Owner's Manual
This manual contains important safety instructions for gasoline generator models: G5000S, G8000S
that should be followed during installation and maintenance of the generator and batteries.
STANLEYProduct Lines
Missing Parts RequestForm
Warnings andSpecifications
Wheel Kit Installation & Battery Commissioning
Operatingthe Generator
Maintenance, Transporting andStorage
Warranty and Service
Rev. 4/2011
call our help-line: [1] 919-550-3259
or go to
Have the following information ready when you call us:
Date of Purchase:
Location of Purchase:
Serial #:
STANLEY is a registered trademark ofThe Stanley Works or its affiliates and are used under license by GXiOutdoor Power LLC.
www.portablegenerator911.com or www.GXiOutdoorPower.com
No part of this publication can be printed or copied without written permission.
I of 16

STANLEY Product Lines
Walk Behind Turf and Brush Mowers
• 36" Brush Mower
• HONDAGXV530V-twin engine
• Hydro Drive
• Convertible deck-- easily converts to a finish mower.
Zero-Turn Commercial Mowers
• 54" and 62"
• HONDAGXV530V-twin engine
• Hydro Drive
Models: G5000S& GS000S
Rev. 4/2011
Commercial Walk Behind Mowers
• 36" and 54" deck
• HONDA GXV530 V-twin engine
• Belt drive or Hydro Drive
100" Tow Behind Mower
Model: 100TS
• Commercial duty STANLEYtow behind mower
• HONDA GXV530 V-twin engine cuts up to 100inches.
• 52in. brush cut or a 52 in. finish cut mower with wings up.
STANLEY is a registered trademark ofThe Stanley Works or its affiliates and are used under license by GXiOutdoor Power LLC.
No part of this publication can be printed or copied without written permission.

STANLEY Product Lines
Models: G5000S& GS000S
1450 psi to 1800 psi electric pressure washers
20 ff of high pressure hose and 35ft. cord with GFC[ protection
Sleek and unique, high quality, stainless steel finish
13Amps, 120V
Auto-stop shut off system pronongs pump nife
Generator Cord Accessories
240V,10/4,heavy duty extension cords with L14-30connectors at each end.
This cord reduces harmfu/ vo/tage drops experienced when using most
120Vextension cords. Available in 15'and 25' lengths and can becombined to
reach the desired length.
Missing Parts Request Form
Please indicate the part thatyou are missing:
Pressure Washer
[] Hardware bag
[] Wheel Kit
[] Other
[] Dateof purchase
Model #:
[] 5000
[] 6500
[] 6500EL
[] 8000
[] Serial #:
IMPORTANT: Please include a copy your receipt. Without a receipt, your order will be
E-mail • customerservic e@gxioutdoorpower.com
Fax: 1-919-550-3277
Rev. 4/2011
Please scan and attach your proof of purchase to your e-mail.
STANLEY is a registered trademark ofThe Stanley Works or its affiliates and are used under license by GXiOutdoor Power LLC.
No part of this publication can be printed or copied without written permission.

This owner's manual is considered a permanent part ofthe generator
andshould remain with the generator if resold. The information and
specifications included inthis publication were in effect atthe time of
approval for printing.
GXiOutdoor Power, LLC,reserves the right to discontinue or change
specifications or design at anytime without notice and without incur-
ring any obligation whatever. No part of this publication may be repro-
duced without written permission.
The U.S.and California CleanAir Acts
EPAand California regulations require all manufacturers to furnish
written instructions describing the operation and maintenance of emis-
sion control systems.Thefollowing instructions and procedures must
befollowed in order to keepthe emissions from your STANLEYengine
within the emission standards. Maintenance, replacement, or repair of
the emission control devices and systems may beperformed by any
engine repair establishment or individual, usingparts that are
"certified" to EPAstandards.
Models: G5000S& G8000S
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to
the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other re-
productive harm.
Exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide, a colorless and
odorless gas. Breathing exhaust can cause loss of consciousness
and may lead to death. To keep exhaust gas from accumulating,
use in an area with adequate ventilation. DONOT use this genera-
tor in a garage, basement, crawlspace, enclosed shed, or any
other area that does not have adequate ventilation. DO NOT use
this generator near ventilation ducts or open windows that may
allow exhaust gasses to enter your home or business. ONLY
operate this generator outdoors.
These labels warn you of potential hazardsthat can cause serious
injury. Readthem carefully. Ifa label comes off or becomes hardto
read, contact your STANLEYgenerator dealer for a replacement.
STANLEYgenerators are designed to givesafe and dependable
service if operated according to instructions. Readand under-
stand this owner's manual before operating your generator.
Know howto stop the generator quickly incase of emergency. Under-
standthe useof all generator controls, output receptacles, and con-
nections. Be sure that anyonewho operates the generator receives
proper instruction. Donot let children operate the generator.
Electocution hazard - Electricity can cause DEATH or SERIOUS
• Donot operate the generator in standing water.
• Thisproduct is not safe to operate when partially or totally sub-
merged in water.
• Ensure proper drainage in the region surrounding this generator.
• Properly ground the generator and verify ground is in place be-
fore each use. Grounding regulations vary by location, consult a
qualified local electrician for proper grounding instructions.
• Power cords and electrical equipment pose arisk of shock and
electrocution, especially if they are operated in wet conditions.
Inspect all equipment prior to every use and use only as directed
bythe manufacturer.
• Usea cord with GFCIprotection when using the power outdoors
or when moisture is present.
• Generators vibrate in normal use. During and after the use ofthe
generator, inspect the generator as well as extension cords and
power supply cords connected to itfor damage resulting from
vibration. Have damaged items repaired or replaced as neces-
sary. Do not use plugs or cords that show signs of damage such
as broken or cracked insulation or damaged blades.
Rev. 4/2011
STANLEY is a registered trademark ofThe Stanley Works or its affiliates and are used under license by GXiOutdoor Power LLC.
No part of this publication can be printed or copied without written permission.
Fire and Burn Hazards
The exhaust systemgets hot enough to ignite some materials.
• Keepthe generator at least 3 feet (1meter) away from buildings
andother equipment during operation.
• Donot enclose the generator in any structure.
• Donot smoke when refueling.
• Keepflammable materials away from the generator.
• The muffler becomes very hot during operation and remains hot for
awhile after stopping the engine. Be careful not to touch the muf-
fler while it is hot.
• Letthe engine cool before storing the generator indoors.
• Refuelin a well ventilated area with the engine stopped.
• Fuelvapors are extremely flammable and may ignite after the en-
gine has started. Make sure that any spilled fuel has been wiped
up before starting the generator.
Generator must be installed by a qualified electrician and con-
nected to transfer equipment as a separately derived system in ac-
cordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70. The generator
shall be connected through transfer equipmentthat switches all
conductors other than the equipment grounding conductor. The
frame of the generator shall be connected to an approved grounding
Improper connections to a building electrical system can allow
electrical current from the generator to backfeed into the utility
lines. Such backfeed may electrocute utility company workers or
others who contact the lines during a power outage, and the gen-
erator may explode, burn, or cause fires when utility power is re-
Ground System
STANLEYportable generators havea system ground that connects gen-
erator frame components to the ground terminals inthe AC output re-
ceptacles. Thesystem ground is connected to the AC neutral wire.
Special Requirements
There may beFederal or State Occupational Safety and Health Admini-
stration (0SHA) regulations, local codes, or ordinances that apply to the
intended use ofthe generator. Pleaseconsult a qualified electrician,
electrical inspector, orthe local agency havingjurisdiction.
This generator does not meet USCoast Guard regulation 33 0FR-183
and should not be used on marine applications.

Models: G5000S& G8000S
AC Applications
Before connecting an appliance or power cord to the generator:
1. Make sure that appliances are in good working order.
Faultyappliances orpower cords can create a potential for
electrical shock. If an appliance beginsto operate abnor-
mally,becomes sluggish or stops suddenly,turn it off imme-
2. Disconnectthe appliance, and determine whetherthe prob-
lemisthe appliance, or ifthe rated load capacity of the
generator has been exceeded.
3. Make sure thatthe electrical rating ofthe tool or appliance
doesnot exceed that ofthe generator. Never exceed the
maximumpower rating of the generator. Power levels be-
tween rated and maximum may be used for nomorethan 30
Substantial overloading will open the circuit breaker. Ex-
ceeding the time limit for maximumpower operation or
slightly overloading the generator maynot switch the circuit
breaker or circuit protector OFF,but will shorten the service
life of the generator.
Limit operation requiring maximumpower to 30minutes. For
continuous operation (longer than 30minutes), do not exceed
80%of the rated power balanced equally on the A&B sides of
the Alternator.
Failure to properly follow maintenance instructions and pre-
cautions can cause serious injuries or death. Always follow
the inspection and maintenance recommendations and
schedules in this owner's manual.
Safety Precautions:
Make sure the engine is off before you begin anymaintenance
or repairs.This will eliminate several potential hazards:
° Carbon monoxide poisoning from engine exhaust.
Be sure there is adequateventilation whenever you
operate the engine.
° Burns from hot parts.
Letthe engine and exhaust system cool before touch-
° Injury from moving parts.
Do notrun the engine unless instructed to doso.
Inthe State of California a spark arrestor is required by law.
Otherstates mayhave similar laws. Federallaws applyon all
federal lands. Ifyou equip the muffler with a spark arrestor, it
must be maintained ineffective working order. See page 11.
Rapid retraction of the recoil starter cord can pull the
starter cord back faster than you can let go. When starting
the engine, pull the cord slowly until resistance is felt then
pull rapidly to avoid kickback.
Rev. 4/2011
Changing the speed of the generator by adjusting the governor can cause damage to the genera-
tor, devices attached to the generator, and may result in bodily injury. Do not adjust or tamper
with the engine speed setting.
Product Specifications
Generator G8000S
Ratedfrequency 60 Hz
Ratedvolta ge 120V/ 240V
Max continuous output power 8.0kW (Max)
ACoutput (Max.) 33.3A
Enginetype OHV4-Stroke
displacement 401cc
Compression ratio 8.0:1
Rated rotation speed 3600RPM
Rated power 15Hp
Starting system Recoil and electric starter
Rotation direction Counter clockwise
Fueltype Unleaded gasoline
Low oil shutdown Yes
Fueltank size 12gallons
Oiltype/Capacity SAE 10W-301.1quarts
Grossweight 2351bs(107kg)
Battery 12AH 12VDC
Integrated voltmeter Yes
STANLEY is a registered trademark ofThe Stanley Works or its affiliates and are used under license by GXiOutdoor Power LLC.
No part of this publication can be printed or copied without written permission.
120V/ 240V
5.0kW (Max.)
Counter clockwise
Unleaded gasoline
207Ibs (94kg)