Snow Blower Owner's Manual
This manual contains important safety instructions forthe gasoline engine powered
snow blower models:36SS, 45SS
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Copyright@2010 by GXi Outdoor Power,//C. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication can be reproducedor distributed without priorwritten permissionof GXi OutdoorPower,//C Clayton, NC
27520 USA.
STANLEYIsa registered trademark of The StanleyWorks or its affiliates and is used under license by GXiOutdoor Power, l/C, 7868
Highway 70 Business,Clayton, NC27520
GXi OutdoorPower,//C reservesthe right to discontinue or changespecifications or design at any time without notice and without
incurringany obligation whatsoever.
The information and specifications included in this publication were in effect at the time of approvalfor printing.
This manual contains important safety instructions for Snow Blowers
This owner's manual is considered a permanent part ofthe snow blower and should remain
with the snow blower if resold.
Rev: 11/2010

STANLEY Product Lines
Brush Mower
• 36" BrushMower.
• 20 hp Kawasakiengine with electric start.
• Dualhydrostatic drivefor maneuverability.
• Convertibledeck-- easily convertsto afinish mower.
• Heavyduty 6 gaugewelded deck.
• Highcapacity deckfor high speedsthrough tall grass.
• Dualbreak-awayblades.
• Model#: 36BS
Zero-Turn Commercial Mowers
• in three models48", 54" and 62".
• Kawasakiengines.
• Electric Start.
• Rollbar,seat belt, largetires, head lights.
• 7.5gallon fuel tank.
• Dual hydrostaticdrive for maneuverability.
• Heavyduty 7 gaugewelded steel deck.
• Model #: 48ZS
• Model#:54ZS
• Model#:62ZS
Commercial Walk Behind Mowers
• 36" and 54" deck.
• 20 HPKawasakiengine with electric start.
• 4.5gallon fuel tank.
• Dual hydrostaticdrive for maneuverability.
• Quickchangeandfloating decktype.
• Ridealongsulky available.
• Model#:36FS
• Model#:54FS
100"Tow Behind Mower
• 20 hp Kawasakielectric start engine.
• Cutsupto 100inches.
• 52in. main deck,two 26 in. wings folds up
• Quickadjust floating deck, notools required.
• Highbladetip speedsfor cleanercut.
• Convertsto a 52" brushmower.
• Tow behind:ATV, UTV,or lawn tractor.
• Model#:lOOTS

STANLEY Product Lines
1450 psi to 1800 psi electric pressure washers
20 ft of high pressure hose and 35 ft. cord with GFCI protection
Sleek and unique, high quality, stainless steel finish
13Amps, 120V
Auto=stop shut off system pronongs pump nife
Pressure Washer
Generator Cord Accessories
240V,10/4,heavy duty extension cords with L14-30connectors at each end.
This cord reduces harmful voltage drops experienced when using most
120Vextension cords. Available in 15'and 25' lengths and can becombined to
reach the desired length.

Safety Informationand Warnings ..............................................................................
PreparationSafety Precautions ..................................................................................2
Operation Safety Precautions......................................................................................3
Safety Decals..............................................................................................................5
ProductSpecifications ................................................................................................6
Control Panel and Snow Blower Components............................................................7
Missing Parts RequestForm........................................................................................
Assembly Instructions................................................................................................9
Operating Instructions
Starting the Engine............................................................................................12
Operating Instructions........................................................................................13
General Maintenance.........................................................................................15
Maintenance Schedule......................................................................................16
Adjusting Augers/Impeller Cable.......................................................................17
Adjust/Check Drive Cable ..................................................................................17
Adjusting Shift Rods...........................................................................................17
Adjust/Replacing Drive and Augers/Impeller Belts ...........................................18
Adjusting DischargeChute Deflector .................................................................19
ChangingFrictionWheel ....................................................................................19
Replacing Headlight Bulb...................................................................................19
Storage Instructions..................................................................................................20
Limited Warranty and Service..................................................................................23
About the Stanley Snow Blower Manual
Congratulations on the purchaseof your new Stanley commercial snow blower. We at GXiOutdoorPower areconfident that this
snow blower will provide excellent performance, outstanding quality, and great durability when operated and maintained as directed
in this manual.
1. This manual contains assembly,operating, safety, adjustment, maintenance, andtroubleshooting instructions. BEFORE
2. This owner's manual is considered apermanent part of the snow blower. It mustbe available to all operators and/or person
(s)servicing the snow blower. Shouldthe snow blower be resold,this manual must remain with the snow blower.
3. All information, illustrations, and specifications contained in this manual were in effect at the time of the publication. GXi
OutdoorPower reservesthe right to add, delete or modify specifications and/or designs without notice.
4. If you ever havequestions in regards to the operation, maintenanceor safety of your snow blower, please contact GXiParts
& Service,LLCat 1-919-550-3259.
Rev: 11/2010

Safety Information and Warnings 36SS,45SS
Safety Information
Emission Control System Information
Tile US and California CleanA_rActs
EPAand Cahfornmregulations require all manufacturers
to furnish written instructions describing the operation
and maintenanceof emmsmncontrol systems The
following instructions and proceduresmust be followed _n
order to keepthe emmsmnsfromyour enginew_thmthe
emmsmnstandards Maintenance, replacement, or repair
of the emmsmncontrol dewcesand systems maybe
performed by anyengine repmrestabhshment or
md_wdual,using parts that are "certified" to EPA
Safety Label Locations
Safety labels are located on your snow blower to warn
you of potentml hazards Readthem carefully If a label
comesoff or becomeshardto read, contact GX_Partsand
Serwce,LLCfor a replacement
Operator Responsibility
It mthe owner's responmb_htythat all operators and
mechamcsmust betrained and readthin manual before
operating the snow blower aswell as beingphysmally
able indewduals They should be instructed about safe
operating andmechanmalprocedures If they can not
read or understand Enghsh,it is the owner's responmb_hty
to explain all safety operating mstructmns The owner or
operator mresponmblefor accidents or injuries occumng
to themselves, other people or property Potential
mmfortunate mmdentscan be prevented bythe owner/
1 Read,understand,and follow all mstructmns ontile
machine and manual(s)before attempting to assemble
and operate
2 Operatormust be fam_harw_thall controls, thmr
operations, andhow to stop the engine anddmengage
the controls qumkly
3 Never allowch_ldren to operatethm machine
4 Never allow adults to operate til_s machinew_tilout
proper mstructmn
5 Exercmecautmnto avmd shppmg orfalhng, espemally
when operating the machine m reverse
6 Keeparea of operatmn clear at all t_mes
I wA,N,No
WARNING! Do not useyour STANLEYsnow blower to carry
passengers Keepbystanders,helpers, pets and children at a
safe dmtancefrom the machine wh_le_t_smoperatmn
Inspectthe area where the equipment _sto be usedand
remove all objects suchas rocks,toys, and w_reswhmh can
be thrown bythe machine causing serious injury or death
Snow Blower Inspection
Foryour safety, respecttile snow blower before eacil use
Beforeyou begin your mspectmn, be sure tile following
cond_tmnsare met tile snow blower should be on a level
surface, w_ththe _gn_tmnsw_tchoff, the key removed,and
tile augers dmengaged Also, dmconnecttile spark plug w_res
from the spark plugs and groundthem against the engineto
prevent inadvertent starting
Rev 11!2010
Wear appropriate clothing including hard hat, safety glasses
and hearing protectmn Longhmr, loose clothing or jewelry
mayget tangled m mowng parts

Preparation Safety Precautions 36SS,45SS
Preparation--Safety Precautions
1 Inspectthe area where the equipment isto be used
and remove all objects suchas rocks,mats, and
w=rewhich can be thrown bythe mach=necaus=ng
serious injury or death
2 D=sengageall clutches and sh#t to neutral before
start=ngthe eng=ne
3 D=sengageall control levers before start=ngthe
4 Use extens=oncordsand receptacles asspec=f=edby
the manufacturer for all un=tsw=thelectric drive
motors orelectric start=ngmotors
5 Use a grounded three-w=reextens=oncordwhen
us=ngthe electric start opt=on
6 People,pets, and most =mportantlych=ldrenmust
not be nearthe area be=ngcleared Do not operate
the snow blower =ntheir presence
7 Never operate snow blowerw=th damagedguards,
8 All usersof the snow blower must be alert and pay
attent=onto safety alerts, symbols, and safety s=gns
9 Be sureto =nspectsnow blower before eachuse
10 Checkthe controls and sh=eldsto make surethat
they are funct_on_nqproperly before operahn# Do
not operate _fany aredamagedor m_ss_ng
11 Neverattempt to makeany adjustments to the snow
blower while tt is running
12 Adjust the collector housing height to clear gravel or
crushed rock surfaces
13 Wear appropriate clothing _nclud_nghard hat, safety
glasses andheanng protection Longhair, loose
clothng or jewelry mayget tangled _nmowng parts
14 Do not operate w_thoutweanng adequate winter
clothing Wear footwear that wdl improve footing
on shppery surfaces
15 Allow snow blower to adjust to outdoor temperature
before starting the engine
Gasoline and other fuels--Safety Precautions
Use extra care when handling gasolzneand other fuels as
they are flammable and vapors can explode
1 Onlyuse gasohneapproved containersfor storage and
keepout of reachfrom children
2 Do notfill fuel tank completely full Overfllhng may
result _nfuel leakage Leavea reasonableamount of
spacefor fuel to expand
3 If fuel essp_lled,donot start the engine Move the snow
blower away from the area, wepeupthe sp_llthoroughly
and waet untd fuel vapors have evaporated before
starting engine
4 Keepthe nozzleencontactweththe nm onthe fuel tank
or container opemng at all t_mes,untelrefueling _s
complete Do not usenozzle lock-opendewce
5 Do notfill gasolenecontainers or equipment ens_dea
vehicle or on atruck/tra_ler bed
6 Always place gasohnecontainerson the ground away
from yourvehicles prior to fllhng
7 Never removegas capor add fuel when engene_s
running or the engine _shot
8 Avoid prolongedbreathing of gasohnevapors
9 Never refuel or dram the machine endoors
10 Keepface away from nozzleand gastank opening
11 Keepgas and other fuels away from skin and eyes If
fuel _ssp_lledon clothing, changeclothing _mmed_ately
12 Never usethe mouthto s_phongas
13 Never refuel the snow blower untd all mowng parts on
the snow blower havestopped
14 Never smokewhen handhngfuels and stay away from
an open flame where fumes can be _gmtedby a spark
15 Gasoline_sharmful orfatal _fswallowed
EXPLOSIVE.Do not add fuel while the engine _srunningor
_shot Keep openflames, sparks, and heat away from the
fuel and store fuel m contaN_ersspecifically designedfor that
the snow blower away from the sp_lland w_peup
Rev 11!2010

Operation Safety Precautions 36SS,45SS
Equipment Operation_Safety Precautions.
-- t. Donot operatetheengineina confinedspace..
canbe fatal.
2. Neveroperatethe snowblowerwithout good
visibility or light.
3. Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon or
crossinggraveldrives,walks,or roads. Stayalert
for hiddenhazardsor traffic.
4. Neveroperatethe snowblowerwith defective
guardsorshields,orwithoutthe safetydevices
securelymountedin placeandfunctioningproperly.
5. Beawareof dischargeandneverdirectdischargeof
materialtowardpeopleorareaswhere property
6. Donot changetile governorsettingsor overspeed
7. Donot overloadthemachinecapacitybyattempting
to c_earsnow attoofast a rate.
8 Alwaysstop the enginewhenyouleavethesnow
blower, evenforamoment.
9. To helpreducefire hazard,keepthe engineandthe
areaa_oundthe enginefreeof grass,leavesorany
othertype of foreignmaterial.
10, Bewareof anysharpedges_Forsafetyalwayswear
11. If lightning isseenorthunderis heardin tile
operatorsvicinity,do notoperatemachine. Instead
t2. After strikinga foreignobject,stopthe engine,
removetile wire fromthe sparkplug,thoroughly
inspectthe snow blowerfor anydamage,andrepair
the damagebeforerestartingandoperatingthe
13. If machinestartstovibrateor functionabnormally,
stop theengineimmediatelyandcheckfor cause.
Vibrationisgenerallyawarningof trouble.
14. Keephandsandfeet awayfrom augers/impeller.
Thisproductiscapableof amputatinghandsand
15. Bealertandslow downwhenmakingturns. Also
lookleft, right, andbehindbeforechanging
directioosand-reversinglo be surethereisa clear
-16. Neveroperatesnowblower at hightransportspeeds-
17_ Never0peratesnowbtowerunder.theinfluenceof
alcoholanddrugs.. :
!8. Usecarewhenloadingor.unloadingthe machine
intoatrailer or truck.
19. Useca_ewhen approachingblind corners,Shrubs,.
trees,orotherobiectsthat mayobstructvision.
20. Alwaysdisengagepowerto augerswhennot inuse
2I. NeverIistento mLiSiCwith headphones/earphones
while operatingthe snowNoweL
22, Useextremecautionwhenoperatingo_ slopes.
23. Nevertoucha hotengineor muffler.
24. Usecautionwhenoperatingon gravelsurfaces.
25. 0nlyuse attachmentsandaccessoriesthatare
approvedbySTANLEY. -
26. Whenstarting theenginepull the cordslowlyuntil
someresistanceis felt beforeusingful! force.
27. Alwayshavea goodgriponthe handlesandnever
runwhile operatingthe snowblower,
28. Stopthe enginewheneveryouleavethe operating
position,before uncloggingtheaugers/impelleror
dischargechute,and whenmakingany{epairs,.-
adjuslmentsor inspections,
29. Whencleaning,repairingor inspectingthesnow
blower;stop the engineandmakecertainthe
augers/impellerandall movingpartshavestopped.
Disconnectthe sparkplugwire andkeepthewire
awayfromthe plugto preventsomeonefrom
accidentallystartingthe engine. :
Rev 11/2010

Operation Safety Precautions 36SS,45SS
Clearing A Clogged Chute--Safety Precautions
2. Wait at least 10secondsto be surethe augershave
stopped rotating.
3. Always use a cleanout tool and neveryour hands.
4. Groundthe sparkplug when clearing if handsget
closeto the augers/impeller.
DANGER:Do not bypass, modify, alter or
disconnect the safety system. Make sure that
the safety interlock system is fully operational
each time before operating the machine.
Before setting up your STANLEY snow blower,
disconnect the spark plug wires from the spark
plugs and ground them against the engine to
prevent inadvertent starting. This step should
be taken as a precaution whenever you are
working on this machine.
make sure you are familiar with all ofthe
Before attempting to use your snow blower, |
components and have read the manual.
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Rev 11!2010
1-919-550-3259 or