ST HCC4001B, HCC4002B, HCC4008B, HCC4011B, HCC4012B User Manual

Rad-hard high voltage CMOS logic series
3 to 20 V max operating voltage
Bufferized inputs and outputs
Standardized symmetrical outputs
50 ns typical propagation delays
100 nA max 25 °C input current
100% tested 20 V quiescent current
5-10-15 V parametric testing
Hermetic packages
Rad-hard 100 kRad TID at 11rad/sec dose rate
SEL-SEU immune to 72 MeV/cm²/mg LET ions
ESCC qualified
HCC40xxx HCC45xxx
The HCC40xxx and HCC45xxx series are composed of over 70 types of high voltage CMOS functions, offering a set of highly noise tolerant gates, Flip-Flops, multiplexers, counters, bus interfaces and several other functions. The radiation hardness, the single event latch-up (SEL) and the single event upset (SEU) immunity and the housing in hermetic packages of all types of both series make them usable in the most difficult environmental conditions.
The complete specification of each type is available from the European Space Components Coordination web site (ESCC): ST guarantees full compliance of qualified parts with these ESCC detailed specifications.
The upper metallic lid is not electrically connected to any
pins, nor to the IC die inside the package.
August 2011 Doc ID 17102 Rev 3 1/24
Contents HCC4xxx
1 HCC family overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Input equivalent circuit diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Maximum rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.1 Recommended operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Package mechanical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Order codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
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1 HCC family overview

HCC4xxx HCC family overview

Table 1. Device summary

Part number Description Radiation level
HCC4001B Rad-hard quad 2-input NOR gate
HCC4002B Rad-hard dual 4-input NOR gate - 9201/042 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4008B Rad-hard 4-bit full adder - 9202/039 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4011B Rad-hard quad 2-input NAND gate Y 9201/043 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4012B Rad-hard dual 4-input NAND gate - 9201/044 Flat-14 - DIL-14
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HCC4013B Rad-hard dual D Flip-Flop Y 9203/023 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4014B Rad-hard 8-stage static synchronous shift register Y 9306/014 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4015B Rad-hard dual 4-stage static shift register Y 9306/015 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4016B Rad-hard quad bilateral switch - 9202/050 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4017B Rad-hard decade counter/divider Y 9204/020 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4018B Rad-hard presettable divide-by N counter - 9204/021 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4019B Rad-hard quad AND/OR select gate Y 9202/051 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4020B Rad-hard 14-stage binary/ripple counter Y 9204/022 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4021B Rad-hard 8-stage static shift register Y 9306/016 Flat-16 - DIL-16
100 krad (Si) ESCC
EPPL ESCC specification Package
Y 9201/041 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4022B Rad-hard divide-by-8 counter/divider - 9204/023 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4023B Rad-hard triple 3-input NAND gate Y 9201/045 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4024B Rad-hard 7-stage binary/ripple counter Y 9204/024 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4025B Rad-hard triple 3-input NOR gate - 9201/046 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4027B Rad-hard dual J-K master-slave Flip-Flop Y 9203/022 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4028B Rad-hard BCD-to-decimal decoder Y 9205/010 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4029B Rad-hard presettable up/down counter Y 9204/025 Flat-16 - DIL-16
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Table 1. Device summary (continued)
HCC family overview HCC4xxx
Part number Description Radiation level
HCC4030B Rad-hard quad exclusive OR gate
HCC4034B Rad-hard 8-stage static bidirectional bus register - 9306/025 Flat-24 - DIL-24
HCC4035B Rad-hard 4-stage parallel I/O shift register Y 9306/018 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4040B Rad-hard 12-stage binary/ripple counter Y 9204/026 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4041UB Rad-hard quad true/complement buffer - 9202/040 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4042B Rad-hard quad clocked D latch - 9202/041 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4043B Rad-hard quad 3-state NOR R/S latch - 9202/042 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4044B Rad-hard quad 3-state NAND R/S latch - 9202/043 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4046B Rad-hard micropower phase locker loop - 9202/044 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4047B Rad-hard monostable/astable multivibrator Y 9207/003 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4049UB Rad-hard hex inverting buffer/converter Y 9202/045 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4050B Rad-hard hex non-inverting buffer/converter Y 9202/046 Flat-16 - DIL-16
100 krad (Si) ESCC
HCC4051B Rad-hard single 8-channel analog mux/demux Y 9202/047 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4052B Rad-hard different 4-channel analog mux/demux - 9202/048 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4053B Rad-hard triple 2-channel analog mux/demux - 9202/049 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4060B Rad-hard 14-stage counter/divider AND oscillator - 9204/052 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4063B Rad-hard 4-bit magnitude comparator Y 9209/001 Flat-16 - DIL-16
EPPL ESCC specification Package
Y 9201/047 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4066B Rad-hard quad bilateral switch Y 9408/005 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4067B Rad-hard single 16-channel analog mux/demux - 9408/009 Flat-24 - DIL-24
HCC4068B Rad-hard 8-input NAND/AND gate - 9201/061 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4069UB Rad-hard hex inverter Y 9401/010 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4070B Rad-hard quad exclusive OR gate - 9201/048 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4071B Rad-hard quad 2-input OR gate Y 9201/063 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4072B Rad-hard dual 4-input OR gate - 9201/082 Flat-14 - DIL-14
Table 1. Device summary (continued)
HCC4xxx HCC family overview
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Part number Description Radiation level
HCC4073B Rad-hard triple 3-input AND gate
HCC4075B Rad-hard triple 3-input OR gate - 9201/065 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4076B Rad-hard 4-bit D-type register Y 9306/022 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4077B Rad-hard quad exclusive NOR gate - 9201/055 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4078B Rad-hard 8-input NOR/OR gate - 9201/062 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4081B Rad-hard quad 2-input AND gate Y 9201/052 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4082B Rad-hard dual 4-input AND gate - 9201/066 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4093B Rad-hard quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger Y 9409/002 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC4094B Rad-hard 8-stage shift-and-store bus register Y 9306/026 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4098B Rad-hard dual monostable multivibrator - 9206/002 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4099B Rad-hard 8-bit addressable latch Y 9202/058 Flat-16 - DIL-16
100 krad (Si) ESCC
HCC40103B Rad-hard presettable 8-bit binary down counter Y 9204/036 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC40106B Rad-hard hex schmitt trigger Y 9409/005 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC40107B Rad-hard dual 2-input NAND buffer/driver Y 9401/013 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC40109B Rad-hard quad low-to-high voltage level shifter Y 9407/003 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC40161B Rad-hard binary counter with asynchronous clear Y 9204/054 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC40174B Rad-hard hex D Flip-Flop Y 9203/038 Flat-16 - DIL-16
EPPL ESCC specification Package
Y 9201/064 Flat-14 - DIL-14
HCC40193B Rad-hard presettable 4-bit binary up-down counter - 9204/041 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4502B Rad-hard strobed hex inverter/buffer Y 9401/006 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4503B Rad-hard hex buffer 3-state non-inverter Y 9401/030 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4508B Rad-hard dual 4-bit Latch 3-state outputs Y 9202/063 Flat-24 - DIL-24
HCC4512B Rad-hard 8-channel data selec. with 3-state output Y 9408/006 Flat-16 - DIL-16
6/24 Doc ID 17102 Rev 3
Table 1. Device summary (continued)
HCC family overview HCC4xxx
Part number Description Radiation level
HCC4514B Rad-hard 4-bit Latch / 4-to-16 line decoder output high
HCC4515B Rad-hard 4-bit Latch / 4-to-16 line decoder output low - 9205/011 Flat-24 - DIL-24
HCC4516B Rad-hard presettable 4-bit binary up/down counter - 9204/045 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4520B Rad-hard dual binary up-down counter - 9204/028 Flat-16 - DIL-16
100 krad (Si) ESCC
HCC4532B Rad-hard 8-input priority encoder - 9202/065 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4538B Rad-hard dual precision monostable multivibrator - 9207/007 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4555B Rad-hard dual 1-of-4 decoder/demux output high Y 9408/011 Flat-16 - DIL-16
HCC4556B Rad-hard dual 1-of-4 decoder/demux output low - 9408/025 Flat-16 - DIL-16
EPPL ESCC specification Package
- 9408/012 Flat-24 - DIL-24
Note: Contact ST sales office for information about the specific conditions for other CMOS4000 part numbers and product in die form
HCC4xxx Input equivalent circuit diagram

2 Input equivalent circuit diagram

Figure 1. Input equivalent circuit diagram

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Maximum rating HCC4xxx

3 Maximum rating

Stressing the device above the rating listed in the “absolute maximum ratings” table may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings

Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Supply voltage -0.5 to 22 V
DC input voltage -0.5 to VDD + 0.5 V
DC input current ±10 mA
Power dissipation per package 200 mW
Operating temperature -55 to +125 °C
Storage temperature -65 to +150 °C
Note: All voltage values are referred to VSS pin voltage.

3.1 Recommended operating conditions

Table 3. Recommended operating conditions

Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Supply voltage 20 V
Input voltage 0 to V
Operating temperature -55 to +125 °C
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