Single phase 5 A step-down based on PWM controller
evaluation board based on the Power Good L6728
■ Input voltage range : 5 V to 12 Vdc
■ Output voltage Vout: 1.25 V
■ Output current Iout : 5 A
■ Switching frequency : 300 KHz
This evaluation board is based on L6728, a
single-phase step-down controller with integrated
high-current drivers that provides complete
control logic and protection to realize in a simple
way general DC-DC converters by using a
compact VFQFPN-10 package.
The board realizes in a two-layer PCB a stepdown DC-DC converter and shows the operation
of the device in a general-purpose low-current
Data Brief
The input voltage can range from 5 V to 12 V
buses and the output voltage is fixed at 1.25 V.
The application can deliver an output current in
excess of 5 A.
The switching frequency is 300 KHz.
March 2008 Rev 1 1/4
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

Circuit schematic STEVAL-ISA038V1
1 Circuit schematic
Figure 1. Schematic