Application note
Serial EEPROM product numbering
This application note provides a detailed description of the part numbering scheme of Serial
EEPROM products.
The part numbering scheme consists of a maximum of 13 digits grouped into nine fields (A
to H) as shown in Table 1: Serial EEPROM part numbering scheme on page 1<Blue>Table
Fields A to C represent the product identifiers and fields D to H the product options. The “-”
character is used to separate the identifiers from the options.
Table 1. Serial EEPROM part numbering scheme
Digit Field Use
1st A Product line (“M” = memory)
B Device type (Product family)
C Device function (Memory capacity)5th
7th - Dash, to separate the product number identifiers from the product option designators
8th D Operating range (V
E Package type
11th F Device grade (Temperature range)
12th G Option
13th H Plating technology
14th /J Die process
An additional “/” followed by two digits are used by ST to aid traceability, and might appear
on some documents at the bottom of the Ordering information scheme table under Process.
This information offers the die and technology references (for temperature range 3 devices)
and can be ignored for temperature range 6 devices.
July 2010 ID 5663 Rev 4 1/5

Table 2. Field A, 1st character, product line
Product line code Product line type
M Memory
Table 3. Field B, 2nd and 3rd characters, product family
Family code Memory type Family
24 I2C
Non-volatile memory
95 SPI
34 I
Application-specific memory
Non-volatile memory
35 SPI
Table 4. Field C, 4th, 5th and 6th characters, memory capacity
Capacity Microwire (M93) I²C (M24) SPI (M95)
1 Kb C46 C01 010
2 Kb C56 C02 020
4 Kb C66 C04 040
8 Kb C76 C08 080
16 Kb C86 C16 160
32 Kb - C32 320
64 Kb - C64 640
128 Kb - 128-B 128
256 Kb - 256-B 256
512 Kb - 512 512
1 Mb - M01 M01
2 Mb - M02 M02
Table 5. Field D, 8th character, VCC range
Voltage range code Memory Voltage range
W 2.5 V to 5.5 V
Serial EEPROMs
R 1.8 V to 5.5 V
F 1.7 V to 5.5 V
2/5 ID 5663 Rev 4
4.5 V to 5.5 V