STREALIZER-II development software
■ Project manager featuring enhanced libraries,
wide range of symbols for accessing all
peripheral control registers, hardware
interrupts and real-time management
■ Automatic generation of code including
assembly source, simulation files and machine
code (S19, HEX)
■ Simulator with graphic interface for code
testing and debugging with pin-level simulation
■ Support for low-power modes
STREALIZER-II is a special edition of Actum
Solutions' Realizer® development software for the
ST7 and ST6 microcontroller families. This
graphics-oriented tool allows developers to create
applications for ST7 and ST6 devices without
having to learn or write a single line of assembly
or C code. Simply draw a diagram of the
application using a library of symbols that
represent product functions and the symbols are
wired together into an application flowchart, which
Realizer then translates into assembly code.
Data brief
November 2010 Doc ID 18101 Rev 1 1/4
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

Ordering information ST-Realizer II
1 Ordering information
Table 1. Device summary
Order code Reference
Special ST edition of Realizer for ST7 and
Realizer® supporting ST microcontrollers are available from Actum Solutions in the editions
listed below. Please contact Actum Solutions for ordering and pricing information.
Realizer Evaluation edition: designs allow up to 15 symbols
Realizer Gold: unlimited symbols, limited code optimization, service and support packs
Realizer Silver: unlimited symbols, all optimizations (speed, code size, variables, dead
code), service and support packs available
STREALIZER-II does not include product
support. Fully supported versions with
highly optimized performance are available
from Actum Solutions.
2/4 Doc ID 18101 Rev 1