSTNDCORNR)
Component Function
1 Platform • Used to support a Monitor.
2 Legs (x 4) • Used to support the weight of a Monitor.
3 Extenders (x 4)
4 Rubber Feet (x 4)
• (Optional) Used to extend the height of the
Monitor Stand.
• Used to prevent the Monitor Stand from
scratching the surface that the Monitor Stand
sits on.
3. While applying light pressure, insert the Legs (x 4) into the Leg Holes.
Inserting the Legs into the Platform
4. (Optional) If you need extra height you can use the Extenders (x 4). Insert the
Extenders (x 4) into the Holes on the Legs.
Inserting the Extenders into the Legs
5. Insert the Rubber Feet (x 4) into the ends of the Legs (x 4).
For the latest requirements, please visit www.startech.com/MONSTNDCORNR.
1. Turn the Platform upside down, with the Leg Holes facing up.
2. Align the Legs (x 4) with the Legs Holes on the Platform.
To view manuals, FAQs, videos, drivers, downloads, technical drawings, and more, visit www.startech.com/support.
Inserting the Rubber Feet into the Legs
Manual Revision: May 16, 2019 9:17 AM

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