driver outputs (P-CH. open drain + pull-down
resistor outputs)
■ Key scanning (up to 12 x 2 matrix = 24 keys)
■ LED ports (4 channels 20 mA max each)
■ Serial I
communication protocol b
■ Operating speed: up to 400 kHz for I
■ Programmable hotkeys for IR remote con tr ol
command and KEYSCAN command
■ Low power consumption in standby mode
■ Dimming circuit (8 steps)
■ Real-time clock (accuracy ± 25 secs/month)
■ Wake-up alarm
■ Internal oscillator with external crystal for RTC
■ Available in PQFP-52 package (0.65 mm pitc h
) and down to -30 V (VSS)
- 33.3 V max)
C interface (SCL, SDA)
The STFPC320 is designed to integrate the VFD
driving, key-scan matrix, LED driving, infrared (I R)
remote control decoding and real-time clock
(RTC) into one integrated solution. All the
functions are programmable using the I
Low power consumpt ion is achieved during
standby operation. The STFPC320 provides the
standby power management to the main chipset.
The STFPC320 is housed in a 52-pin PQFP
package. The pin assignments and application
circuit are optimized for an easy PCB layout and
cost saving advantages.
Note:For a description of each pin behaviour, please refer to the STFPC320 Table 2: Pin
description on page 12
Pin settingsSTFPC320
3.2 Pin description
Table 2.Pin description
Pin N°NameTypeDescription
1OSCINConnect to an external resistor of value 33 kΩ ± 1%
2SW1INGeneral purpose switch input port.
3SW2INGeneral purpose switch input port.
6, 38VDDSUPPLY 3.3 V ± 10%. Core main supply voltage.
7XININOscillator input pin. 32.768 KHz crystal.
8XOUTOUTOscillator output pin. 32.768 KHz crystal.
9GNDSUPPLY Connect this pin to system GND.
10,11KEY1, KEY2 IN
13IR_DATA_ININRemote control input. Connect to IR photodiode.
14 to 25
26VSSSUPPLY VFD outputs high voltage pull-down level. VDD- 33.3 V max.
27 to 34
35-37GRID8 to GRID6OUTGrid output pins.
39RESET_NINActive low reset input.
SEG1/KS1 to
to SEG20/GRID9
OUTSegment output pins (dual function as key source).
OUTThese pins are selectable for segment or grid driving.
High level means mute status for audio.
Low level stands for normal working.
Pin to control power to the main board. High level means standby status.
Low level stands for normal working. Active high.
Input data to these pins from external keyboard are latched at end of the
display cycle (maximum keyboard size is 12 x 2).
High level on this pin means that main board chip has been working
normally. Connect an external pull down resistor of 10kΩ on this pin.
40-44GRID5 to GRID1OUTGrid output pins.
45SDAIN/OUT Serial data in/out. Connect to 3.3 V through an external pull-up resistor.
46SCLINSerial clock input. Connect to 3.3 V through an external pull-up resistor.
A rising edge transition on this input will signal wake-up operation. This
49, 50,
51, 52
OUTCMOS sink outputs (20 mA max).
signal comes from the SCART interface. The micro processor can use this
signal to start the recording or take other actions.
Interrupt/square wave output (open drain). A pull up resistor of 10 kΩ must
be connected on this pin.
STFPC320Functional description
4 Functional description
The STFPC320 integrates the supply standby management functionality, remote control
decoder, a 2 8-bit VFD driver and a real-time cloc k (R TC). This d e vice is meant to reduce the
standby power consumption of the whole front panel application and also to reduce
hardware/cost by integrating the above mentioned functions in a single chip.
By utilizing the standby function, the host processor and other ICs could be turned off, thus
reducing the system power consumption. The STFPC 32 0 is able to wake-up the system
when programmed hotkeys are detected to signal that the full operation of the system is
required. The hotkeys could be entered to the system through the front panel keys or
through the infrared (IR) remote control. STFPC320 supports multiple remote control
protocols decoding by setting the appropriate register.
The integrated 28-bit VFD driver can drive up to 16 digits of display. Controlling of the
display is done through writing to a internal RAM. The 4 LED drivers allow indication of
operation of the system. 2-wire serial interface (I
host processor and STFPC320.
The STFPC320 integrates a a low-power serial RTC with a built-in 32.768kHz oscillator
(external crystal controlled). Eight bytes of the SRAM are used for the clock/calendar
function and are configured in bin ary coded decimal (BCD) f ormat. An additio nal 12 b ytes of
SRAM provide status/ control of alarm, watchdog and square wave functions. Addresses
and data are transf erred serially via a two line, bidirectional I
address register is incremented automatically after each WRITE or READ data byte.
C) completes the interfacing part between
C interface. The built-in
Functions available to the user include a non-volatile, time-of-day clock/calendar, alarm
interrupts, watchdog timer a nd progr ammab le Square W a v e output. T he eight cloc k address
locations contain the century, year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second and
tenths/hundredths of a second in 24 hour BCD format. Corrections for 28, 29 (leap year valid until year 2100), 30 and 31 day months are made automatically.
4.1 Reset
Reset is an active low input signal to the STFPC320. A negative pulse input on RESET_N
pin resets the STFPC320. Electrical specifications of this pin are identical to that of the logic
input pin.
Upon power-up, an internal power on reset circuit resets the whole chip. This occurs when
is ramping up (at appro xim ately 2.7 V) and the whole chip is initialized within 4 µs. This
time is much lesser than the typical V
RESET_N pin permanently by a pull-up resistor to V
during normal operation. For an initia lization on po wer-up, a power-on-reset in STFPC320 is
sufficient to reset the entire STFPC320.
As soon as the 3.3 V supply to the chip is stable, the I
ramp-up time. It is recommended to tie the
if reset to STFPC320 is not desired
C bus of the STFPC320 is ready for
Functional descriptionSTFPC320
4.2 Cold boot up
When power is first applied to the system, the STFPC320 will be reset. It will then manage
the power to the main board by bringing the STBY pin to a low level. This will wake-up the
main processor which will assert the READY pin to a high lev el to indicate to STFPC320 of a
proper boot-up sequence.
If the microprocessor does not assert the READY pin to a high within 10s, the STFPC320
will cut off the power to the Host by asserting the STBY pin. The high level on READY pin
signifies that the processor is ready. After this, the processor can configure the STFPC320
by sending the v arious I
mapping, hot-keys.
The power-up behavior in 2 conditions is shown in the Figure 4.
Figure 4.Power-up behaviour
C commands for configuration o f displa y, RC protocol, R TC displa y
Note:1Guard timer is turned off by default upon READY assertion.
2If the guard timer is to be kept on during READY high condition, the guard timer registers
must be set accordingly by proper commands through I
C bus.
3In this power-up condition, the guard timer is triggered by internal POR pulse.
4During power-up, the guard timer value is 10s.
STFPC320Functional description
4.3 Entering standby mode
The STFPC320 will control the power to the main board using the STBY pin. During normal
operation, the STBY pin is at a low level which externally controls a power MOS switch to
enable power to the main board. The STFPC320 asserts the STBY pin to a high when any
one of the following condit ions occur:
●Processor fails to respond by enabling the READY pin within 10 s upon first power-up
(cold boot up)
●Guard timer counts down to 0 s
●Processor makes the READY pin to low (can happen in various conditions, such as
user presses STBY key on front panel, STBY key on remote control, etc.)
Figure 5.Standby mode behaviour
Note:1Guard timer can be kept on during normal condition when READY is high (depending on the
2In this condition, the guard timer can be disabled or enabled. If the guard timer is enabled,
the timer needs to be cleared before the programmed count o f the timer is reached. If the
programmed count is reached, the STBY will be asserted.
3It is advisable not to enable the guard timer during normal operation.
Functional descriptionSTFPC320
4.4 Wake-up
The STFPC320 can wake-up f rom any one of the fo llowing sources:
●External pin PIN_AV8 (only by a low-to-high transition on this pin)
Figure 6.Wake-up
Note:1When the hot-key is detect ed either fr om front-pane l or remote cont rol or RTC or from a low-
to-high transition on PIN_AV8 pin during standby, the STBY pin de-asserts.
2The de-assertion of the STBY triggers the guard timer.
3The timer value is the progr am med value by the user (1-1 5s). If t he u ser did not chan ge the
value before entering standby, then it remains 10s.
4Also note that the guard timer is off when the STFPC320 is in the standby mode.
Guard timer is thus triggered by a de-assertion of the STBY signal or by internal power on
reset signal.
STFPC320Functional description
4.5 Interrupts/events handling by STFPC320
The STFPC320 interrupts the Host by pulling the IRQ_N/SQW pin to a low-level both in
normal mode of operation and during wak e-up . The int errupt is enable d by ST FPC320 when
any of the conditions occur:
●Front panel key press in normal operation or during system standb y state
●Remote control key press in normal operation or during system standby state
●A low-to-high transition on the external pin, PIN_AV8
The IRQ_N/SQW is an active low level signal and is cleared only after the interrupt b u ffer is
read. After reading the interrupt buffer, the Host will know the actual source of the interrupt.
This allows the Host to exact ly kno w the event which caused the interrupt (e.g STBY key on
the front panel). The interrupt signal is used to inf orm the Host of any events detected by the
STFPC320. Note that the IRQ_N/SQW pin is an open-drain pin which requires an external
pull-up resistor.
Figure 7.Interrupts/events handling
4.6 Ready pin
The STFPC320 supports cutting-off power to the main board for standby operation for good
power management. STBY will be set to high when the READY transitions from high to low.
During a cold boot up or wakeup from standby, if the READY pin stays low, the STFPC320
will assert the STBY when the guard timer has finished counting down to 0.
When the READY drops to a low, MUTE goes high immediately and soon after (2 µs) the
STBY is asserted.
In the normal mode of operation, when READY is a high, the STBY is asserted only when
the guard timer is enabled and has finished counting down to 0. This is meant to put the
system into standby as the READY pin was stuck at high and the guard timer regi ster was
not cleared before it finished counting down to 0. It is advised to disable the guard timer
during normal operation.
Functional descriptionSTFPC320
4.7 Mute pin
The MUTE pin is set to logic high to mute the audio output before power is cut to the host
processor. In wakeup mode, the MUTE pin is set to logic low to enable the audio output
immediately after the high assertion of the READY pin. In general, MUTE f ollows READY pin
with an inverted polarity. This pin is used to prevent pop-up sound during power-up and
power-down states.
4.8 Keyscan matrix/front panel keys
The key scan matrix on the STFPC320 helps to pass command from the front panel to the
host processor through the SDA pin on STFPC320. The STFPC320 can be prog r a mme d to
wake-up the system from standby using any of the 24 keys pressed on the front panel.
These wake-up keys are also referred to as hot-keys.
4.9 LED ports
4 LED displays are supported by the STFPC320. Turning on or off of the LED is done by
issuing write command to the LED port. After reset, the LEDs are off. Note that the LED
outputs sink the current, so the cathode of the diode must be connected to the LED pins of
4.10 Display
The display is divided into two sections, Normal and real-time clock (RTC).
4.10.1 Normal display
The VFD display is configurable for displays from 8 digits/20 segments to 16 digits/12
segments. The VFD displa y can be configured to be eith er in the normal VFD mode or in the
RTC mode. In the normal VFD mode, the display shows whatever is written in the VFD
display memory.
If the user desires to show normal display simultaneously with the RTC, then CPU must
read the time of RTC display memory and then write all the data to be displayed to the
normal display memory. After writing the values to the display memory, a display-on
command will show both the normal and RTC display on the front panel.
On first power on, the default configuration is 16-digit, 12-segment mode (with display
turned OFF).
4.10.2 RTC display
In RTC mode, th e display can be configured to show the time in two modes, either by dire ct
mapping of RTC to t he display or by using the CPU. If CPU is used, the CPU reads th e R T C
value from RTC registers and then writes the time to be displayed in the RTC display
STFPC320Functional description
4.11 Remote control decoder
Remote control (RC) decoder module decodes the signal coming from IR_DATA_IN. The list
of IR remote control protocols recognized by STFPC320 is Philips RC-5, SONY, NEC,
Thomson-RCA, Thomson-R2000 and Matsushita. The selection of remote control protocol
to use is done by setting the RC Protocols register. The commands from RC is used to
wake-up from standb y and resume n ormal operation. All RC ke ys can be pro grammed t o act
like RC hotkeys. Upon receiving any one of the designated hotkeys, wake-up operation will
4.12 PIN_AV8
External device (e.g. set-top box) could pull this pin high to wake-up the system. A low-to-
high transition on this pin will signal the STPFC320 to wake-up and provide power to the
system. This signal is considered high when it is in the range of 2.5 - 3.6 V (proper voltage
division must be done externally so that the STFPC320 PIN_ AV8 sees no more than 3.6 V).
No action is taken on the high-to-low transition on PIN_AV8. Also when the pin is already a
high, the current state of the system is maintained and it does not trigger anything.
4.13 Default state upon power-up
The Table 3 below shows the default state of the STFPC320 upon power-up.
Table 3.Default state
S.No.FunctionsDefault state
3IR (Remote Control)ON
4Display mode12 segment/16 digit
5Display address10H with Address increment mode
6RC protocolRC-5 (Raw format)
8Dimming1/16 duty factor
9Hot Keys (IR and FP)Disabled
10Guard timer10s
Functional descriptionSTFPC320
4.14 Initial state
On power application, the 1/16-pulse width is set and th e display shows the value
configured in the VFD display RAM before entering the standby mode. Thus if HELLO is
required to be shown on the VFD upon w ak e-up , then the user must write the cor responding
digit and segments locations in the VFD displa y memory before going in to the standby mo de
of operation. Note that t he V
value of the display changes only after user configuration.
If the user wishes to display t he RTC value during standby, then the user must configure the
STFPC320 by sending the appropriate command. If the user does not configure the
STFPC320 to display the RTC in standby, the VFD shows the same value as was written in
the VFD display memory location.
Note that all the hot keys are disabled on power-up. Only the hotkeys (FP or RC) or RTC or
the low to high transition on the PIN_AV8 pin can be detected to wake-up the system from
standby condition.
must be present in order to keep th e VFD displa y activ e . The
STFPC320Operating state diagram
5 Operating state diagram
Figure 8.Operating state diagram
Real-time clock (RTC) operationSTFPC320
6 Real-time clock (RTC) operation
6.1 Real-time clock
The RTC operates as a slave device through the slave address of the STFPC320 on the
serial bus. Access is obtained by implementing a start condition followed by the correct
slave address (Write: 0x52H and Read: 0x53H). The 16 bytes contained in the device can
then be accessed sequentially in the following order:
1. Reserved
2. Seconds register
3. Minutes register
4. Hours register
5. Square wave/day register
6. Date register
7. Century/month register
8. Year register
9. Calibration register
10. Watchdog register
11 - 15. Alarm registers
16. Flags register
6.2 2-wire bus characteristics
The bus is intended for communication between different ICs. It consists of two lines: a
bidirectional data signal (SDA) and a clock signal (SCL). Both the SDA and SCL lines must
be connected to a positive supply voltage (typical voltage is 3.3 V) via a pull-up resistor
(typical value is 10 K). The following protocol has been defined:
●Data transfer may be initiated only when the bus is not busy.
●During data transfer, the data line must remain stable whenever the clock line is High.
●Changes in the data line, while the clock line is High, will be interpreted as control
Accordingly, the following bus conditions have been defined:
●Bus not busy: both data and clock lines remain High.
●Start data transfer: a change in the state of the data line, from high to Low, while the
clock is High, defines the START condition.
●Stop data transfer: a change in the state of the data line , from Low to High, while the
clock is High, defines the STOP condition.
●Data Valid: the st ate o f the data line represent s v a lid data when after a sta rt condition,
the data line is stable fo r the durat ion of the high period of the clo ck signal. The data on
the line may be changed during the Low pe riod of the clock signal. There is one clock
pulse per bit of data.
Each data transfer is initiated with a start condition and terminated with a stop
STFPC320Real-time clock (RTC) operation
condition. The number of data bytes transferred between the start and stop conditions
is not limited. The information is transmitted byte-wide an d each receiver ac knowledges
with a ninth bit.
By definition a device that gives out a message is called “transmitter,” the receiving
device that gets the message is called “recei v er.” The de vice t hat controls t he message
is called “master.” The devices that are co ntrolled by the master are called “sla ves.”
●Acknowledge: each byte of eight bits is followed by one Acknowledge Bit. This
Acknowledge Bit is a low level put on the bus by the receiver whereas the master
generates an extra acknowledge related clock pulse. A slave receiver which is
addressed is obliged to generate an acknowledge afte r the reception of each byte that
has been clocked out of the master transmitter.
The device that acknowledges has to pull down the SDA line during the acknowledge
clock pulse in such a way th at the SD A line is a stable Lo w during the High period of the
acknowledge related clock pulse. Of course, set up and hold times must be taken into
account. A master receiver must signal an end of data to the slave transmitter by not
generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been clocked out of the slave. In
this case the transmitter must lea v e t he data line High to enab le the master t o gener ate
the STOP condition.
Figure 9.Serial bus data transfer sequence
Figure 10. Acknowledgement sequence
Real-time clock (RTC) operationSTFPC320
6.3 Watchdog timer
The watchdog timer can be used to detect an out of control microprocessor. The user
programs the watchdog timer by setting the desired amou nt of time-out into the Watchdog
Register, address 09h. Bits BMB4-BMB0 store a binary multiplier and the three bits RB2-
RB0 select the resolution where:
●000 = 1/16 second (16Hz)
●001 = 1/4 second (4Hz)
●010 = 1 second (1Hz)
●011 = 4 seconds (1/4Hz)
●100 = 1 minute (1/60Hz)
Note:Invalid combinations (101, 110, and 111) do NOT enable a watchdog time-out. Setting the
BMB4-BMB0 = 0 with any combination of RB2-RB0, other than 000, will result in an
immediate watchdog time-out. The amount of time-out is then determined to be the
multiplication of the five-bit multiplier value with the resolution. (For example: writing
00001110 in the Watch dog reg ist er = 3*1 or 3 second s). If the pro ces so r do es not reset th e
timer within the specified period, the STFPC320 generates a watchdog output pulse on the
IRQ_N/SQW pin.
The watchdog timer can only be reset b y having the microprocessor perf orm a WRITE of the
Watchdog register. The time-out period then starts over. Should the watchdog timer time-
out, any value may be written to the Watchdog Register in order to clear the IRQ_N/SQW
pin. A value of 00h will disable the watchdog function until it is again programmed to a new
value. A READ of the Flags Register will reset the W atchdog flag (Bit D7; Register 0Fh). The
watchdog function is automatically disabled upon power-up, and the Watchdog Register is
6.4 Real-time clock (RTC)
The RTC keeps track of the date and time. Once the date and time are set, the clock works
when the STFPC320 is in normal operation and standby operation. The wake-up alarm
feature is included in the RTC module. The accuracy of the RTC is approximately 10 ppm
(±25 secs/month).
The wakeup alarm is programmed to wake up once the date and time set are met. This
feature is present in normal and standby mode of operation. Only one date and time is
available for setting.
The real-time clock (RTC) uses an external 32.768 kHz quartz crystal to maintain an
accurate internal representation of the second, minute, hour, day, date, month, and year.
The RTC has leap-year correction. The clock also corrects for months having fewer than 31
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