Stanley Stud Sensor 75
The Stud Sensor 75 uses electronic signals to locate the edges of studs or
joists through drywall and plywood up to 3/4". Once the edge of a stud has
been detected, the Stud Sensor 75 displays a red LED and sounds an
audible tone. A pencil notch allows you to easily note the stud edges on the
Open door on back of unit and connect a 9-volt battery to clip. Put battery
back into case and close back battery door.
1. Hold the Stud Sensor 75 flat against the surface, making firm contact.
• Press in and hold the activation button. The green and red LED’s will light.
When the red LED goes off, the unit is calibrated. Keep holding the
activation button during all of the following procedures.

Note: While calibrating, the Stud Sensor 75 must not be placed directly
over a stud, dense material such as metal, or over a wet or newly painted
area, or it will not properly calibrate. If the Red LED stays lit, move to a
different location and try again.
Slide the Stud Sensor 75 slowly across the surface in a straight line. As it
detects a stud edge, the red LED will go on and an audible tone will be
• Use the handy pencil notch located at the top of the unit to mark the stud
3. and 4. Repeat the above steps from the other side of the stud. Coming
from the opposite direction, mark the other edge of the stud. The midpoint
of the two marks indicates the stud center.
Cautions on Operating
The proximity of electrical wiring or pipes to the surface of the wall may
cause the Stud Sensor 75 to detect them as studs. You should always use
caution when nailing, cutting or drilling in walls, ceilings and floors that may
contain these items. Always remember that studs or joists are normally
spaced 16 inches or 24 inches apart and are 1-1/2 inches in width. To
avoid surprises be aware that anything closer together or of a different
width may not be a stud.