Star FVP-10U Specifications

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Front Loading
Under-The-Counter Mountable
Platform Top Cover Increases Counter Space
Drip Proof (IPX1 Certified)
Voice Enabled Communication Tool
Ultra High Speed Receipt Printing (250mm/sec)
EEnnaabblleedd PPllaattffoorrmm PPrriinntteerr
The FVP-10 is designed to bring an array of new benefits like front loading, onboard USB, receipt compression for paper saving and multiple mounting options due to its “platform” design combined with the high quality and high-speed printer performance that POS users have come to expect from Star.
Star Micronics has developed the FVP-10 to assist users who:
- Have counter space challenges
- Need to print a receipt as fast as possible to decrease customer wait time
- Want to communicate to staff and customers in a language they understand
The FVP-10 features an ultra high print speed of 250mm/sec and front paper loading for easy paper roll changing. Its square design & front paper loading allow for it to be easily under-counter mounted or used as a platform to mount other devices. The FVP-10 can support up to 7 pounds of accessories on its top. Text to voice feature enables users to communicate important information with both staff and customers. For example Voice alerts to remind an operator to start a specific task can easily be programmed to be spoken before or after the print job.
3 Models Available:
Standard FVP-10USB with CD and USB cable but supply
The Platform FVP-10USB with CD, USB Cable, Platform Extension
The Under the Counter FVP-10USB with CD, USB Cable, Under the Counter Connecting Kit
Power supply
Power Supply
H el ps Pr o te c t fr o m
L iq ui d s & D u st
C ou nt e r S pa c e
F or L i mi t ed
S pa ce En a bl i ng
D es ign
U se r C om m un i ca ti o n
To o l
FVP-10 Specifications
Front Loading, Voice Enabled Platform Printer
Note: Connections in
grayed-out connection types may be
supported by special request.
are supported;
Front Paper Exit Voice Enabled Platform Top Housing Increases Available Counter Space Ultra Fast (250mm/s) Standard USB Connection with Extra Swappable Interface Splash Resistant Under-the-Counter Mountable
“Drop-In & Print” Paper Loading Label Printing Support Reliable Guillotine Cutter Durable Enclosure Design Small Footprint Two Color Print Capable Recessed Cable Connections ESC/POS™ Emulation Supported
9-Pin Serial
25-Pin Serial Parallel USB Powered USB Ethernet
WiFi Dual 9-Pin Serial/USB
Windows®XP Vista (32 bit / 64 bit) Windows 7 (32 bit / 64 bit) Server 2008 (32 bit / 64 bit) CE XP Embedded POS for .NET
Logo Utility (Store Logos, Coupons, and Graphics) Memory Switch Configuration Setup Utility Ethernet Interface Setup Utility Virtual Serial Port for Legacy Applications Audio Feedback Triggered by User-Defined Text Keys
Virtual Serial Port to USB Virtual Serial Port to Ethernet
Virtual TCP/IP Port
OPOS JavaPOS USB Vendor Class Linux™CUPS Mac OS X CUPS
What's Included
Optional Accessories
Technical Specifications
For Further Information
FVP-10 Cutter Printer (Gray Case Only) Installation CD (Printer Driver / Utility / Manuals)
1.8m USB Cable Interface Cover Power Switch Cover Setup Sheets Start Up Paper Roll
3.5” Extension for Platform Use Under Counter Mount Kit Power Supply (PS60A)
Print Method : Direct Thermal Print Speed : 250mm/s (54 Receipts Per Minute) Paper Width : 58 – 80mm (Adjustable) Paper Thickness : 0.06 – 0.15mm Paper Diameter : Max 83mm Emulation : Star Line Mode, ESC/POS™
For US and Canada: 3-Year Limited Warranty, Plus Optional Extended Services Agreement Policies (Extend-A-Star and Swap-A-Star)
Sales: 1-800-782-7636 x107 Technical Support: 1-800-782-7636 x105
Model FVP-10U (Printer, USB Cable)
Model FVP-10U Platform (Printer, USB Cable,
Power Supply, 3.5” Extension for Platform Use)
Model FVP-10U Under the Counter (Printer, USB Cable, Power Supply, Under Counter Mounting Kit)
Parallel Interface Board Serial Interface Board Ethernet Interface Board PoweredUSB Interface Board
Power : DC24V Resolution: 203 dpi MCBF: 60 Million Lines Cutter: 2 Million Cuts Dimensions: W=144mm, H=114mm, D=227.7mm
Star Micronics America, Inc. • 1-800-782-7636 x107 • ©2010 Star Micronics America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice.