ST AN923 Application note

TIMEKEEPER Rolling into the Year 2000 (21st Century, Y2K)
The member s o f the TIMEKEEPER family, from STMicroelectronics, ar e listed in Ta b le 1 . Each contains, in a single-package footprint, non-volatile RAM (NVRAM) and a real time clock (RTC), offering dedicated time-keeping and alarm functions.
Table 1. Family of TIMEKEEPER Devices
M41T56 M48T86 RTC primarily utilized for its timekeeping functions with little additional memory
M48T559 RTC with 64 Kbit memory that supports Address, Data Multiplexed I/O pins
Low cost RTC that is compatible with Serial I
C bus applications
M48T02, M48T12, M48T08, M48T18, M48T58, M48T59, M48T35, M48T37
register. Fabricated in ST’s SRAM technology, the individual registers can be accessed by the user like a conventional bank of SRAM (read accesses to read the time, write accesses to set a new time).
The year is divided into two fields: the Century fiel d, and t he Y ears field (each i s 8 bits wide, hold ing two BCD digits). TIMEKEEPER devices that were designed in 1997, and after, have a register for each of these fields; those that were designed before 1997, though, do not have the Century register.
At the turn of the century, all TIMEKEEPERS will increment the Years register from 99 to 00 (from 1001,1001 to 0000,0000). Those that have a Century register, will, at the same moment, increment it from 19 to 20 (from 0001,1001 to 0010,0000).
The Century register, where present, is positioned 14 address locations before the most significant byte address, using the device’s 16-byte register map definition. For a 32K x 8 device, for example, the Century register is at address location 7FF1h.
For TIMEK EEPER d e vices that do no t h a v e a Ce nt u r y r e g i ste r , but which utilize the 16-byte register map definition, it is recommended that the user sets up the same location (location 7FF1h for a 32K x 8 device, for example) for storing the Century information. This byte, of course, is not updated automatically by the clock, but has to be updated manually by the user’s software. It is recommended that the user stores the BCD value 19 (0001,1001) in the location now, and on 1st January 2000, at 12:00:01 AM, updates it to the BCD value 20 (0010,0000).
TIMEKEEPER devi ces that do not have a Centu ry register , and that do not u tilize the 16-byte reg ister map definition, can still adopt the same methodology. Any address location that is convenient to the application can be used for storing the Century information.
Note: All TIMEKEEPERS automatically allow for 31, 30, 29 and 28 day months (correctly adjusting for leap-years until the year 2100).
RTCs with 16 Kbit to 256 Kbit of additional asynchronous SRAM non-volatile memory
May 2000 1/2
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