Mandatory safety measures during use
of the engine starting function
It should be borne in mind that the car is a source of extra hazard.
Before security system operation, carefully study the measures for safe
use of the function of remote or automatic engine starting outlined
1. Always park the car on an open, well ventilated area;
2. Always apply the car’s parking brake, which shall be operable and
prevent car movement;
3. Leaving the car, be sure to set the automatic transmission control
lever to the «PARK» position, and the manual gearbox changeover
lever – to the neutral position;
4. If your car has a manual gearbox, prior to activating the function of
remote or automatic engine starting, be sure to perform the procedure
of preparation for engine starting – «program neutral»;
5. Never hand over the security system control remote key to children and
other persons without their preliminary study of the operation manual;
6. Before activating the function of remote or automatic engine
• make sure the car is operable;
• make sure there is a sucient amount of fuel, oil, cooling uid
• set the operation parameters of the passenger compartment
heater (air conditioner), window heating and other accessories
to the required levels;
• set the passenger control ventilation regulator to air circulation,
which will allow more ecient warming or cooling of air in the