This light has 4 kinds of control models:DMX512, Auto, Sound, Master/Slave.
When you press “Menu” button, see the following menus:
1. A001 : Shows and sets the DMX address of this fixture. You can press”UP” and
“DOWN’ to set it from D000 to D512 and press “ENTER’ to confirm it.
2. 9ch/20ch: Select 9 or 20 DMX channel operation. You can press”UP” and “DOWN’
to set and press “ENTER’ to confirm it.
3. cc01-cc13: For automatic operation. You can press”UP” and “DOWN’ to set the
speed and press “ENTER’ to confirm it.(cc12 and cc13 is sound action)
4. DC01-dc99: For automatic operation effect 2. You can press”UP” and “DOWN’ to
set the speed and press “ENTER’ to confirm it.
9 Channel DMX MODE:
Channels Function
Channel1: dim
Channel2: strobe(laser is controlled)
0-21:No function
22-30:colors(motors is controlled by DMX512)
31-39: automatic operation effect1(motors is controlled by DMX512)
40-48: automatic operation effect2(motors is controlled by DMX512)
49-57: automatic operation effect3(motors is controlled by DMX512)
58-66: automatic operation effect4(motors is controlled by DMX512)
67-75: automatic operation effect5(motors is controlled by DMX512)
76-84: automatic operation effect6(motors is controlled by DMX512)
85-93: automatic operation effect7(motors is controlled by DMX512)
94-102: automatic operation effect8(motors is controlled by DMX512)
103-111: automatic operation effect9(motors is controlled by DMX512)
112-120: automatic operation effect10(motors is controlled by DMX512)
121-129:sound action1(motors is controlled by DMX512)
130-138:sound action2(motors is controlled by DMX512)
139-147:colors(motor run automatically)
148-156: automatic operation effect1(motor run automatically)
157-165: automatic operation effect2(motor run automatically)
166-174: automatic operation effect3(motor run automatically)
175-183: automatic operation effect4(motor run automatically)
184-192: automatic operation effect5(motor run automatically)
193-201: automatic operation effect6(motor run automatically)
202-210: automatic operation effect7(motor run automatically)
211-219: automatic operation effect8(motor run automatically)
220-228: automatic operation effect9(motor run automatically)
229-237: automatic operation effect10(motor run automatically)
238-246:sound action1(motor run automatically)
245-255:sound action2(motor run automatically)
Channel5: laser
0-31 laser off 32-63 Red laser 64-95: green laser
96-127: red&green laser on 128-255:red and green laser operation
Channel6: motor1(for LED) 0-127: motor’s site 128-190:motor right rotation
191-255:motor left rotation
Channel7:motor2(for laser)
0-127: motor’s site 128-190:motor right rotation
191-255:motor left rotation
0-127 colors(R1,G1,B1,W1,Y1)
128-255: Automatic operation
Channel9: LED2
0-127 colors(R1,G1,B1,W1,Y1)
128-255: Automatic operation
20 Channel DMX MODE:
Channel1: dim
Channel2: strobe(laser is controlled)
0-21:No function
22-30:colors(motors is controlled by DMX512)
31-39: automatic operation effect1(motors is controlled by DMX512)
40-48: automatic operation effect2(motors is controlled by DMX512)
49-57: automatic operation effect3(motors is controlled by DMX512)
58-66: automatic operation effect4(motors is controlled by DMX512)
67-75: automatic operation effect5(motors is controlled by DMX512)
76-84: automatic operation effect6(motors is controlled by DMX512)
85-93: automatic operation effect7(motors is controlled by DMX512)
94-102: automatic operation effect8(motors is controlled by DMX512)
103-111: automatic operation effect9(motors is controlled by DMX512)
112-120: automatic operation effect10(motors is controlled by DMX512)
121-129:sound action1(motors is controlled by DMX512)
130-138:sound action2(motors is controlled by DMX512)
139-147:colors(motor run automatically)
148-156:automatic operation effect1(motor run automatically)
157-165: automatic operation effect2(motor run automatically)
166-174: automatic operation effect3(motor run automatically)
175-183: automatic operation effect4(motor run automatically)
184-192: automatic operation effect5(motor run automatically)
193-201: automatic operation effect6(motor run automatically)
202-210: automatic operation effect7(motor run automatically)
211-219: automatic operation effect8(motor run automatically)
220-228: automatic operation effect9(motor run automatically)
229-237: automatic operation effect10(motor run automatically)
238-246:sound action1(motor run automatically)
245-255:sound action2(motor run automatically)
Channel5: laser
0-31 laser off 32-63 Red laser 64-95: green laser
96-127: red&green laser on 128-255:red and green laser operation
Channel6: motor1(for LED)
0-127: motor’s site 128-190:motor right rotation
191-255:motor left rotation
Channel7:motor2(for laser)
0-127: motor’s site 128-190:motor right rotation
191-255:motor left rotation
Channel8:R1 Channel9:G1 Channel10:B1 Channel11:W1 Channel12:Y1
Channel13:R2 Channel14:G2 Channel15:B2 Channel16:W2