Service and maintenance
See figure 1-2 for identification of the parts in the HG knife gate valve. Parts differ depending on
the valve size and date of manufacture. Please contact Stafsjö Valves AB or your local representative if you have any questions.
For more information on installation and operation of the knife gate valve and pneumatic cylinder, please see Operating instruction for knife gate valves and pneumatic cylinders on or contact Stafsjö Valves AB or your local representative.
Stafsjö offers the customer service and maintenance of Stafsjö knife gate valves, either in the
customer’s plant or at the Stafsjö workshop. Please contact Stafsjö Valves AB or your local representative for more information.
For procedures A, B, E, F and G the knife gate valve must not be installed in a system.
No work is allowed on the Stafsjö knife gate valve when the system is pressurized or the
automatic actuator is connected. The system must be empty and free from pressure before dismantling of the valve begins. The actuator and accessories must be disconnected.
The gate guards must be installed after finished maintenance on the knife gate valve.
A – Change of seat
Place the valve horizontally with the seat side up to simplify changing the seat.
1. Open the valve.
2. Loosen the locking screws (12a) the retainer ring (12) is locked with.
3. Lift of the retainer ring (12). If the retainer ring is stuck, use a screw driver or similar and
bend carefully between the retainer ring and the valve body in several places around the
bore until the retainer ring is loose.
4. Check the gate (6) for damages such as dents and scrapes. If the gate is damaged it can
wear out the box packing (9) and the seat (13), causing leakage. Stafsjö recommends
changing the gate if it is damaged to ensure the function of the valve.
5. Clean the area for the seat on the retainer ring and the valve body.
6. Install a new seat (13) on the retainer ring (12) and place the retainer ring in the valve body
(10). For PTFE or metal seat, o-rings must also be installed, see fig. 3. Lubricate the seat
and the o-rings with a synthetic lubricator to make the installation easier.
7. Lock the retainer ring (12) with the locking screws. Note! The function of the screws is only
to keep the retainer ring in place. The retainer ring function come into force when the valve
is installed in a system between pipe flanges.
8. Turn the valve over and follow the same procedures 2-7 for the seat on the other side.
9. Install the valve in the system according to the operating instruction.
10. Operate the valve a few times before the system is pressurised.