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Star Micronics is proud to announce another addition to
its extensive product line of POS printers. The multifunction
(hybrid), HSP7000.
The HSP7000 is designed to assist and empower users
who want to extend the capabilities of their current system.
thatutilizethethree (3)primaryfunctions ofa multifunctionprinter:
- Read the check’s MICR reliably
- Endorse checks without jams
- Print a receipt as fast as possible
• Ultra high speed receipt printing (250 mm/sec)
• Built-in MICR reader optional: HSP7743 & HSP7643
• Affordable Price: Key functions and high quality graphics
• Check validation and form printing
• One Pass MICR + Check Franking (HSP7643)
• One Pass MICR + Check Endorsement (HSP7743)
Eas y Pa per Loa ding Che ck M ICR Rea der
The HSP7000 combines key features from Star’s celebrated
range of products, including the speed and reliability
of the market leading TSP700II Series, and the engine
from the high speed SP700 dot matrix printer. Star is
bringing over 30 years of “know-how” in POS to the
HSP7000; resulting in customers receiving the features
they need with the reliability they demand, minus the
overhead of unnecessary features and cost.
Val idati on St ation
Slip/Endorsement Station
MICR reader option available for applications that do not utilize checks but necessitate validation and receipt printing features.

HSP7000 Specifications
The Functions You Need At the Price You Can Afford
Note: Connections in
grayed-out connection types may be
supported by special request.
are supported;
Note: Drivers in
able; grayed-out operating systems may be
supported by special request.
are immediately avail-
Ultra Fast receipt print (250mm/s)
“Drop-In & Print” Clamshell Design
Quick Check Processing w/ MICR Reader
Fast and Easy Validation
Reliable Guillotine Cutter
Small Footprint
PDF417 Barcode Support (Receipt)
Double Resolution Mode Support
Two Color Receipt Print Capable
Swappable Communication Interface
WHQL Certified
Recessed Cable Connections
ESC/POS™ emulation supported
MICR- Optional Version Available
9-pin serial
25-pin serial
Powered USB
Dual 9-PinSerial/USB
98, ME
NT 4.0
2000, XP
XP Embedded
VISTA (32 bit / 64 bit)
Logo Utility (Store Logos, Coupons, and Graphics)
Memory Switch Configuration Setup Utility
Ethernet Interface Setup Utility
Create a Virtual Serial Port for legacy applications
Virtual Serial Port to USB
Virtual Serial Port to Ethernet
Java POS
Linux CUPS
What's Included
Technical Specifications
Thermal Receipt Station
Slip/ Endorsement Station
Validation Station
MICR Reader
For Further Information
Installation CD (Printer Driver / Manuals)
Setup Sheet
Interface Cover
Paper Guide for 76mm / 58mm Width
External Power Supply (PS60A)
Putty or Gray Color
Powered USB Cable
Print Method : Direct Thermal
Print Speed : 250mm/s
Paper Width : 80mm / 76mm / 58mm
Paper Thickness : 0.065 to 0.085mm
Paper Diameter : Max 83mm
Print Method : 9 Pin Impact Dot Matrix
Print Speed : 4.82 lps (40 columns)
Columns : 60/45
Paper Width : 68mm to 230mm
Paper Length : 75mm to 297mm
Lines : Max 10 Lines
Character Set : E13B / CMC-7
Power : DC24V
Dimensions : W=186mm, H=177mm, D=296mm
For US and Canada: 3-year Limited Warranty, plus optional Extended Services Agreement Policies (Extend-A-Star and Swap-A-Star)
Sales: 1-800-782-7636 x107
Technical Support: 1-800-782-7636 x105
Power Switch Cover
Ferrite Core
Ink Ribbon Cartridge
Start up Paper Roll
No MICR Version (HSP7543)
MICR + Endorsement in one pass (HSP7743)
MICR + Franking in one pass (HSP7643)
Resolution: 203 dpi
MCBF: 60 Million Lines
Cutter: 1.5 Million Cuts
Emulation : Star Line Mode, ESC/POS™
Paper Thickness :
0.09 to 0.2mm (Single-ply paper)
Less than 0.31mm (Multi-ply paper)
Copy Capacity : Original + 3 copies
MCBF : 37 Million Lines
Emulation : Star Mode, ESC/POS™
Weight : 4.6kg
Web: http://www.starmicronics.com
Star Micronics America, Inc. • 1-800-782-7636 x107 • www.starmicronics.com ©2009 Star Micronics America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice.