Document: Maintenance instruction
Product: SLV, SLF, SLH, SLX
Issue: 3
Issue date: 20150227
Maintenance instruction for SLV, SLF, SLH and SLX
This maintenance instruction is a step-by-step instruction for service and
maintenance on Stafsjö’s knife gate valve SLV, SLF, SLH and SLX.
Following procedures are described in this service instruction:
A. Change of seat
B. Change of gate and box packing
C. Change of box packing when the valve is installed in a system
D. Torque for nuts on gland
E. Change from hand wheel (HW) to pneumatic cylinder (EC) when
the valve is installed in a system
For procedures A and B the knife gate valve must be uninstalled from the system.
For information on installation and operation procedures or detailed technical data, please see documents
available on www.stafsjo.com.
Each knife gate valve is identified with a label containing the article number and serial number. When
corresponding with Stafsjö or your local representative, please have these numbers available.
Stafsjö does not accept any responsibility for the product if service and maintenance on the knife gate
valve is not performed according to this instruction. Neither does Stafsjö accept any responsibility for the
product if it has been modified from its original condition.
Spare parts
Recommended spare parts are described in spare part data sheets for each knife gate valve typ on
www.stafsjo.com. Stafsjö recommends the customer to keep one set of spare parts for each valve type
and size in store.
Spare parts can be ordered from Stafsö or your local representative. Spare part data sheets and addresses are available on www.stafso.com
Safety information
No work is allowed on the knife gate valve when the system is pressurised or the actuator is
connected. The system must be free from pressure and empty. Actuator and accessories must
be disconnected before any work begins.
All gate guards must be installed on the valve after maintenance.
Information is only for informational purpose. All specifications are subject to change without notice.

Document: Maintenance instruction
Product: SLV, SLF, SLH, SLX
Issue: 2
Issue date: 2012-11-05
Nut and washer
Valve body
Box packing
Stud bolt
Main components of Stafsjö’s SLV, SLF, SLH and SLX

Document: Maintenance instruction
Product: SLV, SLF, SLH, SLX
Issue: 2
Issue date: 2012-11-05
Part list of Stafsjö’s SLV, SLF, SLH and SLX (Figure 2)