The STPMC1 device is an ASSP designed for effective measurement in power line systems
utilizing the Rogowski coil, current transformer, and shunt or Hall current sensors. Used in
combination with one or more STPMSx ICs, it implements all the functions needed in a 1, 2,
or 3-phase energy meter. It can be coupled with a microprocessor for multifunction energy
meter or it can directly drive a stepper motor for a simple active energy meter.
All the data measured by the STPMC1 are accessible through the SPI port, which is also
used to configure and calibrate the device. The configuration and calibration data are
retained in a 112-bit OTP block; in any case, these data can be dynamically changed in
microprocessor based meters.
Measured data (like active and reactive energy, total and per phase, phase V
, I
instantaneous voltage and current, line frequency, phase status, etc.) should be read by the
microcontroller at a fixed time interval to be further processed.
This application note describes the SPI protocol to read measured data from the STPMC1
in a multiphase energy meter and how these readings should be processed by the
For more details on the device please refer to the STPMC1; Programmable poly-phase energy calculator IC, datasheet.
The STPMC1 SPI interface supports a simple serial protocol, which is implemented in order
to enable a communication between a host system (microcontroller or PC) and the device.
With this interface it is possible to perform the following tasks:
●remote reset of the device
●temporary and permanent programming of internal configuration/calibration data and
system signals
●reading of internal data registers (shown in Figure 5).
Four pins of the device are dedicated to this purpose: SCS, SYN, SCL, and SDA.
When the STPMC1 is in standalone mode, SYN, SCL, and SDA can provide information on
the meter status (see the STPMC1 datasheet for more information) and are not used for SPI
communication. In this document, the SYN, SCL, and SDA operation as part of the SPI
interface is described.
SCS, SYN, and SCL are all input pins while SDA can be input or output depending on
whether the SPI is in write or read mode.
The internal registers are not directly accessible, rather, a 32-bit of transmission latches are
used to pre-load the data before being read or written to the internal registers.
The condition in which SCS, SYN, and SCL inputs are set to a high level determines the idle
state of the SPI interface and no data transfer occurs. Any SPI operation should start from
this idle state. The exception to this rule is when the STPMC1 has been put into standalone
application mode. In such mode it is possible that pin states of the SCL, SDA, and SYN are
not high due to the states of corresponding internal status bits.
●SCS: enables SPI operation when low, both in standalone and in peripheral operating
mode. This means that the master can abort any task in any phase by deactivation of
SCS. In standalone mode SCS high enables SYN, SCL, and SDA to output the meter
●SYN: when SCS is low, the SYN pin status selects if the SPI is in read (SYN=1) or write
mode (SYN=0). When SCS is high and SYN is also high, the results of the input or
output data are transferred to the transmission latches.
●SCL: is the clock pin of the SPI interface. This pin function is also controlled by the SCS
status. If SCS is low, SCL is the input of the serial bit synchronization clock signal.
When SCS is high, SCL is also high, determining the idle state of the SPI.
Configuration bit SCLP controls the polarity of the clock. SCLP=0 sets the clock idle
state SCL=1, while SCLP=1 sets the clock idle state SCL=0.
●SDA: is the data pin. If SCS is low, the operation of SDA is dependent on the status of
the SYN pin. If SYN is high, SDA is the output of serial bit data (read mode). If SYN is
low, SDA is the input of serial bit data signal (write mode). If SCS is high, SDA is idle.
When SCS is active (low), the signal SDA should change its state at the trailing edge of
signal SCL and the signal SDA should be stable at the next leading edge of signal SCL.
The first valid bit of SDA is always started with activation of signal SCL. This is valid if
SCLP=0, otherwise the polarity of the clock is inverted.
A high level signal for these pins means a voltage level higher than 0.75 x V
level signal means a voltage value lower than 0.25 x V
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, while a low
SPI module descriptionAN3254
1.1 Connection to microcontroller
The SPI master should be implemented by a host system, a PC, or a microcontroller.
The microcontroller’s SPI bus is usually a 4-wire bus with full duplex functionality, whose
signals are usually named as:
●SCLK: serial clock (output from master)
●MOSI: master output, slave input (output from master)
●MISO: master input, slave output (output from slave)
●SS: slave select (active low, output from master)
The best way to connect this standard SPI port to the STPMC1 SPI is to have SCS and SYN
driven from some general purpose I/O port and SCL and SDA driven from SPI pins.
The suggested connection between the microcontroller and the STPMC1 is the following:
●MISO connected to SDA
●MOSI not connected
●SCLK connected to SCL
●SS connected to SCS
●a general purpose I/O pin connected to SYN.
In this way, the SPI peripheral unit of the microprocessor should operate as 2-wire (simplex
synchronous transfers) SPI.
The microprocessor SPI peripheral can be used during STPMC1 device reading, while
during the writing process it is possible to implement the SPI protocol via firmware.
In fact, in real applications the meter is calibrated and configured during meter production,
so the main microcontroller task is to read from the device and, more rarely, to reset the
Moreover the reading time is crucial for a correct evaluation of the device data, it is advisable
to emulate the writing procedure by firmware and to read using the SPI peripheral
functionality, therefore exploiting all the port performances to reach very fast reading.
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AN3254SPI interface timings
2 SPI interface timings
Table 1.SPI interface timings
Data read speed32MHz
Data write speed100kHz
Data setup time20ns
Data hold time0ns
Data driver on time20ns
Data driver off time20ns
SYN active width2/f
In Ta bl e 1 above, f
is the oscillator clock frequency (see the STPMC1 datasheet for
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SPI operationsAN3254
3 SPI operations
3.1 Remote reset request
The STPMC1 has no reset pin. It is automatically reset by the power on reset (POR) circuit
when the V
giving a dedicated command, the timing diagram is shown in Figure 2.
The reset through SPI (remote reset request - RRR) is sent from the onboard
microprocessor when a malfunction of the metering device has been detected.
Unlike the POR, the RRR signal does not cause the 30 ms retarded restart of the analog
module and the 120 ms retarded restart of the digital module. This reset does not clear the
mode signals.
Figure 2.Remote reset request timing
crosses the 2.5 V value but it can be reset also through the SPI interface
Note:All the time intervals must be longer than 30 ns. t
also be longer than 30 ns.
3.2 Data registers writing
Each writable bit (configuration and mode signals bits) of the STPMC1 has its own 7-bit
absolute address (see the STPMC1 datasheet for configuration bits map).
7 →t8
is the reset time, this interval must
In order to change the state of some pins, a byte of data via the SPI must be sent to the
device. This byte consists of 1-bit data to be written (MSB), followed by a 7-bit address of
the destination bit, which makes a command byte.
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AN3254SPI operations
For example, to set the STPMC1 configuration bit 47 (part of the R-phase current channel
calibrator) to 1, the decimal 47 must be converted to its 7-bit binary value: 0101111. The
byte command is then composed as:
1 bit DATA value+7 bits address = 10101111 (0xAF)
The same procedure should be applied for the mode signals, which also have their specific
The LSB of the command is also called EXE bit because, instead of a data bit value, the
corresponding serial clock pulse is used to generate the necessary latching signal. In this
way, the writing mechanism does not need the measurement clock in order to operate,
which makes the operation of the SPI module of the STPMC1 completely independent from
the rest of the device logic, except from the signal POR.
The writing procedure timing is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.Timing for writing configuration bits and mode signals
→t2 (> 30 ns): SPI out of idle state
→t3 (> 30 ns): SPI enabled for write operation
: data value is placed in SDA
: SDA value is stable and shifted into the device
→t5 (> 10 µs): writing clock period
→t5: 1-bit data value
→t6: 6-bit address of the destination latch
→t7: 1-bit EXE command
: end of SPI writing
: SPI enters idle state
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SPI operationsAN3254
Commands for changing configuration bits and system signals should be sent during active
signals SCS and SYN, as it is shown in Figure 3.
The SYN must be put low in order to disable the SDA output driver of the device and to
make the SDA an input pin. A string of commands can be sent within one period of active
signals SCS and SYN or a command can be followed by reading the data record but, in this
case, the SYN should be deactivated in order to enable the SDA output driver and a SYN
pulse should be applied before activation of the SCS in order to latch the data.
Given the connection between the STPMC1 and a microcontroller, as shown in the previous
paragraph, it is possible to implement the writing procedure in the firmware through the
following steps:
1.disable the SPI peripheral
2. set MISO, SCLK, and SS to be output
3. set the pin which is connected to SYN to be output high
4. activate SCS first and then SYN
5. activate SCL
6. apply a bit value to SDA and deactivate SCL
7. repeat the last two steps seven times to complete one byte transfer
8. repeat the last three steps for any remaining byte transfer
9. deactivate SYN and the SCS
10. enable again the SPI module.
To temporarily set any bit, it is necessary to set the RD system signal before any other bit.
This bit determines the device functioning from OTP shadow latches and not from OTP
memory. The procedure to set this signal is that shown above.
In the case of a precharge command (0xFF), emulation of the above is not necessary, it can
be sent before any reading command. In fact, due to the pull up device on the SDA pin the
processor needs to perform the following steps:
1.activate SYN first in order to latch the results
2. after at least 1 µs activate SCS
3. write one byte to the transmitter of SPI this produces 8 pulses on the SCL with SDA=1
4. deactivate SYN
5. read the data records as shown in Section 3.4 (the sequence of reading is altered)
6. deactivate SCS.
3.3 Data registers permanent writing
In order to make a permanent set in OTP memory of some configuration bits, the following
procedure should be conducted:
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