Starter kit for ST620x, ST621x and ST622x
■ Immediate evaluation of ST620x, ST621x and
ST622x devices, with demonstration examples
■ In-socket/onboard programming (DIP sockets)
■ Assembler-linker for ST6 and
debugger/simulator software
■ The starter kit includes:
– Evaluation board
– ST622x microcontroller samples
–Power supply
– Parallel cable for host PC interface
– Software tools on CD-ROM
Data brief
The ST622XC-KIT provides everything users
need to start evaluating the microcontroller
features and developing applications quickly and
Each starter kit comes with a pre-programmed
ST62E25 microcontroller. It demonstrates the
microcontroller features using the on-board
hardware resources such as push buttons, LEDs,
potentiometer, buzzer and RS-232.
This starter kit is not an emulator. Program
execution is much slower than on the real device
as instructions are performed on the PC and I/Os
are performed on the ST622XC-KIT.
Table 1. Device summary
Order code Reference
Starter kit for ST620x, ST621x and
November 2010 Doc ID 18071 Rev 1 1/3
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

Revision history
Table 2. Document revision history
Date Revision Changes
15-Nov-2010 1 Initial release.
2/3 Doc ID 18071 Rev 1