DVD and DVB decoder
for video and audio with DVD audio support
The demand for more entertainment in
automobiles is steadily increasing. Not only highend, but also mid- and low-range cars are being
equipp ed with multimedi a systems.
STMicroelectronics helps meeting this demand
with the STe5588, a highly integrated audio &
video decoder for automotive DVD and DVB
The STe5588 is ready for lead-free manufacturing
and its quality target s meet automotive stand ards.
As a re sult, the ST e5588 offers a reliable, cost
effective solution with rapid time-to-market.
Embedded p eri ph er als i ncl ud e an a dva nc ed a udio
processor, video and sub-picture decoders with
OSD support, and a multiformat video encoder.
The host CPU and the available drivers help to
devel op power ful applic ations fo r the aut omobile
in the short term .
Develop men t plat fo rms an d S T wo rld wid e su pp ort
are available as part of ST’s solutions.
Figure 2. STe5588 OMEGA-CAR solution
Figure 1. Packag e (208 pin PQFP package)
December 2004
Rev. 2

■ 32-bit ST20 processor
– Instruction and data cache
■ Support ed formats:
– DVD-video, SVCD, VCD
– JPEG picture decoding
– DVD-audio, various audio codecs
■ Video decoder and graphics
– MPEG-2 and MPEG-1 MP@ML
– Fully programmable zoom-in and zoom-out
– High performance on-screen display with 2 to
8 bits per pixel
– Anti-flicker, anti-flutter and anti-aliasing filters
– Sub-picture decoder
– 5 displa y pl anes
■ Audio decoder (192 kHz, 24 bit)
– 5.1 channel Dolby® Digital
– MPEG multichannel
– LPCM multichannel with 192 kHz sampling
– MLP loss le ss
, TruSurround®, CircleSurround®,
– 9-band eq ua li ze r , 25 6- b an d spectru m
– 6-channel level meter
– Karaoke with scoring, echo, pitch shift,
microphone inputs, voic e cancellation
■ Video output
– CVBS, Y/C, RGB and YUV with 10-bit DACs
running at 27 or 54 MHz
– PAL/NTSC/SECAM encoder
– Progressive scan (525p)
– Macrovision
7.1 and 1.03 (525p)
– ITU-R BT 601 and 656 digital video output
■ Audio output
– 4 x 2-channel PCM outputs
– S/PDIF IEC60958 & IEC61937 digital audio
■ Decryption
– CSS, CPPM, CPRM, 4C/Verance
■ Drive
– Serial dr i ve s
■ Memory interfaces
– Shared memory SDR AM up to 128 MBit
– Programmable CPU memory interface for
SDRAM, ROM and other peripherals
■ Lead-free 208 pin PQFP package
Table 1. Order Codes
Part Number Description
ST e5588SVB Lead-free MPEG decoder