ST P-NUCLEO-USB002 User Manual

June 2017
DocID030479 Rev 2
User manual
STM32 Nucleo pack for USB Type-C™ and Power Delivery with
the Nucleo-F072RB board and the STUSB1602
The USB Type-C™ and Power Delivery Nucleo pack P-NUCLEO-USB002 includes:
the NUCLEO-F072RB board the P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board based on the certified STUSB1602 USB Type-C port
controller with PD PHY and BMC driver
a full-featured Type-C cable These components, together with the X-CUBE-USB-PD certified STM32F0 USB Type-C PD middleware
stack, form a platform for demonstrating USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery (USB PD) capabilities and facilitating solution development.
The new USB PD protocol expands USB functionality by providing up to 100 W power over the same cable used for data communication. Devices supporting the protocol are able to negotiate voltage and current over the USB power pins and define their roles as Provider or Consumer accordingly.
Once the platform is configured, the embedded demonstration firmware can signal cable status (attached or detached) and orientation information, as well as the role of each of the two ports.
Figure 1: P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit
DocID030479 Rev 2
1 USB Type-C and Power Delivery .................................................... 6
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................... 6
1.2 Main characteristics .......................................................................... 6
1.3 USB Type-C™ pin map ..................................................................... 7
1.4 Port configurations ............................................................................ 9
1.4.1 Downstream Facing Port (DFP) ......................................................... 9
1.4.2 Upstream Facing Port (UFP) .............................................................. 9
1.4.3 Source or provider .............................................................................. 9
1.4.4 Sink or consumer ................................................................................ 9
1.4.5 Dual Role Power (DRP)...................................................................... 9
1.5 USB-C PD architecture ..................................................................... 9
1.5.1 Device Policy Manager (DPM) ......................................................... 10
1.5.2 Policy Engine (PE) ............................................................................ 10
1.5.3 Protocol Layer (PRL) ........................................................................ 10
1.5.4 Physical layer (PHY) ......................................................................... 10
1.6 CC pins: port termination characteristics ......................................... 11
1.7 Power options ................................................................................. 11
1.8 Cable attachment and detachment detection and orientation ......... 12
1.9 Power negotiation ........................................................................... 13
1.10 Full-featured Type-C™ cable and V
supply ............................. 14
1.11 Alternate modes and billboard device class .................................... 15
2 System architecture ...................................................................... 17
2.1 System block scheme ..................................................................... 19
2.2 NUCLEO-F072RB STM32 Nucleo board ........................................ 19
2.3 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board ............................................ 21
2.3.1 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: USB Type-C connectors,
voltage and current sense stage ...................................................................... 24
2.3.2 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: STUSB1602 USB Type-C controller 26
2.3.3 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: V
switch ...................... 28
2.3.4 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: VBUS management........... 30
2.3.5 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: local power management stage 31
2.3.6 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: STSAFE secure device ..... 32
2.3.7 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: USB2.0 .............................. 33
2.3.8 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: ESD protections ................ 34
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2.3.9 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: connectors ......................... 35
2.3.10 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: test points .......................... 37
2.3.11 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: jumpers .............................. 38
2.3.12 P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: user LEDs .......................... 38
2.4 Full-featured Type-C cable .............................................................. 38
3 System setup ................................................................................. 39
3.1 Source power role configuration ...................................................... 39
3.1.1 Using the NUCLEO-F072 on-board voltage regulator ..................... 39
3.1.2 Using an external power supply ....................................................... 39
3.2 Sink power role configuration .......................................................... 40
3.2.1 Using the NUCLEO-F072RB on-board voltage regulator ................ 40
3.2.2 Using an external provider ............................................................... 40
3.3 Dual Role Power configuration ........................................................ 41
3.3.1 Using the NUCLEO-F072RB on-board voltage regulator ................ 41
3.3.2 Using an external power supply ....................................................... 41
4 Ordering information ..................................................................... 42
5 Electrical schematics .................................................................... 43
6 Bill of materials .............................................................................. 48
7 Acronyms and abbreviations ....................................................... 52
8 References ..................................................................................... 53
9 Revision history ............................................................................ 54
List of tables
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List of tables
Table 1: USB Type-C pinout description .................................................................................................... 8
Table 2: Source CC termination (Rp) requirements ................................................................................. 11
Table 3: Sink CC termination (Rd) requirements ...................................................................................... 11
Table 4: Power options ............................................................................................................................. 12
Table 5: NUCLEO-F072RB solder bridges and resistors to be modified ................................................. 20
Table 6: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board VCONN settings ........................................................... 28
Table 7: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board JP100 and JP101 settings ............................................ 33
Table 8: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board serial communication connection ................................. 36
Table 9: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board test points ..................................................................... 37
Table 10: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board jumpers ....................................................................... 38
Table 11: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board LED signaling ............................................................. 38
Table 12: List of acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 52
Table 13: Document revision history ........................................................................................................ 54
List of figures
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List of figures
Figure 1: P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit ............................................................................................................... 1
Figure 2: USB plug form factors ................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 3: USB Type-C plug pinout .............................................................................................................. 7
Figure 4: USB Type-C receptacle pinout .................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5: USB power delivery architecture ............................................................................................... 10
Figure 6: Pull up/down CC detection ........................................................................................................ 12
Figure 7: Message flow during power negotiation .................................................................................... 14
Figure 8: Pins available for reconfiguration on the plug of the full-featured cable ................................... 15
Figure 9: Pins available for reconfiguration on the receptacle for direct connect applications ................. 15
Figure 10: The two boards composing the P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit ........................................................ 17
Figure 11: Block scheme of the complete architecture ............................................................................. 19
Figure 12: STM32 Nucleo development board ......................................................................................... 20
Figure 13: STM32 Nucleo board top and bottom view ............................................................................. 21
Figure 14: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board .................................................................................... 22
Figure 15: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board functional blocks ........................................................ 22
Figure 16: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board connectors and jumpers ............................................ 23
Figure 17: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board silkscreen................................................................... 23
Figure 18: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board USB Type-C receptacle and current sensing (port 0)
schematic view .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 19: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board USB Type-C receptacle and Current sensing (port 1)
schematic view .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 20: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board Port 0 Current sensing stage schematic view ........... 25
Figure 21: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board Port 1 Current sensing stage schematic view ........... 26
Figure 22: STUSB1602 front end for Port 0 ............................................................................................. 27
Figure 23: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: JP000 and JP001 jumper settings to provide VCONN
through the local voltage regulator ........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 24: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board Port 0 schematic view of the VBUS management
mechanism ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 25: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board Port 1 schematic view of the VBUS management
mechanism ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 26: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: schematic view of the load switches of the local
power management .................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 27: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: schematic view of the local DC-DC converter .......... 32
Figure 28: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: STSAFE-A100 schematic view ................................ 32
Figure 29: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board: JP100 and JP101 connectors for USB 2.0
configurations ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 30: P-NUCLEO-USB002: CN13 and C14 connector pinout .......................................................... 35
Figure 31: P-NUCLEO-USB002: CN4 connector ..................................................................................... 36
Figure 32: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board CN2_1 and CN3_TX pin indications ......................... 37
Figure 33: P-NUCLEO-USB002 mounting orientation .............................................................................. 39
Figure 34: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - global view ................................... 43
Figure 35: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - MCU interface ............................. 43
Figure 36: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - STUSB1602 front end Port0 ....... 44
Figure 37: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - STUSB1602 front end Port1 ....... 44
Figure 38: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - local power .................................. 45
Figure 39: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - local voltage supply ..................... 45
Figure 40: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - Type-C Connector 0 .................... 46
Figure 41: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - Type-C Connector 1 .................... 46
Figure 42: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - Current Sensing C0 ..................... 47
Figure 43: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - Current Sensing C1 ..................... 47
Figure 44: P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board circuit schematic - security ........................................ 47
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
DocID030479 Rev 2
1 USB Type-C and Power Delivery
1.1 Overview
The USB Type-C™ and Power Delivery technologies simplify development and enhance user experience; the new reversible USB Type-C connector insertion is more intelligent and user friendly.
These technologies offer a smart connector able to carry all the necessary data (including video) as well as negotiate up to 100 W supply or charge connected equipment according to the Power Delivery protocol.
Less cables, less connectors and universal chargers are among the final objectives. The USB Type-C connector supports up to 15 W (5 V at 3 A), which rises to 100 W (up to
20 V at 5 A) adopting the USB Power Delivery feature.
1.2 Main characteristics
The USB Implementer Forum (USB-IF) introduces these complementary specifications:
1. the USB Type-C™ receptacle, plug and cable specification rev. 1.2
2. the USB Power Delivery (PD) specification rev. 2.0 that allows two PD compliant entities to exchange up to 100 W during their negotiations.
Any system embedding a USB Type-C receptacle or plug which is designed to implement a USB Power Delivery application such as a single port device, a multi-port hub or a simple cable is based on these specifications.
The connector is intended for a wide range of charging applications like computers, displays and mobile phones, with all the advanced features of PD:
power role negotiation  power sourcing and consumption level negotiation  electronically marked cable identification  vendor-specific message exchange  alternate-mode negotiation, allowing different communication protocols to be routed
onto the reconfigurable pins of the USB Type-C connectors.
The cables use the same male connector on both ends.
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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Figure 2: USB plug form factors
The new USB Type-C covers all the features provided by the previous generation USB plugs in a single connector, rendering USB usage easier and more flexible. It supports all protocols from USB2.0 onward, including power capability.
The USB Type-C connection allows ports to operate in host-mode only, device-mode only or dual-role. Both data and power roles can be independently and dynamically swapped using the USB PD protocol.
1.3 USB Type-C™ pin map
USB Type-C™ plugs and receptacles are 24-pin connectors with two groups of pin connections arranged so as to ensure pinout reversibility for any connection.
The symmetrical connections: are
eight power pins: V
USB2.0 differential pairs (D+/D-)
The asymmetrical connections are:
two sets of Tx/Rx signal paths supporting USB3.1 data rates  two configuration channels (CC lines) for the discovery, configuration and
management of USB Type-C power delivery features
two sideband use (SBU lines) signals for analog audio modes; may be used by
alternate mode.
Figure 3: USB Type-C plug pinout
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Figure 4: USB Type-C receptacle pinout
Table 1: USB Type-C pinout description
Ground return
Can be up to 5 A split into four pins
USB3.1 data lines or Alternate
10-Gbyte TX differential pair in USB 3.1
Bus power
Max power is 100 W (20 V at 5 A) split into four pins
CC1 or V
Configuration channel or power for active or electronically marked cable
In VCONN configuration, max. power is 1 W
USB2.0 datalines
Sideband Use (SBU)
Alternate mode only
Bus power
Max power is 100 W split into four pins
USB3.1 datalines or Alternate
10-Gbyte RX differential pair in USB 3.1
Ground return
Can be up to 5 A split into four pins
Ground return
Can be up to 5 A split into four pins
USB3.1 datalines or Alternate
10-Gbyte RX differential pair in USB 3.1
Bus power
Max power is 100 W split into four pins
CC2 or V
Configuration channel or power for active or electronically marked cable
In V
max. power is 1 W
USB2.0 datalines
- - B8
Sideband Use (SBU)
Alternate mode only
Bus power
Max power is 100 W split into four pins
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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USB3.1 datalines or Alternate
10-Gbyte RX differential pair in USB 3.1
Ground return
Can be up to 5 A split into four pins
1.4 Port configurations
As stated in the USB Type-C™ and USB Power Delivery specifications, a data role (host or device) and a power role (source, sink or DRP) can be assigned to each port. Both data and power roles can be independently and dynamically swapped according to rules and procedures established by the specifications.
1.4.1 Downstream Facing Port (DFP)
The downstream facing port is associated with the flow of data in a USB connection. It is usually the port on a host or hub which devices connect to.
In its initial state, the DFP must be able to supply V
and V
and support data.
1.4.2 Upstream Facing Port (UFP)
The upstream facing port is associated with the data flow in a USB connection. It represents the port on a device or a hub that connects to a host or the DFP of a hub. In its initial state, UFP sinks V
and supports data (e.g., display).
1.4.3 Source or provider
This port must source power over V
(5 V to 20 V and up to 5 A), and most commonly
belongs to a host or hub DFP. A provider must assert an Rp resistor (pull-up resistor, See
Figure 5: "USB power delivery architecture") on CC pins (configuration channel pins, see Section 1.6: "CC pins: port termination characteristics").
1.4.4 Sink or consumer
This port is able to sink power over V
, making use of power (from 5 V to 20 V and up to 5 A), most commonly embedded on a device or UFP. A Consumer must assert an Rd resistor (pull-down resistor: see Figure 5: "USB power delivery architecture") on CC pins.
1.4.5 Dual Role Power (DRP)
A dual role power USB port can operate as a source or a sink. The initial role of the port may be fixed or may alternate between the two port states.
Initially, when operating as a source, the port also assumes the role of DFP; when operating as a sink, the port takes the role of UFP.
The port role may be changed dynamically to reverse power.
1.5 USB-C PD architecture
The USB Power Delivery specification defines the stack architecture with all its layers managing a PD device.
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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Figure 5: USB power delivery architecture
As per the USB Power Delivery protocol, a USB DFP is initially a Source and a USB UFP is initially a Sink. When these two entities are connected between them, they start to communicate by means of the configuration channel (CC), while the Source supplies the Sink through the V
path. Although USB-PD enables the Source/Sink and the DFP/UFP,
the roles may be swapped every time the application requests it.
1.5.1 Device Policy Manager (DPM)
The device policy manager deals with the USB Power Delivery resources used by one or more ports on the basis of the local device policy. It interacts with the policy engines and cable detection entities of the device to implement the local policies for each port.
1.5.2 Policy Engine (PE)
The policy engine interacts directly with the DPM to determine which local policy to apply. Its role is to drive the message sequences according to the sent message and its expected response.
It allows power negotiation by establishing an explicit contract for power exchange. The acceptance or the refusal of a request depends on the response of the DPM with respect to a specific power profile.
The PE also handles the flow of vendor defined messages, allowing the discovery, entry and exit of modes supported by the provider and consumer sides.
1.5.3 Protocol Layer (PRL)
The protocol layer drives message construction, transmission, reception and acknowledgment. It allows the monitoring of message flows and the detection of communication errors.
1.5.4 Physical layer (PHY)
The physical layer is responsible for sending and receiving messages across the CC wire. It consists of a transceiver that superimposes a BMC signal on the wire. It is responsible for managing data over the wire, avoiding collisions and detecting errors in the messages using a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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1.6 CC pins: port termination characteristics
The configuration channel (CC) pins are used in the discovery, configuration and management of connection across a USB Type-C™ cable, as well as a communication channel for the PHY layer of the USB Power Delivery.
There are two CC pins in each receptacle, but only one is connected through the cable to establish communication. The other pin can be re-assigned as the V
pin for powering
electronics in the USB Type-C™ plug of electronically-marked cables. Specific Rd and Rp resistor values connected to CC pins allow single role or dual role
system configuration. The attachment and orientation detection operations are carried out through CC lines through these resistors:
a source must assert Rp pull-up resistors on both CC1 and CC2  a sink must assert Rd pull-down resistors on both CC pins  a dual role power (DRP) is equipped with both Rp pull-up resistors and Rd pull-down
resistors on its CC pins and is able to dynamically assert the appropriate resistors when the role is fixed by the application according to the operated power role.
A full-featured USB Type-C cable must assert Ra pull-down resistors on the V
The following table provides the values to be used for Rp or current source.
Table 2: Source CC termination (Rp) requirements
Current Capability
Current Source
to 1.7 V - 5.5 V
Rp pull-up
to 3.3 V ±5%
Rp pull-up
to 4.75 V - 5.5 V
Default USB power
80 µA ±20%
36 kΩ ±20%
56 kΩ ±20%
1.5 A at 5 V
180 µA ±8%
12 kΩ ±5%
22 kΩ ±5%
3.0 A at 5 V
330 µA ±8%
4.7 kΩ ±5%
10 kΩ ±5%
Rp resistors connected to both CC pins may be pulled-up to 3.3 V or 5 V. The resistor value is chosen on the basis the device port supplying capability. Moreover, if the source role is operated, the Rp resistors can be replaced by current sources.
The following table provides the values to be used for Rd or Sink CC termination.
Table 3: Sink CC termination (Rd) requirements
Rd setting
Nominal Value
Max Voltage on pin
Power Capability detection
±20% voltage clamp
1.1 V
1.32 V
±20% resistor to GND
5.1 kΩ
2.18 V
±10% resistor to GND
5.1 kΩ
2.04 V
Rd resistors may be implemented in multiple ways.
1.7 Power options
Regarding power exchange, every platform equipped with a Type-C™ connector but without power delivery must be able to support 5 V with one of the specific current capabilities. When power delivery is supported and the design is specifically optimized for managing high power loads, the same platform may support up to 20 V at 5 A (100 W).
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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Table 4: Power options
Mode of operation
USB 2.0
5 V
500 mA
2.5 W
Default current based on specification
USB 3.1
900 mA
4.5 W
up to 1.5 A
7.5 W
Legacy charging
USB Type-C™ current at 1.5 A
1.5 A
Support high power devices USB Type-C™
current at 3 A
3 A
15 W
up to 20 V
up to 5 A
100 W
Directional control and power level management
1.8 Cable attachment and detachment detection and orientation
As stated in the USB Power Delivery specification, it is mandatory to determine the orientation of an attachment; i.e., when one of the two CC pins detects a valid Rp/Rd connection.
To detect an attachment, the source monitors both CC pins. The pins are floating when nothing is attached, but when the sink is attached via the cable,
one CC line of the source is directly pulled-down (through the sink Rd), signalling that a connection has been made (see Figure 6: "Pull up/down CC detection").
Hence, once connection is established, a voltage divider is set between source pull-up resistor Rp and sink pull-down resistor Rd, fixing the voltage level on the CC line for the communication signals.
Figure 6: Pull up/down CC detection
At the same time, the orientation of the plug, and consequently of the cable, is defined according to which CC line (CC1 or CC2) detects a valid resistance after the attach event.
The figure above shows an unflipped cable orientation. Moreover, the full-featured cable, exposing an Ra resistor, connects the V
pins to
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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1.9 Power negotiation
When a connection is made and the respective roles have been assigned, the source and the sink negotiate a contract for the power objects: the selected configuration channel (CC) allows them to establish communication and negotiate the power according to the protocol described in USB Power Delivery specification.
Originally, all the devices equipped with USB Type-C™ are able to provide up to 15 W (5 V and up to 3 A) power via the V
path, but every subsequent request for delivering or receiving power from 15 W to 100 W (5 V at 3 A to 20 V at 5 A) must be negotiated according to the USB Power Delivery protocol.
The messages exchanged between a source (provider) and sink (consumer) are illustrated in Figure 7: "Message flow during power negotiation".
1. Initially, the source dispatches a Source_Capabilities message to inform the port
partner (sink) of its power capabilities.
2. The sink then sends a Request for one of the advertised power profiles.
3. The source accepts or rejects this request according to its power balance.
4. If confirmed, the source sends an Accept to the sink
5. The source then switches to the requested power profile and sends a PS_Ready
confirmation message.
Each received message is acknowledged with a GoodCRC to confirm correct reception. Incorrect reception should be ignored and persistent communication errors should trigger a soft reset to reset protocol parameters and re-establish communication. If the error persists, a hard reset is performed.
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Figure 7: Message flow during power negotiation
1.10 Full-featured Type-C™ cable and V
Full-featured Type-C™ cables are Type-C™ to Type-C™ cables that support USB2.0 and USB3.1 data operation, and include sideband use (SBU) wires.
All USB full-featured Type-C cables must be electronically marked and must provide 800 to 1.2 kΩ impedance (Ra) that connects the assigned V
pin to ground.
When a full-featured cable is attached to a source, the source must provide a V
(5 V
default) to supply it (valid voltage range is 3 V to 5.5 V). Up to 1 W may be drawn from V
to power the ICs in the plug, necessary to implement
electronically-marked cables and V
-powered accessories.
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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The V
is systematically assigned to the free CC pin of the receptacle after a connection is established: the CC pins can be monitored to verify a valid Rp/Ra connection and then the V
supply is routed by the source to the checked pin.
Since all the full-featured Type-C™ cables are reversible, both CC pins in the receptacle must be able to assume the role of CC and V
on cable insertion.
1.11 Alternate modes and billboard device class
The USB Power Delivery specification supports alternate mode (Alt Mode) to transfer high­speed data over Type-C™ cables using protocols like:
High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI)  DisplayPort (DP)  Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCI Express)  Ethernet over twisted pair (Base-T Ethernet)  Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL)
The adoption of alternate mode lets Type-C hosts and devices incorporate additional functionality, exploiting USB PD structured vendor defined messages (Structured VDMs) to manage typical display controller selection mechanisms: discover, enter and exit.
As alternate modes do not traverse the USB hub topology, they may only be used between a directly connected host and device.
Structured VDMs may also be used for re-assignment of the pins that the USB Type-C connector exposes.
Figure 8: Pins available for reconfiguration on the plug of the full-featured cable
The following figure shows the pins available for reconfiguration with direct connect applications. There are three more pins because this configuration is not limited by the cable wiring.
Figure 9: Pins available for reconfiguration on the receptacle for direct connect applications
Where no equivalent USB functionality is implemented, the device must provide a USB interface exposing a USB billboard device class to identify the device. This is not required for non-user facing modes (e.g., diagnostic modes).
USB Type-C and Power Delivery
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The USB billboard device class definition describes how to communicate the alternate modes supported by a device container to a host system, including string descriptors that provide supporting information in a human-readable format.
System architecture
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2 System architecture
The P-NUCLEO-USB002 USB Type-C™ and power delivery kit includes:
1. a NUCLEO-F072RB development board acting as the control board running the stack
2. a P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board acting as a Type-C and Power Delivery
interface, with two STUSB1602 Type-C PD controllers
3. A full-featured and certified USB Type-C cable
Figure 10: The two boards composing the P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit
The P-NUCLEO-USB002 USB Type-C and Power Delivery expansion board is equipped with:
two DRP USB Type-C™ ports managed by two STUSB1602 Type-C port controllers  optional V
current sensing (and discrete voltage monitoring)
dedicated power connector to interface with an external power supply (not included) to
provide different profiles as well as VCONN (5V), if necessary
on-board power management able to provide internal supply voltages  six status-control LEDs for USB-PD port purposes, a user LED and a power LED  USB 2.0 interface capability available on both Type-C portsthere is only one USB 2.0
controller, which can be mapped to either port or in pass-through configuration.
RoHS compliant  PCB type and size:
PCB material: FR4  four-layer architecture  copper thickness: 35 µm
The NUCLEO-F072RB board includes:
+ 38 hidden pages