Starline R6 Installation Manual

wireless unit
Revision No.2
Oc to be r 2016
StarLine R6
The StarL ine R6 wireless unit protec ts your vehicle agai nst theft by block ing an engine and pre vents from intrud er access to underho od compartme nt by means of a hood loc k intelligent control.
StarLine R6 ma y only be used in combi nation with the 6th Generatio n StarLine secu rity sys tems (X96, M96, E96, S96 etc.)
Data bet ween the main unit of a s ecurity syst em and StarLine R6 are trans ferred via the Blu etooth Smart (BLE ) protocol using a dat a interception protection algorithm while device registration.
Benets of StarLine R6 underhood unit:
• waterproof housing;
• sm all dimensions of the unit allow s to hide it in a hard to reach place of engine compartment;
• engine temperature monitoring via an external sensor supplie d within the packa ge;
• integrated motion sensor;
• ho od lock and engin e lockout intellige nt control in case of a lost conn ection with the main unit of a se curity syste m.
Delivery package
Main unit with wires.
Temperature sensor.
Plastic br ace (2 pcs.)
Installation manual.
Installation manual
StarLine R6
Parameter Value
Input vol tage, V 8
Current consumption, mA
Insulation class
Maximu m current at LOCK and UNLO CK outputs, A
Maximum permitted switched current via relay contac ts, A
Operating temperature range, °С –40 .. . +85
Temperature sensor measuring range, °С – 40 ... +150
Control pu lse duration of hoo d control, s 0,8
Dimensions, mm
– 18
Installation manual
Operation description
Operation modes
The StarLine R6 wireles s relay unit has two op eration modes:
• no rmal;
• standal one.
Normal mode
In normal m ode StarLine R6 communic ates with the main uni t and receives i ts contro l commands for engin e block , hood lo ck, and the alarm siren. The StarLine R6 monitors the state of the hood,
ignition, engine t emperature and tr ansfers these dat a to the main unit.
Standalone mode
The StarLine R6 will turn to the st andalone mode in c ase of communic ation los s with the ma in unit for m ore than 30 s econds indicating this with a alarm siren signal.
The StarLine R6 standalone mode has two submodes:
• armed
StarLine R6 enters this subm ode, if the security syst em has been arm ed prior to the commu nicatio n loss. Af ter the alarm siren sto ps StarLine R6 will lo ck the vehicle hood .
StarLine R6 independently controls engine blocking, hood lock, and an alarm siren.
• disarmed
StarLine R6 enters this subm ode, if the security syst em has been dis armed prior to the co mmunication loss .
Engine blocking, hood lock and alarm siren control is not performed in this mode.
When conn ection with the m ain unit of securit y system is recovered, StarLine R6 will automatic ally return to the normal operation mode.
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