High Side Driver - 8 Channel based on VN808
Q Application conforms to: IEC 61000-4-4 (4kV),
IEC 61000-4-5 (2kV), IEC 61000-4-6 (10kV)
Q 16 output channels up to 0.5A per channel
Q 16 digital inputs & 2 digital output
Q Decoupling power & microcontroller section by
Q DC/DC converter on boards
Q Protection against Surge/Burst by ST Transils
Q Operation temperature -25°C to 85°C
Q Power supply up to 35V
Q Very low stand-by current
This reference design boards is an industrial
application of the ST high side drivers VN808 .
The boards respect internationa l standards of the
electromagnetic compatibility as well as immunity
tests. They have been tested at different typical
ambient temperatures. The reference design is
suitable for use in Programmable Logic
Controllers to produce the related digital outputs
according to IEC standards.
Data Brief
Circuit description
In order to protect the high-side driver (HSD) from
the harsh industrial conditions of power supply
lines, usually optocouplers and Transil diodes are
used to separate the application control circuits
from the power supply. The VN808 reference
design board uses multi-channel optocouplers
suitable for surface-mounted assemblies that
consist of a photo t rans istor opt ically coupled to a
gallium-arsenide infrared emitting diode. The
isolation voltage for this type of optocoupler is
2500 V
diodes protect the HSD against transient
overvoltages. The reference design board is
assembled with uni-directional Transil diodes
because they protect the HSD against both
positive and negative surge pulses.
RMS. The clamping function of Transil
Rev 1
January 2006 1/4
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office
Board Schematic STEVAL-IFP002V1
1 Board Schematic
Figure 1. Scheme