Titan Quick Start Guide - Version 0.46 2
Professional Installation
The Titan RFID reader requires professional installation to correctly set the transmitter power for the RF cable
and antenna selected, to ensure that the radiated power complies with regulatory limits for the region where
the reader is installed. See the section “Information on Regulatory Regions” for more details.
The information below could either be added to the “Installation & Wiring” section or could be added as a
new section:
Information on Regulatory Regions
The Titan RFID reader is designed to operate in various regulatory regions. The regulatory region is locked
by the manufacturer such that the reader may only operate on authorized frequencies for that regulatory
region. The regulatory region is not configurable by end users or professional installers.
Professional Installation
Because the Titan RFID reader is capable of up to +33dBm conducted power at its RF ports, professional
installation is required to ensure compliance with radiated power limits for the regulatory region where it is
FCC Part 90
This information applies to Titan RFID readers that have been configured by the manufacturer for the FCC
Part 90 regulatory region.
Pursuant to FCC Part 90.205, the Titan RFID reader’s radiated power is limited to +44.8dBm (30 Watts) ERP
(Effective Radiated Power). The professional installer must enter the cable loss and antenna gain at the
time of installation. Using this information, the Titan RFID reader will automatically calculate and limit the
maximum conducted output power that is allowed, based on the following equation:
Maximum conducted power (dBm) = 44.8 (ERP in dBm) – Antenna Gain (in dBd) + Cable Loss (in dB)
Note that Part 90 specifies the radiated power limit in terms of ERP and the Antenna Gain is specified in
dBd, which is gain relative to an ideal half-wave dipole antenna.
FCC Part 15.247
This information applies to Titan RFID readers that have been configured by the manufacturer for the FCC
Part 15 regulatory region.
Pursuant to FCC Part 15.204, the Titan RFID reader may only be operated with antennas approved by Star
Systems International.
Pursuant to FCC Part 15.247, the Titan RFID reader’s radiated power is limited to +36dBm EIRP (Equivalent
Isotropically Radiated Power). The Titan RFID reader’s conducted power may be increased above +30dBm
to compensate for cable loss, so long as the +36dBm EIRP limit is still met. The professional installer must
enter the cable loss and antenna gain at the time of installation. Using this information, the Titan RFID
reader will automatically calculate and limit the maximum conducted output power that is allowed, based
on the following equation:
Maximum conducted power (dBm) = 36 (EIRP in dBm) – Antenna Gain (in dBi) + Cable Loss (in dB)
Note that Part 15.247 specifies the radiated power limit in terms of EIRP and the Antenna Gain is specified
in dBi, which is gain relative to an ideal (theoretical) isotropic antenna.