Application note
EVAL6230QR demonstration board
This application note describes the demonstration board of the DMOS driver for the threephase brushless DC motor driver L6230Q. The board implements a typical application
which can be used as a reference design to drive three-phase brushless DC motors with
currents up to 1 A DC.
Thanks to the small footprint of the L6230Q (QFN 5x5 mm) the PCB is very compact (32x31
Figure 1. EVAL6230QR demonstration board
November 2010 Doc ID 17742 Rev 1 1/9

Demonstration board description AN3244
1 Demonstration board description
Table 1. EVAL6230QR: pin connections
Name Type Function
VS Power supply Power supply voltage.
PGND Ground Power ground terminal.
VS_FB Analog output Supply voltage feedback (1/115 divider ratio)
EN Logic input
IN1 Logic input Logic input half bridge 1.
EN1 Logic input Enable input half bridge 1.
IN2 Logic input Logic input half bridge 2.
EN2 Logic input Enable input half bridge 2.
IN3 Logic input Logic input half bridge 3.
EN3 Logic input Enable input half bridge 3.
DIAG Open-drain output
CPOUT Open-drain output Open-drain output of internal comparator.
CP- Analog input Inverting input of internal comparator.
CP+ Analog input Non-inverting input of internal comparator.
SENSE1 Analog output Half bridge 1 source pin.
SENSE2 Analog output Half bridge 2 source pin.
SENSE3 Analog output Half bridge 3 source pin.
OUT1 Power output Output half bridge 1.
OUT2 Power output Output half bridge 2.
OUT3 Power output Output half bridge 3.
Chip enable (active ‘H’). When ‘L’ switches OFF all power
Diagnostic pin. When ‘L’ signals an overcurrent or
overtemperature event.
2/9 Doc ID 17742 Rev 1

AN3244 Demonstration board description
Figure 2. EVAL6230QR connector description
The EN pin is chip enable (active high). The ENx pins enable the corresponding half-bridge.
When low logic level is applied, the half bridge output is in high-impedance status (both high
and low side MOS turned off).
The INx input pins drive the corresponding half bridge. When low logic level is applied, the
low side MOS is switched on, whereas a high logic level turns on the high side MOS.
A general purpose comparator is integrated in the IC, its inputs and open-drain output are
available on CP-, CP+, and CPOUT. It can be used for the current control or BEMF zero
crossing detection (refer to the L6230; DMOS driver for three-phase brushless DC motor,
datasheet for more details).
The power supply feedback and sensing signals are available for external conditioning, for
example, to perform a field oriented control driving method.
Ta bl e 2 summarizes the electrical specification of the application, Figure 3 shows the
electrical schematic and Tab le 3 contains the parts list.
Table 2. EVAL6230QR: electrical specification (recommended values)
Parameter Value
Supply voltage range (VS) 8 to 52 Vdc
RMS output current rating (OUTx) up to 1.4 A
Switching frequency up to 100 kHz
Input and enable voltage range 0 to +5 V
Comparator input voltage range 0 to +5 V
Operating temperature range -25 °C to +125 °C
L6230Q thermal resistance junction to ambient 42 °C/W
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