Star Micronics 4111 User Manual

Specifications and Main Features

  • Printing Speed: can print up to 4 pages in a minute
  • Resolution: has an accuracy of up to about 90,000 dots per square inch.
  • Memory: has a standard RAM of 1MB with a possibility of being expanded upto 2MB.
  • Fonts:
  • Has both internal and built in fonts THe CG Times, Univers, Courier and Line Printers.
  • A mixture of bit-mapped fonts and scalable ones is present.
  • Modern cartridges and downloadable cartridges and fonts are also supported.
  • Communication Interfaces: Available facilitates are Serial and Parallel interfaces.
  • Emulation: can emulate commands written by LaserJet III of Hewlett Packard.
  • Paper Types Supported: Could use plain paper, labels, envelops and transparencies
  • Control Panel: Has a friendly style easy to use with visual display
  • Dimensions: Has a small structure ideal for desktop
  • Power Supply: compatible with electricity bu most standard outlets
  • Compatibility: Compatible with MS-DOS, Windows and lots of other Desktop Publishing applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the maximum printing speed of the Star LaserPrinter 411?

A1: The device has a capability of printing up to 4 pages in a minute.

Q2: Various font types that Star LaserPrinter 411 can use?

A2: The provide built in fonts but also supports modern downloads and cartridges.

Q3: Methods of connecting a printer with a personal computer?

A3: Has the ability to connect through serial and parallel interfaces.

Q4: Is it allowed to print on envelopes using this printer?

A4: Yes, the printer is capable of printing on envelopes and other papers.

Q5: What is the default memory capacity of the printer and is it upgradeable?

A5: The printer contains a base memory of 1MB, but this can be modified to a maximum of 2MB with the appropriate settings.

Q6: Is there a possibility that this printer can act like another model printer?

A6: Certainly. It accepts command codes that are used with the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III printers.

Q7: Is there an interface which is uncomplicated enough to enable even a not so experienced user to operate the printer quickly?

A7: Yes, for simpler use of the printer, a control panel with a screen has been included.

Q8: what is the limit of the resolution that the printer is able to give to the prints?

A8: The limit of the resolution is within 90,000 dots per square inch for the Star LaserPrinter 411 during the printing of the pictures.

User Manual

Trademark Acknowledgements
LaserPrinter 4111:Star Micronics Co,, Ltd. PageMaker: AldusCorporation Applesoft: Apple Computer Inc. Bitstream: Bitstream Inc. Canon:Canon Inc. HP, LaserJet:Hewlett-Packard Company LaserControl:Insight Development Inc. IBM PC: InternationalBusiness MachinesCorp. Century Schoolbook: Linotype Corporation Lotus 1-2-3:Lotus DevelopmentCorporation
MS-DOS, Microsoft BASIC, Windows, Word: MicrosoftCorporation MultiMate: Multimate International WordPerfect:WordPerfect Corporation Ventura Publisher: XeroxCorporation
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without
STAR’s express permission is forbidden,
The contents of this manualare subject to cbange without notice
Alleffortshave been madetoensure the accuracyofthecontentsofthis manualatthetimeofpress.
However,sbouldanyerrorsbedetected, STAR would greatly appreciate being informed of them.
. The above notwithstanding, STAR can assume no responsibility for any errors inthis manual
@Copyright 1992Star Micronics Co,, Ltd


About this manual
This StarLu.~erPrinter4111Application.~Manual gives you the information
you need to program the Star Micronics LaserPrinter 4111.
Why would you read this book? Most people using a laser printer just run softwarepackageswithbuilt-inprinter drivers, which look after everything theircomputers send their printers.But many of us— smallbusiness people and home computer users, not to mention the wizards who write those softwarepackages— want tobenefit fromall thenew featuresoffered byour printers.
Doyouwantcompletecontrol overthecharacters andimagesyou print?This manual provides the software help you need to get the most from your
LaserPrinter 4111. Though this Applications Manual is really intended for intermediate to
advanced computer users, we’ve tried to accommodate relative novicestoo.
The information is organized so you can walk through the general theory
underlying printer programming before dancing into specific details. It makessense,therefore, toread thefirstthreechaptersbeforejumping intothe middle.
There’s agoodreason to readeach chapter from itsstarttoo. People learning how to use a new printer often find the terminology a barrier. So instead of burying what may be new jargon in a Glossary at the back, we define each newterm thefirst timeitappears.The whole firstpart ofthechapter on fonts, forexample, defines different aspects of afhzt (acollection of characters of the same size and style).
What’sin this manual?
In “Getting to Know Your Star LaserPrinter 4111”we provide a listof the features that make this a splendid printer, to help you choose which features you want to exploit. There’s a bit on how laser printers work, inside and out. The chapter then explains software in general terms, including how to write control and Escape commands to make those features work.
‘&ControllingYour Printer” examines the parameters you give the Star LaserPrinter 4111to direct precisely how you want itto behave. These let you control theprinter, manage page formats, and specify what you want printed.
Formostofus,the“Fonts”chapter willbeuseful:how tousethefontsbuilt intotheLaserPrinter 4111,plusthose that come on cartridges or computer disks.
You may look at chapters 4 and 5, which cover Star LaserPrinter 4111 commands. Your LaserPrinter 4111emufates (imitates) Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 111by accepting the same commands they do.
If you want to write or modify a program that uses the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III, chapters 4 and 5 show how your Star LaserPrinter 4111can
emulate to accordingly. The chapter on “Printer Control Language” is longer and more detailed
than the other. That’s because you are more likely to use laser printer comtiands than commands for vector graphics.
Thefinal“Technical Supplement”containingthe command andcharacter reference tables will m-obablvget thumbed the most.
Incidentally,oneofthoseTechnical Supplement tables suggestsa couple of typographic conventions we’ll use. Base ten (decimal) numbers will gener­allybeusedhere; ifwehavetousebasesixteennumbers(hexadecinzczi)we’11 expressly say so.
And second, the lowercase L is practically identical to the number one (1versus 1). Because lowercase L is used in many command descriptions, we’11use the character ~ to avoid confusion.
The Star LaserPrinter 4/// Operations Manual
ThismanualisthecompaniontotheStarLuserPrinter41110peration.rManual that came with your printer. A laser printer is a fairly complex tool that
requirescare and delicate handling. Soto usethisApplications Manual best, make sure you understand that Operations Manual first.
Your OperationsMattualholdsessential information aboutthe LaserPrinter
4111.such as how to:
unpack and set up your laser printer,
connect the Star LaserPrinter 4111to your computer’s serial or parallel port.
link the LaserPrinter 4111into a network of several computers,
configuretheLaserPrinter41Hto yourneeds (withvariables suchas paper size and speed of data transfer),
load paper and the toner cartridge,
operate the panel switches and display,
run the LaserPrinter 4111self-test,
look after your printer to keep it in peak condition.


1. Getting to know Your Star LaserPrinter 4111............................................. 1
1.1Star LaserPrinter 4111Hardware ................................................. 1
1,2Star Laserprinter 4111software ...........................................,,.....5
2. Controlling Your Printer
2.I Printer Parameters ...........
2.2 Controlling the Printer .............................................................. 16
2.3 Controlling the Page .................................................................20
2.4 Controlling the Printing ............................................................25
2.5 The Star LaserPrinter 4111Superset..........................................26
3. Fonts .............................................................................................................27
3.1 Font Terminology .....................................................................27
3.2 How the Star Laserprinter 4111Stores Fonts ............................30
3.3 Symbol Sets ..............................................................................33
3.4 Managing Fonts........................................................................34
4. Printer Control Language ..........................................................................4l
4.1 Printer Control Language .........................................................41
4,2 Controlling [he printer ..................................................,...........43
4.3 Page Orientation .......................................................................46
4.4 Moving the Print Position ........................................................51
4,5 Controlling Fonts......................................................................61
4.6 Using Your Own Fonts ............................................................79
4.7 Raster Graphics ........................................................................84
4.8 Pattern Graphics .......................................................................87
4.9 Macros ......................................................................................93
5. Vector Graphics .....................................................................................,....97
5.1 GL/2 Commands and Syntax ...................................................97
5,2 controlling the prin[er ......................................... ....................99
5.3 Configuration and Status ........................................................ 102
5,4 Vector Group........................................ ................................. 106
5.5 Polygon Group ....................................................................... 110
5.6 Line and Fill Attribute Group.................................................113
5.7 Character Group ..................................................................... I 19
5.8 Escape Sequences in GL/2 Mode ........................................... 126
....................................................... .
13 13
6. Technical Supplement ............................................................................... 129
6.1 CommandSummary............................................................... 129
6.2 Symbol sets ............................................................................ 134
Index .............................................................................................. .. ....... .... 165
Gettingb KnoW’Yow ‘”
This chapter introduces both the hardware and software aspects of the Star LaserPrinter 4111’spersonality, from fonts and print engine to ASCII and Escape sequences.
1.1.1 Versatility
Your Star Micronics Star LaserPrinter 4111works with practically all
commercial softwareprograms andcomputers. With featuresthatgo beyond
Star’s easy, affordable 9-pin and fast, quality-printing 24-pin dot matrix
printers,the StarLaserPrinteristhelogicalnext step inthe seriesof fine Star
Micronics printers.
Your Star LaserPrinter 4111produces pages that lookclose totypesetquality,
with up to 90,000 dots per square inch— no more NLQ (near letter quality) compromises. The Star LaserPrinter 4111produces four of those pages a minute. These numbers translate to about five times more resolution and
about three times more speed than the average dot-matrix printer.
Star’snew printer isremarkably versatile. You can printcomplicated forms
(widthwiseifyouwant)...detailed graphs...your owncustomized typestyles
...digitizedphotographs ...
You can even print your letterhead and logo as you print your letter, and reprint them directly onto a business envelope. You don’t even need to remove thepapertraytoprintthe envelope:just slideit into themanual feed
The Star LaserPrinter 4111is ideal for desktop publishing. The pages it produces make perfect photocopy or instant-printmasters. And all the main desktoppublishingsystems, includingAldus Corporation’sPageMaker and Xerox Ventura Publisher, work splendidly with the Star LaserPrinter 4111. With “page makeup” programs likethese you will be able — maybe for the first time — to deliver communications with the impact of top-notch graphics.
1.1.2Font options
You can print with an amazingly wide variety of type fonts and sizes. The Star LaserPrinter 4111comes with two built-in bit-mapped fonts and two built-in scalable fonts, which can be printed from 3 points to 999.75 points in size (a point is about 1/72 of an inch). These fonts are:
CG Times Font
Univers Font
Courier Font
Li ne Printer Font
Besides these, you may be able to use optional cartridges and disks to give your Star LaserPrinter 4111a variety of extra fonts, such as these:
Prestige fonts Letter Gothic fonts H Gothic fonts
Roman fonts Presentation fonts Optical Character Reader fonts Line drawing Bar codes
You can load your Star LaserPrinter 4111’smemory with fonts stored on computer disks. Literally hundreds of fonts are marketed by font-supply companies. Some fontsareevenobtainablefrom computer “user groups” or “electronicbulletinboards”. Fontsyou getthis wayare in thepublic domain, which means you don’t need to pay a licence fee to use them.
Ask your Star LaserPrinter 4111dealer about resources like these. Desktop publishing with laser printers is fast-changing territory, and some Star Micronics staff people have found electronic bulletin boards and computer usergroups quitehelpful inkeeping up withthe changing pace. If you invest a littletime this way it may repay you well.
.1.1.3How your laser printer communicates
Your computercommunicates with the Star LaserPrinter 4111througheither aparallel cable or one of two kinds of serial cable. The printer’s inter-ace, thelinkorboundaryitshareswithyourcomputer, defineswhetherthe printer willacceptcharactersand commands fromyour computeronebyteorone bit at a time.
A bit is the smallest unit of computer or printer memory. It has either a low or high electric charge, which we represent with the digits Oand 1.Usually eight adjacent bits are grouped to form a byte. Since a byte normally represents one character, this stringof bits— 01000001— might represent the letter A.
The serial interface accepts just one bit at a time from your computer. A parallel interfacecan handle a whole byte at once, by moving data bitsside­by-sidealong separate wires. You choose which interface method you want to use by selecting it on the operator panel, as explained in your Sfar
LaserPrinter 4111Operations Manual.
1.1.4 The Star LaserPrinter 4111is a computer
The Star LaserPrinter 4111firstmaps thecharacterstobeprinted intoitsown random access memory (RAM). That is, the printer builds.a “picture” in its memory corresponding to the page you want to print. When that’s done the printer can reproduce the page onto paper on its own, letting your computer get on with other work.
Your Star LaserPrinter 4111comes with one megabyte of RAM — the equivalent of about one million characters. A Star LaserPrinter 4111option lets you add a second megabyte of RAM if, say, you need to map full-page graphics or store more fonts. Accompanying all that RAM is another 2 megabytes of read only memory (ROM), containing a library of internal fonts and the programs that let the Star LaserPrinter 4111emulate other printers.
An Intel 80960SA computer chip controls boththe memory and theprinting mechanism inthe printer, called the print engine. The printer stores a whole page in RAM before printing it. (If a page is so dense that it overflows memory—amost unlikelyevent—the StarLaserPrinter4HI printsthepage on two sheets.)
1.1.5 The Print engine
It’stheprintenginethatformsthe actualcharacters and graphics.The engine directs itslaser, a pinpoint streamoflight pulses, throughmirrors and lenses onto the surface of a positively-charged rotating drum.
~Photosensitive drum
Asthe laser scans, it“draws” the page-map stored inyour printer’smemory. Wherever a light pulse strikes, that tiny part of the drum drops to a neutral electricalcharge.Thatspotthen attractsfinetonerpowder asthedrum rotates past the powder compartment.
As the drum rotates further itmeets the paper. The paper itself is negatively charged by passingbya finecoronawire. Sinceopposite chargesattract, the negative paper clings to the positive drum. Then heat and pressure from a rollermeltor,fusethe dots oftonerontothe paper, precisely reproducingthe image.
Lens Laserbeam
ctor laserdiode
Finally thepaper slides intotheoutputbin.The paper usually comesout face dowmso it stacks in the correct sequence.
1.2.1 Binary and hexadecimal arithmetic
Ifyoualreadyknowwhathexadecimal numbersare, youcan skipthissection
and go ahead to read about ASCII.
The decimal number system with which we’re all familiar is a positional counting system. There’s the “ones” position, the “tens” position, the “hundreds”position and so on. Each higher position isworth ten times more than the position to therightof it, since the decimal system uses the base of ten. Moreover, we need ten symbols to show the actual values that may be in each position.
The binary system ispositional too. There’s the “ones” position, the “twos” position,the“fours”position,the “eights”position and so on. Inbinary each positionisworthonlytwice thatof theposition to itsright.And we onlyneed two symbols—O (zero) and 1(one)—to showthe values thatmaybe in any position. So in binary we get numbers that look like 1010or 10001100.
The hexadecimal system is made of base-sixteen numbers. Hexadecimal is positionallikethe othercounting systems. Andeach higherposition isworth sixteen times as much as the position to its right.
We need sixteen different symbols to show all the possible values one hexadecimaldigitcould have. Wecan useourdecimal system’sten symbols, butwe’vehadtoborrowafew more fromour alphabet to get allthe symbols we need. In hexadecimal, therefore, you can have a number that looks like 2C7C, or even FACE.
Here’showthe decimal, binary and hexadecimal number systems compare:
Decimal Binary
o 0000
3 0011
4 O1oo 5 6 0110
7 01I1
0001 0010
2 3 4 5 6 7
Decimal 8 9
10 11
12 13 14 15
1000 100I 1010 lo]I I100” IIol I110 1111
Hexadecimal x 9
A B c D E F
The importantthingto realize is that there’s more than one way to show the
samenumeric value.Computerprogrammers, for example, occasionallyuse the hexadecimal system because it’s so compact. (Programmers often just say “hex”.) This binary number:
looksquiteabittidierwhen itiswritten asA5 FD 37ED 2D09, whichmeans the same thing.
1.2.2 TheASCII table
Where does the Star LaserPrinter 4111get the characters and instructions it needstoprintinthefirstplace?Itgets themfrom yourcomputer,which sends a stream of text and commands to your printer.
The program in your computer that controls everything sent to the printer (called the printer driver) will usually be included with your computer programs, such asyourword processor. But thecommands could alsocome from aprogram you’ve written, perhaps inBASZC,aprogramming language that uses common English words.
Internally, computers and printers use only the binary number system to representbothcommands and allthealphabetic, numericand otherkeyboard symbols. Nearly all of those machines use the same scheme to code those symbols, theAmerican StandardsCodeforInformationInterchange(ASCII).
An example:inour familiardecimal system,binary 01001010adds up tothe number 74. Depending on which program your printer is using, it can interpret that binary string 01001010 as either the number 74 or the symbol
J. The printer stores the symbol./ at position 74 in a table in its memory.
That eight-bit binary string,or byte.,can be broken into two halves. The left or high-order part containing 0100 is called the zone portion; the right part holdingthe 1010iscalled thedigits portion.And in thehexadecimal number system, the zone and digit parts of that byte are represented as 4 and A respectively (look them up in the list above).
Sothe laserprinterunderstands thesymbolJas 01001010, which wecan also represent as the decimal number 74 or the hexadecimal number 4A. We’ve printed this byte vertically and horizontally below, showing how it adds up to decimal 74 and hex 4A.
o x 27
1x 26
0x 25 0x 24
1x 23
0x 22
1x 2’
ox 2°
— —
— —
— —
— —
— —
— —
— —
0 0
Binary Hexadecimal
The ASCII table in the Technical Supplement shows all these equivalent representations for the symbols your laser printer understands. The table organizes them in ascending order. In fact, ASCII isorganized in a way that actually makes sense.
Flip back there for a quick look right now. See how you can slice the table into clumps of 16 or 32, based on what’s in the zone portion under the hexadecimal column? These clumps make subgroups of similar symbols:
hex 00 to 1F are the command symbols called control codes,
. hex 20 to 40 are the common keyboard symbols and numerals, . hex 41 to 60 are capital letters and the less common keyboard
. hex 61 to 7F are lowercase letters and a few final symbols.
That takes care of the first 128 ASCII symbols. However, nearly every computer and printer manufacturer treats the second half of the table differently.Hewlett-Packard, forexample, puts avariety ofaccented foreign languagecharacters into positions 128-255(oftenreferred to as/zighASCZl). Epson gives you a choice of either italics characters or IBM character graphics.
1.2.3 Control codes
The ASCII table shows symbols like.Jor2 theway they actually print on the laser printer. But ASCII includes more than just printable characters: none of the control code commands at the beginning of the table actually print. Instead,when yourcomputer sendsacontrolcodeto thelaserprinter itmakes your printer do other things, such as sound its beeper.
Control codes mostly handle communications between your computer and theprinter atthe lowest level,atcablelevel.For example, acouple ofcontrol codes make sure the printer lmjfer (your printer’s storage memory) doesn’t overflow. In this book we’ll indicate control codes enclosed by angle brackets to their abbreviations in the table: <FF> means the Form Feed controlcode, which advances the printer to the next page-justas the [PRINTI button does.
1.2.4 Escape sequences
Control code 27, <ESC> or Escape, is a particularly important one for
printers.To tellyourprinterallthethings youmight need— settingmargins,
saying where to print,choosingaparticularfont, startinggraphics and so on — requires many more than just two or three dozen control codes. So the <ESC> control code has a special meaning: <ESC> means “the next character specifies a command, not something to be printed”.
Therefore if you send just the chara$ter:
to the printer it will print a J and that’s all. But if you send the <ESC> code just before the c then the printer willswitchoverto print selftest.Extending thecontrol codes this way gives you many more commands to control your printer. In fact, these “Escape sequences” make up most of the Star Laser Printer’s language.
In this book we’ll leave spaces between characters when we show escape sequences. You’ll find
12vos 3T
a bit more readable than
(sop IOh12vOS3T
But remember that you are not to send those spaces if you send commands to the printer.
To sum up, printer commands are of two types. A cw?trolcode is a single­character command that tells your printer to do something, likemove down one line. An Escape sequence controls a printer operation too, but is more
than onecharacter long.Sincethey are commands, neither control codesnor
escape sequences are usually printable characters.
1.2.5 Printer drivers
Most software packages already include the printer commands they need. The programs that send commands to the printer so you don’t have to enter them yourself are called printer dri~’ers.
Many programs ask you to install or configure your printer, which usually
means keying into a menu the particular setup information describing your
Star LaserPrinter 4111.You enter such things as how you want to underline, alter line spacing, or move to a new print position.
Someprograms, such as WordPerjict and the systems from Lotus Develop­mentCorporation, letyou putprinter Escape sequencesbefore or rightinside thedocument you wanttoprint.To turn on boldface, forexample, you might hold down special keys on your keyboard, often Iabelled CONTROL or ALT, asyoupressanotherkey.Oryoumight useaspecialFunction key, such as F6.
In fact, to take real advantage of your Star LaserPrinter 4111’sspecial abilities, you might opt for a word processor that lets you specify font changes easily. WordPerfect and Microsoft Word are strong at this, but are by no means the only good font manipulators.
If you have trouble using a particular program with your Star LaserPrinter 4111,you’ll probably get answers most quickly by asking your software supplier how the program interacts with your printer.
In thismanual we refer to programs, fontsand other products soldby several companies. Pleaserealizethatmentioning these productsdoesnot mean Star Micronics endorses them in any way.
1.2.6Sending your own printer commands
Withoutaprinterdriver,sendingcontrolcodes andEscape sequencesto your printer properly requires some knowledge of a programming language like BASIC or Pascal, or at least of how to put such codes into a program. With programming languages, thecomputer doesn’t acton thecommands you put into a program until you tell it to run that program.
When you give a command to the printer from a computer program, you normally enter each part of the command as a separate character. This way you don’t affect anything else happening on the computer. You often send each code or character in the command by giving its position in the ASCII table, as a decimal or hex number.
1.2.7A BASIC example
Here’s an example you can type in right now, to clarify what we’re saying. It’s written in Microsoft BASIC for a computer that uses the MS-DOS operating system, so if you have a different computer or BASIC you may have to translate a bit.
The LPRINT commands all send data to the printer. If the data is something youwantprintedyoujustput itinquotationmarks. Ifthedataisacontrol code you just say where it is in the ASCII table, giving its position as a regular decimal number.
BASIC usuallysendsacarriage return after every 80 characters, to keep the
print position moving when it hits the end of a line. Unasked-for carriage
returns can mess up your printing, however, so it’s a good habit to put in a WIDTH statement as shown. That lets us print over the whole page area.
The <BEL> control code— ASCII code7— is sent inBASIC as CHR$(7). The <ESC> code itselfisCHR$(27). And because we’re using thecharacter
z as part of an <ESC> command, we type CHR$(112) instead of So if you start BASIC and type these commands:
20 WIDTH “LPT1:’’,255 30 LPRINT CHR$(7) 40 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(112) 50 END RUN
youmakethe printerfirst sounditsbell—most peoplecall ita beeper— and then print the self test.
Generally, when you send a control or Escape code it stays active until you deactivate it.
Mostprogramming languages,and someversionsof BASIC, letyoutreatthe printer as a file to which youcan send data. When you write a program with one of these languages you “open” the printer file, print into it, and then “close” the file when you’re done. This programming jargon soundsfunny if you’re not used to it— but it works.
A few programming languages let you send commands to the printer a third way.ApplesoftBASICisone.With it,you can switchbetweenprinter output and screen output.
1.2.8Printer emulations
YourStarLaserPrinter4111respondstothe sameescapesequence commands that the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III printer uses.
Macros are singlecontrol codes youcan define yourself, which do the work
ofawholelongseriesofprintercommands.If youare aprogrammer you will
be happy to hear the Star LaserPrinter4111supportsup to 99 macros at once.
You can control your Star LaserPrinter 4111in two ways, either through controlpanelparameters or through software commands. In this chapter we will consider printer controls mostly from the perspective of the control panel.


2.1.1 The control panel
The easiest way to control your Star LaserPrinter 4111is through its control panel, as explained in your Star LaserPrinter 4111OperationsManual.
When your printer is onfine (connected to and under the control of your computer), its control panel display shows you the printer’s status. For example, the READYlightblinks when the printer is warming up. The DATA light comes on whenever the printer is holding data it hasn’t printed yet.
When you press the [ON LINE] button, the printer changes from normal to offline mode and cannot accept data from yourcomputer. When the printer is offline you can usethe other panel buttons.For instance, if you press the
[TEST/>] button for two seconds and release itjust after STATUS SHEET is
displayedwhen thelaserprinter isoffline,itfinishesprintingthecurrentpage and then feeds in and prints a status sheet.
Some buttons on the panel let you perform two functions. Holding one of those buttons down, rather than quickly pressing it, selects a different operation. For example, holding down the [TEST/>] button for over five seconds makes the Star LaserPrinter 4111print its font list.
2.1.2 Parameter settings
From the panel you can also change the parameters that define how your printer works. Parameter just means earlier kinds of printers, you’ll understand that laser printer parameters controlpretty much thesame thingsDZPswitches do.(A DIP switchor’’dual
in-linepackage switch” is a setof small switches that controlvarious printer
The printer stores these parameters as easy-to-use program menu items that
you can select from the control panel. These parameters specify:
number of copies (how many sheets of each page to be printed)
character (what character font to print)
page size (what size the printer will use)
layout (how pages will be formatted)
paper feed (what paper the printer will use)
input buffer (what size the printer can store the input buffer)
interface (how the printer communicates with your computer)
A dejbult is the setting the Star LaserPrinter 4111will use if none is
specificallyselected by a program. When you firstturn on or later reset your
printer these default settings will take effect.
“variable”. If you’re familiar with
Your main usefor the control panel will likely be to set the default settings
you want for these parameters. However, you will probably find the panel
convenient too when you want to switch between manual and automatic
paper feed.
2.1.3 Four versions of parameters
The Star LaserPrinter4111actually stores four versions of these parameters:
its “ultimate default” factory settings,
the user default settings in effect when you first turn on the printer,
your initialsettingsfor one particular session,
and the current settings that the printer is using now.
These are in priority order. The current settings always override the initial
sessionsettings,which inturnoverridetheuserdefault settings,whichinturn
override the factory settings.
Factory settings are programmed into the Star LaserPrinter 4111when it is
builtatthe factory. Your printer keeps the factory settingsfor its parameters in ROM; they never change. You can copy them into the current settings or any other settingsas needed. But the only way you can return to the factory
defaults is from the control panel; no commands do this.
A few factory default settings are as follows:
Fuetory deftiult settincq
Emulation HP LaserJet III Feeder
Multi-purpose tray Number of Copies 1 Orientation
Portrait Font 10-pitch 12-pointCourier (internal) Lines/inch
6 lines per inch
The user default setti}?gsare the normal default settings. The printer keeps themeven when you turn off the power. There are two settings:Mode 1and Mode2. The Mode 1isthenormal default seton power-up orhard reset. You
can select either Mode 1or Mode 2 by using [PROGRAM] button in normal offline mode. When you turn on the printer, these user default settingsget copied intothe
initial and current parameter settings.
You probably will not often change the Star LaserPrinter 4111’sinitial set- tings(sometimes called “session settings”). You’11likelyonly change them when youwantto useadifferent printeremulation than normal. These initial settings stay the same as the user default settings until you change them.
On the other hand, your software will probably change the (urrent settings many times within the same document, with every change of font or print style.
2.1.4 How to change parameters
With the printer offline, ifyou press the [PROGRAM] button theprinter goes into “program” mode. You can then step through the laser printer’s four levels of program menu to configure your printer. That’s the process of changing certain printer settings so your computer and printer can commu­nicate properly.
It’s actually pretty easy. Flipping through and setting parameters from the panel isdescribed in detailintheStarLaserPt”inter4111OperationsManual.
Basically, all you do is press the [<]or [>] buttons to scroll through the se­quence of possible parameters and values, which is clearly shown on the panel display. You press [v] when you want to go down and scrollthrough alower menulevel.And youalsopress menu item as the value for a current parameter setting.
The two last menu headings let you load one version of the parameters into another version. One moves the current parameter values into user default parameters. The final menu option goes the other way, letting you load the factory parameter settings as your current settings.
[A]when youwanttosaveaparticular


Inthissectionyou’llmeettwoseparatecontrolsoverhowtheStarLaserPrinter 4111itself works. The INTERFACE parameter controls communications between the printer and your computer. You can set the INTERFACE parameters on the control panel.
2.2.1 The l/VTERFACEparameter
The INTERFACE parameter, the most basic of the Star LaserPrinter 4111’s configuration settings, defines how your computer connects to the printer. You can set the INTERFACE to either Serial or Parallel. In most single­computerenvironmentsyou’ll optfor thefaster Parallel interface;in amulti­user network you may be better off with Serial.
The particularprinterinterface settingsdon’tmatter as much as making sure they match those on your computer. If you use an MS-DOS computer, you can”set your computer’s parameters with the MODE command. See your MS-DOS manual.
Most MS-DOS and AT-compatible computers support up to three parallel and two serial ports, which come on expansion boards you plug into your computer.Whenyouinstallsuch boardsyoumust setswitchesto indicatethe numberandaddresses ofthese ports. Ifyou specifythe wrong addresses,you won’t be able to print.
Serial interface: rate
If you ask forthe Serial interface you’llhave to tell your printer more about how the data will be coming in — in particular its rate and unit size and the meanings of any special bits.
The Rate parameter specifies how fast data will be arriving, measured in baud (named afterthe French communications engineer Jean Baudot). Pick any of the following data transfer rates:
300 baud 600 baud
1200 baud 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud (the default)
19200 baud
38400 baud.
Roughly,onecharacter a second worksoutto 11baud.If you’renotsure how fast your computer will transmit, the general rule is to experiment. Try sending a page to print at the highest speed, and work your way down until the printer’s output looks OK.
Serial interface: special bits
In Serial mode you’ll also have to specify if your computer sends data bits in groups of seven (most computers send eight, the default for a byte).
Sometimes an extra bit gets appended to make the sum of all bits in each character always odd or even; that’s calledparity. A parity bitcan help spot transmission errors. If your computer sendsthat extra parity bit, you’ll have tosay whetheritproducesanevenorodd numberof“on” bitsinthecharacter.
You’ll also have to indicateifyour computer sends two stop bits to indicate the end of a byte, instead of one, the default. These serial interface settings are described in more detail in your Star LaserPrinter 4111Operations
Serial interface:protocol
Finally,inSerialmodeyour computerwill useoneof twoprotocols toensure dataissentproperly.Protocol (sometimesalso called “handshaking”)means “who says what when”, and is the way your printer tells your computer it’s ready to receive data. Your computer and printer communicate by sending protocol control codes (they’re at the front of the ASCII table).
Someprogrammers call the XON and XOFFcontrol codes “kisson and kiss off’; otherscall the same protocol DC1and DC3 (for device control). Either way, these codes let your printerrun the show, telling the computer when to startand stop sendingdata. Your printer asksto have data held back when its memory is nearly full or when it senses an ERROR condition.
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) protocol does the same thing slightly differ­ently. The printer sends a continuous high-voltage signal over the cable as long as it can accept data, but drops the voltage to say “whoa” to the computer.
Look in your computer’s operations manual, in the section dealing with communications protocols, to see which is best for your system. You can sticktothe printer’sdefaults ifyourcomputer doesnotuse theDTR, butdoes use XON/XOFF.
2.2.2 Checking your connections
Your computer andprintermay have troublecommunicating when you first introducethemto each other. The quick way to find out if your settings and printer cable are working isto send your printer a printout from your screen (CTRL-P with MS-DOS).
When that done you will also have to press the print button on the printer, which makes the printer advance to a new sheet. No laser printer prints and
ejects a page untilit’stold to feed aform,or untilit has received all the lines the page can hold.
If your Star LaserPrinter 4111doesn’t print what’s on the computer screen, recheck your connections and interface settings. With an applications program likeLotus 1-2-3 or Microsoft Word, you use a printer setuproutine to match your computer with your printer’s operating characteristics. So double-check your software settings; your computer’s output, for example, might not be going to the proper port.
2.2.3 Hints: The hex dump
To make your Star LaserPrinter 4111print in hexadecimal rather than the usual ASCII symbols, press the control panel buttons that put the printer offline and in PROGRAM mode. Move to the EMULATION parameter’s HEX DUMP setting and select it.
Some control or Escape codes can be problems on a few computers; those computers change certain codes when sending them to the printer. If you think you have this problem you need to see exactly what your printer is receiving. We recommend you run a short program that loops through and prints the ASCII table. Print in hexadecimal rather than the usual ASCII symbols.
If you spot a problem code you can try to bypass the problem, either by sending each code directly to the printer, or by changing your system’s printer driver. Such computer-specific solutions, though, are beyond the scope of this manual. We suggest that if necessary you consult another programmer more familiar with your computer.
Actually, if you are debugging any program you may find this hex-dump mode helpful. It can be a great trouble-shooter.
In this section we look at two controls you have over how the Star LaserPrinter 4111handles and formats its pages: You can set values for the PAPER FEED and LAYOUT parameters on thecontrol panel. At the end of this section we’ll also preview different ways to move the print position.
2.3.1 The PAPERFEED parameter
The PAPER FEED parameter lets you specify both what kind of paper you want and how the paper is fed.
One convenient thing about a laser printer is that itdoesn’t need continuous forms, sometimes called ~bnfbki paper. Other printers feed in a stack of forms— withpages alljoined byperforations— byhaving sprocketsengage and pullalongpinfeed holespunched alongeach side of thepaper. After it’s printed you have to tear off the pinfeed-hole strips and then separate the pages,
With the Star LaserPrinter 4111you can print on a variety of ordinary cut sheet pages.
For the Feeder value of this PAPER FEED parameter, you first enter either multi-purpose tray, manual feed or cassette (option) to indicate where you wantpaper fed from. The multi-purposetray handles various typesand sizes ofpaper (Letter, Legal, A4, B5, Executive, OHP sheets, Labels, Envelopes). Manualfeedmeansyoufeed each sheetby hand fromthemulti-purpose tray. The cassette tray automatically feeds single sheets, much like sheet feeders on other types of printers.
ThedefaultpapersizeisA4,youcanspecify othersizestoo.A different-sizes tray automatically selects that different paper size,
8.5 by 11 inch letter-size paper
8.5 by 14 inch legal-size paper
B5 international (used in every country except North America) (182 by 257 mm)
the narrower “executive” size (7.25 by 10.5 inches)
Oneothernicethingyoucando isprintdirectlyon envelopes.WiththisPaper Size parameter you can specify envelopes in sizes, Monarch, COM-10, InternationalC5 and DL. Thenjust work out whereto putthe address, setthe orientationto landscape (see below), and slide your envelope intothe multi­purpose tray!
2.3.2 Hints: Pape6 labels and transparencies
The best paper forthe Star LaserPrinter 4111hasa smooth finish and isof 60 to 105g/mz(20 to 24 pound) weight. Any paper designed for photo­copiersshoulddothetrickthough;Xerox 4024and CanonNPprint nicely. High quality cotton bond paper, which contains up to 25 percent cotton fibres, works passably well with even heavier weights.
Theabsolutelimitsare 16-poundpaperatthe lightend and 35-poundstock at the heaviest. With heavy paper, open the tray so the pages will be delivered face up and won’t have to bend over the final rollers.
Be aware that any puckered or woven finish may not print as sharply as you’d like. Avoid shinycoated paper or multipart forms. And don’t even think about putting in stapled or ripped pages.
If you frequently change paper weights, you will probably get skewing problems — lines thal print at an angle because of misfeeding. For best results, when your Star LaserPrinter 4111is first set up have the paper feeder“squared” forpaper ofat least60grams (20 pounds).Lighterpaper, though cheaper, isn’t really,the way to economize.
Want to print on your own preprinted letterhead? Fine — so long as your logoisn’tthermographed.Thick colored inkmay lookluxurious,butitcan also wind up stuckallover your printer’s roller. Stay away from any inks that soften at relatively low temperatures; your printer fuses pages at
This warning appliestocoloredpaper too, ifit hasbeen tinted witha low­temperature dye.
When printing startsfading becausethe toner islow, remove thecartridge
and gently rock itback and forth half a dozen times. Don’t tip it up or the tonermay spillout.Redistributingthe tonerpowder this way can keep the cartridge going for another tray of paper.
. No question, working with single label sheets is more convenient than
with continuous label stock. Laser printers are faster and produce better­looking labels than other printers. But laser printers, which work by electrostaticphotographyratherthanimpactpressure,putdifferentstresses on labelpaper. Each sheethas to bend over and through the guide rollers; moreover, fusing toner to the paper involves heat. You can eliminate trouble by always feeding label sheets manually.
Both Avery’s “Lasergraphic” labels and Canon’s labels seem to work
fine. Your main concern is that the labels completely cover the backing
sheet so itshowsonly at the outside margins. That way individual labels
can’t easily peel off. The safestapproach isto laser-printsharp master copiesonpaper and then
photocopy those lists onto labels. This will avoid putting your printer’s adjustment for paper thickness out of adjustment.
. Ifyou.wanttoprinttransparencies foryouroverhead projector,somefilms
will actually melt in your laser printer. Stick to 3M’s medium-weight transparency film (type 501) or to Hewlett-Packard’s #92285J.
2.3.3 The LAYOUTparameter
The layoutorformat orsetup ofa page refers tohow text ispositioned on the page. Layout includes page orientation, margins and the spacing of charac­tersacrossand linesdownthepage.You can controlthesewiththe LAYOUT parameter.
You probably won’t use the LAYOUT parameter on the control panel’s program menu very much though. Most of the time you’ll either leave the Star LaserPrinter 4111with itsdefault settings,or look after page formatting with commands you send from your computer.
Page orientation
A page’s orientation tells you inwhich direction the print goes on the page. When youuseportraitorientationthelines areprinted asthey arein anormal business letter, across the width of the page. A portrait painting of a person is usually vertical — hence the name.
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